[MNG-5181] Improve "missing dependency" message (#249)

Related IT change, as the change for this issue made MNG-7128 IT
to fail, as it was too eagerly match whole error message string
that has now due MNG-5181 changed.

To fix it, match only the key parts of the expected error message,
that project failed, due transfer failure, as insecure mirror
was blocked. This makes IT assert same thing, but is more
flexible regarding error text change in MNG-5181.


1 file changed
tree: d73673e18482507fe9d97e3f4bbee4cbf9639417
  1. .github/
  2. core-it-suite/
  3. core-it-support/
  4. environments/
  5. src/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  9. Jenkinsfile
  10. pom.xml
  11. README.md
  12. run-its.bat
  13. run-its.sh

Maven Core Integration Tests


If you want to run the integration tests against a custom build of Maven use the following command:

mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=`pwd`/repo -DmavenDistro=/path/to/apache-maven-dist.zip

or if behind a proxy

mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=`pwd`/repo -DmavenDistro=/path/to/apache-maven-dist.zip -Dproxy.active=true -Dproxy.type=http -Dproxy.host=... -Dproxy.port=... -Dproxy.user=... -Dproxy.pass=...

Using the script

Build Maven core with the profile -PversionlessMavenDist

Now Run the script: sh ./run-its.sh

Maven Developers List: dev@maven.apache.org