blob: 757b959e4f96d9226dc70b7b494720077e9229f7 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.index.reader;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Map;
* Maven 2 Index record.
* @since 5.1.2
public final class Record
* Entry key is field key with some metadata.
* @param <T> The type of the value belonging to this key instance.
public static final class EntryKey<T>
private final String name;
private final Class<T> proto;
public EntryKey( final String name, final Class<T> proto )
if ( name == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "name is null" );
if ( proto == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "proto is null" );
} = name;
this.proto = proto;
public T coerce( final Object object )
return (T) proto.cast( object );
public boolean equals( final Object o )
if ( this == o )
return true;
if ( !( o instanceof EntryKey ) )
return false;
EntryKey entryKey = (EntryKey) o;
return name.equals( );
public int hashCode()
return name.hashCode();
public String toString()
return "Key{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", type=" + proto.getSimpleName() + '}';
* Key of repository ID entry, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> REPOSITORY_ID = new EntryKey<String>( "repositoryId", String.class );
* Key of all groups list entry, that contains {@link java.util.List<String>}.
public static final EntryKey<String[]> ALL_GROUPS = new EntryKey<String[]>( "allGroups", String[].class );
* Key of root groups list entry, that contains {@link java.util.List<String>}.
public static final EntryKey<String[]> ROOT_GROUPS = new EntryKey<String[]>( "rootGroups", String[].class );
* Key of index record modification (added to index or removed from index) timestamp entry, that contains {@link
* Long}.
public static final EntryKey<Long> REC_MODIFIED = new EntryKey<Long>( "recordModified", Long.class );
* Key of artifact groupId entry, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> GROUP_ID = new EntryKey<String>( "groupId", String.class );
* Key of artifact artifactId entry, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> ARTIFACT_ID = new EntryKey<String>( "artifactId", String.class );
* Key of artifact version entry, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> VERSION = new EntryKey<String>( "version", String.class );
* Key of artifact classifier entry, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> CLASSIFIER = new EntryKey<String>( "classifier", String.class );
* Key of artifact packaging entry, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> PACKAGING = new EntryKey<String>( "packaging", String.class );
* Key of artifact file extension, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> FILE_EXTENSION = new EntryKey<String>( "fileExtension", String.class );
* Key of artifact file last modified timestamp, that contains {@link Long}.
public static final EntryKey<Long> FILE_MODIFIED = new EntryKey<Long>( "fileModified", Long.class );
* Key of artifact file size in bytes, that contains {@link Long}.
public static final EntryKey<Long> FILE_SIZE = new EntryKey<Long>( "fileSize", Long.class );
* Key of artifact Sources presence flag, that contains {@link Boolean}.
public static final EntryKey<Boolean> HAS_SOURCES = new EntryKey<Boolean>( "hasSources", Boolean.class );
* Key of artifact Javadoc presence flag, that contains {@link Boolean}.
public static final EntryKey<Boolean> HAS_JAVADOC = new EntryKey<Boolean>( "hasJavadoc", Boolean.class );
* Key of artifact signature presence flag, that contains {@link Boolean}.
public static final EntryKey<Boolean> HAS_SIGNATURE = new EntryKey<Boolean>( "hasSignature", Boolean.class );
* Key of artifact name (as set in POM), that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> NAME = new EntryKey<String>( "name", String.class );
* Key of artifact description (as set in POM), that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> DESCRIPTION = new EntryKey<String>( "description", String.class );
* Key of artifact SHA1 digest, that contains {@link String}.
public static final EntryKey<String> SHA1 = new EntryKey<String>( "sha1", String.class );
* Key of artifact contained class names, that contains {@link java.util.List<String>}. Extracted by {@code
* JarFileContentsIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String[]> CLASSNAMES = new EntryKey<String[]>( "classNames", String[].class );
* Key of plugin artifact prefix, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* MavenPluginArtifactInfoIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> PLUGIN_PREFIX = new EntryKey<String>( "pluginPrefix", String.class );
* Key of plugin artifact goals, that contains {@link java.util.List<String>}. Extracted by {@code
* MavenPluginArtifactInfoIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String[]> PLUGIN_GOALS = new EntryKey<String[]>( "pluginGoals", String[].class );
* Key of OSGi "Bundle-SymbolicName" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME =
new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-SymbolicName", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Bundle-Version" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_BUNDLE_VERSION = new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-Version", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Export-Package" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_EXPORT_PACKAGE = new EntryKey<String>( "Export-Package", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Export-Service" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_EXPORT_SERVICE = new EntryKey<String>( "Export-Service", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Bundle-Description" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION =
new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-Description", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Bundle-Name" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_BUNDLE_NAME = new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-Name", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Bundle-License" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_BUNDLE_LICENSE = new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-License", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Bundle-DocURL" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_EXPORT_DOCURL = new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-DocURL", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Import-Package" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_IMPORT_PACKAGE = new EntryKey<String>( "Import-Package", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Require-Bundle" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_REQUIRE_BUNDLE = new EntryKey<String>( "Require-Bundle", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Provide-Capability" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_PROVIDE_CAPABILITY =
new EntryKey<String>( "Provide-Capability", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Require-Capability" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_REQUIRE_CAPABILITY =
new EntryKey<String>( "Require-Capability", String.class );
* Key of OSGi "Fragment-Host" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_FRAGMENT_HOST = new EntryKey<String>( "Fragment-Host", String.class );
* Key of deprecated OSGi "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment" manifest entry, that contains {@link String}.
* Extracted by {@code OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> OSGI_BREE =
new EntryKey<String>( "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment", String.class );
* Key for SHA-256 checksum needed for OSGI content capability that contains {@link String}. Extracted by {@code
* OsgiArtifactIndexCreator}.
public static final EntryKey<String> SHA_256 = new EntryKey<String>( "sha256", String.class );
* Types of returned records returned from index.
public enum Type
* Descriptor record. Can be safely ignored.
* Contains following entries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #REPOSITORY_ID}</li>
* </ul>
* Artifact ADD record. Records of this type should be added to your indexing system.
* Contains following entries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #REC_MODIFIED} (when record was added/modified on index)</li>
* <li>{@link #GROUP_ID}</li>
* <li>{@link #ARTIFACT_ID}</li>
* <li>{@link #VERSION}</li>
* <li>{@link #CLASSIFIER} (optional)</li>
* <li>{@link #FILE_EXTENSION}</li>
* <li>{@link #FILE_MODIFIED}</li>
* <li>{@link #FILE_SIZE}</li>
* <li>{@link #PACKAGING}</li>
* <li>{@link #HAS_SOURCES}</li>
* <li>{@link #HAS_JAVADOC}</li>
* <li>{@link #HAS_SIGNATURE}</li>
* <li>{@link #NAME}</li>
* <li>{@link #DESCRIPTION}</li>
* <li>{@link #SHA1}</li>
* <li>{@link #CLASSNAMES} (optional)</li>
* <li>{@link #PLUGIN_PREFIX} (optional, for maven-plugins only)</li>
* <li>{@link #PLUGIN_GOALS} (optional, for maven-plugins only)</li>
* </ul>
* Artifact REMOVE record. In case of incremental updates, signals that this artifact was removed. Records of
* this type should be removed from your indexing system.
* Contains following entries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #REC_MODIFIED} (when record was deleted from index)</li>
* <li>{@link #GROUP_ID}</li>
* <li>{@link #ARTIFACT_ID}</li>
* <li>{@link #VERSION}</li>
* <li>{@link #CLASSIFIER} (optional)</li>
* <li>{@link #FILE_EXTENSION} (if {@link #CLASSIFIER} present)</li>
* <li>{@link #PACKAGING} (optional)</li>
* </ul>
* Special record, containing all the Maven "groupId"s that are enlisted on the index. Can be safely ignored.
* Contains following entries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #ALL_GROUPS}</li>
* </ul>
* Special record, containing all the root groups of Maven "groupId"s that are enlisted on the index. Can be
* safely ignored.
* Contains following entries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #ROOT_GROUPS}</li>
* </ul>
private final Type type;
private final Map<EntryKey, Object> expanded;
public Record( final Type type, final Map<EntryKey, Object> expanded )
this.type = type;
this.expanded = expanded;
* Returns the {@link Type} of this record. Usually users would be interested in {@link Type#ARTIFACT_ADD} and
* {@link Type#ARTIFACT_REMOVE} types only to maintain their own index. Still, indexer offers extra records too,
* see {@link Type} for all existing types.
public Type getType()
return type;
* Returns the expanded (processed and expanded synthetic fields) record as {@link Map} ready for consumption.
public Map<EntryKey, Object> getExpanded()
return expanded;
* Returns {@code true} if this record contains given {@link EntryKey}.
boolean containsKey( final EntryKey<?> entryKey )
return expanded.containsKey( entryKey );
* Type safe handy method to get value from expanded map.
public <T> T get( final EntryKey<T> entryKey )
return entryKey.coerce( expanded.get( entryKey ) );
* Type safe handy method to put value to expanded map. Accepts {@code null} values, that removes the mapping.
public <T> T put( final EntryKey<T> entryKey, final T value )
if ( value == null )
return entryKey.coerce( expanded.remove( entryKey ) );
if ( !entryKey.proto.isAssignableFrom( value.getClass() ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Key " + entryKey + " does not accepts value " + value );
return entryKey.coerce( expanded.put( entryKey, value ) );
public String toString()
return "Record{" + "type=" + type + ", expanded=" + expanded + '}';