blob: 84f70c0ab70440385ba34795af1f258da7c8aa00 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.index;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexCreator;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.MergedIndexingContext;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.StaticContextMemberProvider;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException;
import org.apache.maven.index.creator.MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator;
import org.apache.maven.index.packer.DefaultIndexPacker;
import org.apache.maven.index.updater.DefaultIndexUpdater;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
/** @author Jason van Zyl */
public class NexusIndexerTest
extends AbstractIndexCreatorHelper
private IndexingContext context;
public void testQueryCreatorNG()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
Query q = null;
// exact search against field stored in both ways (tokenized/untokenized)
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "commons-loggin*", SearchType.EXACT );
// g:commons-loggin*
assertEquals( MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator.FLD_GROUP_ID_KW.getKey() + ":commons-loggin*", q.toString() );
// scored search against field stored in both ways (tokenized/untokenized)
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "commons-loggin*", SearchType.SCORED );
// g:commons-loggin* (groupId:commons groupId:loggin*)
assertEquals( "g:commons-loggin* ((+groupId:commons +groupId:loggin*) groupId:\"commons loggin\")",
q.toString() );
// keyword search against field stored in both ways (tokenized/untokenized)
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "commons-logging", SearchType.EXACT );
assertEquals( MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator.FLD_GROUP_ID_KW.getKey() + ":commons-logging", q.toString() );
// keyword search against field having untokenized indexerField only
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.PACKAGING, "maven-archetype", SearchType.EXACT );
assertEquals( MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator.FLD_PACKAGING.getKey() + ":maven-archetype", q.toString() );
// scored search against field having untokenized indexerField only
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.PACKAGING, "maven-archetype", SearchType.SCORED );
assertEquals( "p:maven-archetype p:maven-archetype*^0.8", q.toString() );
// scored search against field having untokenized indexerField only
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID, "commons-logging", SearchType.SCORED );
"(a:commons-logging a:commons-logging*^0.8) ((+artifactId:commons +artifactId:logging*) artifactId:\"commons logging\")",
q.toString() );
// scored search against field having tokenized IndexerField only (should be impossible).
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.NAME, "Some artifact name from Pom", SearchType.SCORED );
assertEquals( "(+n:some +n:artifact +n:name +n:from +n:pom*) n:\"some artifact name from pom\"", q.toString() );
// keyword search against field having tokenized IndexerField only (should be impossible).
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.NAME, "some artifact name from Pom", SearchType.EXACT );
assertNull( q );
public void performQueryCreatorNGSearch( NexusIndexer indexer, IndexingContext context )
throws Exception
String qstr = null;
Query q = null;
IteratorSearchRequest req = null;
IteratorSearchResponse res = null;
// case01: "the most usual" case:
// explanation: commons-logging should top the results, but commons-cli will be at the end too (lower score but
// matched "commons")
qstr = "commons-logg";
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, SearchType.SCORED );
req = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, context );
res = indexer.searchIterator( req );
checkResults( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, q, res,
getTestFile( "src/test/resources/testQueryCreatorNGSearch/case01.txt" ) );
// case02: "the most usual" case:
// explanation: commons-logging should top the results, but commons-cli will be at the end too (lower score but
// matched "commons")
qstr = "commons logg";
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, SearchType.SCORED );
req = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, context );
res = indexer.searchIterator( req );
checkResults( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, q, res,
getTestFile( "src/test/resources/testQueryCreatorNGSearch/case02.txt" ) );
// case03: "the most usual" case:
// explanation: all "commons" matches, but commons-cli tops since it's _shorter_! (see Lucene Scoring)
qstr = "commons";
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, SearchType.SCORED );
req = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, context );
res = indexer.searchIterator( req );
checkResults( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, q, res,
getTestFile( "src/test/resources/testQueryCreatorNGSearch/case03.txt" ) );
// case04: "the most usual" case:
// explanation: only commons-logging matches, no commons-cli
qstr = "log";
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, SearchType.SCORED );
req = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, context );
res = indexer.searchIterator( req );
checkResults( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, qstr, q, res,
getTestFile( "src/test/resources/testQueryCreatorNGSearch/case04.txt" ) );
// case05: "the most usual" case:
// many matches, but at the top only the _exact_ matches for "1.0", and below all artifacts that have versions
// that contains letters "1" and "0".
qstr = "1.0";
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.VERSION, "1.0", SearchType.SCORED );
req = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, context );
res = indexer.searchIterator( req );
checkResults( MAVEN.VERSION, qstr, q, res,
getTestFile( "src/test/resources/testQueryCreatorNGSearch/case05.txt" ) );
// case06: "the most usual" case (for apps), "selection":
// explanation: exactly only those artifacts, that has version "1.0"
qstr = "1.0";
q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.VERSION, qstr, SearchType.EXACT );
req = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, context );
res = indexer.searchIterator( req );
checkResults( MAVEN.VERSION, qstr, q, res,
getTestFile( "src/test/resources/testQueryCreatorNGSearch/case06.txt" ) );
// and comes the "trick", i will perform single _selection_!
// I want to ensure there is an artifact present!
// explanation: see for yourself ;)
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
Query g = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "commons-logging", SearchType.EXACT );
Query a = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID, "commons-logging", SearchType.EXACT );
Query v = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.VERSION, "1.0.4", SearchType.EXACT );
Query p = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.PACKAGING, "jar", SearchType.EXACT );
Query c = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSIFIER, Field.NOT_PRESENT, SearchType.EXACT );
// so, I am looking up GAVP (for content of those look above) that _has no_ classifier
bq.add( g, Occur.MUST );
bq.add( a, Occur.MUST );
bq.add( v, Occur.MUST );
bq.add( p, Occur.MUST );
bq.add( c, Occur.MUST_NOT );
// invoking the old method (was present since day 1), that will return the match only and if only there is 1 hit
Collection<ArtifactInfo> ais = indexer.identify( bq, Collections.singletonList( context ) );
assertEquals( 1, ais.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = ais.iterator().next();
// null means not "identified", so we want non-null response
assertTrue( ai != null );
// we assure we found what we wanted
assertEquals( "commons-logging:commons-logging:1.0.4:null:jar", ai.toString() );
public void testQueryCreatorNGSearch()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
performQueryCreatorNGSearch( indexer, context );
public void testQueryCreatorNGSearchOnMergedContext()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
File indexMergedDir = super.getDirectory( "index/testMerged" );
IndexingContext mergedContext =
new MergedIndexingContext( "test", "merged", context.getRepository(), indexMergedDir, true,
new StaticContextMemberProvider( Collections.singletonList( context ) ) );
performQueryCreatorNGSearch( indexer, mergedContext );
* Will "print" the result set, and suck up a file and compare the two
public void checkResults( Field field, String query, Query q, IteratorSearchResponse res, File expectedResults )
throws IOException
// switch used for easy data collection from console (for saving new "expected" results after you assured they
// are fine)
boolean print = true;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( sw );
String line = null;
line =
"### Searched for field " + field.toString() + " using query \"" + query + "\" (QC create LQL \""
+ q.toString() + "\")";
if ( print )
System.out.println( line );
pw.println( line );
int totalHits = 0;
for ( ArtifactInfo ai : res )
line = ai.context + " :: " + ai.toString();
if ( print )
System.out.println( line );
pw.println( line );
line = "### TOTAL:" + totalHits + " (response said " + res.getTotalHits() + ")";
if ( print )
System.out.println( line );
pw.println( line );
// compare results! Load up the reference file, but avoid line ending issues, so just read it line by line. and
// produce it in very same fashion that previous one was
StringWriter ressw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter respw = new PrintWriter( ressw );
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( expectedResults ) );
String currentline = null;
while ( ( currentline = reader.readLine() ) != null )
respw.println( currentline );
String shouldBe = ressw.toString();
String whatWeHave = sw.toString();
// we compare those two
assertEquals( "Search results inconsistent!", shouldBe, whatWeHave );
public void testSearchIterator()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
Query q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "qdox", SearchType.SCORED );
IteratorSearchRequest request = new IteratorSearchRequest( q );
IteratorSearchResponse response = indexer.searchIterator( request );
assertEquals( 2, response.getTotalHits() );
for ( ArtifactInfo ai : response.getResults() )
assertEquals( "GroupId must match \"qdox\"!", "qdox", ai.groupId );
public void testSearchIteratorWithFilter()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
Query q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "qdox", SearchType.SCORED );
IteratorSearchRequest request = new IteratorSearchRequest( q, new ArtifactInfoFilter()
public boolean accepts( IndexingContext ctx, ArtifactInfo ai )
// we reject version "1.5" for fun
return !StringUtils.equals( ai.version, "1.5" );
} );
IteratorSearchResponse response = indexer.searchIterator( request );
assertEquals( 2, response.getTotalHits() );
assertTrue( "Iterator has to have next (2 found, 1 filtered out)", response.getResults().hasNext() );
ArtifactInfo ai = response.getResults().next();
assertEquals( "1.5 is filtered out, so 1.6.1 must appear here!", "1.6.1", ai.version );
public void testSearchGrouped()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
Query q = indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "qdox", SearchType.SCORED );
GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GAGrouping() );
GroupedSearchResponse response = indexer.searchGrouped( request );
Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( 1, r.size() );
ArtifactInfoGroup gi0 = r.values().iterator().next();
assertEquals( "qdox : qdox", gi0.getGroupKey() );
List<ArtifactInfo> list = new ArrayList<ArtifactInfo>( gi0.getArtifactInfos() );
ArtifactInfo ai0 = list.get( 0 );
assertEquals( "1.6.1", ai0.version );
ArtifactInfo ai1 = list.get( 1 );
assertEquals( "1.5", ai1.version );
assertEquals( "test", ai1.repository );
WildcardQuery q = new WildcardQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.UINFO, "commons-log*" ) );
GroupedSearchRequest request =
new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GAGrouping(), String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER );
GroupedSearchResponse response = indexer.searchGrouped( request );
Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( 1, r.size() );
ArtifactInfoGroup gi1 = r.values().iterator().next();
assertEquals( "commons-logging : commons-logging", gi1.getGroupKey() );
public void testSearchFlat()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
WildcardQuery q = new WildcardQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.UINFO, "*testng*" ) );
FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( q ) );
Set<ArtifactInfo> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 4, r.size() );
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery( true );
bq.add( new WildcardQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.GROUP_ID, "testng*" ) ), Occur.SHOULD );
bq.add( new WildcardQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.ARTIFACT_ID, "testng*" ) ), Occur.SHOULD );
bq.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch( 1 );
FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( bq ) );
Set<ArtifactInfo> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 4, r.size() );
public void testSearchPackaging()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
WildcardQuery q = new WildcardQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.PACKAGING, "maven-plugin" ) );
FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( q ) );
Set<ArtifactInfo> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 2, r.size() );
public void testIdentity()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer nexus = prepare();
// Search using SHA1 to find qdox 1.5
Collection<ArtifactInfo> ais = nexus.identify( MAVEN.SHA1, "4d2db265eddf1576cb9d896abc90c7ba46b48d87" );
assertEquals( 1, ais.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = ais.iterator().next();
assertNotNull( ai );
assertEquals( "qdox", ai.groupId );
assertEquals( "qdox", ai.artifactId );
assertEquals( "1.5", ai.version );
assertEquals( "test", ai.repository );
// Using a file
File artifact = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo/qdox/qdox/1.5/qdox-1.5.jar" );
ais = nexus.identify( artifact );
assertEquals( 1, ais.size() );
ai = ais.iterator().next();
assertNotNull( ai );
assertEquals( "qdox", ai.groupId );
assertEquals( "qdox", ai.artifactId );
assertEquals( "1.5", ai.version );
assertEquals( "test", ai.repository );
public void testUpdateArtifact()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
Query q =
new TermQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.UINFO, "org.apache.maven.plugins|maven-core-it-plugin|1.0|NA" ) );
FlatSearchRequest request = new FlatSearchRequest( q );
FlatSearchResponse response1 = indexer.searchFlat( request );
Collection<ArtifactInfo> res1 = response1.getResults();
assertEquals( 1, res1.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = res1.iterator().next();
assertEquals( "Maven Core Integration Test Plugin", );
long oldSize = ai.size; = "bla bla bla";
ai.size += 100;
IndexingContext indexingContext = indexer.getIndexingContexts().get( "test" );
// String fname = indexingContext.getRepository().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + ai.groupId.replace( '.', '/' ) + "/"
// + ai.artifactId + "/" + ai.version + "/" + ai.artifactId + "-" + ai.version;
// File pom = new File( fname + ".pom" );
// File artifact = new File( fname + ".jar" );
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( new ArtifactContext( null, null, null, ai, null ), indexingContext );
FlatSearchResponse response2 = indexer.searchFlat( request );
Collection<ArtifactInfo> res2 = response2.getResults();
assertEquals( 1, res2.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai2 = res2.iterator().next();
assertEquals( oldSize + 100, ai2.size );
assertEquals( "bla bla bla", );
public void testUnpack()
throws Exception
NexusIndexer indexer = prepare();
String indexId = context.getId();
String repositoryId = context.getRepositoryId();
File repository = context.getRepository();
String repositoryUrl = context.getRepositoryUrl();
List<IndexCreator> indexCreators = context.getIndexCreators();
// Directory directory = context.getIndexDirectory();
RAMDirectory newDirectory = new RAMDirectory();
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DefaultIndexPacker.packIndexArchive( context, bos );
DefaultIndexUpdater.unpackIndexArchive( new ByteArrayInputStream( bos.toByteArray() ), newDirectory, //
context );
indexer.removeIndexingContext( context, false );
indexer.addIndexingContext( indexId, //
repositoryId, repository, newDirectory, repositoryUrl, null, indexCreators );
WildcardQuery q = new WildcardQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.PACKAGING, "maven-plugin" ) );
FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( q ) );
Collection<ArtifactInfo> infos = response.getResults();
assertEquals( infos.toString(), 2, infos.size() );
private NexusIndexer prepare()
throws Exception, IOException, UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException
NexusIndexer indexer = lookup( NexusIndexer.class );
// Directory indexDir = new RAMDirectory();
File indexDir = super.getDirectory( "index/test" );
super.deleteDirectory( indexDir );
File repo = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/repo" );
context = indexer.addIndexingContext( "test", "test", repo, indexDir, null, null, DEFAULT_CREATORS );
indexer.scan( context );
// IndexReader indexReader = context.getIndexSearcher().getIndexReader();
// int numDocs = indexReader.numDocs();
// for ( int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++ )
// {
// Document doc = indexReader.document( i );
// System.err.println( i + " : " + doc.get( ArtifactInfo.UINFO));
// }
return indexer;
// private void printDocs(NexusIndexer nexus) throws IOException
// {
// IndexingContext context = nexus.getIndexingContexts().get("test");
// IndexReader reader = context.getIndexSearcher().getIndexReader();
// int numDocs = reader.numDocs();
// for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
// Document doc = reader.document(i);
// System.err.println(i + " " + doc.get(ArtifactInfo.UINFO) + " : " + doc.get(ArtifactInfo.PACKAGING));
// }
// }