blob: 76590290984716984f79170adfbde02ce6e90db7 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.fromConfiguration;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.LegacySupport;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.AbstractDependencyMojoTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.testUtils.DependencyArtifactStubFactory;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.utils.markers.UnpackFileMarkerHandler;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class TestUnpackMojo
extends AbstractDependencyMojoTestCase
UnpackMojo mojo;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
super.setUp( "unpack", true, false );
File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test-classes/unit/unpack-test/plugin-config.xml" );
mojo = (UnpackMojo) lookupMojo( "unpack", testPom );
mojo.setOutputDirectory( new File( this.testDir, "outputDirectory" ) );
mojo.setMarkersDirectory( new File( this.testDir, "markers" ) );
mojo.setSilent( true );
assertNotNull( mojo );
assertNotNull( mojo.getProject() );
// MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();
// init classifier things
// it needs to get the archivermanager
stubFactory.setUnpackableFile( mojo.getArchiverManager() );
// i'm using one file repeatedly to archive so I can test the name
// programmatically.
stubFactory.setSrcFile( new File( getBasedir() + File.separatorChar
+ "target/test-classes/unit/unpack-dependencies-test/test.txt" ) );
mojo.setUseJvmChmod( true );
MavenSession session = newMavenSession( mojo.getProject() );
setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "session", session );
LegacySupport legacySupport = lookup( LegacySupport.class );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
installLocalRepository( legacySupport );
public ArtifactItem getSingleArtifactItem( boolean removeVersion )
throws MojoExecutionException
List<ArtifactItem> list = mojo.getProcessedArtifactItems( removeVersion );
return list.get( 0 );
public void testGetArtifactItems()
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifact" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setVersion( "1.0" );
ArrayList<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>( 1 );
list.add( createArtifact( item ) );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
ArtifactItem result = getSingleArtifactItem( false );
assertEquals( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), result.getOutputDirectory() );
File output = new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "override" );
item.setOutputDirectory( output );
result = getSingleArtifactItem( false );
assertEquals( output, result.getOutputDirectory() );
public void assertMarkerFiles( Collection<ArtifactItem> items, boolean exist )
for ( ArtifactItem item : items )
assertMarkerFile( exist, item );
public void assertMarkerFile( boolean val, ArtifactItem item )
UnpackFileMarkerHandler handle = new UnpackFileMarkerHandler( item, mojo.getMarkersDirectory() );
assertEquals( val, handle.isMarkerSet() );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
fail( e.getLongMessage() );
public void testUnpackFile()
throws Exception
List<ArtifactItem> list = stubFactory.getArtifactItems( stubFactory.getClassifiedArtifacts() );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
assertMarkerFiles( list, true );
public void testSkip()
throws Exception
List<ArtifactItem> list = stubFactory.getArtifactItems( stubFactory.getClassifiedArtifacts() );
mojo.setSkip( true );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
assertMarkerFiles( list, false );
public void testUnpackToLocation()
throws Exception
List<ArtifactItem> list = stubFactory.getArtifactItems( stubFactory.getClassifiedArtifacts() );
ArtifactItem item = list.get( 0 );
item.setOutputDirectory( new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "testOverride" ) );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
assertMarkerFiles( list, true );
public void testUnpackToLocationWhereLocationCannotBeCreatedThrowsException()
throws Exception
List<ArtifactItem> list = stubFactory.getArtifactItems( stubFactory.getClassifiedArtifacts() );
ArtifactItem item = list.get( 0 );
item.setOutputDirectory( new File( mojo.getOutputDirectory(), "testOverride" ) );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
final File currentFile = mojo.getOutputDirectory();
// pretend that the output directory cannot be found event after mkdirs has been called by the mojo
// ifor instance in the case when the outputDirectory cannot be created because of permissions on the
// parent of the output directory
mojo.setOutputDirectory( new File( currentFile.getAbsolutePath() )
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8559876942040177020L;
public boolean exists()
// this file will always report that it does not exist
return false;
} );
fail( "Expected Exception Here." );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
// caught the expected exception.
public void testMissingVersionNotFound()
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
item.setClassifier( "" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "type" );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
fail( "Expected Exception Here." );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
// caught the expected exception.
public List<Dependency> getDependencyList( ArtifactItem item )
Dependency dep = new Dependency();
dep.setArtifactId( item.getArtifactId() );
dep.setClassifier( item.getClassifier() );
dep.setGroupId( item.getGroupId() );
dep.setType( item.getType() );
dep.setVersion( "2.0-SNAPSHOT" );
Dependency dep2 = new Dependency();
dep2.setArtifactId( item.getArtifactId() );
dep2.setClassifier( "classifier" );
dep2.setGroupId( item.getGroupId() );
dep2.setType( item.getType() );
dep2.setVersion( "2.1" );
List<Dependency> list = new ArrayList<>( 2 );
list.add( dep2 );
list.add( dep );
return list;
public void testMissingVersionFromDependencies()
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
item.setClassifier( "" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "jar" );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();
project.setDependencies( createArtifacts( getDependencyList( item ) ) );
assertMarkerFile( true, item );
assertEquals( "2.0-SNAPSHOT", item.getVersion() );
public void testMissingVersionFromDependenciesWithClassifier()
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
item.setClassifier( "classifier" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "war" );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();
project.setDependencies( createArtifacts( getDependencyList( item ) ) );
assertMarkerFile( true, item );
assertEquals( "2.1", item.getVersion() );
public List<Dependency> getDependencyMgtList( ArtifactItem item )
Dependency dep = new Dependency();
dep.setArtifactId( item.getArtifactId() );
dep.setClassifier( item.getClassifier() );
dep.setGroupId( item.getGroupId() );
dep.setType( item.getType() );
dep.setVersion( "3.0-SNAPSHOT" );
Dependency dep2 = new Dependency();
dep2.setArtifactId( item.getArtifactId() );
dep2.setClassifier( "classifier" );
dep2.setGroupId( item.getGroupId() );
dep2.setType( item.getType() );
dep2.setVersion( "3.1" );
List<Dependency> list = new ArrayList<>( 2 );
list.add( dep2 );
list.add( dep );
return list;
public void testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgt()
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
item.setClassifier( "" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "jar" );
MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();
project.setDependencies( createArtifacts( getDependencyList( item ) ) );
item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId-2" );
item.setClassifier( "" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "jar" );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
project.getDependencyManagement().setDependencies( createArtifacts( getDependencyMgtList( item ) ) );
assertMarkerFile( true, item );
assertEquals( "3.0-SNAPSHOT", item.getVersion() );
public void testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgtWithClassifier()
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
item.setClassifier( "classifier" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "jar" );
MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();
project.setDependencies( createArtifacts( getDependencyList( item ) ) );
item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId-2" );
item.setClassifier( "classifier" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "jar" );
stubFactory.createArtifact( "groupId", "artifactId-2", VersionRange.createFromVersion( "3.0-SNAPSHOT" ), null,
"jar", "classifier", false );
stubFactory.createArtifact( "groupId", "artifactId-2", VersionRange.createFromVersion( "3.1" ), null, "jar",
"classifier", false );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
project.getDependencyManagement().setDependencies( createArtifacts( getDependencyMgtList( item ) ) );
assertMarkerFile( true, item );
assertEquals( "3.1", item.getVersion() );
public void testArtifactNotFound()
throws Exception
dotestArtifactExceptions( false, true );
public void testArtifactResolutionException()
throws Exception
dotestArtifactExceptions( true, false );
public void dotestArtifactExceptions( boolean are, boolean anfe )
throws Exception
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem();
item.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
item.setClassifier( "" );
item.setGroupId( "groupId" );
item.setType( "type" );
item.setVersion( "1.0" );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
fail( "ExpectedException" );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertEquals( "Unable to find/resolve artifact.", e.getMessage() );
public void testNoArtifactItems()
mojo.getProcessedArtifactItems( false );
fail( "Expected Exception" );
catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
assertEquals( "There are no artifactItems configured.", e.getMessage() );
public void testUnpackDontOverWriteReleases()
throws Exception
stubFactory.setCreateFiles( true );
Artifact release = stubFactory.getReleaseArtifact();
assertTrue( release.getFile().setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() - 2000 ) );
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem( createArtifact( release ) );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>( 1 );
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
mojo.setOverWriteIfNewer( false );
assertUnpacked( item, false );
public void testUnpackDontOverWriteSnapshots()
throws Exception
stubFactory.setCreateFiles( true );
Artifact artifact = stubFactory.getSnapshotArtifact();
assertTrue( artifact.getFile().setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() - 2000 ) );
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem( createArtifact( artifact ) );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>( 1 );
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
mojo.setOverWriteIfNewer( false );
assertUnpacked( item, false );
public void testUnpackOverWriteReleases()
throws Exception
stubFactory.setCreateFiles( true );
Artifact release = stubFactory.getReleaseArtifact();
assertTrue( release.getFile().setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() - 2000 ) );
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem( createArtifact( release ) );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>( 1 );
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
mojo.setOverWriteIfNewer( false );
mojo.setOverWriteReleases( true );
assertUnpacked( item, true );
public void testUnpackOverWriteSnapshot()
throws Exception
stubFactory.setCreateFiles( true );
Artifact artifact = stubFactory.getSnapshotArtifact();
assertTrue( artifact.getFile().setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() - 2000 ) );
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem( createArtifact( artifact ) );
List<ArtifactItem> list = new ArrayList<>( 1 );
list.add( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
mojo.setOverWriteIfNewer( false );
mojo.setOverWriteReleases( false );
mojo.setOverWriteSnapshots( true );
assertUnpacked( item, true );
* The following code has been modified to prevent the
* JDK bug which is described in detail
public void testUnpackOverWriteIfNewer()
throws Exception
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
mojo.setSilent( false );
stubFactory.setCreateFiles( true );
Artifact artifact = stubFactory.getSnapshotArtifact();
assertTrue( artifact.getFile().setLastModified( now - 20000 ) );
ArtifactItem item = new ArtifactItem( createArtifact( artifact ) );
List<ArtifactItem> list = Collections.singletonList( item );
mojo.setArtifactItems( list );
mojo.setOverWriteIfNewer( true );
File unpackedFile = getUnpackedFile( item );
// round down to the last second
long time = now;
time = time - ( time % 1000 );
// go back 10 more seconds for linux
time -= 10000;
// set to known value
assertTrue( unpackedFile.setLastModified( time ) );
// set source to be newer about some seconds,
// especially on macOS it shouldn't be smaller than 8s in order to mitigate flapping test
assertTrue( artifact.getFile().setLastModified( time + 8000 ) );
// manually set markerfile (must match getMarkerFile in DefaultMarkerFileHandler)
File marker = new File( mojo.getMarkersDirectory(), artifact.getId().replace( ':', '-' ) + ".marker" );
assertTrue( marker.setLastModified( time ) );
long markerLastModifiedMillis = Files.getLastModifiedTime( marker.toPath() ).toMillis();
long unpackedFileLastModifiedMillis = Files.getLastModifiedTime( unpackedFile.toPath() ).toMillis();
assertTrue( "unpackedFile '" + unpackedFile + "' lastModified() == " + markerLastModifiedMillis
+ ": should be different", markerLastModifiedMillis != unpackedFileLastModifiedMillis );
public void assertUnpacked( ArtifactItem item, boolean overWrite )
throws Exception
File unpackedFile = getUnpackedFile( item );
Thread.sleep( 100 );
// round down to the last second
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
time = time - ( time % 1000 );
assertTrue( unpackedFile.setLastModified( time ) );
assertEquals( time, unpackedFile.lastModified() );
if ( overWrite )
assertTrue( time != unpackedFile.lastModified() );
assertEquals( time, unpackedFile.lastModified() );
public File getUnpackedFile( ArtifactItem item )
File unpackedFile = new File( item.getOutputDirectory(),
DependencyArtifactStubFactory.getUnpackableFileName( item.getArtifact() ) );
assertTrue( unpackedFile.exists() );
return unpackedFile;
// respects the createUnpackableFile flag of the ArtifactStubFactory
private List<Dependency> createArtifacts( List<Dependency> items )
throws IOException
for ( Dependency item : items )
String classifier = "".equals( item.getClassifier() ) ? null : item.getClassifier();
stubFactory.createArtifact( item.getGroupId(), item.getArtifactId(),
VersionRange.createFromVersion( item.getVersion() ), null, item.getType(),
classifier, item.isOptional() );
return items;
private Artifact createArtifact( Artifact art )
throws IOException
String classifier = "".equals( art.getClassifier() ) ? null : art.getClassifier();
stubFactory.createArtifact( art.getGroupId(), art.getArtifactId(),
VersionRange.createFromVersion( art.getVersion() ), null, art.getType(), classifier,
art.isOptional() );
return art;
private ArtifactItem createArtifact( ArtifactItem item )
throws IOException
String classifier = "".equals( item.getClassifier() ) ? null : item.getClassifier();
stubFactory.createArtifact( item.getGroupId(), item.getArtifactId(), item.getVersion(), null, item.getType(),
classifier );
return item;