blob: 54ddb62892b5d0ce5ba8c340fc4d8fadf2ec6ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mvndaemon.mvnd.client;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.maven.cli.internal.extension.model.CoreExtension;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
import org.mvndaemon.mvnd.common.Environment;
import org.mvndaemon.mvnd.common.InterpolationHelper;
import org.mvndaemon.mvnd.common.Os;
import org.mvndaemon.mvnd.common.SocketFamily;
import org.mvndaemon.mvnd.common.TimeUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Hold all daemon configuration
public class DaemonParameters {
public static final String LOG_EXTENSION = ".log";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DaemonParameters.class);
private static final String EXT_CLASS_PATH = "maven.ext.class.path";
private static final String EXTENSIONS_FILENAME = ".mvn/extensions.xml";
private static final String ENV_PREFIX = "env.";
protected final Map<Path, Properties> mvndProperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
protected final Function<Path, Properties> provider = path -> mvndProperties.computeIfAbsent(path,
p -> loadProperties(path));
private final Map<String, String> properties;
public DaemonParameters() { = Collections.emptyMap();
protected DaemonParameters(PropertiesBuilder propertiesBuilder) { =;
public List<String> getDaemonOpts() {
return discriminatingValues()
.map(envValue -> envValue.envKey.asDaemonOpt(envValue.asString()))
public Map<String, String> getDaemonOptsMap() {
return discriminatingValues()
envValue -> envValue.envKey.getProperty(),
Stream<EnvValue> discriminatingValues() {
public void discriminatingCommandLineOptions(List<String> args) {
.forEach(envValue -> envValue.envKey.addCommandLineOption(args, envValue.asString()));
public Path mvndHome() {
return value(Environment.MVND_HOME)
.or(new ValueSource(
description -> description.append("path relative to the mvnd executable"),
.orLocalProperty(provider, suppliedPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, localPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, userPropertiesPath())
private String mvndHomeFromExecutable() {
Optional<String> cmd = ProcessHandle.current().info().command();
if (Environment.isNative() && cmd.isPresent()) {
final Path mvndH = Paths.get(cmd.get()).getParent().getParent();
if (mvndH != null) {
final Path mvndDaemonLib = mvndH
.resolve("mvn/lib/ext/mvnd-daemon-" + BuildProperties.getInstance().getVersion() + ".jar");
if (Files.exists(mvndDaemonLib)) {
return mvndH.toString();
return null;
public Path javaHome() {
final Path result = value(Environment.JAVA_HOME)
.orLocalProperty(provider, suppliedPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, localPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, userPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, globalPropertiesPath())
try {
return result.toRealPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not get a real path from path " + result);
public Path userDir() {
return value(Environment.USER_DIR)
public Path userHome() {
return value(Environment.USER_HOME)
public Path suppliedPropertiesPath() {
return value(Environment.MVND_PROPERTIES_PATH)
* The content of the <code>.mvn/jvm.config</code> file will be read
* and used as arguments when starting a daemon JVM.
* See {@link Environment#MVND_JVM_ARGS}.
public Path jvmConfigPath() {
return multiModuleProjectDirectory().resolve(".mvn/jvm.config");
public Path localPropertiesPath() {
return multiModuleProjectDirectory().resolve(".mvn/");
public Path userPropertiesPath() {
return userHome().resolve(".m2/");
public Path globalPropertiesPath() {
return mvndHome().resolve("conf/");
public Path daemonStorage() {
return value(Environment.MVND_DAEMON_STORAGE)
.orLocalProperty(provider, globalPropertiesPath())
() -> userHome().resolve(".m2/mvnd/registry/" + BuildProperties.getInstance().getVersion()).toString())
public Path registry() {
return daemonStorage().resolve("registry.bin");
public Path daemonLog(String daemon) {
return daemonStorage().resolve("daemon-" + daemon + LOG_EXTENSION);
public Path daemonOutLog(String daemon) {
return daemonStorage().resolve("daemon-" + daemon + ".out" + LOG_EXTENSION);
public Path multiModuleProjectDirectory() {
return multiModuleProjectDirectory(userDir());
public Path multiModuleProjectDirectory(Path projectDir) {
.orDefault(() -> findDefaultMultimoduleProjectDirectory(projectDir))
public Path logbackConfigurationPath() {
return property(Environment.MVND_LOGBACK)
.orDefault(() -> mvndHome().resolve("conf/logback.xml").toString())
public String minHeapSize() {
return property(Environment.MVND_MIN_HEAP_SIZE).asString();
public String maxHeapSize() {
return property(Environment.MVND_MAX_HEAP_SIZE).asString();
public String threadStackSize() {
return property(Environment.MVND_THREAD_STACK_SIZE).asString();
public String jvmArgs() {
return property(Environment.MVND_JVM_ARGS).asString();
public String jdkJavaOpts() {
return property(Environment.JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS).asString();
* @return the number of threads (same syntax as Maven's {@code -T}/{@code --threads} option) to pass to the daemon
* unless the user passes his own `-T` or `--threads`.
public String threads() {
return property(Environment.MVND_THREADS)
.orDefault(() -> String.valueOf(property(Environment.MVND_MIN_THREADS)
.asInt(m -> Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1, m))))
public String builder() {
return property(Environment.MVND_BUILDER).orFail().asString();
* @return absolute normalized path to {@code settings.xml} or {@code null}
public Path settings() {
return property(Environment.MAVEN_SETTINGS).asPath();
* @return path to {@code pom.xml} or {@code null}
public Path file() {
return value(Environment.MAVEN_FILE).asPath();
* @return absolute normalized path to local Maven repository or {@code null} if the server is supposed to use the
* default
public Path mavenRepoLocal() {
return property(Environment.MAVEN_REPO_LOCAL).asPath();
* @return <code>true</code> if maven should be executed within this process instead of spawning a daemon.
public boolean noDaemon() {
return value(Environment.MVND_NO_DAEMON)
* @return if mvnd should behave as maven
public boolean serial() {
return value(Environment.SERIAL)
* @param newUserDir where to change the current directory to
* @return a new {@link DaemonParameters} with {@code userDir} set to the given {@code newUserDir}
public DaemonParameters cd(Path newUserDir) {
return derive(b -> b.put(Environment.USER_DIR, newUserDir));
public DaemonParameters withJdkJavaOpts(String opts, boolean before) {
String org =, "");
return derive(b -> b.put(Environment.JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS,
org.isEmpty() ? opts : before ? opts + " " + org : org + " " + opts));
public DaemonParameters withJvmArgs(String opts, boolean before) {
String org =, "");
return derive(b -> b.put(Environment.MVND_JVM_ARGS,
org.isEmpty() ? opts : before ? opts + " " + org : org + " " + opts));
protected DaemonParameters derive(Consumer<PropertiesBuilder> customizer) {
PropertiesBuilder builder = new PropertiesBuilder().putAll(;
return new DaemonParameters(builder);
public Duration keepAlive() {
return property(Environment.MVND_KEEP_ALIVE).orFail().asDuration();
public int maxLostKeepAlive() {
return property(Environment.MVND_MAX_LOST_KEEP_ALIVE).orFail().asInt();
public boolean noBuffering() {
return property(Environment.MVND_NO_BUFERING).orFail().asBoolean();
public int rollingWindowSize() {
return property(Environment.MVND_ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE).orFail().asInt();
public Duration purgeLogPeriod() {
return property(Environment.MVND_LOG_PURGE_PERIOD).orFail().asDuration();
public Optional<SocketFamily> socketFamily() {
return property(Environment.MVND_SOCKET_FAMILY).asOptional().map(SocketFamily::valueOf);
public static String findDefaultMultimoduleProjectDirectory(Path pwd) {
Path dir = pwd;
do {
if (Files.isDirectory(dir.resolve(".mvn"))) {
return dir.toString();
dir = dir.getParent();
} while (dir != null);
* Return pwd if .mvn directory was not found in the hierarchy.
* Maven does the same thing in mvn shell script's find_maven_basedir()
* and find_file_argument_basedir() routines
return pwd.toString();
public EnvValue property(Environment env) {
return value(env)
.orLocalProperty(provider, suppliedPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, localPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, userPropertiesPath())
.orLocalProperty(provider, globalPropertiesPath())
.orDefault(() -> defaultValue(env));
protected EnvValue value(Environment env) {
return new EnvValue(env, new ValueSource(
description -> description.append("value: ").append(env.getProperty()),
() -> properties.get(env.getProperty())));
public static EnvValue systemProperty(Environment env) {
return new EnvValue(env, EnvValue.systemPropertySource(env));
public static EnvValue environmentVariable(Environment env) {
return new EnvValue(env, EnvValue.environmentVariableSource(env));
public static EnvValue fromValueSource(Environment env, ValueSource valueSource) {
return new EnvValue(env, valueSource);
private String defaultValue(Environment env) {
if (env == Environment.MVND_EXT_CLASSPATH) {
List<String> cp = parseExtClasspath(userHome());
return String.join(",", cp);
} else if (env == Environment.MVND_CORE_EXTENSIONS) {
try {
List<String> extensions = readCoreExtensionsDescriptor(multiModuleProjectDirectory()).stream()
.map(e -> e.getGroupId() + ":" + e.getArtifactId() + ":" + e.getVersion())
return String.join(";", extensions);
} catch (IOException | XmlPullParserException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse core extensions", e);
} else {
return env.getDefault();
private static List<String> parseExtClasspath(Path userDir) {
String extClassPath = System.getProperty(EXT_CLASS_PATH);
List<String> jars = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(extClassPath)) {
for (String jar : StringUtils.split(extClassPath, File.pathSeparator)) {
Path path = userDir.resolve(jar).toAbsolutePath();
return jars;
private static List<CoreExtension> readCoreExtensionsDescriptor(Path multiModuleProjectDirectory)
throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
if (multiModuleProjectDirectory == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Path extensionsFile = multiModuleProjectDirectory.resolve(EXTENSIONS_FILENAME);
if (!Files.exists(extensionsFile)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
CoreExtensionsXpp3Reader parser = new CoreExtensionsXpp3Reader();
try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(extensionsFile)) {
private static Properties loadProperties(Path path) {
Properties result = new Properties();
if (Files.exists(path)) {
try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(path)) {
Properties sysProps = new Properties();
System.getenv().forEach((k, v) -> sysProps.put(k, ENV_PREFIX + v));
InterpolationHelper.performSubstitution(result, sysProps::getProperty, true, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not read " + path);
return result;
public static class PropertiesBuilder {
private Map<String, String> properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public PropertiesBuilder put(Environment envKey, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
properties.put(envKey.getProperty(), value.toString());
return this;
public PropertiesBuilder putAll(Map<String, String> props) {
return this;
public Map<String, String> build() {
Map<String, String> props = properties;
properties = null;
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(props);
* A source of an environment value with a description capability.
public static class ValueSource {
final Function<StringBuilder, StringBuilder> descriptionFunction;
final Supplier<String> valueSupplier;
public ValueSource(Function<StringBuilder, StringBuilder> descriptionFunction, Supplier<String> valueSupplier) {
this.descriptionFunction = descriptionFunction;
this.valueSupplier = valueSupplier;
/** Mostly for debugging */
public String toString() {
return descriptionFunction.apply(new StringBuilder()).toString();
* A chained lazy environment value.
public static class EnvValue {
static Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
private final Environment envKey;
private final ValueSource valueSource;
protected EnvValue previous;
public EnvValue(Environment envKey, ValueSource valueSource) {
this.previous = null;
this.envKey = envKey;
this.valueSource = valueSource;
public EnvValue(EnvValue previous, Environment envKey, ValueSource valueSource) {
this.previous = previous;
this.envKey = envKey;
this.valueSource = valueSource;
private static ValueSource systemPropertySource(Environment env) {
String property = env.getProperty();
if (property == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use " + Environment.class.getName() + " for getting a system property");
return new ValueSource(
description -> description.append("system property ").append(property),
() -> Environment.getProperty(property));
private static ValueSource environmentVariableSource(Environment env) {
String envVar = env.getEnvironmentVariable();
if (envVar == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot use " + Environment.class.getName() + "." +
+ " for getting an environment variable");
return new ValueSource(
description -> description.append("environment variable ").append(envVar),
() -> EnvValue.env.get(envVar));
public EnvValue orSystemProperty() {
return new EnvValue(this, envKey, systemPropertySource(envKey));
public EnvValue orLocalProperty(Function<Path, Properties> provider, Path localPropertiesPath) {
if (localPropertiesPath != null) {
return new EnvValue(this, envKey, new ValueSource(
description -> description.append("property ").append(envKey.getProperty()).append(" in ")
() -> provider.apply(localPropertiesPath).getProperty(envKey.getProperty())));
} else {
return this;
public EnvValue orEnvironmentVariable() {
return new EnvValue(this, envKey, environmentVariableSource(envKey));
public EnvValue or(ValueSource source) {
return new EnvValue(this, envKey, source);
public EnvValue orDefault() {
return orDefault(envKey::getDefault);
public EnvValue orDefault(Supplier<String> defaultSupplier) {
return new EnvValue(this, envKey,
new ValueSource(sb -> sb.append("default: ").append(defaultSupplier.get()), defaultSupplier));
public EnvValue orFail() {
return new EnvValue(this, envKey, new ValueSource(sb -> sb, () -> {
throw couldNotgetValue();
IllegalStateException couldNotgetValue() {
EnvValue val = this;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Could not get value for ")
.append(".").append(" from any of the following sources: ");
* Compose the description functions to invert the order thus getting the resolution order in the
* message
Function<StringBuilder, StringBuilder> description = (s -> s);
while (val != null) {
description = description.compose(val.valueSource.descriptionFunction);
val = val.previous;
if (val != null) {
description = description.compose(s -> s.append(", "));
return new IllegalStateException(sb.toString());
String get() {
if (previous != null) {
final String result = previous.get();
if (result != null) {
return result;
final String result = valueSource.valueSupplier.get();
if (result != null && LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Loaded environment value for key [")
.append("] from ");
sb.append(": [")
return result;
public String asString() {
return get();
public Optional<String> asOptional() {
return Optional.ofNullable(get());
public Path asPath() {
String result = get();
if (result != null && Os.current().isCygwin()) {
result = Environment.cygpath(result);
return result == null ? null : Paths.get(result);
public boolean asBoolean() {
final String val = get();
return "".equals(val) || Boolean.parseBoolean(val);
public int asInt() {
return Integer.parseInt(get());
public int asInt(IntUnaryOperator function) {
return function.applyAsInt(asInt());
public Duration asDuration() {
return TimeUtils.toDuration(get());
public boolean isSet() {
if (get() != null) {
return true;
} else if (envKey.isOptional()) {
return false;
} else {
throw couldNotgetValue();