blob: e7ef71b570bbf8f0118eb7d34e72c27624fc1bed [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException;
import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRule;
import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRuleException;
import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRuleHelper;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.utils.ArtifactMatcher;
import org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyNode;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.internal.DefaultDependencyGraphBuilder;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.console.ConsoleLogger;
* This rule bans all transitive dependencies. There is a configuration option to exclude certain artifacts from being
* checked.
* @author Jakub Senko
public class BanTransitiveDependencies
extends AbstractNonCacheableEnforcerRule
implements EnforcerRule
private EnforcerRuleHelper helper;
* Specify the dependencies that will be ignored. This can be a list of artifacts in the format
* <code>groupId[:artifactId][:version][:type][:scope]</code>. Wildcard '*' can be used to in place of specific
* section (ie group:*:1.0 will match both 'group:artifact:1.0' and 'group:anotherArtifact:1.0') <br>
* You can override this patterns by using includes. Version is a string representing standard maven version range.
* Empty patterns will be ignored.
private List<String> excludes;
* Specify the dependencies that will be checked. These are exceptions to excludes intended for more convenient and
* finer settings. This can be a list of artifacts in the format
* <code>groupId[:artifactId][:version][:type][:scope]</code>. Wildcard '*' can be used to in place of specific
* section (ie group:*:1.0 will match both 'group:artifact:1.0' and 'group:anotherArtifact:1.0') <br>
* Version is a string representing standard maven version range. Empty patterns will be ignored.
private List<String> includes;
* Searches dependency tree recursively for transitive dependencies that are not excluded, while generating nice
* info message along the way.
* @throws InvalidVersionSpecificationException
private static boolean searchTree( DependencyNode node, int level, ArtifactMatcher excludes, StringBuilder message )
throws InvalidVersionSpecificationException
List<DependencyNode> children = node.getChildren();
* if the node is deeper than direct dependency and is empty, it is transitive.
boolean hasTransitiveDependencies = level > 1;
boolean excluded = false;
* holds recursive message from children, will be appended to current message if this node has any transitive
* descendants if message is null, don't generate recursive message.
StringBuilder messageFromChildren = message == null ? null : new StringBuilder();
if ( excludes.match( node.getArtifact() ) )
// is excluded, we don't care about descendants
excluded = true;
hasTransitiveDependencies = false;
for ( DependencyNode childNode : children )
* if any of the children has transitive d. so does the parent
hasTransitiveDependencies =
( searchTree( childNode, level + 1, excludes, messageFromChildren ) || hasTransitiveDependencies );
if ( ( excluded || hasTransitiveDependencies ) && message != null ) // then generate message
for ( int i = 0; i < level; i++ )
message.append( " " );
message.append( node.getArtifact() );
if ( excluded )
message.append( " [excluded]" + System.lineSeparator() );
if ( hasTransitiveDependencies )
if ( level == 1 )
message.append( " has transitive dependencies:" );
message.append( System.lineSeparator() ).append( messageFromChildren );
return hasTransitiveDependencies;
public void execute( EnforcerRuleHelper helper )
throws EnforcerRuleException
this.helper = helper;
if ( excludes == null )
excludes = Collections.emptyList();
if ( includes == null )
includes = Collections.emptyList();
final ArtifactMatcher exclusions = new ArtifactMatcher( excludes, includes );
DependencyNode rootNode = null;
MavenProject project = (MavenProject) helper.evaluate( "${project}" );
MavenSession session = (MavenSession) helper.evaluate( "${session}" );
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest =
new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() );
buildingRequest.setProject( project );
rootNode = createDependencyGraphBuilder().buildDependencyGraph( buildingRequest, null );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Error: Could not construct dependency tree.", e );
String message = getMessage();
StringBuilder generatedMessage = null;
if ( message == null )
generatedMessage = new StringBuilder();
if ( searchTree( rootNode, 0, exclusions, generatedMessage ) )
throw new EnforcerRuleException( message == null ? generatedMessage.toString() : message );
catch ( InvalidVersionSpecificationException e )
throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Error: Invalid version range.", e );
private DependencyGraphBuilder createDependencyGraphBuilder()
throws ComponentLookupException
DefaultDependencyGraphBuilder builder =
(DefaultDependencyGraphBuilder) helper.getContainer().lookup( DependencyGraphBuilder.class.getCanonicalName(),
"default" );
// CHECKSTYLE_ON: LineLength
builder.enableLogging( new ConsoleLogger( ConsoleLogger.LEVEL_DISABLED, "DefaultDependencyGraphBuilder" ) );
return builder;