tree: 16353ffaf4b874a16b4698900294b8106f13cd7a [path history] [tgz]
  1. debian-jdk7/
  2. debian-jdk8/
  3. fedora-jdk8/
  4. ibm-jdk8/
  5. solaris-10-jdk7/
  6. solaris-10-jdk8/
  7. solaris-11-jdk7/
  8. solaris-11-jdk8/
  9. zulu-jdk7/
  10. zulu-jdk8/

Integration Test Environments

This directory contains definitions for different test environments.

Linux based test environments

The linux based test environments use Docker and will have a Dockerfile.

The test procedure will typically be something like this:

$ ID=$(docker build -q .) && docker run --rm -t -i $ID bash
$ cd $HOME
$ git clone
$ ( cd maven && mvn clean verify )
$ git clone
$ ( cd maven-integration-testing && mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/work/repo -DmavenDistro=$HOME/maven/apache-maven/target/ )

Other operating systems

The non-linux based test environments use Vagrant and will have a Vagrantfile.

The Vagrant based test environments all require Virtualbox as the vagrant provider.

NOTE: Where there are additional downloads required to populate the base box image, there will be a Makefile in the environment directory. In these cases you will need to run make before vagrant up will work.

For most unixes the test procedure will be something like:

$ vagrant ssh
$ git clone
$ ( cd maven && mvn clean verify )
$ git clone
$ ( cd maven-integration-testing && mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/work/repo -DmavenDistro=$HOME/maven/apache-maven/target/ )