blob: 3b4f14b5f452c174e3e6e785ee33d7bad6464589 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.shared.release.config;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.config.ReleaseDescriptorBuilder.BuilderReleaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.scm.IdentifiedScm;
* Class providing utility methods used during the release process
* @author <a href="">Jeremy Whitlock</a>
public class ReleaseUtils
private static final String DEVELOPMENT_KEY = "dev";
private static final String RELEASE_KEY = "rel";
private ReleaseUtils()
// nothing to see here
public static BuilderReleaseDescriptor buildReleaseDescriptor( ReleaseDescriptorBuilder builder )
public static void copyPropertiesToReleaseDescriptor( Properties properties, ReleaseDescriptorBuilder builder )
if ( properties.containsKey( "completedPhase" ) )
builder.setCompletedPhase( properties.getProperty( "completedPhase" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "commitByProject" ) )
builder.setCommitByProject( Boolean.parseBoolean( properties.getProperty( "commitByProject" ) ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "" ) )
builder.setScmId( properties.getProperty( "" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.url" ) )
builder.setScmSourceUrl( properties.getProperty( "scm.url" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.username" ) )
builder.setScmUsername( properties.getProperty( "scm.username" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.password" ) )
builder.setScmPassword( properties.getProperty( "scm.password" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.privateKey" ) )
builder.setScmPrivateKey( properties.getProperty( "scm.privateKey" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.passphrase" ) )
builder.setScmPrivateKeyPassPhrase( properties.getProperty( "scm.passphrase" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.tagBase" ) )
builder.setScmTagBase( properties.getProperty( "scm.tagBase" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.tagNameFormat" ) )
builder.setScmTagNameFormat( properties.getProperty( "scm.tagNameFormat" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.branchBase" ) )
builder.setScmBranchBase( properties.getProperty( "scm.branchBase" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.tag" ) )
builder.setScmReleaseLabel( properties.getProperty( "scm.tag" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "scm.commentPrefix" ) )
builder.setScmCommentPrefix( properties.getProperty( "scm.commentPrefix" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "exec.additionalArguments" ) )
builder.setAdditionalArguments( properties.getProperty( "exec.additionalArguments" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "exec.pomFileName" ) )
builder.setPomFileName( properties.getProperty( "exec.pomFileName" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "exec.activateProfiles" ) )
builder.setActivateProfiles( Arrays.asList( properties.getProperty( "exec.pomFileName" ).split( "," ) ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "preparationGoals" ) )
builder.setPreparationGoals( properties.getProperty( "preparationGoals" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "completionGoals" ) )
builder.setCompletionGoals( properties.getProperty( "completionGoals" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "projectVersionPolicyId" ) )
builder.setProjectVersionPolicyId( properties.getProperty( "projectVersionPolicyId" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "projectNamingPolicyId" ) )
builder.setProjectNamingPolicyId( properties.getProperty( "projectNamingPolicyId" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "releaseStrategyId" ) )
builder.setReleaseStrategyId( properties.getProperty( "releaseStrategyId" ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "exec.snapshotReleasePluginAllowed" ) )
String snapshotReleasePluginAllowedStr = properties.getProperty( "exec.snapshotReleasePluginAllowed" );
builder.setSnapshotReleasePluginAllowed( Boolean.valueOf( snapshotReleasePluginAllowedStr ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "remoteTagging" ) )
String remoteTaggingStr = properties.getProperty( "remoteTagging" );
builder.setRemoteTagging( Boolean.valueOf( remoteTaggingStr ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "pushChanges" ) )
String pushChanges = properties.getProperty( "pushChanges" );
builder.setPushChanges( Boolean.valueOf( pushChanges ) );
if ( properties.containsKey( "workItem" ) )
builder.setWorkItem( properties.getProperty( "workItem" ) );
loadResolvedDependencies( properties, builder );
// boolean properties are not written to the properties file because the value from the caller is always used
for ( Iterator<?> i = properties.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String property = (String);
if ( property.startsWith( "project.rel." ) )
builder.addReleaseVersion( property.substring( "project.rel.".length() ),
properties.getProperty( property ) );
else if ( property.startsWith( "" ) )
builder.addDevelopmentVersion( property.substring( "".length() ),
properties.getProperty( property ) );
else if ( property.startsWith( "project.scm." ) )
int index = property.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( index > "project.scm.".length() )
String key = property.substring( "project.scm.".length(), index );
if ( key ) == null )
if ( properties.getProperty( "project.scm." + key + ".empty" ) != null )
builder.addOriginalScmInfo( key, null );
IdentifiedScm scm = new IdentifiedScm();
scm.setConnection( properties.getProperty( "project.scm." + key + ".connection" ) );
properties.getProperty( "project.scm." + key + ".developerConnection" ) );
scm.setUrl( properties.getProperty( "project.scm." + key + ".url" ) );
scm.setTag( properties.getProperty( "project.scm." + key + ".tag" ) );
scm.setId( properties.getProperty( "project.scm." + key + ".id" ) );
builder.addOriginalScmInfo( key, scm );
private static void loadResolvedDependencies( Properties prop, ReleaseDescriptorBuilder builder )
Set entries = prop.entrySet();
Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = entries.iterator();
String propertyName;
Entry<String, String> currentEntry;
while ( iterator.hasNext() )
currentEntry =;
propertyName = currentEntry.getKey();
if ( propertyName.startsWith( "dependency." ) )
String artifactVersionlessKey;
int startIndex = "dependency.".length();
int endIndex;
String versionType;
if ( propertyName.indexOf( ".development" ) != -1 )
endIndex = propertyName.lastIndexOf( ".development" );
versionType = DEVELOPMENT_KEY;
else if ( propertyName.indexOf( ".release" ) != -1 )
endIndex = propertyName.lastIndexOf( ".release" );
versionType = RELEASE_KEY;
// MRELEASE-834, probably a maven-dependency-plugin property
artifactVersionlessKey = propertyName.substring( startIndex, endIndex );
if ( RELEASE_KEY.equals( versionType ) )
builder.addDependencyReleaseVersion( artifactVersionlessKey, currentEntry.getValue() );
else if ( DEVELOPMENT_KEY.equals( versionType ) )
builder.addDependencyDevelopmentVersion( artifactVersionlessKey, currentEntry.getValue() );