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layout: post
title: "Apache Maven Compiler Plugin Version 3.9.0 Released"
date: '2022-01-12T14:39:39+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-compiler-plugin-3-9-0
- Maven-Compiler-Plugin
- Maven-Plugin-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
[Apache Maven Compiler Plugin, version 3.9.0](
The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
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[Release Notes - Maven Compiler Plugin - Version 3.9.0](
* Bugs:
* [MCOMPILER-272]( - When annotationProcessorPaths has multiple entries, only the transitive dependencies of the first entry are added
* [MCOMPILER-359]( - plexus-java 0.9.10 causes a NullPointer in compiler-plugin 3.8.0
* [MCOMPILER-373]( - Unable to compile MR jar code against older directories
* [MCOMPILER-410]( - CI Broken by JDK 15 changes
* [MCOMPILER-455]( - preparePaths does not take toolchain into account when parsing module-info.class
* Improvements:
* [MCOMPILER-376]( - Change default source/target to 1.7 (new minimum for JDK 12)
* [MCOMPILER-382]( - Remove superfluous exception declarations
* [MCOMPILER-383]( - Use Java 7 type inference more
* [MCOMPILER-384]( - Remove null checks in conjunction with instanceof
* [MCOMPILER-385]( - Minor performance improvements in CompilerMojo
* [MCOMPILER-404]( - Update default source/target from 1.6 to 1.7
* [MCOMPILER-405]( - Update plexus-java to 1.1.0
* [MCOMPILER-411]( - make build Reproducible
* [MCOMPILER-427]( - Lack of guide for cross-compilation for JDK 9+
* [MCOMPILER-428]( - Documentation regarding useIncrementalCompilation not very useful
* [MCOMPILER-449]( - Improve <jdkToolchain> parameter description
* [MCOMPILER-471]( - Require Java 8
* [MCOMPILER-475]( - Shared GitHub Actions
* Tasks:
* [MCOMPILER-189]( - Source Xref report is missing classes due to simple name collision, update maven-jxr-plugin
* [MCOMPILER-398]( - Simplify the implementation of the inclusion/exclusion logic
* [MCOMPILER-467]( - Improve compile mojo parameter multiReleaseOutput docs
* Dependency upgrade:
* [MCOMPILER-399]( - Upgrade mockito to latest 2.x
- The Apache Maven team