blob: 89d1a9caa96632c5c298b5c8b8b764eee693ad5a [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache Maven Deploy Plugin Version 2.8.2 Released"
date: '2014-08-31T16:38:00+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-deploy-plugin-2-8-2
- Maven-Deploy-Plugin
- Maven-Plugin-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
[Apache Maven Deploy Plugin, version 2.8.2](
The Maven Deploy Plugin is primarily used during the deploy-phase, to add your
artifact(s) to a remote repository for sharing with other developers and
projects. This is usually done in an integration or release environment. It can
also be used to deploy a particular artifact (e.g. a third party jar like Sun's
non-redistributable reference implementations).
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[Release Notes - Maven Deploy Plugin Version 2.8.2](
* [MDEPLOY-172]( - Concurrency problem with deployAtEnd in parallel builds
* [MDEPLOY-174]( - [REGRESSION] url not required anymore, causing a NullPointerException
* [MDEPLOY-185]( - MavenProject/MavenSession Injection as a paremeter instead as a component.
* [MDEPLOY-186]( - Upgrade to Maven 2.2.1 compatiblity
-The Apache Maven team