blob: 0772499c1bb7a59e491056eb7a6eba141fd28102 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.maven.mercury.plexus;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactBasicMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactExclusionList;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactInclusionList;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactQueryList;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactScopeEnum;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.builder.api.DependencyProcessor;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.crypto.api.StreamObserverFactory;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.crypto.api.StreamVerifierException;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.crypto.api.StreamVerifierFactory;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.crypto.pgp.PgpStreamVerifierFactory;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.Repository;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.RepositoryException;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.local.m2.LocalRepositoryM2;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.remote.m2.RemoteRepositoryM2;
* @author Oleg Gusakov
public interface PlexusMercury
* lookup dependency processor in plexus and return the "default" implementation
* @return the dependency processor
* @throws RepositoryException
public DependencyProcessor findDependencyProcessor()
throws RepositoryException;
* lookup dependency processor in plexus and return the requested implementation
* @param hint the plexus hint to lookup by
* @return the dependency processor
* @throws RepositoryException
public DependencyProcessor findDependencyProcessor( String hint )
throws RepositoryException;
* create PGP factory to configure into repository reader for signature verification
* @param lenient
* @param sufficient
* @param pubRing - keyring with all acceptable public keys
* @return pgp verifier factory to be sent to Repository
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public PgpStreamVerifierFactory createPgpReaderFactory( boolean lenient, boolean sufficient, InputStream pubRing )
throws StreamVerifierException;
* create PGP factory to configure into repository writer for signature generation
* @param lenient
* @param sufficient
* @param secRing
* @param keyId
* @param keyPass
* @return pgp verifier factory to be sent to Repository
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public PgpStreamVerifierFactory createPgpWriterFactory( boolean lenient, boolean sufficient, InputStream secRing,
String keyId, String keyPass )
throws StreamVerifierException;
* construct remote M2 repository and configure it with supplied attributes
* @param id
* @param serverUrl
* @param serverUser
* @param serverPass
* @param proxyUrl
* @param proxyUser
* @param proxyPass
* @param readerStreamObservers
* @param readerStreamVerifiers
* @param writerStreamObservers
* @param writerStreamVerifiers
* @return repository instance
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public RemoteRepositoryM2 constructRemoteRepositoryM2( String id, URL serverUrl, String serverUser,
String serverPass, URL proxyUrl, String proxyUser,
String proxyPass,
Set<StreamObserverFactory> readerStreamObservers,
Set<StreamVerifierFactory> readerStreamVerifiers,
Set<StreamObserverFactory> writerStreamObservers,
Set<StreamVerifierFactory> writerStreamVerifiers )
throws RepositoryException;
* construct local M2 repository and configure it with supplied attributes
* @param id
* @param rootDir
* @param readerStreamObservers
* @param readerStreamVerifiers
* @param writerStreamObservers
* @param writerStreamVerifiers
* @return repository instance
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public LocalRepositoryM2 constructLocalRepositoryM2( String id, File rootDir,
Set<StreamObserverFactory> readerStreamObservers,
Set<StreamVerifierFactory> readerStreamVerifiers,
Set<StreamObserverFactory> writerStreamObservers,
Set<StreamVerifierFactory> writerStreamVerifiers )
throws RepositoryException;
* construct a list of repositories from strings. First string is local dir, all others - remote URLs
* @param localDir
* @param urls varargs list of urls for remote repos
* @return repository list
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public List<Repository> constructRepositories( String localDir, String... urls )
throws RepositoryException;
* construct a list of repositories from strings and retains them for future use by this instance of PlexusMercury
* @param localDir
* @param urls varargs list of urls for remote repos
* @return repository list
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public PlexusMercury setRepositories( String localDir, String... urls )
throws RepositoryException;
public PlexusMercury setRepositories( List<Repository> repos )
throws RepositoryException;
public PlexusMercury setRepositories( Repository... repos )
throws RepositoryException;
* write (deploy) given Artifact(s) to the repository
* @param repo repository instance to search
* @param artfifacts to write
* @return
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public void write( Repository repo, Artifact... artifacts )
throws RepositoryException;
public void write( Repository repo, Collection<Artifact> artifacts )
throws RepositoryException;
* read given Artifact(s) from the repository
* @param repo repository instance to search
* @param artfifacts to read
* @return
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public List<Artifact> read( List<Repository> repo, List<? extends ArtifactBasicMetadata> artifacts )
throws RepositoryException;
public List<Artifact> read( List<Repository> repo, ArtifactBasicMetadata... artifacts )
throws RepositoryException;
/** use previously set repositories */
public List<Artifact> read( List<? extends ArtifactBasicMetadata> artifacts )
throws RepositoryException;
public List<Artifact> read( ArtifactBasicMetadata... artifacts )
throws RepositoryException;
* resolve Artifact dependencies. The inclusions and exclusions accept version ranges as parameters
* @param repo repository instance to search
* @param scope scope enumeration member indication the scope to resolve for
* @param artfifacts list of artifact metadatas to resolve
* @param inclusions list of artifact metadatas to include - only these will be in the resolved classpath
* @param exclusions list of artifact metadatas to exclude - is applied after the inclusion, if one is present
* @return
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public List<ArtifactMetadata> resolve( List<Repository> repos, ArtifactScopeEnum scope,
ArtifactQueryList artifacts, ArtifactInclusionList inclusions,
ArtifactExclusionList exclusions )
throws RepositoryException;
public List<ArtifactMetadata> resolve( List<Repository> repos, ArtifactScopeEnum scope, ArtifactMetadata metadata )
throws RepositoryException;
/** previously set repos now */
public List<ArtifactMetadata> resolve( ArtifactScopeEnum scope, ArtifactQueryList artifacts,
ArtifactInclusionList inclusions, ArtifactExclusionList exclusions )
throws RepositoryException;
public List<ArtifactMetadata> resolve( ArtifactScopeEnum scope, ArtifactMetadata metadata )
throws RepositoryException;
* get all available versions of for the artifact query.
* @param repo repository instance to search
* @param query metadata query to search by
* @return list of found version metadatas
* @throws PlexusMercuryException
public List<ArtifactBasicMetadata> readVersions( List<Repository> repos, ArtifactBasicMetadata query )
throws RepositoryException;
/** previously set repos now */
public List<ArtifactBasicMetadata> readVersions( ArtifactBasicMetadata query )
throws RepositoryException;