blob: 65fef725bca3962b5674bca1eff2955d5c19affd [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.doxia.module.confluence.parser;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
* Re-usable builder that can be used to generate paragraph and list item text from a string containing all the content
* and wiki formatting. This class is intentionally stateful, but cheap to create, so create one as needed and keep it
* on the stack to preserve stateless behaviour in the caller.
* @author Dave Syer
* @version $Id$
* @since 1.1
public class ChildBlocksBuilder
private boolean insideBold = false;
private boolean insideItalic = false;
private boolean insideLink = false;
private List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
private StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
private String input;
private boolean insideMonospaced;
* <p>Constructor for ChildBlocksBuilder.</p>
* @param input the input.
public ChildBlocksBuilder( String input )
this.input = input;
* Utility method to convert marked up content into blocks for rendering.
* @return a list of Blocks that can be used to render it
public List<Block> getBlocks()
List<Block> specialBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
for ( int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++ )
char c = input.charAt( i );
switch ( c )
case '*':
if ( insideBold )
insideBold = false;
specialBlocks = getList( new BoldBlock( getChildren( text, specialBlocks ) ), specialBlocks );
text = new StringBuilder();
text = addTextBlockIfNecessary( blocks, specialBlocks, text );
insideBold = true;
case '_':
if ( insideItalic )
insideItalic = false;
specialBlocks = getList( new ItalicBlock( getChildren( text, specialBlocks ) ), specialBlocks );
text = new StringBuilder();
else if ( insideLink )
text.append( '_' );
text = addTextBlockIfNecessary( blocks, specialBlocks, text );
insideItalic = true;
case '[':
insideLink = true;
text = addTextBlockIfNecessary( blocks, specialBlocks, text );
case ']':
if ( insideLink )
boolean addHTMLSuffix = false;
String link = text.toString();
if ( !link.endsWith( ".html" ) )
if ( !link.contains( "http" ) )
// relative path: see DOXIA-298
addHTMLSuffix = true;
if ( link.contains( "|" ) )
String[] pieces = StringUtils.split( text.toString(), "|" );
if ( pieces[1].startsWith("^") )
// use the "file attachment" ^ syntax to force verbatim link: needed to allow actually linking to some non-html resources
pieces[1] = pieces[1].substring(1); // now just get rid of the lead ^
addHTMLSuffix = false; // force verbatim link to support attaching files/resources (not just .html files)
if ( addHTMLSuffix )
if ( !pieces[1].contains( "#" ) )
pieces[1] = pieces[1].concat( ".html" );
if ( !pieces[1].startsWith( "#" ) )
String[] temp = pieces[1].split( "#" );
pieces[1] = temp[0] + ".html#" + temp[1];
blocks.add( new LinkBlock( pieces[1], pieces[0] ) );
String value = link;
if ( link.startsWith( "#" ) )
value = link.substring( 1 );
else if ( link.startsWith( "^" ) )
link = link.substring( 1 ); // chop off the lead ^ from link and from value
value = link;
addHTMLSuffix =
false; // force verbatim link to support attaching files/resources (not just .html files)
if ( addHTMLSuffix )
if ( !link.contains( "#" ) )
link = link.concat( ".html" );
if ( !link.startsWith( "#" ) )
String[] temp = link.split( "#" );
link = temp[0] + ".html#" + temp[1];
blocks.add( new LinkBlock( link, value ) );
text = new StringBuilder();
insideLink = false;
case '{':
text = addTextBlockIfNecessary( blocks, specialBlocks, text );
if ( nextChar( input, i ) == '{' ) // it's monospaced
insideMonospaced = true;
// else it's a confluence macro...
case '}':
// System.out.println( "line = " + line );
if ( nextChar( input, i ) == '}' )
insideMonospaced = false;
specialBlocks = getList( new MonospaceBlock( getChildren( text, specialBlocks ) ),
specialBlocks );
text = new StringBuilder();
String name = text.toString();
if ( name.startsWith( "anchor:" ) )
blocks.add( new AnchorBlock( name.substring( "anchor:".length() ) ) );
blocks.add( new TextBlock( "{" + name + "}" ) );
text = new StringBuilder();
case '\\':
if ( insideMonospaced )
text.append( c );
else if ( nextChar( input, i ) == '\\' )
text = addTextBlockIfNecessary( blocks, specialBlocks, text );
blocks.add( new LinebreakBlock() );
// DOXIA-467 single trailing backward slash, double is considered linebreak
if( i == input.length() -1 )
text.append( '\\' );
text.append( input.charAt( ++i ) );
text.append( c );
if ( !specialBlocks.isEmpty() )
if ( !insideItalic && !insideBold && !insideMonospaced )
blocks.addAll( specialBlocks );
if ( text.length() > 0 )
blocks.add( new TextBlock( text.toString() ) );
return blocks;
private List<Block> getList( Block block, List<Block> currentBlocks )
List<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
if ( insideBold || insideItalic || insideMonospaced )
list.addAll( currentBlocks );
list.add( block );
return list;
private List<Block> getChildren( StringBuilder buffer, List<Block> currentBlocks )
String txt = buffer.toString().trim();
if ( currentBlocks.isEmpty() && StringUtils.isEmpty( txt ) )
return new ArrayList<Block>();
ArrayList<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
if ( !insideBold && !insideItalic && !insideMonospaced )
list.addAll( currentBlocks );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( txt ) )
return list;
list.add( new TextBlock( txt ) );
return list;
private static char nextChar( String input, int i )
return input.length() > i + 1 ? input.charAt( i + 1 ) : '\0';
private StringBuilder addTextBlockIfNecessary( List<Block> blcks, List<Block> specialBlocks, StringBuilder txt )
if ( txt.length() == 0 )
return txt;
TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock( txt.toString() );
if ( !insideBold && !insideItalic && !insideMonospaced )
blcks.add( textBlock );
specialBlocks.add( textBlock );
return new StringBuilder();