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Hervé Boutemy
Dennis Lundberg
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Doxia Sitetools - Site Renderer
The Site Renderer handles the rendering of sites, assembling a common site decoration (also called <a skin>)
with a collection of documents.
Documents can be dynamically generated with {{{/doxia/doxia/doxia-sink-api/}Doxia Sink API}}, like Maven reports,
or simply read from static files written in {{{/doxia/references/index.html}markup supported by Doxia Parsers}},
eventually processed by {{{}Velocity}}
if their file names end in <<<.vm>>>.
* Doxia Site Skins
A default site decoration is included (see <<<default-site.vm>>>), but other decorations can be used at will, either
as a standalone template or packaged in a {{{../doxia-skin-descriptor}<<skin>> artifact}}.
Maven team provides {{{/skins/}a collection of skins}} for projects use.
Some documentation is available on {{{/plugins/maven-site-plugin/examples/creatingskins.html}how to create a new skin}}.
* Velocity processing
Site decoration and documents with file names ending in <<<.vm>>> are processed by Velocity.
The Velocity context contains some variables related to rendering context that you can use:
|| Variable || Type || Description ||
| <<<alignedFileName>>> | <<<String>>> | The file name of the (HTML) document being rendered, relative to the document being rendered. |
| <<<decoration>>> | {{{../doxia-decoration-model/apidocs/org/apache/maven/doxia/site/decoration/DecorationModel.html}<<<DecorationModel>>>}} | This is a model that represents the data in your <<<site.xml>>>. |
| <<<currentDate>>> | <<<Date>>> | <<Deprecated>>: use <<<date>>> or <<<date.systemDate>>>. The date when the site is rendered. |
| <<<currentFileName>>> | <<<String>>> | The file name of the (HTML) document being rendered, relative to the site root. |
| <<<dateFormat>>> | <<<DateFormat>>> | <<Deprecated>>: use <<<date>>>, <<<date.format>>>, or <<<decoration.publishDate.format>>>. An instance of the date format as defined in <<<site.xml/publishDate/@format>>> (default: An instance of the default date format for the locale of the document being rendered. |
| <<<dateRevision>>> | <<<String>>> | <<Deprecated>>: same as <<<currentDate>>>. The date when the site is rendered, in the format "yyyyMMdd". |
| <<<doxiaSiteRendererVersion>>> | <<<String>>> | The version of the Doxia Site Renderer in use. |
| <<<locale>>> | <<<Locale>>> | The locale for the document being rendered. |
| <<<publishDate>>> | <<<Date>>> | An optional hardcoded publish date that has been set programmatically. |
| <<<relativePath>>> | <<<String>>> | The path to the site root from the document being rendered. |
| <<<supportedLocales>>> | <<<List\<Locale\>>>> | The list of locales that the site will contain. |
There are also some tools for general use:
#set( $plexus = "" )
|| Variable || Type || Description ||
| <<<FileUtils>>> | {{{$plexus/util/FileUtils.html}<<<FileUtils>>>}} | <<Deprecated>> |
| <<<i18n>>> | {{{$plexus/i18n/I18N.html}<<<I18N>>>}} | <<Deprecated>>: use <<<text>>>. |
| <<<PathTool>>> | {{{$plexus/util/PathTool.html}<<<PathTool>>>}} | |
| <<<StringUtils>>> | {{{$plexus/util/StringUtils.html}<<<StringUtils>>>}} | |
| <<<plexus>>> | {{{}<<<PlexusContainer>>>}} | |
Additionally, there are {{{} Velocity Generic Tools}} populated
with the site locale, the decoration model's date format, and site renderer's resource bundle:
#set( $generic = "" )
|| Variable || Type || Description ||
| <<<alternator>>> | {{{$generic/AlternatorTool.html}AlternatorTool}} | For creating alternators to easily alternate over a set of values.
| <<<class>>> | {{{$generic/ClassTool.html}ClassTool}} | For simplifying reflective lookup of information about classes and their fields, methods and constructors.
| <<<context>>> | {{{$generic/ContextTool.html}ContextTool}} | For convenient access to context data and metadata.
| <<<convert>>> | {{{$generic/ConversionTool.html}ConversionTool}} | For converting String values to richer object Types.
| <<<date>>> | {{{$generic/ComparisonDateTool.html}ComparisonDateTool}} | For manipulating, formatting, and comparing dates.
| <<<display>>> | {{{$generic/DisplayTool.html}DisplayTool}} | For controlling display of references (e.g., truncating values, "pretty printing" lists, and displaying alternates when a reference is null).
| <<<esc>>> | {{{$generic/EscapeTool.html}EscapeTool}} | For common escaping needs in Velocity templates (e.g. escaping html, xml, javascript etc.).
| <<<field>>> | {{{$generic/FieldTool.html}FieldTool}} | For (easy) access to static fields in a class, such as string constants.
| <<<link>>> | {{{$generic/LinkTool.html}LinkTool}} | For creating and manipulating URIs and URLs. The API for this tool is designed to closely resemble that of the VelocityView tool of the same name.
| <<<loop>>> | {{{$generic/LoopTool.html}LoopTool}} | A convenience tool to use with \#foreach loops. It wraps a list with a custom iterator to provide greater control, allowing loops to end early, skip ahead and more.
| <<<math>>> | {{{$generic/MathTool.html}MathTool}} | For performing math functions.
| <<<number>>> | {{{$generic/NumberTool.html}NumberTool}} | For formatting and converting numbers.
| <<<render>>> | {{{$generic/RenderTool.html}RenderTool}} | To evaluate and render arbitrary strings of VTL, including recursive rendering.
| <<<text>>> | {{{$generic/ResourceTool.html}ResourceTool}} | For simplified access to resource bundles for internationalization or other dynamic content needs.
| <<<sorter>>> | {{{$generic/SortTool.html}SortTool}} | Used to sort collections (or arrays, iterators, etc) on any arbitary set of properties exposed by the objects contained within the collection.
| <<<xml>>> | {{{$generic/XmlTool.html}XmlTool}} | For reading/navigating XML files. This uses dom4j under the covers and provides complete XPath support.
See <<<{{{./xref/org/apache/maven/doxia/siterenderer/DefaultSiteRenderer.html\#L470}DefaultSiteRenderer.createToolManagedVelocityContext(...)}}>>>
source for more details and the {{{}tools usage summary}}.
** Maven Site Plugin
When <<<doxia-site-renderer>>> is used by <<<maven-site-plugin>>>, the following template properties are defined:
|| Variable || Type || Description ||
| <<<inputEncoding>>> | <<<String>>> | |
| <<<outputEncoding>>> | <<<String>>> | |
| <<<project>>> | {{{/ref/current/maven-core/apidocs/org/apache/maven/project/MavenProject.html}<<<MavenProject>>>}} | The current project. |
| <project properties> | <<<String>>> | Properties defined in POM are directly available. |
See <<<{{{/plugins/maven-site-plugin/apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugins/site/render/AbstractSiteRenderingMojo.html\#createSiteRenderingContext(java.util.Locale)}AbstractSiteRenderingMojo.createSiteRenderingContext(...)}}>>>
source for more details.
** Site Template
When Velocity is processing the site template (be it from skin or local template), there are a few complementary Variables
available that give access to information taken from document being merged into the template:
|| Variable || Type || Description ||
| <<<authors>>> | <<<List\<String\>>>> | A list of authors from the source document. |
| <<<bodyContent>>> | <<<String>>> | HTML body content of the Doxia generated output. |
| <<<dateCreation>>> | <<<String>>> | <<Deprecated>>: use <<<creationDate>>>. The date specified in the source document, in the format "yyyyMMdd". |
| <<<creationDate>>> | <<<Date>>> | The date specified in the source document. |
| <<<headContent>>> | <<<String>>> | HTML head content of the Doxia generated output. |
| <<<shortTitle>>> | <<<String>>> | The title of the document, excluding the project or site name. |
| <<<title>>> | <<<String>>> | The title of the document, including the project or site name. |
See <<<{{{./xref/org/apache/maven/doxia/siterenderer/DefaultSiteRenderer.html\#L528}DefaultSiteRenderer.createSiteTemplateVelocityContext(...)}}>>>
source for more details.