blob: 70a00555a552d6821e92628be14e01595636172b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.version.DefaultArtifactVersion;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.version.VersionException;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.version.VersionRange;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.version.VersionRangeFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.lang.DefaultLanguage;
import org.codehaus.plexus.lang.Language;
* this is the most primitive metadata there is, usually used to query repository for "real" metadata. It holds
* everything a project.dependencies.dependency element can have
* @author Oleg Gusakov
* @version $Id$
public class ArtifactMetadata
public static final String DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_TYPE = "jar";
private static final Language LANG = new DefaultLanguage( ArtifactMetadata.class );
* standard glorified artifact coordinates
protected String groupId;
protected String artifactId;
private String version;
private transient VersionRange versionRange;
private Quality quality;
* relocation chain after processing by ProjectBuilder
protected List<ArtifactCoordinates> relocations;
protected ArtifactCoordinates effectiveCoordinates;
// This is Maven specific. jvz/
protected String classifier;
protected String type = DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_TYPE;
protected ArtifactScopeEnum artifactScope;
// protected String scope;
protected boolean optional;
protected Collection<ArtifactMetadata> inclusions;
protected Collection<ArtifactMetadata> exclusions;
protected Map<String, String> attributes;
/** conveniency for SNAPSHOT file timestamp */
private String timeStamp;
* transient helper objects, used by DependencyBuilder.
transient Object tracker;
transient Boolean local = false;
* transient external datum to carry along
transient Object datum;
/** dependencies of the artifact behind this metadata */
protected List<ArtifactMetadata> dependencies;
/** artifact URI */
protected String artifactUri;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public ArtifactMetadata()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void processAttributes( String as )
if ( as == null || as.length() < 1 )
String attrString = as.trim();
if ( attrString == null || attrString.length() < 1 )
int fromCh = attrString.indexOf( '{' );
int toCh = attrString.indexOf( '}' );
if ( fromCh != -1 && toCh != -1 )
attrString = attrString.substring( fromCh + 1, toCh );
String[] entries = attrString.split( "," );
if ( entries != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++ )
String e = entries[i];
if ( e == null )
int eq = e.indexOf( '=' );
if ( eq == -1 )
if ( attributes == null )
attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>( entries.length );
String name = e.substring( 0, eq );
if ( name == null )
name = name.trim();
String val = e.substring( eq + 1 );
if ( val != null )
val = val.trim();
attributes.put( name, val );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
* create basic out of <b>group:artifact:version:classifier:type</b> string, use empty string to specify missing
* component - for instance query for can be specified as ":common:1.3::zip" - note missing groupId
* and classifier.
public ArtifactMetadata( String gavQuery )
if ( gavQuery == null )
String[] tokens = gavQuery.split( ":" );
if ( tokens == null || tokens.length < 1 )
int count = tokens.length;
this.groupId = nullify( tokens[0] );
if ( count > 1 )
this.artifactId = nullify( tokens[1] );
if ( count > 2 )
this.version = nullify( tokens[2] );
if ( count > 3 )
this.classifier = nullify( tokens[3] );
if ( count > 4 )
setType( nullify( tokens[4] ) );
if ( this.type == null || this.type.length() < 1 )
if ( count > 5 )
this.artifactScope = ArtifactScopeEnum.valueOf( nullify( tokens[5] ) );
if ( count > 6 )
processAttributes( nullify( tokens[6] ) );
* copy constructor
* @param copyFrom
public ArtifactMetadata( ArtifactMetadata copyFrom )
if ( copyFrom == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( LANG.getMessage( "" ) );
setGroupId( copyFrom.getGroupId() );
setArtifactId( copyFrom.getArtifactId() );
setVersion( copyFrom.getVersion() );
setClassifier( copyFrom.getClassifier() );
setType( copyFrom.getType() );
setScope( copyFrom.getScope() );
Map<String, String> a = copyFrom.getAttributes();
if ( a != null && a.size() > 0 )
attributes = new HashMap<String, String>( a.size() );
attributes.putAll( a );
setTracker( copyFrom.getTracker() );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
* create basic out of <b>group:artifact:version:classifier:type</b> string, use empty string to specify missing
* component - for instance query for can be specified as ":common:1.3::zip" - note missing groupId
* and classifier.
public static ArtifactMetadata create( String query )
ArtifactMetadata mdq = new ArtifactMetadata( query );
return mdq;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final String nullify( String s )
if ( s == null || s.length() < 1 )
return null;
return s;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean sameGAV( ArtifactMetadata md )
if ( md == null )
return false;
return sameGA( md ) && version != null && version.equals( md.getVersion() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean sameGA( ArtifactMetadata md )
if ( md == null )
return false;
return groupId != null && artifactId != null && groupId.equals( md.getGroupId() )
&& artifactId.equals( md.getArtifactId() );
public String getGA()
return toDomainString();
public String getGAV()
return toString();
private static final String nvl( String val, String dflt )
return val == null ? dflt : val;
private static final String nvl( String val )
return nvl( val, "" );
public String toString()
return nvl( groupId ) + ":" + nvl( artifactId ) + ":" + nvl( version ) + ":" + nvl( classifier ) + ":"
public String toScopedString()
return toString() + "-scope:" + getArtifactScope();
public String toDomainString()
return groupId + ":" + artifactId;
public String toManagementString()
return groupId + ":" + artifactId + ":" + type + ( classifier != null ? ":" + classifier : "" );
public String getBaseName()
return artifactId + "-" + version + ( classifier == null ? "" : "-" + classifier );
public String getFileName()
return getBaseName() + "." + ( type == null ? DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_TYPE : type );
public String getBaseName( String classifier )
return artifactId + "-" + version
+ ( ( classifier == null || classifier.length() < 1 ) ? "" : "-" + classifier );
public String getCheckedType()
return type == null ? "jar" : type;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getGroupId()
return groupId;
public void setGroupId( String groupId )
this.groupId = groupId;
public String getArtifactId()
return artifactId;
public void setArtifactId( String artifactId )
this.artifactId = artifactId;
public String getVersion()
return version;
public boolean hasVersion()
return version != null && version.length() > 0;
public void setVersion( String version )
this.version = version;
private void checkRangeExists()
if ( versionRange == null )
if ( version == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( LANG.getMessage( "", toString() ) );
versionRange = VersionRangeFactory.create( version );
catch ( VersionException e )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );
public boolean isSingleton()
return versionRange.isSingleton();
public boolean isRange()
return !isSingleton();
/** code quality used to decide whether try or skip a repository - see repository code quality */
public Quality getRequestedQuality()
if ( isRange() )
return null;
if ( isVirtual() )
if ( isVirtualSnapshot() )
return Quality.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY;
else if ( isVirtualRelease() )
return Quality.RELEASE_QUALITY;
return null;
if ( quality != null )
return quality;
quality = new Quality( getVersion() );
return quality;
public String getClassifier()
return classifier;
public void setClassifier( String classifier )
this.classifier = classifier;
public String getType()
return type;
public void setType( String type )
if ( "test-jar".equals( type ) )
setClassifier( "tests" );
setType( "jar" );
this.type = type;
public Map<String, String> getAttributes()
return attributes;
public String getScope()
return getArtifactScope().getScope();
public ArtifactScopeEnum getScopeAsEnum()
return artifactScope == null ? ArtifactScopeEnum.DEFAULT_SCOPE : artifactScope;
public ArtifactScopeEnum getArtifactScope()
return artifactScope == null ? ArtifactScopeEnum.DEFAULT_SCOPE : artifactScope;
public void setArtifactScope( ArtifactScopeEnum artifactScope )
this.artifactScope = artifactScope;
public void setScope( String scope )
this.artifactScope = scope == null ? ArtifactScopeEnum.DEFAULT_SCOPE : ArtifactScopeEnum.valueOf( scope );
public boolean isOptional()
return optional;
public void setOptional( boolean optional )
this.optional = optional;
public void setOptional( String optional )
this.optional = "true".equals( optional );
public Object getTracker()
return tracker;
public void setTracker( Object tracker )
this.tracker = tracker;
public boolean hasClassifier()
return classifier != null && classifier.length() > 0;
public Boolean isLocal()
return local;
public void setLocal( Boolean local )
this.local = local;
public boolean isPom()
return "pom".regionMatches( 0, type, 0, 3 );
public boolean isVirtual()
return DefaultArtifactVersion.isVirtual( version );
public boolean isVirtualSnapshot()
return DefaultArtifactVersion.isVirtualSnapshot( version );
public boolean isVirtualRelease()
return DefaultArtifactVersion.isVirtualRelease( version );
public boolean isVirtualLatest()
return DefaultArtifactVersion.isVirtualLatest( version );
public ArtifactCoordinates getEffectiveCoordinates()
if ( relocations == null || relocations.isEmpty() )
return new ArtifactCoordinates( groupId, artifactId, version );
return relocations.get( relocations.size() - 1 );
public ArtifactMetadata addRelocation( ArtifactCoordinates coord )
if ( coord == null )
return this;
if ( relocations == null )
relocations = new ArrayList<ArtifactCoordinates>( 2 );
if ( coord.getGroupId() == null )
coord.setGroupId( groupId );
if ( coord.getArtifactId() == null )
coord.setArtifactId( artifactId );
if ( coord.getVersion() == null )
coord.setVersion( version );
relocations.add( coord );
effectiveCoordinates = coord;
return this;
public String getEffectiveGroupId()
return effectiveCoordinates == null ? groupId : effectiveCoordinates.getGroupId();
public String getEffectiveArtifactId()
return effectiveCoordinates == null ? artifactId : effectiveCoordinates.getArtifactId();
public String getEffectiveersion()
return effectiveCoordinates == null ? version : effectiveCoordinates.getVersion();
public boolean hasInclusions()
return inclusions == null ? false : !inclusions.isEmpty();
public Collection<ArtifactMetadata> getInclusions()
return inclusions;
public void setInclusions( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> inclusions )
this.inclusions = inclusions;
public boolean hasExclusions()
return exclusions == null ? false : !exclusions.isEmpty();
public Collection<ArtifactMetadata> getExclusions()
return exclusions;
public void setExclusions( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> exclusions )
this.exclusions = exclusions;
* run dependency through inclusion/exclusion filters. Inclusion filter is always a "hole"-filter, which is then
* enhanced by exclusion "cork"-filter
* @param dep dependency to vet
* @return vet result
* @throws VersionException
public boolean allowDependency( ArtifactMetadata dep )
throws VersionException
boolean includeDependency = true;
if ( hasInclusions() )
includeDependency = !passesFilter( inclusions, dep );
if ( !includeDependency )
return false;
if ( !hasExclusions() )
return true;
if ( passesFilter( exclusions, dep ) )
return true;
return false;
private boolean passesFilter( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> filter, ArtifactMetadata dep )
throws VersionException
for ( ArtifactMetadata filterMd : filter )
if ( filterMd.sameGA( dep ) )
if ( !filterMd.hasVersion() )
return false; // no version in the filter - catch by GA
VersionRange vr = VersionRangeFactory.create( filterMd.getVersion() );
if ( vr.includes( dep.getVersion() ) )
return false; // catch by version query
return true;
public boolean equals( Object obj )
if ( obj == null || !( obj instanceof ArtifactMetadata ) )
return false;
return toString().equals( obj.toString() );
public int hashCode()
return toString().hashCode();
public List<ArtifactMetadata> getDependencies()
return dependencies;
public void setDependencies( List<ArtifactMetadata> dependencies )
this.dependencies = dependencies;
public String getArtifactUri()
return artifactUri;
public void setArtifactUri( String artifactUri )
this.artifactUri = artifactUri;
public Object getDatum()
return datum;
public void setDatum( Object datum )
this.datum = datum;
public String getTimeStamp()
return timeStamp;
public void setTimeStamp( String timeStamp )
this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------