blob: 09117f54d1bec3727b6d2636fa11655d2770d32a [file] [log] [blame]
Maven Reporting Executor
Hervé Boutemy
Maven Reporting Executor
Classes to manage report plugin executions with Maven 3, through
report plugins can be configured in <<<\<configuration\>>>> element of <<<maven-site-plugin>>> or any other
report building plugin with following XML model:
Notice this is the model from plugins in
{{{/ref/current/maven-model/maven.html#class_reporting}<<<\<reporting\>>>> section of POM}}:
* without <<<\<inherited\>>>> element,
* without support for reporting plugins configuration inheritance (see {{{}MSITE-484}}),
* with additional <<<\<reports\>>>> list outside <<<\<reportSet\>>>> that simplifies reports configuration in usual cases,
* with support for report plugins without explicit version: version is determed by
[[1]] searching similar (same groupId and artifactId) mojo in the build/plugins section of the pom,
[[2]] searching similar (same groupId and artifactId) mojo in the build/pluginManagement section of the pom,
[[3]] asking {{{/ref/current/maven-core/apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/version/PluginVersionResolver.html}PluginVersionResolver}}
to get a fallback version and display a warning as it's not a recommended use.
Maven 3 core makes an automatic transformation of <<<\<reporting\>>>> POM section to <<<maven-site-plugin>>>
configuration through the