blob: 46fabe6b5c80d7a8498be957a473c5ed6cd1aeb4 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.util;
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.FileNameMapper;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.MapperException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.MapperUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Provides operations for use with FileSet instances, such as retrieving the included/excluded files, deleting all
* matching entries, etc.
* @author jdcasey
public class FileSetManager
private static final int DELETE_RETRY_SLEEP_MILLIS = 10;
private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
private final boolean verbose;
private MessageHolder messages;
* Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance and flag for whether to output verbose messages.
* @param log
* The mojo log instance
* @param verbose
* Whether to output verbose messages
public FileSetManager( Log log, boolean verbose )
if ( verbose )
this.messages =
new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_DEBUG, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, new MojoLogSink( log ) );
this.messages =
new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, new MojoLogSink( log ) );
this.verbose = verbose;
* Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance. Verbose flag is set to false.
* @param log
* The mojo log instance
public FileSetManager( Log log )
this.messages =
new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, new MojoLogSink( log ) );
this.verbose = false;
* Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance and flag for whether to output verbose messages.
* @param log
* The mojo log instance
* @param verbose
* Whether to output verbose messages
public FileSetManager( Logger log, boolean verbose )
if ( verbose )
this.messages =
new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_DEBUG, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
new PlexusLoggerSink( log ) );
this.messages =
new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
new PlexusLoggerSink( log ) );
this.verbose = verbose;
* Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance. Verbose flag is set to false.
* @param log
* The mojo log instance
public FileSetManager( Logger log )
this.messages =
new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, new PlexusLoggerSink( log ) );
this.verbose = false;
* Create a new manager instance with an empty messages. Verbose flag is set to false.
* @param log
* The mojo log instance
public FileSetManager()
this.verbose = false;
public Map mapIncludedFiles( FileSet fileSet )
throws MapperException
String[] sourcePaths = getIncludedFiles( fileSet );
Map mappedPaths = new LinkedHashMap();
FileNameMapper fileMapper = MapperUtil.getFileNameMapper( fileSet.getMapper() );
for ( int i = 0; i < sourcePaths.length; i++ )
String sourcePath = sourcePaths[i];
String destPath;
if( fileMapper != null )
destPath = fileMapper.mapFileName( sourcePath );
destPath = sourcePath;
mappedPaths.put( sourcePath, destPath );
return mappedPaths;
* Get all the filenames which have been included by the rules in this fileset.
* @param fileSet
* The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
* @return the array of matching filenames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
public String[] getIncludedFiles( FileSet fileSet )
DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
if ( scanner != null )
return scanner.getIncludedFiles();
* Get all the directory names which have been included by the rules in this fileset.
* @param fileSet
* The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
* @return the array of matching dirnames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
public String[] getIncludedDirectories( FileSet fileSet )
DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
if ( scanner != null )
return scanner.getIncludedDirectories();
* Get all the filenames which have been excluded by the rules in this fileset.
* @param fileSet
* The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
* @return the array of non-matching filenames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
public String[] getExcludedFiles( FileSet fileSet )
DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
if ( scanner != null )
return scanner.getExcludedFiles();
* Get all the directory names which have been excluded by the rules in this fileset.
* @param fileSet
* The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
* @return the array of non-matching dirnames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
public String[] getExcludedDirectories( FileSet fileSet )
DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
if ( scanner != null )
return scanner.getExcludedDirectories();
* Delete the matching files and directories for the given file-set definition.
* @param fileSet
* The file-set matching rules, along with search base directory
* @throws IOException
* If a matching file cannot be deleted
public void delete( FileSet fileSet )
throws IOException
Set deletablePaths = findDeletablePaths( fileSet );
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Found deletable paths: " + String.valueOf( deletablePaths ).replace( ',', '\n' ) );
for ( Iterator it = deletablePaths.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
String path = ( String );
File file = new File( fileSet.getDirectory(), path );
if ( file.exists() )
if ( file.isDirectory() && ( fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() || !isSymlink( file ) ) )
if ( verbose && messages != null )
messages.addInfoMessage( "Deleting directory: " + file );
removeDir( file, fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() );
if ( verbose && messages != null )
messages.addInfoMessage( "Deleting file: " + file );
if ( !delete( file ) )
throw new IOException( "Failed to delete file: " + file + ". Reason is unknown." );
private boolean isSymlink( File file )
throws IOException
File parent = file.getParentFile();
File canonicalFile = file.getCanonicalFile();
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Checking for symlink:\nParent file's canonical path: "
+ parent.getCanonicalPath() + "\nMy canonical path: " + canonicalFile.getPath() );
return parent != null
&& ( !canonicalFile.getName().equals( file.getName() ) || !canonicalFile.getPath().startsWith(
parent.getCanonicalPath() ) );
private Set findDeletablePaths( FileSet fileSet )
Set includes = findDeletableDirectories( fileSet );
includes.addAll( findDeletableFiles( fileSet, includes ) );
return includes;
private Set findDeletableDirectories( FileSet fileSet )
if ( verbose && messages != null )
messages.addInfoMessage( "Scanning for deletable directories." );
DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
if ( scanner == null )
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
String[] includedDirs = scanner.getIncludedDirectories();
String[] excludedDirs = scanner.getExcludedDirectories();
Set includes = new HashSet( Arrays.asList( includedDirs ) );
List excludes = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( excludedDirs ) );
List linksForDeletion = new ArrayList();
if ( !fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() )
if ( verbose && messages != null )
messages.addInfoMessage( "Adding symbolic link dirs which were previously excluded to the list being deleted." );
// we need to see which entries were excluded because they're symlinks...
scanner.setFollowSymlinks( true );
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Originally marked for delete: " + includes );
messages.addDebugMessage( "Marked for preserve (with followSymlinks == false): " + excludes );
List notSymlinks = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedDirectories() );
linksForDeletion.addAll( excludes );
linksForDeletion.retainAll( notSymlinks );
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Symlinks marked for deletion (originally mismarked): " + linksForDeletion );
excludes.removeAll( notSymlinks );
for ( int i = 0; i < excludedDirs.length; i++ )
String path = excludedDirs[i];
File excluded = new File( path );
String parentPath = excluded.getParent();
while ( parentPath != null )
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Verifying path: " + parentPath
+ " is not present; contains file which is excluded." );
boolean removed = includes.remove( parentPath );
if ( removed && messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Path: " + parentPath + " was removed from delete list." );
parentPath = new File( parentPath ).getParent();
includes.addAll( linksForDeletion );
return includes;
private Set findDeletableFiles( FileSet fileSet, Set deletableDirectories )
if ( verbose && messages != null )
messages.addInfoMessage( "Re-scanning for deletable files." );
DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
if ( scanner == null )
return deletableDirectories;
String[] includedFiles = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
String[] excludedFiles = scanner.getExcludedFiles();
Set includes = deletableDirectories;
includes.addAll( Arrays.asList( includedFiles ) );
List excludes = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( excludedFiles ) );
List linksForDeletion = new ArrayList();
if ( !fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() )
if ( verbose && messages != null )
messages.addInfoMessage( "Adding symbolic link files which were previously excluded to the list being deleted." );
// we need to see which entries were excluded because they're symlinks...
scanner.setFollowSymlinks( true );
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Originally marked for delete: " + includes );
messages.addDebugMessage( "Marked for preserve (with followSymlinks == false): " + excludes );
List notSymlinks = Arrays.asList( scanner.getExcludedFiles() );
linksForDeletion.addAll( excludes );
linksForDeletion.retainAll( notSymlinks );
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Symlinks marked for deletion (originally mismarked): " + linksForDeletion );
excludes.removeAll( notSymlinks );
for ( int i = 0; i < excludedFiles.length; i++ )
String path = excludedFiles[i];
File excluded = new File( path );
String parentPath = excluded.getParent();
while ( parentPath != null )
if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Verifying path: " + parentPath
+ " is not present; contains file which is excluded." );
boolean removed = includes.remove( parentPath );
if ( removed && messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
messages.addDebugMessage( "Path: " + parentPath + " was removed from delete list." );
parentPath = new File( parentPath ).getParent();
includes.addAll( linksForDeletion );
// for ( Iterator it = includes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
// {
// String path = (String);
// if ( includes.contains( new File( path ).getParent() ) )
// {
// it.remove();
// }
// }
return includes;
* Delete a directory
* @param dir
* the directory to delete
* @param followSymlinks
* whether to follow symbolic links, or simply delete the link
private void removeDir( File dir, boolean followSymlinks )
throws IOException
String[] list = dir.list();
if ( list == null )
list = new String[0];
for ( int i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
String s = list[i];
File f = new File( dir, s );
if ( f.isDirectory() && ( followSymlinks || !isSymlink( f ) ) )
removeDir( f, followSymlinks );
if ( !delete( f ) )
String message = "Unable to delete file " + f.getAbsolutePath();
// TODO:...
// if ( failOnError )
// {
throw new IOException( message );
// }
// else
// {
// getLog().info( message );
// }
if ( !delete( dir ) )
String message = "Unable to delete directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath();
// TODO:...
// if ( failOnError )
// {
throw new IOException( message );
// }
// else
// {
// getLog().info( message );
// }
* Accommodate Windows bug encountered in both Sun and IBM JDKs. Others possible. If the delete does not work, call
* System.gc(), wait a little and try again.
private boolean delete( File f )
if ( !f.delete() )
if ( System.getProperty( "" ).toLowerCase().indexOf( "windows" ) > -1 )
return f.delete();
catch ( InterruptedException ex )
return f.delete();
return true;
private DirectoryScanner scan( FileSet fileSet )
File basedir = new File( fileSet.getDirectory() );
if ( !basedir.exists() || !basedir.isDirectory() )
return null;
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
String[] includesArray = fileSet.getIncludesArray();
String[] excludesArray = fileSet.getExcludesArray();
if ( includesArray.length > 0 )
scanner.setIncludes( includesArray );
if ( excludesArray.length > 0 )
scanner.setExcludes( excludesArray );
if ( fileSet.isUseDefaultExcludes() )
scanner.setBasedir( basedir );
scanner.setFollowSymlinks( fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() );
return scanner;