blob: 80196ee3e91a54f6e71e62e4d54760bfed9169ce [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.doxia.module.xdoc;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.parser.AbstractParserTest;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.parser.ParseException;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.parser.Parser;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.SinkEventAttributeSet;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.SinkEventElement;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.SinkEventTestingSink;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
* @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
* @version $Id$
* @since 1.0
public class XdocParserTest
extends AbstractParserTest
private XdocParser parser;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
parser = lookup( Parser.ROLE, "xdoc" );
// AbstractXmlParser.CachedFileEntityResolver downloads DTD/XSD files in ${}
// Be sure to delete them
String tmpDir = System.getProperty( "" );
final Pattern xsdFilePattern = Pattern.compile( "(xdoc\\-.*|xml)\\.xsd" );
File[] xsdFiles = new File( tmpDir ).listFiles( new FileFilter()
public boolean accept( File pathname )
return pathname.isFile() && xsdFilePattern.matcher( pathname.getName() ).matches();
} );
for ( File xsdFile : xsdFiles )
/* FileUtils 3.0.10 is about 5-8 times slower than File.listFiles() + regexp */
// String includes = "xdoc-*.xsd, xml.xsd";
// List<File> tmpFiles = FileUtils.getFiles( new File( tmpDir ), includes, null, true );
// for ( File tmpFile : tmpFiles )
// {
// tmpFile.delete();
// }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String outputExtension()
return "xml";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Parser createParser()
return parser;
/** @throws Exception */
public void testSnippetMacro()
throws Exception
try( Writer output = getTestWriter( "macro" );
Reader reader = getTestReader( "macro" ) )
Sink sink = new XdocSink( output );
createParser().parse( reader, sink );
File f = getTestFile( getBasedir(), outputBaseDir() + getOutputDir() + "macro.xml" );
assertTrue( "The file " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " was not created", f.exists() );
String content;
try( Reader reader = new FileReader( f ) )
content = IOUtil.toString( reader );
assertTrue( content.contains( "&lt;modelVersion&gt;4.0.0&lt;/modelVersion&gt;" ) );
public void testTocMacro()
throws Exception
try( Writer output = getTestWriter( "toc" );
Reader reader = getTestReader( "toc" ) )
Sink sink = new XdocSink( output );
createParser().parse( reader, sink );
File f = getTestFile( getBasedir(), outputBaseDir() + getOutputDir() + "toc.xml" );
assertTrue( "The file " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " was not created", f.exists() );
String content;
try ( Reader reader = new FileReader( f ) )
content = IOUtil.toString( reader );
// No section, only subsection 1 and 2
assertTrue( content.contains( "<a href=\"#Section_11\">Section 11</a>" ) );
assertFalse( content.contains( "<a href=\"#Section_1211\">Section 1211</a>" ) );
private Iterator<SinkEventElement> parseText( String text )
throws ParseException
SinkEventTestingSink sink = new SinkEventTestingSink();
parser.parse( text, sink );
return sink.getEventList().iterator();
public void testHeadEventsList()
throws Exception
String text = "<document>"
+ "<properties><title>title</title>"
+ "<!-- Test comment: DOXIA-312 -->"
+ "<author email=\"a@b.c\">John Doe</author></properties>"
+ "<head>"
+ "<meta name=\"security\" content=\"low\"/>"
+ "<base href=\"\"/>"
+ "</head>"
+ "<body></body></document>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertStartsWith( it, "head", "title", "text", "title_", "comment", "author", "text", "author_" );
SinkEventElement unknown =;
assertEquals( "unknown", unknown.getName() );
assertEquals( "meta", unknown.getArgs()[0] );
unknown =;
assertEquals( "unknown", unknown.getName() );
assertEquals( "base", unknown.getArgs()[0] );
assertEquals( it, "head_", "body", "body_" );
// DOXIA-359
text = "<document>"
+ "<properties><title>properties title</title></properties>"
+ "<head><title>head title</title></head>"
+ "<body></body></document>";
it = parseText( text );
assertStartsWith( it, "head", "title" );
SinkEventElement title =;
assertEquals( "text", title.getName() );
assertEquals( "properties title", title.getArgs()[0] );
assertEquals( it, "title_", "head_", "body", "body_" );
public void testDocumentBodyEventsList()
throws Exception
String text = "<document><body></body></document>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "body", "body_" );
public void testSectionEventsList()
throws Exception
String text = "<section name=\"sec 1\"><subsection name=\"sub 1\"></subsection></section>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "section1", "sectionTitle1", "text", "sectionTitle1_", "section2", "sectionTitle2", "text",
"sectionTitle2_", "section2_", "section1_" );
public void testSectionAttributes()
throws Exception
// DOXIA-448
String text = "<section name=\"section name\" class=\"foo\" id=\"bar\"></section>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertStartsWith( it, "anchor", "anchor_" );
SinkEventElement next =;
assertEquals( "section1", next.getName() );
SinkEventAttributeSet set = (SinkEventAttributeSet) next.getArgs()[0];
assertEquals( 3, set.getAttributeCount() );
assertTrue( set.containsAttribute( "name", "section name" ) );
assertTrue( set.containsAttribute( "class", "foo" ) );
assertTrue( set.containsAttribute( "id", "bar" ) );
next =;
assertEquals( "sectionTitle1", next.getName() );
assertNull( next.getArgs()[0] );
assertEquals( it, "text", "sectionTitle1_", "section1_" );
public void testNestedSectionsEventsList()
throws Exception
// DOXIA-241
String text = "<section name=\"section\"><h6>h6</h6><subsection name=\"subsection\"></subsection></section>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "section1", "sectionTitle1", "text", "sectionTitle1_", "section2", "section3", "section4",
"section5", "sectionTitle5", "text", "sectionTitle5_", "section5_", "section4_", "section3_",
"section2_", "section2", "sectionTitle2", "text", "sectionTitle2_", "section2_", "section1_" );
public void testSourceEventsList()
throws Exception
String text = "<source><a href=\"what.html\">what</a></source>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "verbatim", "link", "text", "link_", "verbatim_" );
text = "<source><![CDATA[<a href=\"what.html\">what</a>]]></source>";
it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "verbatim", "text", "verbatim_" );
text = "<source><![CDATA[<source>what</source>]]></source>";
it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "verbatim", "text", "verbatim_" );
public void testSourceContainingDTD()
throws Exception
String text = "<source><![CDATA[" +
"<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC " +
"\"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN\"" +
" \"\">" +
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "verbatim", "text", "verbatim_" );
public void testPreEOL()
throws Exception
// test EOLs within <source>: the sink MUST receive a text event for the EOL
String text = "<source><a href=\"what.html\">what</a>" + EOL
+ "<a href=\"what.html\">what</a></source>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "verbatim", "link", "text", "link_", "text", "link", "text", "link_", "verbatim_" );
* Test section with ids.
public void testSectionIdAnchor()
throws Exception
String text = "<section name=\"test\" id=\"test-id\">This is a test."
+ "<subsection name=\"sub-test\" id=\"sub-id\">Sub-section</subsection></section>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals(, "anchor", "test-id" );
assertStartsWith( it, "anchor_", "section1", "sectionTitle1", "text", "sectionTitle1_", "text" );
assertEquals(, "anchor", "sub-id" );
assertEquals( it, "anchor_", "section2", "sectionTitle2", "text", "sectionTitle2_", "text", "section2_",
"section1_" );
* Test script block.
public void testJavaScript()
throws Exception
String text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><![CDATA[alert(\"Hello!\");]]></script>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown" );
* Test unknown tags.
public void testUnknown()
throws Exception
String text = "<applet><param name=\"name\" value=\"value\"/><unknown/></applet>";
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = parseText( text );
assertEquals( it, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown" );
* Test invalid macro tags.
public void testMacroExceptions()
SinkEventTestingSink sink = new SinkEventTestingSink();
assertParseException( sink, "<macro/>" );
assertParseException( sink, "<macro name=\"\"/>" );
assertParseException( sink, "<macro name=\"name\"><param name=\"\" value=\"value\"/></macro>" );
assertParseException( sink, "<macro name=\"name\"><param name=\"name\" value=\"\"/></macro>" );
assertParseException( sink, "<macro name=\"name\"><param value=\"value\"/></macro>" );
assertParseException( sink, "<macro name=\"name\"><param name=\"name\"/></macro>" );
assertParseException( sink, "<macro name=\"unknown\"></macro>" );
private void assertParseException( Sink sink, String text )
parser.parse( text, sink );
fail( "Should not be parseable: '" + text + "'" );
catch ( ParseException ex )
assertNotNull( ex );
public void testEntities()
throws Exception
final String text = "<!DOCTYPE test [<!ENTITY foo \"&#x159;\"><!ENTITY tritPos \"&#x1d7ed;\">]>"
+ "<section name=\"&amp;&foo;&tritPos;\"><p>&amp;&foo;&tritPos;</p></section>";
SinkEventTestingSink sink = new SinkEventTestingSink();
parser.setValidate( false );
parser.parse( text, sink );
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = sink.getEventList().iterator();
assertStartsWith( it, "section1", "sectionTitle1" );
assertEquals(, "text", "&\u0159\uD835\uDFED" );
assertStartsWith( it, "sectionTitle1_", "paragraph" );
assertEquals(, "text", "&" );
assertEquals(, "text", "\u0159" );
assertEquals(, "text", "\uD835\uDFED" );
assertEquals( it, "paragraph_", "section1_" );
public void testStyleWithCData() throws Exception
// DOXIA-449
final String text = "<style type=\"text/css\">\n" +
"<![CDATA[\n" +
"h2 {\n" +
"font-size: 50px;\n" +
"}\n" +
"]]>\n" +
SinkEventTestingSink sink = new SinkEventTestingSink();
parser.setValidate( false );
parser.parse( text, sink );
Iterator<SinkEventElement> it = sink.getEventList().iterator();
SinkEventElement styleElm =;
assertEquals( "unknown", styleElm.getName() );
assertEquals( "style", styleElm.getArgs()[0] );
SinkEventElement cdataElm =;
assertEquals( "unknown", cdataElm.getName() );
assertEquals( "CDATA", cdataElm.getArgs()[0] );
SinkEventElement styleElm_ =;
assertEquals( "unknown", styleElm_.getName() );
assertEquals( "style", styleElm_.getArgs()[0] );
assertFalse( it.hasNext() );