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~~ under the License.
Allan Ramirez
Brian Fox
Nov 2006
Maven Dependency Plugin
The dependency plugin provides the capability to manipulate artifacts. It
can copy and/or unpack artifacts from local or remote repositories to a
specified location.
* Goals Overview
Dependency plugin has 9 goals:
*{{{copy-mojo.html}dependency:copy}} takes a list of artifacts defined in
the plugin configuration section and copies them to a specified location,
renaming them or stripping the version if desired. This goal can resolve
the artifacts from remote repositories if they don't exist in local.
*{{{copy-dependencies-mojo.html}dependency:copy-dependencies}} takes the
list of project direct dependencies and optionally transitive dependencies and
copies them to a specified location, stripping the version if desired.
This goal can also be run from the command line.
*{{{unpack-mojo.html}dependency:unpack}} like copy but unpacks.
*{{{unpack-dependencies-mojo.html}dependency:unpack-dependencies}} like
copy-dependencies but unpacks.
*{{{resolve-mojo.html}dependency:resolve}} tells Maven to resolve all dependencies and displays the version.
*{{{sources-mojo.html}dependency:sources}} tells Maven to resolve all dependencies and their source attachments, and displays the version.
*{{{resolve-plugins-mojo.html}dependency:resolve-plugins}} Tells Maven to
resolve plugins and their dependencies.
*{{{go-offline-mojo.html}dependency:go-offline}} tells Maven to resolve
everything this project is dependent on (dependencies, plugins, reports)
in preparation for going offline.
*{{{purge-local-repository-mojo.html}dependency:purge-local-repository}} tells
Maven to clear all dependency-artifact files out of the local repository,
and optionally re-resolve them.
* Usage
Instructions on how to use the dependency plugin can be found {{{usage.html}here}}.
* Examples
The following examples show how to use the dependency plugin in more advanced use-cases:
* {{{examples/copying-artifacts.html}Copying Specific Artifacts}}
* {{{examples/copying-project-dependencies.html}Copying Project Dependencies}}
* {{{examples/unpacking-artifacts.html}Unpacking Specific Artifacts}}
* {{{examples/copying-project-dependencies.html}Unpacking the Project Dependencies}}
* Resources
Here is a link that provides more reference regarding dependencies
(i.e. dependency management, transitive dependencies).
* {{{}Dependency Mechanism}}