blob: d40e2ac06a7a1ef7a35070faa58920665cae823e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.index;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext;
import org.apache.maven.index.packer.DefaultIndexPacker;
import org.apache.maven.index.updater.DefaultIndexUpdater;
/** */
public class Nexus13NexusIndexerTest
extends AbstractNexusIndexerTest
protected File repo = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/nexus-13" );
protected void prepareNexusIndexer( NexusIndexer nexusIndexer )
throws Exception
context = nexusIndexer.addIndexingContext( "nexus-13", "nexus-13", repo, indexDir, null, null, FULL_CREATORS );
nexusIndexer.scan( context );
public void testSearchGroupedClasses()
throws Exception
Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "cisco", SearchType.SCORED );
GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GAGrouping() );
GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 4, r.size() );
assertTrue( r.containsKey( "cisco.infra.dft : dma.plugin.utils" ) );
assertTrue( r.containsKey( "cisco.infra.dft : dma.pom.enforcer" ) );
assertTrue( r.containsKey( "cisco.infra.dft : maven-dma-mgmt-plugin" ) );
assertTrue( r.containsKey( "cisco.infra.dft : maven-dma-plugin" ) );
Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "dft.plugin.utils", SearchType.SCORED );
GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GAGrouping() );
GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 1, r.size() );
assertTrue( r.containsKey( "cisco.infra.dft : dma.plugin.utils" ) );
assertEquals( "cisco.infra.dft : dma.plugin.utils",
r.get( "cisco.infra.dft : dma.plugin.utils" ).getGroupKey() );
public void testSearchArchetypes()
throws Exception
// TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(new Term(ArtifactInfo.PACKAGING, "maven-archetype"));
// BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
// bq.add(new WildcardQuery(new Term(ArtifactInfo.GROUP_ID, term + "*")), Occur.SHOULD);
// bq.add(new WildcardQuery(new Term(ArtifactInfo.ARTIFACT_ID, term + "*")), Occur.SHOULD);
// FilteredQuery query = new FilteredQuery(tq, new QueryWrapperFilter(bq));
Query q = new TermQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.PACKAGING, "maven-archetype" ) );
FlatSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( q ) );
Collection<ArtifactInfo> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 1, r.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = r.iterator().next();
assertEquals( "cisco.infra.dft", ai.groupId );
assertEquals( "archetype.sdf", ai.artifactId );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );
public void testIndexTimestamp()
throws Exception
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DefaultIndexPacker.packIndexArchive( context, os );
Thread.sleep( 1000L );
Directory indexDir = new RAMDirectory();
IndexingContext newContext =
nexusIndexer.addIndexingContext( "test-new", "nexus-13", null, indexDir, null, null, DEFAULT_CREATORS );
Directory newIndexDir = new RAMDirectory();
DefaultIndexUpdater.unpackIndexArchive( new ByteArrayInputStream( os.toByteArray() ), newIndexDir, newContext );
newContext.replace( newIndexDir );
assertEquals( 0, newContext.getTimestamp().getTime() - context.getTimestamp().getTime() );
assertEquals( context.getTimestamp(), newContext.getTimestamp() );
// make sure context has the same artifacts
Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "cisco", SearchType.SCORED );
FlatSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( q, newContext ) );
Collection<ArtifactInfo> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( 10, r.size() );
List<ArtifactInfo> list = new ArrayList<ArtifactInfo>( r );
assertEquals( 10, list.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = list.get( 0 );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );
ai = list.get( 1 );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );
assertEquals( "nexus-13", ai.repository );
newContext.close( true );
public void testRootGroups()
throws Exception
Set<String> rootGroups = context.getRootGroups();
assertEquals( rootGroups.toString(), 1, rootGroups.size() );
assertGroup( 10, "cisco", context );
public void testSearchFlat()
throws Exception
Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "cisco.infra", SearchType.SCORED );
FlatSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( q ) );
Collection<ArtifactInfo> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( r.toString(), 10, r.size() );
List<ArtifactInfo> list = new ArrayList<ArtifactInfo>( r );
assertEquals( 10, list.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = list.get( 0 );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );
ai = list.get( 1 );
assertEquals( "nexus-13", ai.repository );
public void testSearchGrouped()
throws Exception
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, "cisco.infra", SearchType.SCORED );
GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GAGrouping() );
GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( 8, r.size() );
ArtifactInfoGroup ig = r.values().iterator().next();
assertEquals( "cisco.infra.dft : archetype.sdf", ig.getGroupKey() );
assertEquals( 1, ig.getArtifactInfos().size() );
List<ArtifactInfo> list = new ArrayList<ArtifactInfo>( ig.getArtifactInfos() );
assertEquals( 1, list.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = list.get( 0 );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );
public void testSearchGroupedProblematicNames()
throws Exception
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Artifacts with "problematic" names
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID, "dma.integr*", SearchType.SCORED );
GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GAGrouping() );
GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
assertEquals( 1, r.size() );
ArtifactInfoGroup ig = r.values().iterator().next();
assertEquals( "cisco.infra.dft : dma.integration.tests", ig.getGroupKey() );
assertEquals( 1, ig.getArtifactInfos().size() );
public void testIdentify()
throws Exception
Collection<ArtifactInfo> ais = nexusIndexer.identify( MAVEN.SHA1, "c8a2ef9d92a4b857eae0f36c2e01481787c5cbf8" );
assertEquals( 1, ais.size() );
ArtifactInfo ai = ais.iterator().next();
assertNotNull( ai );
assertEquals( "cisco.infra.dft", ai.groupId );
assertEquals( "dma.plugin.utils", ai.artifactId );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );
// Using a file
File artifact =
new File( repo,
"cisco/infra/dft/maven-dma-mgmt-plugin/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-dma-mgmt-plugin-1.0-20080409.022326-2.jar" );
ais = nexusIndexer.identify( artifact );
assertEquals( 1, ais.size() );
ai = ais.iterator().next();
assertNotNull( ai );
assertEquals( "cisco.infra.dft", ai.groupId );
assertEquals( "maven-dma-mgmt-plugin", ai.artifactId );
assertEquals( "1.0-SNAPSHOT", ai.version );