blob: 3506068fb90c81693fcf009ad695229e17889e58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.builder.api.DependencyProcessor;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.builder.api.MetadataReader;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.builder.api.MetadataReaderException;
* Repository reader API to be implemented by any repo implementation that wishes
* to serve artifacts to the build process
* @author Oleg Gusakov
* @version $Id$
public interface RepositoryReader
extends RepositoryOperator, MetadataReader
* given basic coordinates query - instantiate all available matches as ArtifactBasicMetadata objects.
* <b>Analogous to reading maven-metadata.xml</b> file from GA folder i.e. this transforms
* GA[Vrange] -> [GAV1, GAV2, ... GAVn]
* @param query list of MD coordinate queries to find
* @return map of results - lists of available matches.
* <b>If no results are found, reader should return null<b> If there were exceptions, map element will indicate
* it with hasExceptions()
* @throws RepositoryException
public ArtifactBasicResults readVersions( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> query )
throws RepositoryException;
* given basic coordinates query read dependencies as a GAV list
* with dependencies as queries i.e. each dependency at this stage is an ArtifactBasicMetadata
* <b>Analogous to reading pom.xml</b> file for given GAV
* @param query list of MD coordinate queries to read. They are found by previous call to findMetadata
* @return result as a map GAV -> [GAV1, GAV2, ... GAVn]
* @throws RepositoryException
public ArtifactBasicResults readDependencies( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> query )
throws RepositoryException;
* Given basic coordinates query read Artifact objects
* Analogous to downloading artifact binary file into local repo for given GAV
* @param query list of MD coordinate queries to read.
* @return array of results - lists of available matches. Order is the same as in query list. null means not found or worse
* @throws RepositoryException
public ArtifactResults readArtifacts( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> query )
throws RepositoryException;
* Need if for explanation function - where and how(protocol) this artifact is found.
public Repository getRepository();
* Abstracted POM reader. First projectBuilder, then any type of dependency reader
public void setDependencyProcessor( DependencyProcessor mdProcessor );
public DependencyProcessor getDependencyProcessor();
* MetadataReader field. Single repository uses itself, virtual reader injects itself
* to be able to find metadata across repositories
public void setMetadataReader( MetadataReader mdReader );
public MetadataReader getMetadataReader();
* Abstracted metadata cache is used to store/retrieve metadata faster. It usually implements
* repository update policy
public void setMetadataCache( RepositoryMetadataCache mdCache );
public RepositoryMetadataCache getMetadataCache();
* read content pointed by relative path. It will return content bytes
* @param path - realative resource path in this repository
* @return byte [] of the resource content, pointed by the path
* @throws MetadataReaderException
public byte [] readRawData( String path, boolean exempt )
throws MetadataReaderException;
public byte [] readRawData( String path )
throws MetadataReaderException;
public static final RepositoryReader NULL_READER =
new RepositoryReader()
public DependencyProcessor getDependencyProcessor()
return null;
public RepositoryMetadataCache getMetadataCache()
return null;
public Repository getRepository()
return null;
public ArtifactResults readArtifacts( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> query )
throws RepositoryException
return null;
public ArtifactBasicResults readDependencies( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> query )
throws RepositoryException
return null;
public byte[] readRawData( String path, boolean exempt )
throws MetadataReaderException
return null;
public byte[] readRawData( String path )
throws MetadataReaderException
return null;
public ArtifactBasicResults readVersions( Collection<ArtifactMetadata> query )
throws RepositoryException
return null;
public void setDependencyProcessor( DependencyProcessor mdProcessor )
public void setMetadataCache( RepositoryMetadataCache mdCache )
public boolean canHandle( String protocol )
return false;
public void close()
public String[] getProtocols()
return null;
public byte[] readMetadata( ArtifactMetadata bmd, boolean exempt )
throws MetadataReaderException
return null;
public byte[] readMetadata( ArtifactMetadata bmd )
throws MetadataReaderException
return null;
public byte[] readRawData(
ArtifactMetadata bmd,
String classifier,
String type,
boolean exempt
throws MetadataReaderException
return null;
public byte[] readRawData(
ArtifactMetadata bmd,
String classifier,
String type
throws MetadataReaderException
return null;
public MetadataReader getMetadataReader()
return null;
public void setMetadataReader( MetadataReader mdReader )