blob: b43fbd3f3a49495e1f474cea08d0affd228475b2 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache Maven Deploy Plugin - Release 2.8"
date: '2018-10-01T19:30:55+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-deploy-plugin-2-8-0
- Maven-Deploy-Plugin
- Maven-Plugin-Releases
The new release of the [Apache Maven Deploy Plugin 2.8]( is available.
The new release of the Maven Deploy Plugin contains two bug fixes, an improvement and an very important
new feature [MDEPLOY-157]( This will address the problem of deploying artifacts within a multi-module build
where not all artifacts have successfully installed.
* [MDEPLOY-68]( - altDeploymentRepository allows dangerous deploy processes
* [MDEPLOY-145]( - Documentation does not list layouts
* [MDEPLOY-154]( - Rewrite page 'deploy with classifier'
New Feature
* [MDEPLOY-157]( - Add deployAtEnd option for multimodule projects
* [MDEPLOY-151]( - use maven-plugin-tools' java 5 annotations