blob: 36812f30643847ef5c93b1b38e18a8b311670eff [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugin.jira;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.issues.Issue;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import java.util.List;
* Abstract API, more or less, to retrieving issue information from JIRA.
* Intended to have subclasses for the old (RSS) and new (REST) ways of doing things.
* @author
* @author
* @version $Id$
public abstract class AbstractJiraDownloader
protected static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
/** Log for debug output. */
protected Log log;
/** Output file for xml document. */
protected File output;
/** The maximum number of entries to show. */
protected int nbEntriesMax;
/** The filter to apply to query to JIRA. */
protected String filter;
/** Ids of fix versions to show, as comma separated string. */
protected String fixVersionIds;
/** Ids of status to show, as comma separated string. */
protected String statusIds;
/** Ids of resolution to show, as comma separated string. */
protected String resolutionIds;
/** Ids of priority to show, as comma separated string. */
protected String priorityIds;
/** The component to show. */
protected String component;
/** Ids of types to show, as comma separated string. */
protected String typeIds;
/** Column names to sort by, as comma separated string. */
protected String sortColumnNames;
/** The username to log into JIRA. */
protected String jiraUser;
/** The password to log into JIRA. */
protected String jiraPassword;
/** The username to log into webserver. */
protected String webUser;
/** The password to log into webserver. */
protected String webPassword;
/** The maven project. */
protected MavenProject project;
/** The maven settings. */
protected Settings settings;
/** Use JQL, JIRA query language, instead of URL parameter based queries.
* Note that this is down here to make it easier for the mojo to deal with
* both new and old flavors. */
protected boolean useJql;
/** Filter the JIRA query based on the current version */
protected boolean onlyCurrentVersion;
/** The versionPrefix to apply to the POM version */
protected String versionPrefix;
/** The pattern used to parse dates from the JIRA xml file. */
protected String jiraDatePattern;
* Execute the query on the JIRA server.
* @throws Exception on error
public abstract void doExecute() throws Exception;
* Check to see if we think that JIRA authentication is needed.
* @return <code>true</code> if jiraUser and jiraPassword are set, otherwise <code>false</code>
protected boolean isJiraAuthenticationConfigured()
return ( jiraUser != null ) && ( jiraUser.length() > 0 ) && ( jiraPassword != null );
public abstract List<Issue> getIssueList() throws MojoExecutionException;
public void setJiraDatePattern( String jiraDatePattern )
this.jiraDatePattern = jiraDatePattern;
* Set the output file for the log.
* @param thisOutput the output file
public void setOutput( File thisOutput )
this.output = thisOutput;
public File getOutput()
return this.output;
* Sets the project.
* @param thisProject The project to set
public void setMavenProject( Object thisProject )
this.project = (MavenProject) thisProject;
* Sets the maximum number of Issues to show.
* @param nbEntries The maximum number of Issues
public void setNbEntries( final int nbEntries )
nbEntriesMax = nbEntries;
* Sets the statusIds.
* @param thisStatusIds The id(s) of the status to show, as comma separated string
public void setStatusIds( String thisStatusIds )
statusIds = thisStatusIds;
* Sets the priorityIds.
* @param thisPriorityIds The id(s) of the priority to show, as comma separated string
public void setPriorityIds( String thisPriorityIds )
priorityIds = thisPriorityIds;
* Sets the resolutionIds.
* @param thisResolutionIds The id(s) of the resolution to show, as comma separated string
public void setResolutionIds( String thisResolutionIds )
resolutionIds = thisResolutionIds;
* Sets the sort column names.
* @param thisSortColumnNames The column names to sort by
public void setSortColumnNames( String thisSortColumnNames )
sortColumnNames = thisSortColumnNames;
* Sets the password for authentication against the webserver.
* @param thisWebPassword The password of the webserver
public void setWebPassword( String thisWebPassword )
this.webPassword = thisWebPassword;
* Sets the username for authentication against the webserver.
* @param thisWebUser The username of the webserver
public void setWebUser( String thisWebUser )
this.webUser = thisWebUser;
* Sets the password to log into a secured JIRA.
* @param thisJiraPassword The password for JIRA
public void setJiraPassword( final String thisJiraPassword )
this.jiraPassword = thisJiraPassword;
* Sets the username to log into a secured JIRA.
* @param thisJiraUser The username for JIRA
public void setJiraUser( String thisJiraUser )
this.jiraUser = thisJiraUser;
* Sets the filter to apply to query to JIRA.
* @param thisFilter The filter to query JIRA
public void setFilter( String thisFilter )
this.filter = thisFilter;
* Sets the component(s) to apply to query JIRA.
* @param theseComponents The id(s) of components to show, as comma separated string
public void setComponent( String theseComponents )
this.component = theseComponents;
* Sets the fix version id(s) to apply to query JIRA.
* @param theseFixVersionIds The id(s) of fix versions to show, as comma separated string
public void setFixVersionIds( String theseFixVersionIds )
this.fixVersionIds = theseFixVersionIds;
* Sets the typeIds.
* @param theseTypeIds The id(s) of the types to show, as comma separated string
public void setTypeIds( String theseTypeIds )
typeIds = theseTypeIds;
public void setLog( Log log )
this.log = log;
protected Log getLog()
return log;
public void setSettings( Settings settings )
this.settings = settings;
public boolean isUseJql()
return useJql;
public void setUseJql( boolean useJql )
this.useJql = useJql;
public boolean isOnlyCurrentVersion()
return onlyCurrentVersion;
public void setOnlyCurrentVersion( boolean onlyCurrentVersion )
this.onlyCurrentVersion = onlyCurrentVersion;
public String getVersionPrefix()
return versionPrefix;
public void setVersionPrefix( String versionPrefix )
this.versionPrefix = versionPrefix;