Remove decade+ old content (#265)

3.0.0 was in 2012.
diff --git a/maven-plugin-plugin/src/site/apt/examples/using-annotations.apt.vm b/maven-plugin-plugin/src/site/apt/examples/using-annotations.apt.vm
index a8d9784..ef81c29 100644
--- a/maven-plugin-plugin/src/site/apt/examples/using-annotations.apt.vm
+++ b/maven-plugin-plugin/src/site/apt/examples/using-annotations.apt.vm
@@ -28,10 +28,9 @@
 Using Plugin Tools Java Annotations
- Since version 3.0 of the maven-plugin-plugin, you can use Java5 annotations to generate the 
- plugin descriptor file.
+ You can use Java annotations to generate the plugin descriptor file.
- <<NOTE>> With annotations, your Mojo super class does not have to be in the same project: provided that the super class also uses annotations, it
+ <<NOTE>> With annotations, your Mojo super class does not have to be in the same project: provided that the superclass also uses annotations, it
  can now come from reactor projects or external dependencies. By default all dependencies are scanned, but this can be reduced with the <<<mojoDependencies>>>
  parameter. BUT as javadoc doclets are still useful for goals and parameters description, <<<@since>>> and <<<@deprecated>>>, the sources are still scanned. So if you use an external
  dependency, you must still provide an artifact with sources (<<<sources>>> classifier) to provide documentation (the tooling will skip error if this artifact 
@@ -79,8 +78,8 @@
 * POM configuration
-  To be able to use these Java annotations, you need to add to your plugin POM
-  <<<maven-plugin-annotations>>> dependency, preferably with <<<provided>>> scope.
+  To use these Java annotations, add a dependency on
+  <<<maven-plugin-annotations>>> to your pom, preferably with <<<provided>>> scope.