blob: 9c5f70cab165952f677a4817f7f302d5f8d1f995 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.index.updater;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfo;
import org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchRequest;
import org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchResponse;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException;
import org.apache.maven.index.fs.Locker;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
public class LocalIndexCacheTest
extends AbstractIndexUpdaterTest
private File remoteRepo;
private File localCacheDir;
private File indexDir;
private IndexingContext tempContext;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
remoteRepo = new File( "target/localcache/remoterepo" ).getCanonicalFile();
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( remoteRepo );
localCacheDir = new File( "target/localcache/cache" ).getCanonicalFile();
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( localCacheDir );
indexDir = new File( "target/localcache/index" ).getCanonicalFile();
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( indexDir );
protected void tearDown()
throws Exception
private IndexingContext getNewTempContext()
throws IOException, UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException
tempContext =
indexer.addIndexingContext( repositoryId + "temp", repositoryId, repoDir, indexDir, repositoryUrl, null,
return tempContext;
private void removeTempContext()
throws IOException
if ( tempContext != null )
indexer.removeIndexingContext( tempContext, true );
tempContext = null;
FileUtils.cleanDirectory( indexDir );
public void testBasic()
throws Exception
// create initial remote repo index
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.2", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
TrackingFetcher fetcher;
IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest;
IndexingContext testContext;
// initial index download (expected: full index download)
testContext = getNewTempContext();
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 2, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.gz" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "" ).exists() );
assertGroupCount( 1, "commons-lang", testContext );
// update the same index (expected: no index download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 1, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertEquals( "", fetcher.getRetrievedResources().get( 0 ) );
assertGroupCount( 1, "commons-lang", testContext );
// nuke index but keep the cache (expected: no index download)
testContext = getNewTempContext();
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 1, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertEquals( "", fetcher.getRetrievedResources().get( 0 ) );
assertGroupCount( 1, "commons-lang", testContext );
// incremental remote update
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.3", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
// update via cache (expected: incremental chunk download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 2, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertEquals( "", fetcher.getRetrievedResources().get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "nexus-maven-repository-index.1.gz", fetcher.getRetrievedResources().get( 1 ) );
assertGroupCount( 2, "commons-lang", testContext );
// nuke index but keep the cache (expected: no index download, index contains both initial and delta chunks)
testContext = getNewTempContext();
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 1, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertEquals( "", fetcher.getRetrievedResources().get( 0 ) );
assertGroupCount( 2, "commons-lang", testContext );
// kill the cache, but keep the index (expected: full index download)
// TODO how to assert if merge==false internally?
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( localCacheDir );
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 2, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.gz" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "" ).exists() );
assertGroupCount( 2, "commons-lang", testContext );
private void assertGroupCount( int expectedCount, String groupId, IndexingContext context )
throws IOException
TermQuery query = new TermQuery( new Term( ArtifactInfo.GROUP_ID, groupId ) );
FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( new FlatSearchRequest( query, context ) );
assertEquals( expectedCount, response.getTotalHits() );
public void testForceIndexDownload()
throws Exception
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.2", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
TrackingFetcher fetcher;
IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest;
// initial index download (expected: no index download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
// corrupt local cache
IOUtil.copy( "corrupted", new FileOutputStream( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.gz" ) ) );
// try download again (it would have failed if force did not update local cache)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updateRequest.setForceFullUpdate( true );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
public void testInitialForcedFullDownload()
throws Exception
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.2", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
TrackingFetcher fetcher;
IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest;
// initial forced full index download (expected: successfull download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updateRequest.setForceFullUpdate( true );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.gz" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "" ).exists() );
public void testFailedIndexDownload()
throws Exception
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.2", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
TrackingFetcher fetcher;
IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest;
// failed download
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo )
public InputStream retrieve( String name )
throws IOException,
if ( name.equals( IndexingContext.INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + ".gz" )
|| name.equals( IndexingContext.INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + ".zip" ) )
throw new IOException();
return super.retrieve( name );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
catch ( IOException e )
// expected
// try successful download
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.gz" ).exists() );
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "" ).exists() );
public void testCleanCacheDirectory()
throws Exception
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.2", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
TrackingFetcher fetcher;
IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest;
// initial index download (expected: successfull download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
// new remote index delta
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.3", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
// delta index download (expected: successfull download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
// sanity check
assertTrue( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.1.gz" ).canRead() );
// .lock files are expected to be preserved
File lockFile = new File( localCacheDir, Locker.LOCK_FILE );
IOUtil.copy( "", new FileOutputStream( lockFile ) );
assertTrue( lockFile.canRead() );
// all unknown files and directories are expected to be removed
File unknownFile = new File( localCacheDir, "unknownFile" );
IOUtil.copy( "", new FileOutputStream( unknownFile ) );
File unknownDirectory = new File( localCacheDir, "unknownDirectory" );
assertTrue( unknownFile.canRead() );
assertTrue( unknownDirectory.isDirectory() );
// forced full update
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( getNewTempContext(), fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updateRequest.setForceFullUpdate( true );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertTrue( lockFile.canRead() );
assertFalse( new File( localCacheDir, "nexus-maven-repository-index.1.gz" ).canRead() );
assertFalse( unknownFile.canRead() );
assertFalse( unknownDirectory.isDirectory() );
public void testOffline()
throws Exception
indexer.addArtifactToIndex( createArtifactContext( repositoryId, "commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.2", null ),
context );
packIndex( remoteRepo, context );
TrackingFetcher fetcher;
IndexUpdateRequest updateRequest;
// initial index download (expected: successfull download)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
IndexingContext testContext = getNewTempContext();
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
// recreate local index from the cache without remote access (and NULL fetcher)
// fetcher is null, so we no way to assert that
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updateRequest.setOffline( true );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertGroupCount( 1, "commons-lang", testContext );
// recreate local index from the cache without remote access (and NOT NULL fetcher)
fetcher = new TrackingFetcher( remoteRepo );
updateRequest = new IndexUpdateRequest( testContext, fetcher );
updateRequest.setLocalIndexCacheDir( localCacheDir );
updateRequest.setOffline( true );
updater.fetchAndUpdateIndex( updateRequest );
assertEquals( 0, fetcher.getRetrievedResources().size() );
assertGroupCount( 1, "commons-lang", testContext );