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Allan Ramirez
Brian Fox
Jan 2007
Brief examples on how to use the dependency goals.
* Generic Plugin configuration information
See the following links for information about including and configuring plugins in your project:
*{{{}Configuring Plugins}}
*{{{}Plugin Development}}
*{{{}Plugin Prefix}}
* The <<<dependency:copy>>> mojo
This goal is meant to be bound to a lifecycle phase and configured in your
<<<pom.xml>>>. It will resolve the artifact from the repository and place a copy
in the specified location. Multiple artifacts can be defined in a single
execution. A default output directory is specified but can be overriden for
each ArtifactItem by setting the optional outputDirectory field. An
optional new name can be set to rename or the version stripped while copying.
The artifact version is optional. If not set, the plugin will attempt to resolve it from the
project dependencies and then the dependencyManagement section.
See the {{#Overwrite Rules}} section for rules about how overwriting is handled.
Configure the plugin something like this:
<groupId>[ groupId ]</groupId>
<artifactId>[ artifactId ]</artifactId>
<version>[ version ]</version>
<type>[ packaging ]</type>
<overWrite>[ true or false ]</overWrite>
<outputDirectory>[ output directory ]</outputDirectory>
<destFileName>[ filename ]</destFileName>
<!-- other configurations here -->
* The <<<dependency:copy-dependencies>>> mojo
This goal can be bound to a lifecycle phase and configured in your <<<pom.xml>>>.
It will resolve the dependencies (including transitive dependencies) from
the repository and place a copy in the specified location.
The artifacts can be placed in subfolders based on type. For example:
The artifacts can be placed in a subfolder per artifact. For example:
This feature also works with the subfolders per type. For example:
Artifacts can also be resolved by specifying the classifer and optionally
type. Type is only used with the classifier and defaults to java-sources.
When the classifier is set, the list of dependencies is used as the base to
resolve artifacts with the classifer and type. For example:
<<<mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dclassifer=sources>>> will try to find
the sources for all dependencies and copy them.
Also included is the ability to include or exclude by type (war, jar etc), scope (runtime, test, etc), classifier (jdk14, sources, etc) or a combination of all three.
See the {{#Overwrite Rules}} section for rules about how overwriting is handled.
The goal can also be launched from the command line like:
<<<mvn dependency:copy-dependencies [optional params]>>>
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
* The <<<dependency:unpack>>> mojo
This goal is meant to be bound to a lifecycle and configured in your pom.xml.
It will resolve the artifact from the repository and place a copy in the
specified location. Multiple artifacts can be defined in a single execution.
A default outputDirectory is specified but can be overriden for each
ArtifactItem by setting the optional outputDirectory field.
See the {{#Overwrite Rules}} section for rules about how overwriting is handled.
The artifact version is optional. If not set, the plugin will attempt to resolve it from the
project dependencies and then the dependencyManagement section.
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
* The <<<dependency:unpack-dependencies>>> mojo
This goal can be bound to a lifecycle and configured in your pom.xml.
It will resolve the dependencies (including transitive dependencies) from
the repository and unpack them to the specified location.
Unpack-dependencies includes transitive dependencies by default. To include
only direct dependencies, set the excludeTransitive parameter to true.
Dependencies can be included or excluded by a list of types. See
{{{unpack-dependencies-mojo.html}unpack-dependencies}} for details.
The artifacts can be unpacked in subfolders based on type. For example:
The artifacts can be placed in a subfolder per artifact. For example:
This feature also works with the subfolders per type. For example:
Artifacts can also be resolved by specifying the classifer and optionally
type. Type is only used with the classifier and defaults to java-sources.
When the classifier is set, the list of dependencies is used as the base to
resolve artifacts with the classifer and type. For example:
<<<mvn dependency:unpack-dependencies -Dclassifer=sources>>> will try to find
the sources for all dependencies and unpack them.
Also included is the ability to include or exclude by type (war, jar etc), scope (runtime, test, etc), classifier (jdk14, sources, etc) or a combination of all three.
See the {{#Overwrite Rules}} section for rules about how overwriting is handled.
The goal can also be launched from the command line like:
<<<mvn dependency:unpack-dependencies [optional params]>>>
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
* {Overwrite Rules}
Artifacts are copied or unpacked using the following rules:
* If the artifact doesn't exist in the destination, then copy/unpack it.
* For copy/unpack mojo only: if <<<artifactItem / overWrite>>> or <<<overWrite>>> is true, then it will force an overwrite.
* Releases check the <<<overWriteReleases>>> value (default = false). If true, then it will force an overwrite.
* Snapshots check the <<<overWriteSnapshots>>> value (default = false). If true, then it will force an overwrite.
* If none of the above is set to true, then it defaults to the <<<overWriteIfNewer>>> value (default = true). This value, if true, causes
the plugin to only copy if the source is newer than the destination (or it doesn't exist in the destination). (for unpack, this checks the existence of the marker file, created in the <<<markersDirectory>>> path.
To avoid unexpected behavior after <<<mvn clean>>>, this path should normally be contained within the <<</target>>> hierarchy.)
* Using the default settings (<<<overWriteReleases>>> = false, <<<overWriteSnapshots>>> = false, <<<overWriteIfNewer>>> = true), then a release or snapshot artifact will
only over write the destination if the source is newer than the destination (or marker file if unpacking).
* If <<<overWriteReleases>>> = true, then a release artifact (ie <<<foo-1.0.jar>>>) will always overwrite.
* If <<<overWriteSnapshots>>> = true, then a snapshot artifact (ie <<<foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar>>>) will always overwrite.
* If all of the values are false, then a copy/unpack will only occur if it doesn't exist in the destination (or <<<markersDirectory>>> if unpacking).
* The <<<dependency:resolve>>> mojo
Resolve is intended to be used from the command line like:
<<<mvn dependency:resolve -Dsilent=true>>>
This goal simply tells maven to resolve all test scope (includes compile)
dependencies and then displays the resolved versions. This is intended to
help ensure all dependencies are downloaded to the local repository. This is
usefull when troubleshooting or during intermittent remote repository
failures when repeatedly building multiproject modules is undersirable and
the build is failing on dependency resolution. It can also be used to quickly
determine how versions are being resolved.
Artifacts can also be resolved by specifying the classifer and optionally
type. Type is only used with the classifier and defaults to java-sources.
When the classifier is set, the list of dependencies is used as the base to
resolve artifacts with the classifer and type. For example:
<<<mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifer=test-jar>>> will try to find the
test-jar for all dependencies resolve them to the local repository.
* The <<<dependency:sources>>> mojo
Sources is intended to be used from the command line like:
<<<mvn dependency:sources -Dsilent=true>>>
This is the same as the resolve goal except it includes the source
attachments if they exist. This is useful when you want the source
attachments downloaded to your local repository and
you don't want to use the eclipse plugin to do this since the eclipse plugin
creates/overwrites the eclipse files.
You can also define the <<<markersDirectory>>> either in the pom or settings
to be a common location for all projects. This allows the system to resolve sources faster for dependencies that don't
have the sources published. The plugin will store a marker file to describe if the sources where resolved or not. By placing
them in a common location, multiple attempts to resolve non-existent sources will be avoided.
* The <<<dependency:resolve-plugins>>> mojo
Resolve-plugins is intended to be used from the command line like:
<<<mvn dependency:resolve-plugins -Dsilent=true -DexcludeTransitive=true>>>
This is the same as the resolve goal except it resolves plugins and
optionally their dependencies.
* The <<<dependency:go-offline>>> mojo
This goal is exactly the same as calling
<<<mvn dependency:resolve dependency:resolve-plugins>>>.
* The <<<dependency:purge-local-repository>>> mojo
This goal is meant to delete all of the dependencies for the current project
(or projects, in the case of a multimodule build) from the local repository.
Purges can be run with a variety of limiting parameters, including artifact
exclusions, limiting to direct dependencies only, and different levels of
depth for deletion. By default, deleted artifacts can be re-resolved
afterwards; you can disable this by specifying <<<-DreResolve=false>>>.
In its simplest form, the mojo can be called like this:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository
To add the restriction that the <<<org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api>>>
artifact not be deleted, we can modify the command to this:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -Dexclude=org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api
<<NOTE:>> The <<<exclude>>> parameter is a comma-delimited list of
groupId:artifactId pairs. It has a corresponding List-based parameter -
<<<excludes>>> - for convenient use inside the POM.
Another handy aspect of this mojo is the ability to wipe out artifacts at
varying depths. These depths are:
* <<file>> - Delete just the artifact's file.
* <<version>> - Delete the version directory containing this artifact. Amounts to
* <<artifactId>> - Delete the artifactId directory containing this artifact.
Amounts to <<<file.getParentFile().getParentFile()>>>.
* <<groupId>> - Delete the groupId directory structure containing this artifact.
At a minimum, this amounts to <<<file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile()>>>.
However, if the groupId contains multiple parts, the mojo will prune all groupId-part
directories that contain only the files associated with this artifact. Again, note that
the exception to this pruning algorithm is the lowest groupId part, which will always
be pruned.
To prune dependency artifacts back to their associated artifactId directories
(in order to verify proper artifact resolution, for example), simply use this
mvn dependency:prune-local-repository -DresolutionFuzziness=artifactId
Finally, it's possible to bind this mojo to the build lifecycle. One reason for this
might be to clean out all dependencies when the build is initialized, to verify
correct resolution.