blob: 21bd9ddf4d63d0bf3508f2d4a12b24c39b85ffe3 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache Maven Compiler Plugin Version 3.10.1 Released"
date: '2022-03-11T12:21:30+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-compiler-plugin-3-10-1
- Maven-Compiler-Plugin
- Maven-Plugin-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
[Apache Maven Compiler Plugin, version 3.10.1](
The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
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[Release Notes - Maven Compiler Plugin - Version 3.10.1](
* Bugs:
* [MCOMPILER-346]( - workaround to jdk bug: assertionError inside javac when using API
* [MCOMPILER-485]( - Incorrect internal string format in generated package-info.class files on Windows
* New Feature:
* [MCOMPILER-426]( - dedicated option for enabling preview feature
- The Apache Maven team