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Doxia Macros Guide
Vincent Siveton
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~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see:
Doxia Macros Guide
The Doxia <Core> includes macro mechanisms to facilitate the documentation writing.
Macros are currently only supported for APT, Xdoc and FML formats. Starting with Doxia 1.7 (maven-site-plugin 3.5),
macros are also supported for XHTML and Markdown.
Macros are not (and probably will never be) supported by Confluence, Docbook and Twiki modules.
A macro in an APT source file is a <<non-indented>> line that looks like this:
An Xdoc or FML macro has the following syntax:
<macro name="macro_name">
<param name="param1" value="value1"/>
<param name="param2" value="value2"/>
Since Doxia 1.7, an XHTML or Markdown macro has the following syntax:
<!-- MACRO{macro_name|param1=value1|param2=value2|...} -->
As of Doxia 1.7, the following macros are available:
* {Echo Macro}
The <Echo> macro is a very simple macro: it prints out the key and value of any supplied parameters.
For instance, in an APT file, you could write:
Similarly, it will be for xdoc file:
<macro name="echo">
<param name="param1" value="value1"/>
<param name="param2" value="value2"/>
and it will output
param1 ---> value1
param2 ---> value2
* {Snippet Macro}
The <Snippet> macro is a very useful macro: it prints out the content of a file or a URL.
For instance, in an APT file, you could write:
In a xdoc file, it will be:
<macro name="snippet">
<param name="id" value="myid"/>
<param name="url" value="http://myserver/path/to/file.txt"/>
The <<<id>>> parameter is not required if you want to include the entire file.
If you want to include only a part of a file, you should add start and end demarcators:
any line (typically a comment) that contains the strings "<<<START>>>", "<<<SNIPPET>>>"
and "<<<myid>>>" (where <<<myid>>> is the <<<id>>> of the snippet) is a start demarcator,
and similarly "<<<END SNIPPET myid>>>" denotes the end of the snippet to include. For example:
* Start and end snippets in a Java file
public class MyClass
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
// END SNIPPET: myid
* Start and end snippets in a XML file
<!-- START SNIPPET: myid -->
<!-- END SNIPPET: myid -->
|| Parameter || Description |
| id | The id of the snippet to include.
| | If omitted the whole file/url will be included (since Doxia 1.1).
| url | The path of the URL to include.
| file | The path of the file to include (since doxia-1.0-alpha-9).
| verbatim | If the content should be output as verbatim escaped text. If this is set to <<<false>>> then the content
| | of the snippet will not be escaped. This means that you can use it like Server-Side Includes on a
| | webserver. Default value is <<<true>>>.
| encoding | The encoding of the file to read (since Doxia 1.6). If omitted the default JVM encoding will be used.
* {TOC Macro}
The <TOC> macro prints a Table Of Content of a document. It is useful if you have several sections and
subsections in your document. For instance, in an APT file, you could write:
This displays a TOC for the second section in the document, including all
subsections (depth 2) and sub-subsections (depth 3).
<<Note>> that in Doxia, apt section titles are not implicit anchors
(see {{{../references/doxia-apt.html}Enhancements to the APT format}}), so you need
to insert explicit anchors for links to work!
In a xdoc file, it will be:
<macro name="toc">
<param name="section" value="2"/>
<param name="fromDepth" value="0"/>
<param name="toDepth" value="4"/>
|| Parameter || Description |
| section | Display a TOC for the specified section only, or all sections if 0. Positive int, not mandatory, 0 by default.
| fromDepth | Minimum section depth to include in the TOC (sections are depth 1, sub-sections depth 2, etc.). Positive int, not mandatory, 0 by default.
| toDepth | Maximum section depth to include in the TOC. Positive int, not mandatory, 5 by default.
From <<Doxia 1.1.1>> on you may also specify any of the html base attributes
(<i.e.> any of <<<id>>>, <<<class>>>, <<<style>>>, <<<lang>>>, <<<title>>>) as parameters, e.g.:
This can be used for styling the TOC via css.
* {SWF Macro}
The <Swf> macro prints Shockwave Flash assets in the documentation. For instance, in an APT file,
you could write:
In a xdoc file, it will be:
<macro name="swf">
<param name="src" value="swf/myfile.swf"/>
<param name="id" value="MyMovie"/>
<param name="width" value="600"/>
<param name="height" value="200"/>
|| Parameter || Description |
| src | Specifies the location (URL) of the movie to be loaded.
| id | Identifies the Flash movie to the host environment (a web browser, for example) so that it can be referenced using a scripting language.
| width | Specifies the width of the movie in either pixels or percentage of browser window.
| height | Specifies the height of the movie in either pixels or percentage of browser window.
| quality | Possible values: low, high, autolow, autohigh, best.
| menu | True displays the full menu, allowing the user a variety of options to enhance or control playback. False displays a menu that contains only the Settings option and the About Flash option.
| loop | Possible values: true, false. Specifies whether the movie repeats indefinitely or stops when it reaches the last frame. The default value is true if this attribute is omitted.
| play | Possible values: true, false. Specifies whether the movie begins playing immediately on loading in the browser. The default value is true if this attribute is omitted.
| version | Specifies the width of the movie in either pixels or percentage of browser window.
| allowScript | Specifies the width of the movie in either pixels or percentage of browser window.
For more information, see the {{{./swf-macro.html}SWF Macro}} page.
* {SSI Macro}
Since Doxia 1.7, the <SSI> macro prints a server side include. For instance, in an APT file,
you could write:
In a xdoc file, it will be:
<macro name="ssi">
<param name="function" value="include"/>
<param name="file" value="included-file.html"/>
|| Parameter || Description |
| function | The SSI function to insert.
| <any> | Parameter that will be added to the SSI directive.