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Creating Skinny Modules
Marat Abrarov
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Creating Skinny Modules
This is a bit like {{{./skinny-wars.html}skinny WARs}}, but taken to the
next level and applied to EAR modules of type:
* {{{../modules.html#webModule}WAR}}
* {{{../modules.html#rarModule}RAR}}
* {{{../modules.html#wsrModule}WSR}}
* {{{../modules.html#sarModule}SAR}}
* {{{../modules.html#harModule}HAR}}
Starting with version 3.2.0, the Maven EAR Plugin supports referencing
external JARs packaged within the EAR via the <<<Class-Path>>> setting
in EAR module <<<MANIFEST.MF>>>.
You need to change the EAR project's <<<pom.xml>>> to package those JARs
in the EAR and to use the
{{{../ear-mojo.html#skinnyModules}skinnyModules}} parameter.
<<Note:>> In this example we package all JARs into a <<<libs/>>> directory
within the EAR. This is just to distinguish between Java EE modules
(which will be packaged in the root of the EAR) and Java libraries
(which are packaged in <<<libs/>>>). Also, we use non-standard
<<<outputFileNameMapping>>> to shorten names of files packaged
in EAR and to keep them close to the names used in local repository
for a better readability.
<!-- This is the JAR we want to share -->
Your EAR will contain something like this:
| `-- application.xml
|-- libs
| `-- shared-jar-1.0.0.jar
|-- war-1.0.0.war
|-- sar-1.0.0.sar
`-- rar-1.0.0.rar
If you look inside the copies of <<<war-1.0.0.war>>>, <<<rar-1.0.0.ear>>>
and <<<sar-1.0.0.sar>>>, that are packaged within the EAR, you will see that
they no longer contain <<<WEB-INF/lib/shared-jar-1.0.0.jar>>>,
<<<shared-jar-1.0.0.jar>>> and <<<lib/shared-jar-1.0.0.jar>>> files respectively.
Also, if you inspect the <<<MANIFEST.MF>>> of WAR, SAR and HAR modules of EAR
you will notice that the <<<Class-Path>>> entry has been modified or added,
if it was missing, and now has a reference to <<<libs/shared-jar-1.0.0.jar>>>.
If an archive representing the EAR module has non-standard location of libraries,
then this location can be configured using the <<<libDirectory>>> property.
Here is example for SAR which contains libraries at the root of the archive
(refer to {{{../modules.html#sarModule}sarModule}} for description of
<<<libDirectory>>> property):
<!-- This is the JAR we want to share -->
<!-- SAR having shared-jar-1.0.0.jar at the root -->