blob: 84a75dd8fc943eb8586ce01556487a69748d53df [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="build" xmlns:mercury="antlib:org.apache.maven.mercury.ant.tasks">
<target name="initialize">
<path id="boot.classpath" path="target/mercury-all-1.0.jar" />
<taskdef resource="org/apache/maven/mercury/ant/antlib.xml" uri="urn:mercury" classpathref="boot.classpath"/>
<taskdef resource="org/apache/maven/mercury/ant/antlib.xml" uri="urn:mercury"/>
| These are the things the user may want to control, for which we will provide defaults where possible:
| a) Remote artifact repositories for retrieval
| 1) Repository layout
| 2) Repository authentication
| 3) Checksum validation
| i) When on allow exclusions so that you don't get blocked by one bad checksum
| 4) PGP key validation
| i) When on allow exclusions so that you don't get blocked by one bad PGP key
| ii) Location of keyring
| b) Local artifact repository for storage
| 1) Repository layout
| c) Classpath for runtime scoped artifacts
| d) Classpath for runtime scoped artifacts
| e) Classpath for test scoped artifacts (yes, i know this is mavenesque)
| f) Classpath for compile scoped artifacts (yes, i know this is mavenesqe)
| g) Fileset for runtime scoped artifacts
| h) Fileset for runtime scoped artifacts
| i) Fileset for test scoped artifacts (yes, i know this is mavenesque)
| j) Fileset for compile scoped artifacts (yes, i know this is mavenesqe)
| k) transitivity
| authentication
| keystore
<target name="download">
| a) Maven Central
| 1) Maven 2.x layout
| 2) none
| 3) warn
| 4) none
| b) ~/.m2/repository
| c) mercury.classpath
| d) mercury.classpath.runtime
| e) mercury.classpath.test
| f) mercury.classpath.compile
| g) mercury.fileset
| h) mercury.fileset.runtime
| i) mercury.fileset.test
| j) mercury.fileset.compile
<!-- (1) -->
| This is the most basic use of the tasks where you specify dependencies with their GAV and all the defaults
| are setup for you.
<!-- redefine local and central for testing -->
<mercury:local-repository location="${localRepo}"/>
<mercury:remote-repository location="${remoteRepo}"/>
<mercury:dependency id="g0:a0:v0"/>
<mercury:dependency id="g1:a1:v1"/>
<mercury:dependency id="g2:a2:v2"/>
<target name="download-pom" depends="initialize">
<!-- redefine local and central for testing -->
<mercury:local-repository location="${localRepo}"/>
<mercury:remote-repository location="${remoteRepo}"/>
<!-- (2) -->
| This is the most basic use of the tasks where you specify dependencies with a POM and all the defaults
| are setup for you.
| NOTE: You will notice that the source is of the form <processor>:<resource>. So in this case we're going
| to use the Maven dependency processor and a local pom.xml file.
<mercury:resolve-dependencies source="maven:${basedir}/target/test-classes/pom.xml"/>
<target name="download-pom-non-transtive">
<!-- redefine local and central for testing -->
<mercury:local-repository location="${localRepo}"/>
<mercury:remote-repository location="${remoteRepo}"/>
<property name="cp" refid="mercury.classpath"/>
<property name="cp.dir" location="${basedir}/target/test-copy"/>
<delete dir="${cp.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${cp.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${cp.dir}" flatten="true">
<fileset refid="mercury.classpath.fileset"/>
<property name="cpr.dir" location="${basedir}/target/test-copy-runtime"/>
<delete dir="${cpr.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${cpr.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${cpr.dir}" flatten="true">
<fileset refid="mercury.classpath.fileset"/>
<target name="repo-pgp">
<mercury:local-repository location="${localRepo}"/>
<!-- Control checksum and pgp globally for all remote repositories used -->
<mercury:remote-repositories sha1Validation="true" pgpValidation="true">
<mercury:repository location="${remoteRepo}/good"/>
<mercury:repository location="${remoteRepo}/bad"
<mercury:resolve-dependencies source="maven:${basedir}/target/test-classes/pom-non-transitive.xml"/>
<target name="exclusions">
<mercury:local-repository location="${localRepo}"/>
<mercury:repository location="${remoteRepo}"/>
<mercury:resolve-dependencies source="maven:${basedir}/target/test-classes/pom.xml">
<mercury:exclusion id="g2:a2"/>
<property name="cp" refid="mercury.classpath"/>
<target name="download-repos-pgp-2">
<mercury:resolve-dependencies source="maven:pom.xml">
<mercury:local-repository location="${basedir}/lib" layout="flat"/>
<mercury:remote-repositories checksum-validation="true">
<!-- The presence of this element says we want this feature turned on, and allow some configuration -->
<mercury:pgp-key-validation keyring-location="${basedir}/pgp/project-keyring.gpg"/>
<mercury:remote-repository location="">
<!-- Here we can have pluggable providers and we can probably just leverage JSecurity -->
<mercury:authentication source="basic:username:password"/>
<mercury:remote-repository location="" checksum-validation="false" pgp-validation="false"/>
<target name="download-repos-3">
<mercury:resolve-dependencies source="maven:pom.xml">
<mercury:local-repository location="${basedir}/lib" layout="flat"/>
<mercury:remote-repositories checksum-validation="true">
<!-- The presence of this element says we want this feature turned on, and allow some configuration -->
<mercury:pgp-key-validation keyring-location="${basedir}/pgp/project-keyring.gpg">
<exclude id="g0:a0:v0"/>
<mercury:remote-repository location=""/>
<mercury:remote-repository location="" checksum-validation="false" pgp-validation="false"/>