blob: 64290afcb944fc9cf8f3fb84c5f17b8486005847 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRuleHelper;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.AbstractMojoTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.utils.PluginWrapper;
* The Class TestRequirePluginVersions.
* @author <a href="">Brian Fox</a>
public class TestRequirePluginVersions
extends AbstractMojoTestCase
* Test has version specified.
public void testHasVersionSpecified()
Plugin source = new Plugin();
source.setArtifactId( "foo" );
source.setGroupId( "group" );
// setup the plugins. I'm setting up the foo group
// with a few bogus entries and then a real one.
// this is to test that the list is exhaustively
// searched for versions before giving up.
// banLatest/Release will fail if it is found
// anywhere in the list
List<Plugin> plugins = new ArrayList<Plugin>();
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo", null ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo", "" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "b-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "c-artifact", "LATEST" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "c-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "d-artifact", "RELEASE" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "d-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "e-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "e-artifact", "RELEASE" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "f-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "f-artifact", "LATEST" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "f-artifact", "1.0-SNAPSHOT" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "g-artifact", "1.0-12345678.123456-1" ) );
List<PluginWrapper> pluginWrappers = PluginWrapper.addAll( plugins, "unit" );
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
rule.setBanLatest( false );
rule.setBanRelease( false );
rule.setBanSnapshots( false );
EnforcerRuleHelper helper = EnforcerTestUtils.getHelper();
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that LATEST is allowed
source.setArtifactId( "c-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that LATEST is banned
rule.setBanLatest( true );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that LATEST is exhausively checked
rule.setBanSnapshots( false );
source.setArtifactId( "f-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
rule.setBanLatest( false );
rule.setBanSnapshots( true );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that TIMESTAMP is allowed
rule.setBanTimestamps( false );
source.setArtifactId( "g-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that RELEASE is allowed
source.setArtifactId( "d-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that RELEASE is banned
rule.setBanRelease( true );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// check that RELEASE is exhaustively checked
source.setArtifactId( "e-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
* Test has version specified with properties.
public void testHasVersionSpecifiedWithProperties()
Plugin source = new Plugin();
source.setGroupId( "group" );
// setup the plugins.
List<Plugin> plugins = new ArrayList<Plugin>();
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", "1.0-${SNAPSHOT}" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "b-artifact", "${1.0}" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "c-artifact", "${LATEST}" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "d-artifact", "${RELEASE}" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "e-artifact", "${}" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "f-artifact", "${ }" ) );
List<PluginWrapper> pluginWrappers = PluginWrapper.addAll( plugins, "unit" );
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
rule.setBanLatest( false );
rule.setBanRelease( false );
rule.setBanSnapshots( false );
EnforcerRuleHelper helper = EnforcerTestUtils.getHelper( true );
source.setArtifactId( "a-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
source.setArtifactId( "b-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
source.setArtifactId( "c-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
source.setArtifactId( "d-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// this one checks empty property values
source.setArtifactId( "e-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// this one checks empty property values
source.setArtifactId( "f-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
rule.setBanLatest( true );
source.setArtifactId( "c-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
rule.setBanRelease( true );
source.setArtifactId( "d-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
rule.setBanSnapshots( true );
source.setArtifactId( "a-artifact" );
assertFalse( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
// release versions should pass everything
source.setArtifactId( "b-artifact" );
assertTrue( rule.hasValidVersionSpecified( helper, source, pluginWrappers ) );
* Test get additional plugins null.
* @throws MojoExecutionException the mojo execution exception
public void testGetAdditionalPluginsNull()
throws MojoExecutionException
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
rule.addAdditionalPlugins( null, null );
* Test get additional plugins invalid format.
public void testGetAdditionalPluginsInvalidFormat()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
List<String> additional = new ArrayList<String>();
// invalid format (not enough sections)
additional.add( "group" );
Set<Plugin> plugins = new HashSet<Plugin>();
rule.addAdditionalPlugins( plugins, additional );
fail( "Expected Exception because the format is invalid" );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
// invalid format (too many sections)
additional.add( "group:i:i" );
rule.addAdditionalPlugins( plugins, additional );
fail( "Expected Exception because the format is invalid" );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
* Test get additional plugins empty set.
* @throws MojoExecutionException the mojo execution exception
public void testGetAdditionalPluginsEmptySet()
throws MojoExecutionException
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<Plugin> plugins = new HashSet<Plugin>();
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo", null ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo2", "" ) );
List<String> additional = new ArrayList<String>();
additional.add( "group:a-artifact" );
additional.add( "group:another-artifact" );
// make sure a null set can be handled
Set<Plugin> results = rule.addAdditionalPlugins( null, additional );
assertNotNull( results );
assertContainsPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", results );
assertContainsPlugin( "group", "another-artifact", results );
* Test get additional plugins.
* @throws MojoExecutionException the mojo execution exception
public void testGetAdditionalPlugins()
throws MojoExecutionException
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<Plugin> plugins = new HashSet<Plugin>();
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo", null ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo2", "" ) );
List<String> additional = new ArrayList<String>();
additional.add( "group:a-artifact" );
additional.add( "group:another-artifact" );
Set<Plugin> results = rule.addAdditionalPlugins( plugins, additional );
// make sure only one new plugin has been added
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 4, results.size() );
assertContainsPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", results );
assertContainsPlugin( "group", "another-artifact", results );
* Test remove Unchecked plugins.
* @throws MojoExecutionException the mojo execution exception
public void testGetUncheckedPlugins()
throws MojoExecutionException
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set <Plugin> plugins = new HashSet<Plugin>();
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", "1.0" ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo", null ) );
plugins.add( EnforcerTestUtils.newPlugin( "group", "foo2", "" ) );
List<String> unchecked = new ArrayList<String>();
//intentionally inserting spaces to make sure they are handled correctly.
unchecked.add( "group : a-artifact" );
Collection<Plugin> results = rule.removeUncheckedPlugins( unchecked, plugins );
// make sure only one new plugin has been added
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 2, results.size() );
assertContainsPlugin( "group", "foo", results );
assertContainsPlugin( "group", "foo2", results );
assertNotContainPlugin( "group", "a-artifact", results );
* Test combining values from both lists
public void testCombinePlugins()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<String>();
plugins.add( "group:a-artifact" );
plugins.add( "group:foo" );
plugins.add( "group:foo2" );
Collection<String> results = rule.combineUncheckedPlugins( plugins, "group2:a,group3:b" );
// make sure only one new plugin has been added
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 5, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo2") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:a-artifact") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group2:a") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group3:b") );
* Test combining with an empty list
public void testCombinePlugins1()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<String>();
Collection<String> results = rule.combineUncheckedPlugins( plugins, "group2:a,group3:b" );
// make sure only one new plugin has been added
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 2, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group2:a") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group3:b") );
* Test combining with a null list
public void testCombinePlugins2()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Collection<String> results = rule.combineUncheckedPlugins( null, "group2:a,group3:b" );
// make sure only one new plugin has been added
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 2, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group2:a") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group3:b") );
* Test combining with an empty string
public void testCombinePlugins3()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<String>();
plugins.add( "group:a-artifact" );
plugins.add( "group:foo" );
plugins.add( "group:foo2" );
Collection<String> results = rule.combineUncheckedPlugins( plugins, "" );
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 3, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo2") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:a-artifact") );
* Test combining with a null string
public void testCombinePlugins4()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<String>();
plugins.add( "group:a-artifact" );
plugins.add( "group:foo" );
plugins.add( "group:foo2" );
Collection<String> results = rule.combineUncheckedPlugins( plugins, null );
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 3, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo2") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:a-artifact") );
* Test combining with an invalid plugin string
public void testCombinePlugins5()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();
Set<String> plugins = new HashSet<String>();
plugins.add( "group:a-artifact" );
plugins.add( "group:foo" );
plugins.add( "group:foo2" );
Collection<String> results = rule.combineUncheckedPlugins( plugins, "a" );
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 4, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo") );
assertTrue( results.contains( "group:foo2") );
//this should be here, the checking of a valid plugin string happens in another method.
assertTrue( results.contains( "a") );
* Assert contains plugin.
* @param group the group
* @param artifact the artifact
* @param theSet the the set
private void assertContainsPlugin( String group, String artifact, Collection<Plugin> theSet )
Plugin p = new Plugin();
p.setGroupId( group );
p.setArtifactId( artifact );
assertTrue( theSet.contains( p ) );
* Assert doesn't contain plugin.
* @param group the group
* @param artifact the artifact
* @param theSet the the set
private void assertNotContainPlugin( String group, String artifact, Collection<Plugin> theSet )
Plugin p = new Plugin();
p.setGroupId( group );
p.setArtifactId( artifact );
assertFalse( theSet.contains( p ) );
* Test id.
public void testId()
RequirePluginVersions rule = new RequirePluginVersions();