blob: bff1ad1c5107b85d594ccd63a862d7743d991670 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.shared.filtering;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.InterpolationException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.Interpolator;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.RecursionInterceptor;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.SimpleRecursionInterceptor;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.multi.DelimiterSpecification;
* A FilterReader implementation, that works with Interpolator interface instead of it's own interpolation
* implementation. This implementation is heavily based on org.codehaus.plexus.util.InterpolationFilterReader.
* @author cstamas
* @author Olivier Lamy
* @version $Id$
* @since 1.0-beta-5
public class MultiDelimiterInterpolatorFilterReaderLineEnding
extends FilterReader
/** Interpolator used to interpolate */
private Interpolator interpolator;
private RecursionInterceptor recursionInterceptor;
/** replacement text from a token */
private String replaceData = null;
/** Index into replacement data */
private int replaceIndex = -1;
/** Index into previous data */
private int previousIndex = -1;
/** Default begin token. */
public static final String DEFAULT_BEGIN_TOKEN = "${";
/** Default end token. */
public static final String DEFAULT_END_TOKEN = "}";
/** true by default to preserve backward comp */
private boolean interpolateWithPrefixPattern = true;
private String escapeString;
private boolean useEscape = false;
/** if true escapeString will be preserved \{foo} -> \{foo} */
private boolean preserveEscapeString = false;
private LinkedHashSet delimiters = new LinkedHashSet();
private DelimiterSpecification currentSpec;
private String beginToken;
private String originalBeginToken;
private String endToken;
private boolean supportMultiLineFiltering;
* this constructor use default begin token ${ and default end token }
* @param in reader to use
* @param interpolator interpolator instance to use
public MultiDelimiterInterpolatorFilterReaderLineEnding( Reader in, Interpolator interpolator, boolean supportMultiLineFiltering )
this( in, interpolator, new SimpleRecursionInterceptor(), supportMultiLineFiltering );
* @param in reader to use
* @param interpolator interpolator instance to use
* @param beginToken start token to use
* @param endToken end token to use
* @param ri The {@link RecursionInterceptor} to use to prevent recursive expressions.
* @since 1.12
public MultiDelimiterInterpolatorFilterReaderLineEnding( Reader in, Interpolator interpolator, RecursionInterceptor ri, boolean supportMultiLineFiltering )
super( in );
this.interpolator = interpolator;
// always cache answers, since we'll be sending in pure expressions, not mixed text.
this.interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );
recursionInterceptor = ri;
delimiters.add( DelimiterSpecification.DEFAULT_SPEC );
this.supportMultiLineFiltering = supportMultiLineFiltering;
public boolean removeDelimiterSpec( String delimiterSpec )
return delimiters.remove( DelimiterSpecification.parse( delimiterSpec ) );
public MultiDelimiterInterpolatorFilterReaderLineEnding setDelimiterSpecs( HashSet specs )
for ( Iterator it = specs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String spec = (String);
delimiters.add( DelimiterSpecification.parse( spec ) );
return this;
* Skips characters. This method will block until some characters are available, an I/O error occurs, or the end of
* the stream is reached.
* @param n The number of characters to skip
* @return the number of characters actually skipped
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If <code>n</code> is negative.
* @exception IOException If an I/O error occurs
public long skip( long n )
throws IOException
if ( n < 0L )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "skip value is negative" );
for ( long i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if ( read() == -1 )
return i;
return n;
* Reads characters into a portion of an array. This method will block until some input is available, an I/O error
* occurs, or the end of the stream is reached.
* @param cbuf Destination buffer to write characters to. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param off Offset at which to start storing characters.
* @param len Maximum number of characters to read.
* @return the number of characters read, or -1 if the end of the stream has been reached
* @exception IOException If an I/O error occurs
public int read( char cbuf[], int off, int len )
throws IOException
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
int ch = read();
if ( ch == -1 )
if ( i == 0 )
return -1;
return i;
cbuf[off + i] = (char) ch;
return len;
* Returns the next character in the filtered stream, replacing tokens from the original stream.
* @return the next character in the resulting stream, or -1 if the end of the resulting stream has been reached
* @exception IOException if the underlying stream throws an IOException during reading
public int read()
throws IOException
if ( replaceIndex != -1 && replaceIndex < replaceData.length() )
int ch = replaceData.charAt( replaceIndex++ );
if ( replaceIndex >= replaceData.length() )
replaceIndex = -1;
return ch;
int ch = -1;
if ( previousIndex != -1 && previousIndex < this.endToken.length() )
ch = this.endToken.charAt( previousIndex++ );
ch =;
if (ch == '\n' && !supportMultiLineFiltering)
previousIndex = -1;
return ch;
boolean inEscape = false;
if ( ( inEscape = ( useEscape && ch == escapeString.charAt( 0 ) ) ) || reselectDelimiterSpec( ch ) )
StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer( );
key.append( (char) ch );
// this will happen when we're using an escape string, and ONLY then.
boolean atEnd = false;
if ( inEscape )
for( int i = 0; i < escapeString.length() - 1; i++ )
ch =;
if ( ch == -1 || ( ch == '\n' && !supportMultiLineFiltering ) )
atEnd = true;
key.append( (char) ch );
if ( !atEnd )
ch =;
if ( !reselectDelimiterSpec( ch ) )
replaceData = key.toString();
replaceIndex = 1;
return replaceData.charAt( 0 );
key.append( (char) ch );
int beginTokenMatchPos = 1;
if ( atEnd )
// didn't finish reading the escape string.
if ( previousIndex != -1 && previousIndex < this.endToken.length() )
ch = this.endToken.charAt( previousIndex++ );
ch =;
if ( ch == '\n' && !supportMultiLineFiltering )
// EOL
key.append( (char) ch );
if ( ch != -1 )
key.append( (char) ch );
if ( ( beginTokenMatchPos < this.originalBeginToken.length() )
&& ( ch != this.originalBeginToken.charAt( beginTokenMatchPos ) ) )
ch = -1; // not really EOF but to trigger code below
while ( ch != this.endToken.charAt( 0 ) );
// now test endToken
if ( ch != -1 && ( ch != '\n' && !supportMultiLineFiltering) && this.endToken.length() > 1 )
int endTokenMatchPos = 1;
if ( previousIndex != -1 && previousIndex < this.endToken.length() )
ch = this.endToken.charAt( previousIndex++ );
ch =;
if ( ch != -1 )
key.append( (char) ch );
if ( ch != this.endToken.charAt( endTokenMatchPos++ ) || ( ch != '\n' && !supportMultiLineFiltering ) )
ch = -1; // not really EOF but to trigger code below
while ( endTokenMatchPos < this.endToken.length() );
// There is nothing left to read so we have the situation where the begin/end token
// are in fact the same and as there is nothing left to read we have got ourselves
// end of a token boundary so let it pass through.
if ( ch == -1 || (ch =='\n' && !supportMultiLineFiltering ) )
replaceData = key.toString();
replaceIndex = 1;
return replaceData.charAt( 0 );
String value = null;
boolean escapeFound = false;
if ( useEscape )
if ( key.toString().startsWith( beginToken ) )
String keyStr = key.toString();
if ( !preserveEscapeString )
value = keyStr.substring( escapeString.length(), keyStr.length() );
value = keyStr;
escapeFound = true;
if ( !escapeFound )
if ( interpolateWithPrefixPattern )
value = interpolator.interpolate( key.toString(), "", recursionInterceptor );
value = interpolator.interpolate( key.toString(), recursionInterceptor );
catch ( InterpolationException e )
IllegalArgumentException error = new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );
error.initCause( e );
throw error;
if ( value != null )
if ( value.length() != 0 )
replaceData = value;
replaceIndex = 0;
return read();
previousIndex = 0;
replaceData = key.substring( 0, key.length() - this.endToken.length() );
replaceIndex = 0;
return this.beginToken.charAt( 0 );
return ch;
private boolean reselectDelimiterSpec( int ch )
for ( Iterator it = delimiters.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
DelimiterSpecification spec = (DelimiterSpecification);
if ( ch == spec.getBegin().charAt( 0 ) )
currentSpec = spec;
originalBeginToken = currentSpec.getBegin();
beginToken = useEscape ? escapeString + originalBeginToken : originalBeginToken;
endToken = currentSpec.getEnd();
return true;
return false;
public boolean isInterpolateWithPrefixPattern()
return interpolateWithPrefixPattern;
public void setInterpolateWithPrefixPattern( boolean interpolateWithPrefixPattern )
this.interpolateWithPrefixPattern = interpolateWithPrefixPattern;
public String getEscapeString()
return escapeString;
public void setEscapeString( String escapeString )
// TODO NPE if escapeString is null ?
if ( escapeString != null && escapeString.length() >= 1 )
this.escapeString = escapeString;
this.useEscape = escapeString != null && escapeString.length() >= 1;
public boolean isPreserveEscapeString()
return preserveEscapeString;
public void setPreserveEscapeString( boolean preserveEscapeString )
this.preserveEscapeString = preserveEscapeString;
public RecursionInterceptor getRecursionInterceptor()
return recursionInterceptor;
public MultiDelimiterInterpolatorFilterReaderLineEnding setRecursionInterceptor( RecursionInterceptor recursionInterceptor )
this.recursionInterceptor = recursionInterceptor;
return this;