blob: ecfcd284f22ce89eed88ede68d2065859327da21 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.MavenProjectStub;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc.AbstractFixJavadocMojo.JavaEntityTags;
import org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.MavenInvocationException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.JavaProjectBuilder;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.DocletTag;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaClass;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaMethod;
import junitx.util.PrivateAccessor;
* @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
* @version $Id: 1752069 2016-07-10 09:58:59Z rfscholte $
public class FixJavadocMojoTest
extends AbstractMojoTestCase
/** The vm line separator */
private static final String EOL = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
/** flag to copy repo only one time */
private static boolean TEST_REPO_CREATED = false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
* Create test repository in target directory.
* @throws IOException if any
private void createTestRepo()
throws Exception
File localRepo = new File( getBasedir(), "target/local-repo/" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// fix-test-1.0.jar
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File sourceDir = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/fix-test/repo/" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// fix-jdk5-test-1.0.jar
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sourceDir = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/fix-jdk5-test/repo/" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// fix-jdk6-test-1.0.jar
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sourceDir = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/fix-jdk6-test/repo/" );
assertTrue( sourceDir.exists() );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( sourceDir, localRepo );
// Remove SCM files
List<String> files =
FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( localRepo, FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsString(), null, true,
true, true, true );
for ( String filename : files )
File file = new File( filename );
if ( file.isDirectory() )
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( file );
* @throws Exception if any
public void testFix()
throws Exception
File testPomBasedir = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/fix-test" );
executeMojoAndTest( testPomBasedir, new String[] { "", "",
"", "" } );
* @throws Exception if any
public void testFixJdk5()
throws Exception
File testPomBasedir = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/fix-jdk5-test" );
executeMojoAndTest( testPomBasedir, new String[] { "", "",
"", "", "" } );
* @throws Exception if any
public void testFixJdk6()
throws Exception
File testPomBasedir = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/fix-jdk6-test" );
executeMojoAndTest( testPomBasedir, new String[] { "", "" } );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test private static methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @throws Throwable if any
public void testAutodetectIndentation()
throws Throwable
String s = null;
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
s = "no indentation";
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
s = "no indentation with right spaces ";
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
s = " indentation";
assertEquals( " ", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
s = " indentation with right spaces ";
assertEquals( " ", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
s = "\ttab indentation";
assertEquals( "\t", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
s = " \n indentation with right spaces ";
assertEquals( " \n ", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "autodetectIndentation",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { s } ) );
* @throws Throwable if any
public void testTrimLeft()
throws Throwable
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { null } ) );
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " " } ) );
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " \t " } ) );
assertEquals( "a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "a" } ) );
assertEquals( "a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " a" } ) );
assertEquals( "a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "\ta" } ) );
assertEquals( "a ", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " a " } ) );
assertEquals( "a\t", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimLeft",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "\ta\t" } ) );
* @throws Throwable if any
public void testTrimRight()
throws Throwable
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { null } ) );
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " " } ) );
assertEquals( "", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " \t " } ) );
assertEquals( "a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "a" } ) );
assertEquals( "a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "a " } ) );
assertEquals( "a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "a\t" } ) );
assertEquals( " a", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { " a " } ) );
assertEquals( "\ta", PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "trimRight",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { "\ta\t" } ) );
* @throws Throwable if any
public void testHasInheritedTag()
throws Throwable
String content = "/** {@inheritDoc} */";
Boolean has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.TRUE, has );
content = "/**{@inheritDoc}*/";
has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.TRUE, has );
content = "/**{@inheritDoc } */";
has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.TRUE, has );
content = "/** {@inheritDoc } */";
has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.TRUE, has );
content = "/** */";
has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.FALSE, has );
content = "/**{ @inheritDoc }*/";
has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.FALSE, has );
content = "/**{@ inheritDoc}*/";
has =
(Boolean) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "hasInheritedTag",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { content } );
assertEquals( Boolean.FALSE, has );
* @throws Throwable if any
public void testJavadocComment()
throws Throwable
String content = "/**" + EOL +
" * Dummy Class." + EOL +
" */" + EOL +
"public class DummyClass" + EOL +
"{" + EOL +
" /**" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * Dummy" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * Method." + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @param args not" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * null" + EOL +
" * @param i non negative" + EOL +
" * @param object could" + EOL +
" * be" + EOL +
" * null" + EOL +
" * @return a" + EOL +
" * String" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @throws Exception if" + EOL +
" * any" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" */" + EOL +
" public static String dummyMethod( String[] args, int i, Object object )" + EOL +
" throws Exception" + EOL +
" {" + EOL +
" return null;" + EOL +
" }" + EOL +
JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
builder.setEncoding( "UTF-8" );
builder.addSource( new StringReader( content ) );
JavaClass clazz = builder.addSource( new StringReader( content ) ).getClassByName( "DummyClass" );
JavaMethod javaMethod = clazz.getMethods().get( 0 );
String javadoc = AbstractFixJavadocMojo.extractOriginalJavadoc( content, javaMethod );
assertEquals( " /**" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * Dummy" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * Method." + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @param args not" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * null" + EOL +
" * @param i non negative" + EOL +
" * @param object could" + EOL +
" * be" + EOL +
" * null" + EOL +
" * @return a" + EOL +
" * String" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @throws Exception if" + EOL +
" * any" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" */", javadoc );
String javadocContent = AbstractFixJavadocMojo.extractOriginalJavadocContent( content, javaMethod );
assertEquals( " *" + EOL +
" * Dummy" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * Method." + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @param args not" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * null" + EOL +
" * @param i non negative" + EOL +
" * @param object could" + EOL +
" * be" + EOL +
" * null" + EOL +
" * @return a" + EOL +
" * String" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @throws Exception if" + EOL +
" * any" + EOL +
" *", javadocContent );
String withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { javadocContent } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "any" ) );
String methodJavadoc = AbstractFixJavadocMojo.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod );
assertEquals( " *" + EOL +
" * Dummy" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * Method." + EOL +
" *", methodJavadoc );
withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { methodJavadoc } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "Method." ) );
assertEquals( 5, javaMethod.getTags().size() );
AbstractFixJavadocMojo mojoInstance = new FixJavadocMojo();
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "fixTagsSplitted", new String[] { "all" } );
DocletTag tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 0 );
String tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag);
assertEquals( " * @param args not" + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * null", tagJavadoc );
withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { tagJavadoc } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "null" ) );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 1 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @param i non negative", tagJavadoc );
withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { tagJavadoc } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "negative" ) );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 2 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @param object could" + EOL +
" * be" + EOL +
" * null", tagJavadoc );
withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { tagJavadoc } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "null" ) );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 3 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @return a" + EOL +
" * String" + EOL +
" *", tagJavadoc );
withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { tagJavadoc } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "String" ) );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 4 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @throws Exception if" + EOL +
" * any" + EOL +
" *", tagJavadoc );
withoutEmptyJavadocLines =
(String) PrivateAccessor.invoke( AbstractFixJavadocMojo.class, "removeLastEmptyJavadocLines",
new Class[] { String.class }, new Object[] { tagJavadoc } );
assertTrue( withoutEmptyJavadocLines.endsWith( "any" ) );
* @throws Throwable if any
public void testJavadocCommentJdk5()
throws Exception
String content = "/**" + EOL +
" * Dummy Class." + EOL +
" */" + EOL +
"public class DummyClass" + EOL +
"{" + EOL +
" /**" + EOL +
" * Dummy method." + EOL +
" *" + EOL +
" * @param <K> The Key type for the method" + EOL +
" * @param <V> The Value type for the method" + EOL +
" * @param name The name." + EOL +
" * @return A map configured." + EOL +
" */" + EOL +
" public <K, V> java.util.Map<K, V> dummyMethod( String name )" + EOL +
" {" + EOL +
" return null;" + EOL +
" }" + EOL +
JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
builder.setEncoding( "UTF-8" );
JavaClass clazz = builder.addSource( new StringReader( content ) ).getClassByName( "DummyClass" );
JavaMethod javaMethod = clazz.getMethods().get( 0 );
String methodJavadoc = AbstractFixJavadocMojo.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod );
assertEquals( " * Dummy method." + EOL +
" *", methodJavadoc );
assertEquals( 4, javaMethod.getTags().size() );
AbstractFixJavadocMojo mojoInstance = new FixJavadocMojo();
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "fixTagsSplitted", new String[] { "all" } );
DocletTag tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 0 );
String tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @param <K> The Key type for the method", tagJavadoc );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 1 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @param <V> The Value type for the method", tagJavadoc );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 2 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @param name The name.", tagJavadoc );
tag = javaMethod.getTags().get( 3 );
tagJavadoc = mojoInstance.getJavadocComment( content, javaMethod, tag );
assertEquals( " * @return A map configured.", tagJavadoc );
public void testInitParameters()
throws Throwable
AbstractFixJavadocMojo mojoInstance = new FixJavadocMojo();
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "fixTags", "author, version, since, param, return, throws, link" );
setVariableValueToObject(mojoInstance, "defaultSince", "1.0");
setVariableValueToObject(mojoInstance, "level", "protected");
PrivateAccessor.invoke( mojoInstance, "init", new Class[] { }, new String[] { } );
String[] fixTags = (String[]) getVariableValueFromObject(mojoInstance, "fixTagsSplitted");
assertEquals("author", fixTags[0]);
assertEquals("version", fixTags[1]);
assertEquals("since", fixTags[2]);
assertEquals("param", fixTags[3]);
assertEquals("return", fixTags[4]);
assertEquals("throws", fixTags[5]);
assertEquals("link", fixTags[6]);
assertEquals(7, fixTags.length);
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "fixTags", "return, fake_value" );
PrivateAccessor.invoke( mojoInstance, "init", new Class[] { }, new String[] { } );
fixTags = (String[]) getVariableValueFromObject(mojoInstance, "fixTagsSplitted");
assertEquals("return", fixTags[0]);
assertEquals(1, fixTags.length);
public void testRemoveUnknownExceptions() throws Exception
AbstractFixJavadocMojo mojoInstance = new FixJavadocMojo();
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "fixTagsSplitted", new String[] { "all" } );
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "project", new MavenProjectStub() );
String source = "package a.b.c;" + EOL
+ "public class Clazz {" + EOL
+ " /**" + EOL
+ " * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException" + EOL
+ " * @throws NumberFormatException" + EOL
+ " * @throws java.lang.Exception" + EOL // not thrown and no RTE -> remove
+ " * @throws" + EOL // not on classpath (?!) -> see removeUnknownThrows
+ " */" + EOL
+ " public void method() {}" + EOL
+ "}";
JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
JavaMethod javaMethod = builder.addSource( new StringReader( source ) ).getClassByName( "Clazz" ).getMethods().get( 0 );
JavaEntityTags javaEntityTags = mojoInstance.parseJavadocTags( source, javaMethod, "", true );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
mojoInstance.writeThrowsTag( sb, javaMethod, javaEntityTags, Arrays.asList( "java.lang.RuntimeException" ) );
assertEquals( " * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException", sb.toString() );
sb = new StringBuilder();
mojoInstance.writeThrowsTag( sb, javaMethod, javaEntityTags, Arrays.asList( "NumberFormatException" ) );
assertEquals( " * @throws java.lang.NumberFormatException", sb.toString() );
sb = new StringBuilder();
mojoInstance.writeThrowsTag( sb, javaMethod, javaEntityTags, Arrays.asList( "java.lang.Exception" ) );
assertEquals( "", sb.toString() );
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "removeUnknownThrows", true );
sb = new StringBuilder();
mojoInstance.writeThrowsTag( sb, javaMethod, javaEntityTags, Arrays.asList( "" ) );
assertEquals( "", sb.toString() );
setVariableValueToObject( mojoInstance, "removeUnknownThrows", false );
sb = new StringBuilder();
mojoInstance.writeThrowsTag( sb, javaMethod, javaEntityTags, Arrays.asList( "" ) );
assertEquals( " * @throws if any.", sb.toString() );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param testPomBasedir the basedir for the test project
* @param clazzToCompare an array of the classes name to compare
* @throws Exception if any
private void executeMojoAndTest( File testPomBasedir, String[] clazzToCompare )
throws Exception
prepareTestProjects( testPomBasedir.getName() );
File testPom = new File( testPomBasedir, "pom.xml" );
assertTrue( testPom.getAbsolutePath() + " should exist", testPom.exists() );
FixJavadocMojo mojo = (FixJavadocMojo) lookupMojo( "fix", testPom );
assertNotNull( mojo );
// compile the test project
invokeCompileGoal( testPom, mojo.getLog() );
assertTrue( new File( testPomBasedir, "target/classes" ).exists() );
File expectedDir = new File( testPomBasedir, "expected/src/main/java/fix/test" );
assertTrue( expectedDir.exists() );
File generatedDir = new File( testPomBasedir, "target/generated/fix/test" );
assertTrue( generatedDir.exists() );
for (String className : clazzToCompare) {
assertEquals(new File(expectedDir, className), new File(generatedDir, className));
* Invoke the compilation on the given pom file.
* @param testPom not null
* @param log not null
* @throws MavenInvocationException if any
private void invokeCompileGoal( File testPom, Log log )
throws Exception
List<String> goals = new ArrayList<>();
goals.add( "clean" );
goals.add( "compile" );
File invokerDir = new File( getBasedir(), "target/invoker" );
File invokerLogFile = FileUtils.createTempFile( "FixJavadocMojoTest", ".txt", invokerDir );
JavadocUtil.invokeMaven( log, new File( getBasedir(), "target/local-repo" ), testPom, goals, null,
invokerLogFile );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// static methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Asserts that files are equal. If they are not an AssertionFailedError is thrown.
* @throws IOException if any
private static void assertEquals( File expected, File actual )
throws Exception
assertTrue( " Expected file DNE: " + expected, expected.exists() );
String expectedContent = StringUtils.unifyLineSeparators( readFile( expected ) );
assertTrue( " Actual file DNE: " + actual, actual.exists() );
String actualContent = StringUtils.unifyLineSeparators( readFile( actual ) );
assertEquals( "Expected file: " + expected.getAbsolutePath() + ", actual file: "
+ actual.getAbsolutePath(), expectedContent, actualContent );
* @param testProjectDirName not null
* @throws IOException if any
private static void prepareTestProjects( String testProjectDirName )
throws Exception
File testPomBasedir = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/" + testProjectDirName );
// Using unit test dir
new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/" + testProjectDirName ),
testPomBasedir );
List<String> scmFiles = FileUtils.getDirectoryNames( testPomBasedir, "**/.svn", null, true );
for ( String filename : scmFiles )
File dir = new File( filename );
if ( dir.isDirectory() )
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( dir );
* @param file not null
* @return the content of the given file
* @throws IOException if any
private static String readFile( File file )
throws Exception
Reader fileReader = null;
fileReader = ReaderFactory.newReader( file, "UTF-8" );
final String content = IOUtil.toString( fileReader );
fileReader = null;
return content;
IOUtil.close( fileReader );