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layout: post
title: "Apache Maven Install Plugin Version 3.0.1 Released"
date: '2022-07-23T19:12:12+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-install-plugin-3-0-1
- Maven-Install-Plugin
- Maven-Plugin-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
[Apache Maven Install Plugin, version 3.0.1](
The Maven-Install-Plugin is used during the install phase to add artifact(s) to the
local repository. The Install-Plugin uses the information in the POM (groupId,
artifactId, version) to determine the proper location for the artifact within
the local repository.
* Plugin is Java7 level and compatible with Maven 3.2.5+
You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the [download page](
[Release Notes - Maven Install Plugin Version 3.0.1](
* Bug:
* [MINSTALL-160]( - generatePom=true with 3.0.0-M1 does not generate minimal POM but copies existing one
-The Apache Maven team