blob: c4d66b9235524cdabb0f2abc4cbfbb8613be2a40 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.LegacySupport;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.MavenProjectStub;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc.ProxyServer.AuthAsyncProxyServlet;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.repository.internal.MavenRepositorySystemSession;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal.SimpleLocalRepositoryManager;
* Test {@link org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc.JavadocReport} class.
* @author <a href="">Maria Odea Ching</a>
* @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
public class JavadocReportTest
extends AbstractMojoTestCase
private static final char LINE_SEPARATOR = ' ';
/** flag to copy repo only one time */
private static boolean TEST_REPO_CREATED = false;
private File unit;
private File localRepo;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
unit = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit" );
localRepo = new File( getBasedir(), "target/local-repo/" );
private JavadocReport lookupMojo( File testPom )
throws Exception
JavadocReport mojo = (JavadocReport) lookupMojo( "javadoc", testPom );
MojoExecution mojoExec = new MojoExecution( new Plugin(), "javadoc", null );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "mojo", mojoExec );
MavenProject currentProject = new MavenProjectStub();
currentProject.setGroupId( "GROUPID" );
currentProject.setArtifactId( "ARTIFACTID" );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", newMavenSession( currentProject ) );
return mojo;
* Create test repository in target directory.
* @throws IOException if any
private void createTestRepo()
throws IOException
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// UMLGraph
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File sourceDir = new File( unit, "doclet-test/artifact-doclet" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// UMLGraph-bis
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sourceDir = new File( unit, "doclet-path-test/artifact-doclet" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// commons-attributes-compiler
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sourceDir = new File( unit, "taglet-test/artifact-taglet" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// stylesheetfile-test
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sourceDir = new File( unit, "stylesheetfile-test/artifact-stylesheetfile" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// helpfile-test
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sourceDir = new File( unit, "helpfile-test/artifact-helpfile" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// Remove SCM files
List<String> files =
FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( localRepo, FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsString(), null, true,
true, true, true );
for ( String filename : files )
File file = new File( filename );
if ( file.isDirectory() )
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( file );
* Convenience method that reads the contents of the specified file object into a string with a
* <code>space</code> as line separator.
* @param file the file to be read
* @return a String object that contains the contents of the file
* @throws IOException if any
private static String readFile( File file )
throws IOException
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder( (int) file.length() );
for ( String strTmp : Files.readAllLines( file.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) )
str.append( LINE_SEPARATOR);
str.append( strTmp );
return str.toString();
* Test when default configuration is provided for the plugin
* @throws Exception if any
public void testDefaultConfiguration()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "default-configuration/default-configuration-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
// package level generated javadoc files
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/default-configuration/target/site/apidocs" );
File generatedFile = new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/App.html" );
assertTrue( generatedFile.exists() );
// only test when URL can be reached
String url = JavadocReport.DEFAULT_JAVA_API_LINKS.getProperty( "api_9" );
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL( url ).openConnection();
connection.setRequestMethod( "HEAD" );
if ( connection.getResponseCode() == 200 )
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileRead( generatedFile, "UTF-8" ).contains( "/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html" ) );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/AppSample.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/package-summary.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/package-tree.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/package-use.html" ).exists() );
// package-frame and allclasses-(no)frame not generated anymore since Java 11
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isBefore( "11" ) )
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/package-frame.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "allclasses-frame.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "allclasses-noframe.html" ).exists() );
// class level generated javadoc files
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/class-use/App.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "def/configuration/class-use/AppSample.html" ).exists() );
// project level generated javadoc files
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "constant-values.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "deprecated-list.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "help-doc.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "index-all.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "index.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "overview-tree.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "stylesheet.css" ).exists() );
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_VERSION.isAtLeast( "10" ) )
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "element-list" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "package-list" ).exists() );
* Method for testing the subpackages and excludePackageNames parameter
* @throws Exception if any
public void testSubpackages()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "subpackages-test/subpackages-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/subpackages-test/target/site/apidocs" );
// check the excluded packages
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/excluded" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/included/exclude" ).exists() );
// check if the classes in the specified subpackages were included
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/App.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/AppSample.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/included/IncludedApp.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/included/IncludedAppSample.html" ).exists() );
public void testIncludesExcludes()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "file-include-exclude-test/file-include-exclude-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/file-include-exclude-test/target/site/apidocs" );
// check if the classes in the specified subpackages were included
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/App.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/AppSample.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/included/IncludedApp.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/included/IncludedAppSample.html" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "subpackages/test/PariahApp.html" ).exists() );
* Test the recursion and exclusion of the doc-files subdirectories.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testDocfiles()
throws Exception
// Should be an assumption, but not supported by TestCase
// Seems like a bug in Javadoc 9 and above
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isAtLeast( "9" ) )
File testPom = new File( unit, "docfiles-test/docfiles-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/docfiles-test/target/site/apidocs/" );
// check if the doc-files subdirectories were copied
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "doc-files" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "doc-files/included-dir1/sample-included1.gif" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "doc-files/included-dir2/sample-included2.gif" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "doc-files/excluded-dir1" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "doc-files/excluded-dir2" ).exists() );
testPom = new File( unit, "docfiles-with-java-test/docfiles-with-java-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
* Test javadoc plugin using custom configuration. noindex, notree and nodeprecated parameters
* were set to true.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testCustomConfiguration()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "custom-configuration/custom-configuration-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/custom-configuration/target/site/apidocs" );
// check if there is a tree page generated (notree == true)
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "overview-tree.html" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "custom/configuration/package-tree.html" ).exists() );
// check if the main index page was generated (noindex == true)
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "index-all.html" ).exists() );
// check if the deprecated list and the deprecated api were generated (nodeprecated == true)
// @todo Fix: the class-use of the deprecated api is still created eventhough the deprecated api of that class
// is no longer generated
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "deprecated-list.html" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "custom/configuration/App.html" ).exists() );
// read the contents of the html files based on some of the parameter values
// author == false
String str = readFile( new File( apidocs, "custom/configuration/AppSample.html" ) );
assertFalse( str.toLowerCase().contains( "author" ) );
// bottom
assertTrue( str.toUpperCase().contains( "SAMPLE BOTTOM CONTENT" ) );
// offlineLinks
assertTrue( str.toLowerCase().contains( "href=\"" ) );
// header
assertTrue( str.toUpperCase().contains( "MAVEN JAVADOC PLUGIN TEST" ) );
// footer
assertTrue( str.toUpperCase().contains( "MAVEN JAVADOC PLUGIN TEST FOOTER" ) );
// nohelp == true
assertFalse( str.toUpperCase().contains( "/HELP-DOC.HTML" ) );
// check the wildcard (*) package exclusions -- excludePackageNames parameter
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "custom/configuration/exclude1/Exclude1App.html" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "custom/configuration/exclude1/subexclude/SubexcludeApp.html" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "custom/configuration/exclude2/Exclude2App.html" ).exists() );
File options = new File( apidocs, "options" );
assertTrue( options.isFile() );
String contentOptions = null;
Reader reader = null;
reader = ReaderFactory.newPlatformReader( options );
contentOptions = IOUtil.toString( reader );
reader = null;
IOUtil.close( reader );
assertTrue( contentOptions != null );
assertTrue( contentOptions.contains( "-link" ) );
assertTrue( contentOptions.contains( "" ) );
* Method to test the doclet artifact configuration
* @throws Exception if any
public void testDoclets()
throws Exception
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// doclet-test: check if the file generated by UmlGraph exists and if
// doclet path contains the UmlGraph artifact
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File testPom = new File( unit, "doclet-test/doclet-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
MavenSession session = spy( newMavenSession( mojo.project ) );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = mock( ProjectBuildingRequest.class );
when( buildingRequest.getRemoteRepositories() ).thenReturn( mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
when( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() ).thenReturn( buildingRequest );
MavenRepositorySystemSession repositorySession = new MavenRepositorySystemSession();
repositorySession.setLocalRepositoryManager( new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager( localRepo ) );
when( buildingRequest.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
when( session.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
File generatedFile = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/doclet-test/target/site/apidocs/" );
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( generatedFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );
File optionsFile = new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "options" );
assertTrue( optionsFile.exists() );
String options = readFile( optionsFile );
assertTrue( options.contains( "/target/local-repo/umlgraph/UMLGraph/2.1/UMLGraph-2.1.jar" ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// doclet-path: check if the file generated by UmlGraph exists and if
// doclet path contains the twice UmlGraph artifacts
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
testPom = new File( unit, "doclet-path-test/doclet-path-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
generatedFile = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/doclet-test/target/site/apidocs/" );
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( generatedFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );
optionsFile = new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "options" );
assertTrue( optionsFile.exists() );
options = readFile( optionsFile );
assertTrue( options.contains( "/target/local-repo/umlgraph/UMLGraph/2.1/UMLGraph-2.1.jar" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "/target/local-repo/umlgraph/UMLGraph-bis/2.1/UMLGraph-bis-2.1.jar" ) );
* Method to test when the path to the project sources has an apostrophe (')
* @throws Exception if any
public void testQuotedPath()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "quotedpath'test/quotedpath-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/quotedpath'test/target/site/apidocs" );
// package level generated javadoc files
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "quotedpath/test/App.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "quotedpath/test/AppSample.html" ).exists() );
// project level generated javadoc files
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "index-all.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "index.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "overview-tree.html" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "stylesheet.css" ).exists() );
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_VERSION.isBefore( "10" ) )
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "package-list" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "element-list" ).exists() );
* @throws Exception if any
public void testExceptions()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "default-configuration/exception-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
fail( "Must throw exception." );
catch ( Exception e )
assertTrue( true );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( new File( getBasedir(), "exception" ) );
catch ( IOException ie )
// nop
* Method to test the taglet artifact configuration
* @throws Exception if any
public void testTaglets()
throws Exception
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// taglet-test: check if a taglet is used
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Should be an assumption, but not supported by TestCase
// not supported by Java9 anymore
// Should be refactored with jdk.javadoc.doclet.Taglet
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isAtLeast( "10" ) )
File testPom = new File( unit, "taglet-test/taglet-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
MavenSession session = spy( newMavenSession( mojo.project ) );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = mock( ProjectBuildingRequest.class );
when( buildingRequest.getRemoteRepositories() ).thenReturn( mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
when( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() ).thenReturn( buildingRequest );
MavenRepositorySystemSession repositorySession = new MavenRepositorySystemSession();
repositorySession.setLocalRepositoryManager( new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager( localRepo ) );
when( buildingRequest.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
when( session.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/taglet-test/target/site/apidocs" );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "index.html" ).exists() );
File appFile = new File( apidocs, "taglet/test/App.html" );
assertTrue( appFile.exists() );
String appString = readFile( appFile );
assertTrue( appString.contains( "<b>To Do:</b>" ) );
* Method to test the jdk5 javadoc
* @throws Exception if any
public void testJdk5()
throws Exception
// Should be an assumption, but not supported by TestCase
// Java 5 not supported by Java9 anymore
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isAtLeast( "9" ) )
File testPom = new File( unit, "jdk5-test/jdk5-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/jdk5-test/target/site/apidocs" );
File index = new File( apidocs, "index.html" );
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( index.getAbsolutePath() ) );
File overviewSummary = new File( apidocs, "overview-summary.html" );
assertTrue( overviewSummary.exists() );
String content = readFile( overviewSummary );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<b>Test the package-info</b>" ) );
File packageSummary = new File( apidocs, "jdk5/test/package-summary.html" );
assertTrue( packageSummary.exists() );
content = readFile( packageSummary );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<b>Test the package-info</b>" ) );
* Test to find the javadoc executable when <code>java.home</code> is not in the JDK_HOME. In this case, try to
* use the <code>JAVA_HOME</code> environment variable.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testToFindJavadoc()
throws Exception
String oldJreHome = System.getProperty( "java.home" );
System.setProperty( "java.home", "foo/bar" );
File testPom = new File( unit, "javaHome-test/javaHome-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
System.setProperty( "java.home", oldJreHome );
* Test the javadoc resources.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testJavadocResources()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "resources-test/resources-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/resources-test/target/site/apidocs/" );
File app = new File( apidocs, "resources/test/App.html" );
assertTrue( app.exists() );
String content = readFile( app );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<img src=\"doc-files/maven-feather.png\" alt=\"Maven\">" ) );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "resources/test/doc-files/maven-feather.png" ).exists() );
File app2 = new File( apidocs, "resources/test2/App2.html" );
assertTrue( app2.exists() );
content = readFile( app2 );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<img src=\"doc-files/maven-feather.png\" alt=\"Maven\">" ) );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "resources/test2/doc-files/maven-feather.png" ).exists() );
// with excludes
testPom = new File( unit, "resources-with-excludes-test/resources-with-excludes-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/resources-with-excludes-test/target/site/apidocs" );
app = new File( apidocs, "resources/test/App.html" );
assertTrue( app.exists() );
content = readFile( app );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<img src=\"doc-files/maven-feather.png\" alt=\"Maven\">" ) );
JavaVersion javadocVersion = (JavaVersion) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "javadocRuntimeVersion" );
if( javadocVersion.isAtLeast( "1.8" ) && javadocVersion.isBefore( "12" ) )
assertTrue( "Javadoc runtime version: " + javadocVersion
+ "\nThis bug appeared in JDK8 and was planned to be fixed in JDK9, see JDK-8032205",
new File( apidocs, "resources/test/doc-files/maven-feather.png" ).exists() );
assertFalse( new File( apidocs, "resources/test/doc-files/maven-feather.png" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "resources/test2/doc-files/maven-feather.png" ).exists() );
app2 = new File( apidocs, "resources/test2/App2.html" );
assertTrue( app2.exists() );
content = readFile( app2 );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<img src=\"doc-files/maven-feather.png\" alt=\"Maven\">" ) );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "resources/test2/doc-files/maven-feather.png" ).exists() );
* Test the javadoc for a POM project.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testPom()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "pom-test/pom-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertFalse( new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/pom-test/target/site" ).exists() );
* Test the javadoc with tag.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testTag()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "tag-test/tag-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File app = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/tag-test/target/site/apidocs/tag/test/App.html" );
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( app.getAbsolutePath() ) );
String readed = readFile( app );
assertTrue( readed.contains( ">To do something:</" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( ">Generator Class:</" ) );
// In javadoc-options-javadoc-resources.xml tag 'version' has only a name,
// which is not enough for Java 11 anymore
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isBefore( "11" ) )
assertTrue( readed.contains( ">Version:</" ) );
assertTrue( readed.toLowerCase().contains( "</dt>" + LINE_SEPARATOR + " <dd>1.0</dd>" )
|| readed.toLowerCase().contains( "</dt>" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "<dd>1.0</dd>" /* JDK 8 */) );
* Test newline in the header/footer parameter
* @throws Exception if any
public void testHeaderFooter()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "header-footer-test/header-footer-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertTrue( "Doesnt handle correctly newline for header or footer parameter", false );
assertTrue( true );
* Test newline in various string parameters
* @throws Exception if any
public void testNewline()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "newline-test/newline-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
fail( "Doesn't handle correctly newline for string parameters. See options and packages files." );
assertTrue( true );
* Method to test the jdk6 javadoc
* @throws Exception if any
public void testJdk6()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "jdk6-test/jdk6-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/jdk6-test/target/site/apidocs" );
assertTrue( new File( apidocs, "index.html" ).exists() );
File overview;
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isBefore( "11" ) )
overview = new File( apidocs, "overview-summary.html" );
overview = new File( apidocs, "index.html" );
assertTrue( overview.exists() );
String content = readFile( overview );
assertTrue( content.contains( "Top - Copyright &#169; All rights reserved." ) );
assertTrue( content.contains( "Header - Copyright &#169; All rights reserved." ) );
assertTrue( content.contains( "Footer - Copyright &#169; All rights reserved." ) );
File packageSummary = new File( apidocs, "jdk6/test/package-summary.html" );
assertTrue( packageSummary.exists() );
content = readFile( packageSummary );
assertTrue( content.contains( "Top - Copyright &#169; All rights reserved." ) );
assertTrue( content.contains( "Header - Copyright &#169; All rights reserved." ) );
assertTrue( content.contains( "Footer - Copyright &#169; All rights reserved." ) );
* Method to test proxy support in the javadoc
* @throws Exception if any
public void testProxy()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
// dummy proxy
proxy.setActive( true );
proxy.setHost( "" );
proxy.setPort( 80 );
proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
proxy.setUsername( "toto" );
proxy.setPassword( "toto" );
proxy.setNonProxyHosts( "|*" );
settings.addProxy( proxy );
File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/proxy-test/proxy-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
MavenSession session = spy( newMavenSession( mojo.project ) );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = mock( ProjectBuildingRequest.class );
when( buildingRequest.getRemoteRepositories() ).thenReturn( mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
when( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() ).thenReturn( buildingRequest );
MavenRepositorySystemSession repositorySession = new MavenRepositorySystemSession();
repositorySession.setLocalRepositoryManager( new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager( localRepo ) );
when( buildingRequest.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
when( session.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "settings", settings );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
File commandLine = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/proxy-test/target/site/apidocs/javadoc." + ( SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? "bat" : "sh" ) );
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( commandLine.getAbsolutePath() ) );
String readed = readFile( commandLine );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=80" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\\\"toto\\\"" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\\\"toto\\\"" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\\\"|*\\\"" ) );
File options = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/proxy-test/target/site/apidocs/options" );
assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( options.getAbsolutePath() ) );
String optionsContent = readFile( options );
// NO -link expected
assertFalse( optionsContent.contains( "-link" ) );
// real proxy
ProxyServer proxyServer = null;
AuthAsyncProxyServlet proxyServlet;
proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet();
proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
settings = new Settings();
proxy = new Proxy();
proxy.setActive( true );
proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
settings.addProxy( proxy );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "settings", settings );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
readed = readFile( commandLine );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" + proxyServer.getHostName() ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=" + proxyServer.getPort() ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
// -link expected
// TODO: This got disabled for now!
// This test fails since the last commit but I actually think it only ever worked by accident.
// It did rely on a commons-logging-1.0.4.pom which got resolved by a test which did run previously.
// But after updating to commons-logging.1.1.1 there is no pre-resolved artifact available in
// target/local-repo anymore, thus the javadoc link info cannot get built and the test fails
// I'll for now just disable this line of code, because the test as far as I can see _never_
// did go upstream. The remoteRepository list used is always empty!.
// assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-link ''" ) );
if ( proxyServer != null )
// auth proxy
Map<String, String> authentications = new HashMap<>();
authentications.put( "foo", "bar" );
proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet( authentications );
proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );
settings = new Settings();
proxy = new Proxy();
proxy.setActive( true );
proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
proxy.setUsername( "foo" );
proxy.setPassword( "bar" );
settings.addProxy( proxy );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "settings", settings );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
readed = readFile( commandLine );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" + proxyServer.getHostName() ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=" + proxyServer.getPort() ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\\\"foo\\\"" ) );
assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\\\"bar\\\"" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
// -link expected
// see comment above (line 829)
// assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-link ''" ) );
if ( proxyServer != null )
* Method to test error or conflict in Javadoc options and in standard doclet options.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testValidateOptions()
throws Exception
// encoding
File testPom = new File( unit, "validate-options-test/wrong-encoding-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertTrue( "No wrong encoding catch", false );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertTrue( "No wrong encoding catch", e.getMessage().contains( "Unsupported option <encoding/>" ) );
testPom = new File( unit, "validate-options-test/wrong-docencoding-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertTrue( "No wrong docencoding catch", false );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertTrue( "No wrong docencoding catch", e.getMessage().contains( "Unsupported option <docencoding/>" ) );
testPom = new File( unit, "validate-options-test/wrong-charset-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertTrue( "No wrong charset catch", false );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertTrue( "No wrong charset catch", e.getMessage().contains( "Unsupported option <charset/>" ) );
// locale
testPom = new File( unit, "validate-options-test/wrong-locale-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertTrue( "No wrong locale catch", false );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertTrue( "No wrong locale catch", e.getMessage().contains( "Unsupported option <locale/>" ) );
testPom = new File( unit, "validate-options-test/wrong-locale-with-variant-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertTrue( "No wrong locale catch", true );
// conflict options
testPom = new File( unit, "validate-options-test/conflict-options-test-plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertTrue( "No conflict catch", false );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertTrue( "No conflict catch", e.getMessage().contains( "Option <nohelp/> conflicts with <helpfile/>" ) );
* Method to test the <code>&lt;tagletArtifacts/&gt;</code> parameter.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testTagletArtifacts()
throws Exception
// Should be an assumption, but not supported by TestCase
// not supported by Java 10 anymore
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isAtLeast( "10" ) )
File testPom = new File( unit, "tagletArtifacts-test/tagletArtifacts-test-plugin-config.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
MavenSession session = spy( newMavenSession( mojo.project ) );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = mock( ProjectBuildingRequest.class );
when( buildingRequest.getRemoteRepositories() ).thenReturn( mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
when( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() ).thenReturn( buildingRequest );
MavenRepositorySystemSession repositorySession = new MavenRepositorySystemSession();
repositorySession.setLocalRepositoryManager( new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager( localRepo ) );
when( buildingRequest.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
when( session.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
File optionsFile = new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "options" );
assertTrue( optionsFile.exists() );
String options = readFile( optionsFile );
// count -taglet
assertEquals( 20, StringUtils.countMatches( options, LINE_SEPARATOR + "-taglet" + LINE_SEPARATOR ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "org.codehaus.plexus.javadoc.PlexusConfigurationTaglet" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "org.codehaus.plexus.javadoc.PlexusRequirementTaglet" ) );
assertTrue( options.contains( "org.codehaus.plexus.javadoc.PlexusComponentTaglet" ) );
* Method to test the <code>&lt;stylesheetfile/&gt;</code> parameter.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testStylesheetfile()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "stylesheetfile-test/pom.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertNotNull( mojo );
MavenSession session = spy( newMavenSession( mojo.project ) );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = mock( ProjectBuildingRequest.class );
when( buildingRequest.getRemoteRepositories() ).thenReturn( mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
when( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() ).thenReturn( buildingRequest );
MavenRepositorySystemSession repositorySession = new MavenRepositorySystemSession();
repositorySession.setLocalRepositoryManager( new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager( localRepo ) );
when( buildingRequest.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
when( session.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/stylesheetfile-test/target/site/apidocs" );
File stylesheetfile = new File( apidocs, "stylesheet.css" );
File options = new File( apidocs, "options" );
// stylesheet == maven OR java
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheet", "javamaven" );
assertTrue( false );
catch ( Exception e )
assertTrue( true );
// stylesheet == java
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheet", "java" );
String content = readFile( stylesheetfile );
if ( JavaVersion.JAVA_VERSION.isAtLeast( "10" ) )
assertTrue( content.contains( "/* " + LINE_SEPARATOR
+ " * Javadoc style sheet" + LINE_SEPARATOR
+ " */" ) );
assertTrue( content.contains( "/* Javadoc style sheet */" ) );
String optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertFalse( optionsContent.contains( "-stylesheetfile" ) );
// stylesheet == maven
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheet", "maven" );
content = readFile( stylesheetfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "/* Javadoc style sheet */" )
&& content.contains( "Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-stylesheetfile" ) );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + stylesheetfile.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ) + "'" ) );
// stylesheetfile defined as a project resource
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheet", null );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheetfile", "com/mycompany/app/javadoc/css/stylesheet.css" );
content = readFile( stylesheetfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "/* Custom Javadoc style sheet in project */" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-stylesheetfile" ) );
File stylesheetResource =
new File( unit, "stylesheetfile-test/src/main/resources/com/mycompany/app/javadoc/css/stylesheet.css" );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + stylesheetResource.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" )
+ "'" ) );
// stylesheetfile defined in a javadoc plugin dependency
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheetfile", "com/mycompany/app/javadoc/css2/stylesheet.css" );
content = readFile( stylesheetfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "/* Custom Javadoc style sheet in artefact */" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-stylesheetfile" ) );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + stylesheetfile.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ) + "'" ) );
// stylesheetfile defined as file
File css =
new File( unit, "stylesheetfile-test/src/main/resources/com/mycompany/app/javadoc/css3/stylesheet.css" );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "stylesheetfile", css.getAbsolutePath() );
content = readFile( stylesheetfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "/* Custom Javadoc style sheet as file */" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-stylesheetfile" ) );
stylesheetResource =
new File( unit, "stylesheetfile-test/src/main/resources/com/mycompany/app/javadoc/css3/stylesheet.css" );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + stylesheetResource.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ) + "'" ) );
* Method to test the <code>&lt;helpfile/&gt;</code> parameter.
* @throws Exception if any
public void testHelpfile()
throws Exception
File testPom = new File( unit, "helpfile-test/pom.xml" );
JavadocReport mojo = lookupMojo( testPom );
assertNotNull( mojo );
MavenSession session = spy( newMavenSession( mojo.project ) );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = mock( ProjectBuildingRequest.class );
when( buildingRequest.getRemoteRepositories() ).thenReturn( mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
when( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() ).thenReturn( buildingRequest );
MavenRepositorySystemSession repositorySession = new MavenRepositorySystemSession();
repositorySession.setLocalRepositoryManager( new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager( localRepo ) );
when( buildingRequest.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
when( session.getRepositorySession() ).thenReturn( repositorySession );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
File apidocs = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/helpfile-test/target/site/apidocs" );
File helpfile = new File( apidocs, "help-doc.html" );
File options = new File( apidocs, "options" );
// helpfile by default
String content = readFile( helpfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<!-- Generated by javadoc" ) );
String optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertFalse( optionsContent.contains( "-helpfile" ) );
// helpfile defined in a javadoc plugin dependency
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "helpfile", "com/mycompany/app/javadoc/helpfile/help-doc.html" );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
content = readFile( helpfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<!-- Help file from artefact -->" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-helpfile" ) );
File help = new File( apidocs, "help-doc.html" );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + help.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ) + "'" ) );
// helpfile defined as a project resource
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "helpfile", "com/mycompany/app/javadoc/helpfile2/help-doc.html" );
content = readFile( helpfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<!-- Help file from file -->" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-helpfile" ) );
help = new File( unit, "helpfile-test/src/main/resources/com/mycompany/app/javadoc/helpfile2/help-doc.html" );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + help.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ) + "'" ) );
// helpfile defined as file
help = new File( unit, "helpfile-test/src/main/resources/com/mycompany/app/javadoc/helpfile2/help-doc.html" );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "helpfile", help.getAbsolutePath() );
content = readFile( helpfile );
assertTrue( content.contains( "<!-- Help file from file -->" ) );
optionsContent = readFile( options );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-helpfile" ) );
assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "'" + help.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ) + "'" ) );