blob: 6eafeed9e48f9d11d6435d7641df5f02ca4b6043 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.maven.plugin.jira;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.issues.Issue;
import java.util.List;
* Jira downloader that uses REST or RSS, depending.
* This code is not very attractive. However, JIRA has
* supported REST for a very long time, and so the
* fallback is only relevant for people with very old
* copies of JIRA.
public class AdaptiveJiraDownloader extends AbstractJiraDownloader
private AbstractJiraDownloader effectiveDownloader;
private boolean forceClassic;
public void doExecute()
throws Exception
effectiveDownloader = new RestJiraDownloader();
copySettings( effectiveDownloader );
catch( RestJiraDownloader.NoRest nre )
getLog().info( "Falling back to RSS for issue download." );
effectiveDownloader = new ClassicJiraDownloader();
copySettings( effectiveDownloader );
private void copySettings( AbstractJiraDownloader target )
target.setLog( getLog() );
target.setMavenProject( project );
target.setOutput( output );
target.setNbEntries( nbEntriesMax );
target.setComponent( component );
target.setFixVersionIds( fixVersionIds );
target.setStatusIds( statusIds );
target.setResolutionIds( resolutionIds );
target.setPriorityIds( priorityIds );
target.setSortColumnNames( sortColumnNames );
target.setFilter( filter );
target.setJiraDatePattern( jiraDatePattern );
target.setJiraUser( jiraUser );
target.setJiraPassword( jiraPassword );
target.setTypeIds( typeIds );
target.setWebUser( webUser );
target.setWebPassword( webPassword );
target.setSettings( settings );
target.setUseJql( useJql );
target.setOnlyCurrentVersion( onlyCurrentVersion );
target.setVersionPrefix( versionPrefix );
public List<Issue> getIssueList()
throws MojoExecutionException
return effectiveDownloader.getIssueList();
public boolean isForceClassic()
return forceClassic;
public void setForceClassic( boolean forceClassic )
this.forceClassic = forceClassic;