blob: 70a61782bff17d0b1f9972b28be84776181f1e34 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugin.doap;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.ArtifactRepositoryMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataManager;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor;
import org.apache.maven.model.Developer;
import org.apache.maven.model.License;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.ASFExtOptions;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.ASFExtOptionsUtil;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.DoapArtifact;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.DoapOptions;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.ExtOptions;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.doap.options.Standard;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.NoSuchScmProviderException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.cvslib.repository.CvsScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepositoryException;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.WriterFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.PrettyPrintXMLWriter;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.XMLWriter;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Generate a <a href="">Description of a Project (DOAP)</a> file from the main information
* found in a POM. <br/>
* <b>Note</b>: The generated file is tailored for use by projects at <a
* href="">Apache</a>.
* @author Jason van Zyl
* @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
* @version $Id$
* @since 1.0-beta-1
@Mojo( name = "generate" )
public class DoapMojo
extends AbstractMojo
* UTC Time Zone
private static final TimeZone UTC_TIME_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" );
* Date format for <lastUpdated/> tag in the repository metadata, i.e.: yyyyMMddHHmmss
private static final DateFormat REPOSITORY_DATE_FORMAT;
* Date format for DOAP file, i.e. ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD
private static final DateFormat DOAP_DATE_FORMAT;
REPOSITORY_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMddHHmmss", Locale.ENGLISH );
DOAP_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mojo components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Maven SCM Manager.
* @since 1.0
private ScmManager scmManager;
* Artifact factory.
* @since 1.0
private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
* Used to resolve artifacts.
* @since 1.0
private RepositoryMetadataManager repositoryMetadataManager;
* Internationalization component.
* @since 1.0
private I18N i18n;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mojo parameters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* The POM from which information will be extracted to create a DOAP file.
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${project}", readonly = true, required = true )
private MavenProject project;
* The name of the DOAP file that will be generated.
@Parameter( property = "doapFile", defaultValue = "doap_${project.artifactId}.rdf", required = true )
private String doapFile;
* The output directory of the DOAP file that will be generated.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${project.reporting.outputDirectory}", required = true )
private String outputDirectory;
* The local repository where the artifacts are located.
* @since 1.0
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${localRepository}", required = true, readonly = true )
private ArtifactRepository localRepository;
* The remote repositories where the artifacts are located.
* @since 1.0
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${project.remoteArtifactRepositories}", required = true, readonly = true )
private List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories;
* Factory for creating artifact objects
* @since 1.1
private ArtifactFactory factory;
* Project builder
* @since 1.1
private MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder;
* Used for resolving artifacts
* @since 1.1
private ArtifactResolver resolver;
* The current user system settings for use in Maven.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${settings}", readonly = true, required = true )
protected Settings settings;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Doap options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* The category which should be displayed in the DOAP file.
* @deprecated Since 1.0. Instead of, configure
* <code>&lt;doapOptions&gt;&lt;category/&gt;&lt;/doapOptions&gt;</code> parameter.
@Parameter( property = "category" )
private String category;
* The programming language which should be displayed in the DOAP file.
* @deprecated Since 1.0. Instead of, configure
* <code>&lt;doapOptions&gt;&lt;programmingLanguage/&gt;&lt;/doapOptions&gt;</code> parameter.
@Parameter( property = "language" )
private String language;
* Specific DOAP parameters, i.e. options that POM doesn't have any notions. <br/>
* Example:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;doapOptions&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;programmingLanguage&gt;java&lt;/programmingLanguage&gt;
* &lt;/doapOptions&gt;
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <br/>
* See <a href="./apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/doap/options/DoapOptions.html">Javadoc</a> <br/>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.0
@Parameter( property = "doapOptions" )
private DoapOptions doapOptions;
* Specific ASF extensions parameters, i.e. options that POM doesn't have any notions but required by ASF DOAP
* requirements. <br/>
* Example:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;asfExtOptions&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;included&gt;true&lt;/included&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;charter&gt;The mission of the Apache XXX project is to create and maintain software
* &nbsp;&nbsp;libraries that provide ...&lt;/charter&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;...
* &lt;/asfExtOptions&gt;
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <b>Note</b>: By default, <code>&lt;asfExtOptions&gt;&lt;included/&gt;&lt;/asfExtOptions&gt;</code> will be
* automatically set to <code>true</code> if the project is hosted at ASF. <br/>
* See <a href="./apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/doap/options/ASFExtOptions.html">Javadoc</a> <br/>
* @see <a href="">
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see ASFExtOptionsUtil#isASFProject(MavenProject)
* @since 1.0
@Parameter( property = "asfExtOptions" )
private ASFExtOptions asfExtOptions;
* The value for the <code>xml:lang</code> attribute used by the <code>&lt;rdf:RDF/&gt;<code>,
* <code>&lt;description/&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;shortdesc/&gt;</code> elements. <br/>
* POM doesn't have any notions about language. <br/>
* See <a href=""></a> <br/>
* @since 1.0
@Parameter( property = "lang", defaultValue = "en", required = true )
private String lang;
* The <code>about</code> URI-reference which should be displayed in the DOAP file. Example:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;rdf:RDF&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;Project rdf:about=""&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;...
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/Project&gt;
* &lt;/rdf:RDF&gt;
* </pre>
* <p/>
* See <a href="">
*</a> <br/>
* @since 1.0
@Parameter( property = "about", defaultValue = "${project.url}" )
private String about;
* Flag to validate the generated DOAP.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter( defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean validate;
* An artifact to generate the DOAP file against. <br/>
* Example:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;artifact&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;groupId&gt;given-artifact-groupId&lt;/groupId&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;artifactId&gt;given-artifact-artifactId&lt;/artifactId&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;version&gt;given-artifact-version&lt;/version&gt;
* &lt;/artifact&gt;
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <br/>
* See <a href="./apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/doap/options/DaopArtifact.html">Javadoc</a> <br/>
* @since 1.1
private DoapArtifact artifact;
* Specifies whether the DOAP generation should be skipped.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter( property = "maven.doap.skip", defaultValue = "false" )
private boolean skip;
* Extensions parameters. <br/>
* Example:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;extOptions&gt;
* &nbsp;&lt;extOption&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;xmlnsPrefix&gt;labs&lt;/xmlnsPrefix&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;xmlnsNamespaceURI&gt;;/xmlnsNamespaceURI&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;extensions&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;status&gt;active&lt;/status&gt;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/extensions&gt;
* &nbsp;&lt;/extOption&gt;
* &lt;/extOptions&gt;
* </pre>
* <p/>
* See <a href="./apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/doap/options/ExtOptions.html">Javadoc</a> <br/>
* @since 1.1
@Parameter( property = "extOptions" )
private ExtOptions[] extOptions;
* All warn/error messages for the user.
* @since 1.1
private UserMessages messages = new UserMessages();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public void execute()
throws MojoExecutionException
if ( skip )
getLog().info( "Skipping DOAP generation" );
// single artifact
if ( artifact != null )
MavenProject givenProject = getMavenProject( artifact );
if ( givenProject != null )
File outDir = new File( outputDirectory );
if ( !outDir.isAbsolute() )
outDir = new File( project.getBasedir(), outputDirectory );
File outFile = new File( outDir, artifact.getDoapFileName() );
writeDoapFile( givenProject, outFile );
// current project
File outFile = new File( doapFile );
if ( !outFile.isAbsolute() )
outFile = new File( project.getBasedir(), doapFile );
if ( !doapFile.replaceAll( "\\\\", "/" ).contains( "/" ) )
File outDir = new File( outputDirectory );
if ( !outDir.isAbsolute() )
outDir = new File( project.getBasedir(), outputDirectory );
outFile = new File( outDir, doapFile );
writeDoapFile( project, outFile );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param artifact not null
* @return the maven project for the given doap artifact
* @since 1.1
private MavenProject getMavenProject( DoapArtifact artifact )
if ( artifact == null )
return null;
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( artifact.getGroupId() ) || StringUtils.isEmpty( artifact.getArtifactId() )
|| StringUtils.isEmpty( artifact.getVersion() ) )
getLog().warn( "Missing groupId or artifactId or version in <artifact/> parameter, ignored it." );
return null;
"Using artifact " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId() + ":" + artifact.getVersion() );
Artifact art =
factory.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(),
if ( art.getFile() == null )
MavenProject proj = mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( art, remoteRepositories, localRepository );
art = proj.getArtifact();
resolver.resolve( art, remoteRepositories, localRepository );
return proj;
catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
getLog().error( "ArtifactResolutionException: " + e.getMessage() + "\nIgnored <artifact/> parameter." );
catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e )
getLog().error( "ArtifactNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage() + "\nIgnored <artifact/> parameter." );
catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
getLog().error( "ProjectBuildingException: " + e.getMessage() + "\nIgnored <artifact/> parameter." );
return null;
* Write a doap file for the given project.
* @param project not null
* @param outputFile not null
* @since 1.1
private void writeDoapFile( MavenProject project, File outputFile )
throws MojoExecutionException
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes ASF extensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !asfExtOptions.isIncluded() && ASFExtOptionsUtil.isASFProject( project ) )
getLog().info( "This project is an ASF project, ASF Extensions to DOAP will be added." );
asfExtOptions.setIncluded( true );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setup pretty print xml writer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Writer w;
if ( !outputFile.getParentFile().exists() )
FileUtils.mkdir( outputFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() );
w = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( outputFile );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error creating DOAP file " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath(), e );
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
getLog().info( "Generating an ASF DOAP file " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() );
getLog().info( "Generating a pure DOAP file " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() );
XMLWriter writer = new PrettyPrintXMLWriter( w, project.getModel().getModelEncoding(), null );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert POM to DOAP
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DoapUtil.writeHeader( writer );
// Heading
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, "rdf", "RDF" );
if ( Arrays.binarySearch( Locale.getISOLanguages(), lang ) < 0 )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "lang" }, lang, UserMessages.INVALID_ISO_DATE );
throw new MojoExecutionException( messages.getErrorMessages().get( 0 ) );
writer.addAttribute( "xml:lang", lang );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getXmlnsNamespaceURI() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "xmlnsNamespaceURI" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED );
throw new MojoExecutionException( messages.getErrorMessages().get( 0 ) );
"xmlns" + ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() ) ? "" : ":" + doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() ),
doapOptions.getXmlnsNamespaceURI() );
writer.addAttribute( "xmlns:rdf", "" );
writer.addAttribute( "xmlns:foaf", "" );
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "xmlnsPrefix" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED );
throw new MojoExecutionException( messages.getErrorMessages().get( 0 ) );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( asfExtOptions.getXmlnsNamespaceURI() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "xmlnsNamespaceURI" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED );
writer.addAttribute( "xmlns" + ( StringUtils.isEmpty( asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() )
? ""
: ":" + asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() ), asfExtOptions.getXmlnsNamespaceURI() );
if ( extOptions != null && extOptions.length > 0 && !extOptions[0].getExtensions().isEmpty() )
for ( ExtOptions extOption : extOptions )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( extOption.getXmlnsPrefix() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "extOptions", "extOption", "xmlnsPrefix" }, null,
UserMessages.REQUIRED );
throw new MojoExecutionException( messages.getErrorMessages().get( 0 ) );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( extOption.getXmlnsNamespaceURI() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "extOptions", "extOption", "xmlnsNamespaceURI" }, null,
UserMessages.REQUIRED );
throw new MojoExecutionException( messages.getErrorMessages().get( 0 ) );
writer.addAttribute( "xmlns" + ( StringUtils.isEmpty( extOption.getXmlnsPrefix() )
? ""
: ":" + extOption.getXmlnsPrefix() ), extOption.getXmlnsNamespaceURI() );
// Project
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "Project" );
boolean added = false;
if ( artifact != null )
String about_ = project.getUrl();
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( about_ ) )
new URL( about_ );
writer.addAttribute( "rdf:about", about_ );
added = true;
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
if ( !added )
messages.getWarnMessages().add( "The project's url defined from " + artifact.toConfiguration()
+ " is empty or not a valid URL, using <about/> parameter." );
if ( !added )
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( about ) )
new URL( about );
writer.addAttribute( "rdf:about", about );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "about" }, about, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
added = true;
if ( !added )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "about" }, null, UserMessages.RECOMMENDED );
// name
writeName( writer, project );
// description
writeDescription( writer, project );
// implements
writeImplements( writer );
// Audience
writeAudience( writer );
// Vendor
writeVendor( writer, project );
// created
writeCreated( writer, project );
// homepage and old-homepage
writeHomepage( writer, project );
// Blog
writeBlog( writer );
// licenses
writeLicenses( writer, project );
// programming-language
writeProgrammingLanguage( writer, project );
// category
writeCategory( writer, project );
// os
writeOS( writer, project );
// Plateform
writePlateform( writer );
// Language
writeLanguage( writer );
// SCM
writeSourceRepositories( writer, project );
// bug-database
writeBugDatabase( writer, project );
// mailing list
writeMailingList( writer, project );
// download-page and download-mirror
writeDownloadPage( writer, project );
// screenshots
writeScreenshots( writer, project );
// service-endpoint
writeServiceEndpoint( writer );
// wiki
writeWiki( writer, project );
// Releases
writeReleases( writer, project );
// Developers
List<Contributor> developers = project.getDevelopers();
writeContributors( writer, developers );
// Contributors
List<Contributor> contributors = project.getContributors();
writeContributors( writer, contributors );
// Extra DOAP
Map<Object, String> map = doapOptions.getExtra();
writeExtra( writer, project, "Extra DOAP vocabulary.", map, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() );
// ASFext
writeASFext( writer, project );
// Extra extensions
writeExtensions( writer );
writer.endElement(); // Project
writeOrganizations( writer );
writer.endElement(); // rdf:RDF
catch ( IOException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error when closing the writer.", e );
if ( !messages.getWarnMessages().isEmpty() )
for ( String warn : messages.getWarnMessages() )
getLog().warn( warn );
if ( !messages.getErrorMessages().isEmpty() )
getLog().error( "" );
for ( String error : messages.getErrorMessages() )
getLog().error( error );
getLog().error( "" );
if ( ASFExtOptionsUtil.isASFProject( project ) )
"For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the plugin documentation:" );
getLog().error( "" );
throw new MojoExecutionException( "The generated DOAP doesn't respect ASF rules, see above." );
if ( validate )
List<String> errors = DoapUtil.validate( outputFile );
if ( !errors.isEmpty() )
getLog().error( "" );
for ( String error : errors )
getLog().error( error );
getLog().error( "" );
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error parsing the generated DOAP file, see above." );
* Write DOAP name.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeName( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String name = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getName(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "name" }, null,
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "A name of something." );
if ( ASFExtOptionsUtil.isASFProject( project ) && !name.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).startsWith( "apache" ) )
name = "Apache " + name;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "name", name );
* Write DOAP description.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeDescription( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
boolean addComment = false;
String description = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getDescription(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( description ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "description" }, null,
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length." );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "description", description, lang );
String comment = "Short plain text description of a project.";
String shortdesc = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getShortdesc(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( shortdesc ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "shortdesc" }, null,
if ( description.equals( shortdesc ) )
// try to get the first 10 words of the description
String sentence = StringUtils.split( shortdesc, "." )[0];
if ( StringUtils.split( sentence, " " ).length > 10 )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "shortdesc" }, null,
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "shortdesc", sentence, lang );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "shortdesc", shortdesc, lang );
* Write DOAP created.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeCreated( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String created = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getCreated(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( created ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "created" }, null,
DOAP_DATE_FORMAT.parse( created );
catch ( ParseException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "created" }, null, UserMessages.INVALID_DATE );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05" );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "created", created );
* Write DOAP homepage and old-homepage.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeHomepage( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String homepage = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getHomepage(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( homepage ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "homepage" }, null,
new URL( homepage );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "URL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one project." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "homepage", homepage );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "homepage" }, homepage, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( doapOptions.getOldHomepage() ) )
String oldHomepage = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getOldHomepage(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( oldHomepage ) )
new URL( oldHomepage );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer,
"URL of a project's past homepage, associated with exactly one project." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "old-homepage", oldHomepage );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "oldHomepage" }, oldHomepage,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
* Write DOAP programming-language.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href="">
private void writeProgrammingLanguage( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getProgrammingLanguage() ) && StringUtils.isEmpty( language ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "programmingLanguage" }, null,
boolean addComment = false;
String comment = "Programming language.";
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( language ) ) // backward compatible
getLog().warn( "The <language/> parameter is deprecated, please use " + messages.toConfiguration(
new String[]{ "doapOptions", "programmingLanguage" }, null ) + " parameter instead of." );
language = language.trim();
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
String asfLanguage = ASFExtOptionsUtil.getProgrammingLanguageSupportedByASF( language );
if ( asfLanguage == null )
"The deprecated " + messages.toConfiguration( new String[]{ "language" }, language )
+ " parameter is not supported by ASF. Should be one of " + Arrays.toString(
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "programming-language",
asfLanguage.trim() );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "programming-language", language.trim() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( doapOptions.getProgrammingLanguage() ) )
String[] languages = StringUtils.split( doapOptions.getProgrammingLanguage(), "," );
for ( String language : languages )
language = language.trim();
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
String asfLanguage = ASFExtOptionsUtil.getProgrammingLanguageSupportedByASF( language );
if ( asfLanguage == null )
"The " + messages.toConfiguration( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "programmingLanguage" },
language ) + " parameter is not supported by ASF. "
+ "Should be one of " + Arrays.toString( ASFExtOptionsUtil.PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGES ) );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "programming-language",
asfLanguage );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "programming-language", language );
* Write DOAP category.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeCategory( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getCategory() ) && StringUtils.isEmpty( category ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "category" }, null,
// TODO: how to lookup category, map it, or just declare it.
boolean addComment = false;
String comment = "A category of project.";
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( category ) ) // backward compatible
getLog().warn( "The <category/> parameter is deprecated, please use " + messages.toConfiguration(
new String[]{ "doapOptions", "category" }, null ) + " parameter instead of." );
category = category.trim();
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
String asfCategory = ASFExtOptionsUtil.getCategorySupportedByASF( category );
if ( asfCategory == null )
"The deprecated " + messages.toConfiguration( new String[]{ "category" }, category )
+ " parameter is not supported by ASF. Should be one of " + Arrays.toString(
ASFExtOptionsUtil.CATEGORIES ) );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "category",
ASFExtOptionsUtil.CATEGORY_RESOURCE + asfCategory );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "category", category );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( doapOptions.getCategory() ) )
String[] categories = StringUtils.split( doapOptions.getCategory(), "," );
for ( String category : categories )
category = category.trim();
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
String asfCategory = ASFExtOptionsUtil.getCategorySupportedByASF( category );
if ( asfCategory == null )
"The " + messages.toConfiguration( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "category" }, category )
+ " parameter is not supported by ASF. Should be one of " + Arrays.toString(
ASFExtOptionsUtil.CATEGORIES ) );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "category",
ASFExtOptionsUtil.CATEGORY_RESOURCE + asfCategory );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "category", category );
* Write DOAP download-page and download-mirror.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeDownloadPage( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String downloadPage = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getDownloadPage(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( downloadPage ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "downloadPage" }, null,
new URL( downloadPage );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Download page." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "download-page", downloadPage );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "downloadPage" }, downloadPage,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( doapOptions.getDownloadMirror() ) )
boolean addComment = false;
String[] downloadMirrors = StringUtils.split( doapOptions.getDownloadMirror(), "," );
for ( String downloadMirror : downloadMirrors )
downloadMirror = downloadMirror.trim();
new URL( downloadMirror );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Mirror of software download web page." );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "download-mirror",
downloadMirror );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "downloadMirror" }, downloadMirror,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
* Write DOAP OS.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeOS( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String os = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getOs(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( os ) )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Operating system that a project is limited to." );
String[] oses = StringUtils.split( os, "," );
for ( String os_ : oses )
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "os", os_.trim() );
* Write DOAP screenshots.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeScreenshots( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String screenshots = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getScreenshots(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( screenshots ) )
screenshots = screenshots.trim();
new URL( screenshots );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "screenshots" }, screenshots, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Web page with screenshots of project." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "screenshots", screenshots );
* Write DOAP wiki.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeWiki( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String wiki = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getWiki(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( wiki ) )
wiki = wiki.trim();
new URL( wiki );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "wiki" }, wiki, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "wiki", wiki );
* Write DOAP licenses.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeLicenses( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String license = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getLicense(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( license ) )
boolean added = false;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<License> licenses = project.getLicenses();
if ( licenses.size() > 1 )
for ( int i = 1; i < licenses.size(); i++ )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( licenses.get( i ).getUrl() ) )
String licenseUrl = licenses.get( i ).getUrl().trim();
new URL( licenseUrl );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "license", licenseUrl );
added = true;
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "project", "licenses", "license", "url" }, licenseUrl,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
if ( !added )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "license" }, null,
new URL( license );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "The URI of the license the software is distributed under." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "license", license );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "license" }, license, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
* Write DOAP bug-database.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeBugDatabase( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String bugDatabase = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getBugDatabase(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( bugDatabase ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "bugDatabase" }, null,
new URL( bugDatabase );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Bug database." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "bug-database", bugDatabase );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "bugDatabase" }, bugDatabase, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
* Write DOAP mailing-list.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see DoapOptions#getMailingList()
private void writeMailingList( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String ml = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getMailingList(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( ml ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "mailingList" }, null,
new URL( ml );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Mailing lists." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "mailing-list", ml );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "mailingList" }, ml, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
* Write all DOAP releases.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @throws MojoExecutionException if any
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeReleases( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
throws MojoExecutionException
Artifact artifact =
artifactFactory.createArtifact( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion(), null,
project.getPackaging() );
RepositoryMetadata metadata = new ArtifactRepositoryMetadata( artifact );
for ( ArtifactRepository repo : remoteRepositories )
if ( repo.isBlacklisted() )
if ( repo.getSnapshots().isEnabled() )
if ( repo.getReleases().isEnabled() )
repositoryMetadataManager.resolveAlways( metadata, localRepository, repo );
catch ( RepositoryMetadataResolutionException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException(
metadata.extendedToString() + " could not be retrieved from repositories due to an error: "
+ e.getMessage(), e );
if ( metadata.getMetadata().getVersioning() == null )
"No versioning was found for " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId()
+ ". Ignored DOAP <release/> tag." );
List<String> versions = metadata.getMetadata().getVersioning().getVersions();
// Recent releases in first
Collections.reverse( versions );
boolean addComment = false;
int i = 0;
for ( String version : versions )
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Project releases." );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "release" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "Version" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "name" );
if ( version.equals( metadata.getMetadata().getVersioning().getRelease() ) )
writer.writeText( "Latest stable release" );
writer.writeText( project.getName() + " - " + version );
writer.endElement(); // name
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "revision", version );
// list all file release from all remote repos
for ( ArtifactRepository repo : remoteRepositories )
Artifact artifactRelease =
artifactFactory.createArtifact( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), version, null,
project.getPackaging() );
if ( artifactRelease == null )
String fileRelease = repo.getUrl() + "/" + repo.pathOf( artifactRelease );
DoapUtil.fetchURL( settings, new URL( fileRelease ) );
catch ( IOException e )
getLog().debug( "IOException :" + e.getMessage() );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "file-release", fileRelease );
Date releaseDate = null;
releaseDate =
REPOSITORY_DATE_FORMAT.parse( metadata.getMetadata().getVersioning().getLastUpdated() );
catch ( ParseException e )
"Unable to parse date '" + metadata.getMetadata().getVersioning().getLastUpdated() + "'" );
// See MDOAP-11
if ( i == 0 )
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "created",
DOAP_DATE_FORMAT.format( releaseDate ) );
writer.endElement(); // Version
writer.endElement(); // release
* Write all DOAP repositories.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeSourceRepositories( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String anonymousConnection = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getScmAnonymous(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( anonymousConnection ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "scmAnonymousConnection" }, null,
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Anonymous Source Repository." );
new URL( anonymousConnection );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "repository" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "Repository" );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "location",
anonymousConnection );
writer.endElement(); // Repository
writer.endElement(); // repository
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
writeSourceRepository( writer, project, anonymousConnection );
String devConnection = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getScmDeveloper(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( devConnection ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "scmDeveloperConnection" }, null,
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Developer Source Repository." );
new URL( devConnection );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "repository" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "Repository" );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "location", devConnection );
writer.endElement(); // Repository
writer.endElement(); // repository
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
writeSourceRepository( writer, project, devConnection );
* Write a DOAP repository, for instance:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;repository&gt;
* &lt;SVNRepository&gt;
* &lt;location rdf:resource=""/&gt;
* &lt;browse rdf:resource=""/&gt;
* &lt;/SVNRepository&gt;
* &lt;/repository&gt;
* </pre>
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @param connection not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeSourceRepository( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project, String connection )
ScmRepository repository = getScmRepository( connection );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "repository" );
if ( isScmSystem( repository, "cvs" ) )
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "CVSRepository" );
CvsScmProviderRepository cvsRepo = (CvsScmProviderRepository) repository.getProviderRepository();
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "anon-root", cvsRepo.getCvsRoot() );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "module", cvsRepo.getModule() );
else if ( isScmSystem( repository, "svn" ) )
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "SVNRepository" );
SvnScmProviderRepository svnRepo = (SvnScmProviderRepository) repository.getProviderRepository();
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "location", svnRepo.getUrl() );
* Supported DOAP repositories actually unsupported by SCM: BitKeeper
* ( Arch ( Other SCM
* repos are unsupported by DOAP.
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "Repository" );
if ( connection.length() < 4 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The source repository connection is too short." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "location",
connection.substring( 4 ) );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "browse", project.getScm().getUrl() );
writer.endElement(); // CVSRepository || SVNRepository || Repository
writer.endElement(); // repository
* Write all DOAP persons.
* @param writer not null
* @param contributors list of developers or contributors
private void writeContributors( XMLWriter writer, List<Contributor> contributors )
if ( contributors == null || contributors.isEmpty() )
boolean isDeveloper = Developer.class.isAssignableFrom( contributors.get( 0 ).getClass() );
if ( isDeveloper )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Main committers." );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Contributed persons." );
List<Contributor> maintainers = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithMaintainerRole( i18n, contributors );
List<Contributor> developers = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithDeveloperRole( i18n, contributors );
List<Contributor> documenters = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithDocumenterRole( i18n, contributors );
List<Contributor> translators = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithTranslatorRole( i18n, contributors );
List<Contributor> testers = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithTesterRole( i18n, contributors );
List<Contributor> helpers = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithHelperRole( i18n, contributors );
List<Contributor> unknowns = DoapUtil.getContributorsWithUnknownRole( i18n, contributors );
// By default, all developers are maintainers and contributors are helpers
if ( isDeveloper )
maintainers.addAll( unknowns );
helpers.addAll( unknowns );
// all alphabetical
if ( developers.size() != 0 )
writeContributor( writer, developers, "developer" );
if ( documenters.size() != 0 )
writeContributor( writer, documenters, "documenter" );
if ( helpers.size() != 0 )
writeContributor( writer, helpers, "helper" );
if ( maintainers.size() != 0 )
writeContributor( writer, maintainers, "maintainer" );
if ( testers.size() != 0 )
writeContributor( writer, testers, "tester" );
if ( translators.size() != 0 )
writeContributor( writer, translators, "translator" );
* Write a DOAP maintainer or developer or documenter or translator or tester or helper, for instance:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;maintainer&gt;
* &lt;foaf:Person&gt;
* &lt;foaf:name&gt;Emmanuel Venisse&lt;/foaf:name&gt;
* &lt;foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/&gt;
* &lt;/foaf:Person&gt;
* &lt;/maintainer&gt;
* </pre>
* @param writer not null
* @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
* @param doapType not null
* @see #writeContributor(XMLWriter, Object, String)
private void writeContributor( XMLWriter writer, List<Contributor> developersOrContributors, String doapType )
if ( developersOrContributors == null || developersOrContributors.isEmpty() )
sortContributors( developersOrContributors );
for ( Contributor developersOrContributor : developersOrContributors )
writeContributor( writer, developersOrContributor, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), doapType );
* Writer a single developer or contributor
* @param writer not null
* @param xmlsPrefix could be null
* @param developerOrContributor not null, instance of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
* @param doapType not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeContributor( XMLWriter writer, Contributor developerOrContributor, String xmlsPrefix,
String doapType )
if ( developerOrContributor == null )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapType ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "doapType is required." );
String name = developerOrContributor.getName();
String email = developerOrContributor.getEmail();
String organization = developerOrContributor.getOrganization();
String organizationUrl = developerOrContributor.getOrganizationUrl();
String homepage = developerOrContributor.getUrl();
String nodeId = null;
// Name is required to write doap
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( name ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "project", "developers|contributors", "developer|contributor", "name" },
null, UserMessages.REQUIRED );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( organization ) || !StringUtils.isEmpty( organizationUrl ) )
DoapUtil.Organization doapOrganization = DoapUtil.addOrganization( organization, organizationUrl );
nodeId = DoapUtil.getNodeId();
doapOrganization.addMember( nodeId );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, xmlsPrefix, doapType );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, "foaf", "Person" );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( nodeId ) )
writer.addAttribute( "rdf:nodeID", nodeId );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, "foaf", "name" );
writer.writeText( name );
writer.endElement(); // foaf:name
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( email ) )
if ( DoapUtil.isValidEmail( email ) )
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, "foaf", "mbox", "mailto:" + email );
new String[]{ "project", "developers|contributors", "developer|contributor", "email" }, null,
UserMessages.INVALID_EMAIL );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( organization ) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( organizationUrl ) )
new URL( organizationUrl );
DoapUtil.addOrganization( organization, organizationUrl );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
new String[]{ "project", "developers|contributors", "developer|contributor", "organizationUrl" },
organizationUrl, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( homepage ) )
new URL( homepage );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, "foaf", "homepage", homepage );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
new String[]{ "project", "developers|contributors", "developer|contributor", "homepage" }, homepage,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
writer.endElement(); // foaf:Person
writer.endElement(); // doapType
* Return a <code>SCM repository</code> defined by a given url
* @param scmUrl an SCM URL
* @return a valid SCM repository or null
private ScmRepository getScmRepository( String scmUrl )
ScmRepository repo = null;
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( scmUrl ) )
repo = scmManager.makeScmRepository( scmUrl );
catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException e )
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getLog().debug( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( ScmRepositoryException e )
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getLog().debug( e.getMessage(), e );
return repo;
* Write the ASF extensions
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href="">
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeASFext( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
if ( !asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "ASF extension." );
// asfext:pmc
String pmc = DoapUtil.interpolate( asfExtOptions.getPmc(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pmc ) )
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "pmc", pmc );
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "pmc" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
// asfext:name
String name = DoapUtil.interpolate( asfExtOptions.getName(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( name ) )
if ( !name.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).trim().startsWith( "apache" ) )
name = "Apache " + name;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "name", name );
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "name" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
String homepage = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getHomepage(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( homepage ) )
new URL( homepage );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, "foaf", "homepage", homepage );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "homepage" }, homepage, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
// asfext:charter
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( asfExtOptions.getCharter() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "charter" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "charter", asfExtOptions.getCharter() );
// asfext:chair
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<Developer> developers =
new ArrayList<Developer>( project.getDevelopers() );
sortContributors( developers );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( asfExtOptions.getChair() ) )
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "chair" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, "foaf", "Person" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, "foaf", "name" );
writer.writeText( asfExtOptions.getChair() );
writer.endElement(); // foaf:name
writer.endElement(); // foaf:Person
writer.endElement(); // asfext:chair
Developer chair = ASFExtOptionsUtil.findChair( developers );
if ( chair != null )
writeContributor( writer, chair, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "chair" );
developers.remove( chair );
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "chair" }, null, UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
// asfext:member
if ( developers != null && developers.size() > 0 )
List<Developer> pmcMembers = ASFExtOptionsUtil.findPMCMembers( developers );
for ( Developer pmcMember : pmcMembers )
writeContributor( writer, pmcMember, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "member" );
writeASFImplements( writer );
Map<Object, String> map = asfExtOptions.getExtra();
writeExtra( writer, project, "Extra ASFExt vocabulary.", map, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix() );
* Write the ASF implements.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href="">
* @see <a href=""></a>
private void writeASFImplements( XMLWriter writer )
if ( asfExtOptions.getStandards() == null || asfExtOptions.getStandards().isEmpty() )
for ( Standard standard : asfExtOptions.getStandards() )
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "implements" );
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "Standard" );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( standard.getTitle() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "standards", "title" }, null,
UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "title", standard.getTitle().trim() );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( standard.getBody() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "standards", "body" }, null,
UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "body", standard.getBody().trim() );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( standard.getId() ) )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "standards", "id" }, null,
UserMessages.REQUIRED_BY_ASF );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "id", standard.getId().trim() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( standard.getUrl() ) )
String standardUrl = standard.getUrl().trim();
new URL( standardUrl );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, asfExtOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "url", standardUrl );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "asfExtOptions", "standards", "url" }, standardUrl,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
writer.endElement(); // asfext:Standard
writer.endElement(); // asfext:implements
* Write a Foaf Organization, for instance:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* &lt;<foaf:Organization&gt;
* &lt;foaf:name&gt;YoyoDyne&lt;/foaf:name&gt;
* &lt;foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/&gt;
* &lt;foaf:member rdf:nodeID="benny_profane"&gt;
* &lt;/foaf:Organization&gt;
* </pre>
* @param writer not null
* @param developersOrContributors list of <code>{@link Developer}/{@link Contributor}</code>
* @param doapType not null
* @see #writeContributor(XMLWriter, Object, String)
private void writeOrganizations( XMLWriter writer )
Set<Entry<String, DoapUtil.Organization>> organizations = DoapUtil.getOrganizations();
for ( Entry<String, DoapUtil.Organization> organizationEntry : organizations )
DoapUtil.Organization organization = organizationEntry.getValue();
DoapUtil.writeStartElement( writer, "foaf", "Organization" );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( organization.getName() ) )
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, "foaf", "name", organization.getName() );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( organization.getUrl() ) )
new URL( organization.getUrl() );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, "foaf", "homepage", organization.getUrl() );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
"The organization URL " + organization.getUrl() + " is not a valid URL." );
List<String> members = organization.getMembers();
for ( String member : members )
DoapUtil.writeRdfNodeIdElement( writer, "foaf", "member", member );
writer.endElement(); // foaf:Organization
* Write DOAP audience.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writeAudience( XMLWriter writer )
String audience = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getAudience(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( audience ) )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Audience." );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "audience", audience );
* Write DOAP blog.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writeBlog( XMLWriter writer )
String blog = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getBlog(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getBlog() ) )
blog = blog.trim();
new URL( blog );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "blog" }, blog, UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Blog page." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "blog", blog );
* Write DOAP plateform.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writePlateform( XMLWriter writer )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getPlatform() ) )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Platform." );
String[] platforms = StringUtils.split( doapOptions.getPlatform(), "," );
for ( String platform : platforms )
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "platform", platform.trim() );
* Write DOAP vendor.
* @param writer not null
* @param project the Maven project, not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writeVendor( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project )
String vendor = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getVendor(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( vendor ) )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Vendor." );
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "vendor", vendor );
* Write DOAP language.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writeLanguage( XMLWriter writer )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getLanguage() ) )
boolean addComment = false;
String[] languages = StringUtils.split( doapOptions.getLanguage(), "," );
for ( String language : languages )
language = language.trim();
if ( Arrays.binarySearch( Locale.getISOLanguages(), language ) < 0 )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "languages" }, language,
UserMessages.INVALID_ISO_DATE );
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Language." );
addComment = true;
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "language", language );
* Write DOAP service-endpoint.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writeServiceEndpoint( XMLWriter writer )
String serviceEndpoint = DoapUtil.interpolate( doapOptions.getServiceEndpoint(), project, settings );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( serviceEndpoint ) )
serviceEndpoint = serviceEndpoint.trim();
new URL( serviceEndpoint );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
messages.addMessage( new String[]{ "doapOptions", "serviceEndpoint" }, serviceEndpoint,
UserMessages.INVALID_URL );
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Service endpoint." );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "service-endpoint", serviceEndpoint );
* Write DOAP implements.
* @param writer not null
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @since 1.1
private void writeImplements( XMLWriter writer )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( doapOptions.getImplementations() ) )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, "Implements." );
String[] implementations = StringUtils.split( doapOptions.getImplementations(), "," );
for ( String implementation : implementations )
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, doapOptions.getXmlnsPrefix(), "implements", implementation.trim() );
* Write extra for DOAP or any extension.
* @param writer not null
* @param project not null
* @param comment not null
* @param map not null
* @param xmlnsPrefix not null
* @since 1.1
private void writeExtra( XMLWriter writer, MavenProject project, String comment, Map<Object, String> map,
String xmlnsPrefix )
if ( map == null || map.isEmpty() )
boolean addComment = false;
for ( Map.Entry<Object, String> entry : map.entrySet() )
String key = (String)entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if ( value == null )
String interpolatedValue = DoapUtil.interpolate( value, project, settings );
if ( interpolatedValue == null )
if ( !addComment )
DoapUtil.writeComment( writer, comment );
addComment = true;
new URL( interpolatedValue );
DoapUtil.writeRdfResourceElement( writer, xmlnsPrefix, key, interpolatedValue );
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
DoapUtil.writeElement( writer, xmlnsPrefix, key, interpolatedValue );
* Write the extra DOAP extensions.
* @param writer not null
* @since 1.1
private void writeExtensions( XMLWriter writer )
if ( !( extOptions != null && extOptions.length > 0 && !extOptions[0].getExtensions().isEmpty() ) )
for ( ExtOptions extOption : extOptions )
Map<Object, String> map = extOption.getExtensions();
writeExtra( writer, project, "Other extension vocabulary.", map, extOption.getXmlnsPrefix() );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Convenience method that return true is the defined <code>SCM repository</code> is a known provider.
* <p>
* Actually, we fully support Clearcase, CVS, Perforce, Starteam, SVN by the maven-scm-providers component.
* </p>
* @param scmRepository a SCM repository
* @param scmProvider a SCM provider name
* @return true if the provider of the given SCM repository is equal to the given scm provider.
* @see <a href="">maven-scm-providers</a>
private static boolean isScmSystem( ScmRepository scmRepository, String scmProvider )
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( scmProvider ) )
return false;
if ( scmRepository != null && scmProvider.equalsIgnoreCase( scmRepository.getProvider() ) )
return true;
return false;
* Sort Contributor by name or Developer by id.
* @param contributors not null
* @since 1.1
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" } )
private static void sortContributors( List contributors )
Collections.sort( contributors, new Comparator<Contributor>()
public int compare( Contributor contributor1, Contributor contributor2 )
if ( contributor1 == contributor2 )
return 0;
if ( contributor1 == null && contributor2 != null )
return -1;
if ( contributor1 != null && contributor2 == null )
return +1;
if ( Developer.class.isAssignableFrom( contributor1.getClass() ) && Developer.class.isAssignableFrom(
contributor2.getClass() ) )
Developer developer1 = (Developer) contributor1;
Developer developer2 = (Developer) contributor2;
if ( developer1.getId() == null && developer2.getId() != null )
return -1;
if ( developer1.getId() != null && developer2.getId() == null )
return +1;
return developer1.getId().compareTo( developer2.getId() );
if ( contributor1.getName() == null && contributor2.getName() != null )
return -1;
if ( contributor1.getName() != null && contributor2.getName() == null )
return +1;
return contributor1.getName().compareTo( contributor2.getName() );
} );
* Encapsulates all user messages.
* @since 1.1
private class UserMessages
public static final int REQUIRED = 10;
public static final int REQUIRED_BY_ASF_OR_RECOMMENDED = 11;
public static final int REQUIRED_BY_ASF = 12;
public static final int RECOMMENDED = 20;
public static final int INVALID_URL = 30;
public static final int INVALID_DATE = 31;
public static final int INVALID_ISO_DATE = 32;
public static final int INVALID_EMAIL = 33;
public static final int SHORT_DESC_TOO_LONG = 34;
private List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> warnMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
* @return the error messages
public List<String> getErrorMessages()
return errorMessages;
* @return the warn messages
public List<String> getWarnMessages()
return warnMessages;
* @param tags not null
* @param value could be null
* @param errorId positive id
protected void addMessage( String[] tags, String value, int errorId )
if ( tags == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tags is required" );
boolean isPom = false;
if ( tags[0].equalsIgnoreCase( "project" ) )
isPom = true;
switch ( errorId )
errorMessages.add( "A " + toConfiguration( tags, null ) + " parameter is required." );
if ( isPom )
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
"A POM " + toConfiguration( tags, null ) + " value is required by ASF." );
warnMessages.add( "No POM " + toConfiguration( tags, null )
+ " value is defined, it is highly recommended to have one." );
if ( asfExtOptions.isIncluded() )
"A " + toConfiguration( tags, null ) + " parameter is required by ASF." );
warnMessages.add( "No " + toConfiguration( tags, null )
+ " parameter defined, it is highly recommended to have one." );
if ( isPom )
errorMessages.add( "A POM " + toConfiguration( tags, null ) + " value is required by ASF." );
errorMessages.add( "A " + toConfiguration( tags, null ) + " parameter is required by ASF." );
warnMessages.add( "No " + toConfiguration( tags, null )
+ " parameter defined, it is highly recommended to have one." );
if ( isPom )
errorMessages.add( "The POM " + toConfiguration( tags, value ) + " value is not a valid URL." );
errorMessages.add( "The " + toConfiguration( tags, value ) + " parameter is not a valid URL." );
"The " + toConfiguration( tags, value ) + " parameter should be in YYYY-MM-DD." );
errorMessages.add( "The POM " + toConfiguration( tags, value ) + " value is not a valid email." );
"The " + toConfiguration( tags, value ) + " parameter is not a valid ISO language." );
"The " + toConfiguration( tags, value ) + " first sentence is too long maximum words number is 10." );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown errorId=" + errorId );
* @param tags not null
* @param value of the last tag, could be null
* @return the XML configuration defined in tags.
protected String toConfiguration( String[] tags, String value )
if ( tags == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tags is required" );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++ )
if ( i == tags.length - 1 && StringUtils.isEmpty( value ) )
sb.append( "<" ).append( tags[i] ).append( "/>" );
sb.append( "<" ).append( tags[i] ).append( ">" );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( value ) )
sb.append( value );
for ( int i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( !( i == tags.length - 1 && StringUtils.isEmpty( value ) ) )
sb.append( "</" ).append( tags[i] ).append( ">" );
return sb.toString();