blob: e5a699f105ff572a8b5743a49d6b28ef31756f8c [file] [log] [blame]
== Apache Maven Jenkins Shared Libraries
This repository contains the Jenkins shared libraries that define the standard build process for Apache Maven subprojects.
== asfMavenTlpPlgnBuild() (building Maven plugins)
==== Accepted parameters:
- `os`: array of possible os to build projects (default: `['linux', 'windows']`)
- `jdks`: array of jdks used for the build (default: `['8','11','17']`)
- `mavens`: array of maven versions used for build (default: `['3.2.x','3.6.x', '3.8.x']`)
- `siteJdks`: array of jdks used for the site build (default: `[11']`)
- `siteMvn`: jdk used to build the site (default: `3.8.x`)
- `tmpWs`: boolean to shorten working directory on windows platform
- `branchesToNofify`: array of branches to send notifications of the build (default: `['master', 'main']`)
Example to use a specific set of jdks and maven core
asfMavenTlpPlgnBuild(jdks:[ "8", "11" ], mavens: ["3.8.x"])
== asfMavenTlpStdBuild() (building Other projects)
==== Accepted parameters:
- `os`: array of possible os to build projects (default: `['linux', 'windows']`)
- `jdks`: array of jdks used for the build (default: `['8','11','17']`)
- `maven`: maven versions used for build (default: `3.8.x`)
- `tmpWs`: boolean to shorten working directory on windows platform
- `branchesToNofify`: array of branches to send notifications of the build (default: `['master', 'main']`)
Example to use a specific set of jdks and maven core
asfMavenTlpStdBuild(jdks:[ "8", "11" ], maven: "3.6.x")