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layout: post
title: "Apache Maven Doxia Version 2.0.0-M1 Released"
date: '2022-01-21T13:32:35+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-doxia-version-2-0-0-M1
- Maven-Doxia
- Maven-Components
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
[Apache Maven Doxia]( Version 2.0.0-M1,
Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its users with powerful techniques for
generating static and dynamic content: Doxia can be used in web-based publishing context to generate
static sites, in addition to being incorporated into dynamic content generation systems like blogs,
wikis and content management systems.
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[Release Notes - Maven Doxia base - Version 2.0.0-M1](
You can download the [appropriate sources etc. from the download page.][download]
Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 2.0.0-M1
* Tasks:
* [DOXIA-534]( - Remove Doxia Logging API
* [DOXIA-630]( - Remove all deprecated modules
* [DOXIA-631]( - Remove all deprecated macros
* [DOXIA-632]( - Remove remaining deprecated code
* [DOXIA-633]( - Drop and replace usage of HttpComponents in Core
* [DOXIA-634]( - Drop and replace usage of Commons Lang in Core
* [DOXIA-635]( - Drop and replace usage of Commons IO in Markdown Module
* [DOXIA-638]( - Replace Plexus Container Default with Sisu Plexus Shim
* Dependency upgrades:
* [DOXIA-636]( - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.3.1
* [DOXIA-637]( - Upgrade XML Unit to 2.8.4
-The Apache Maven team