blob: a7e7fb818c6644435d41db1117f580a9e33222b6 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache Maven 3.5.3 Released"
date: '2018-03-08T16:30:40+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-3-5-3
- Maven-Core-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven 3.5.3
You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the [download page](
The Apache Maven team would like to thank the following contributors,
without whom this release would not have been possible:
Code contributors:
- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Bengt Söderberg
- Robin Müller
- Romain Manni-Bucau
Issue reporters:
- Ryan Heaton
- Ryan J McDonough
- Andreas Kurth
- Ben Caradoc-Davies
- Romain Manni-Bucau
- Robin Müller
- Dejan Stojadinović
- Andrew Kennedy
- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Andy Wilkinson
- Eugene Pliskin
- Tony Guan
Community testers participating in voting for this release:
- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Grzegorz Grzybek
Thank you for your time and feedback.
Release Notes - Maven - Version 3.5.3
**Known issue:**
* [MNG-6372]( - On Windows with -T option, Maven can output spurious ANSI escapes such as [0m [0m
* [MNG-6188]( - Console color not properly reset when interrupting build process
* [MNG-6255]( - Maven script cannot parse jvm.config with CRLF
* [MNG-6282]( - Console output has no colors in shell (both Git Bash and Cygwin) [regression in Jansi 1.16 / Maven 3.5.1]
* [MNG-6296]( - New option -Dstyle.color is not working
* [MNG-6298]( - 3.5.2: ClassNotFoundException: RolesAllowed
* [MNG-6300]( - Multi module release creates empty directories in war file instead of jars
* [MNG-6305]( - Validation of CI friendly version incorrect
* [MNG-6320]( - Apparently wrong encoding of non-ascii java class filename in error messages in the maven log
* [MNG-6323]( - Deadlock in multithreaded dependency resolution
* [MNG-6330]( - [regression] Parents relativePath not verified anymore
New Feature:
* [MNG-6302]( - Provide some "progress" hints
* [MNG-5992]( - Git passwords are exposed as the Super POM still uses Maven Release Plugin 2.3.2
* [MNG-6306]( - Replace use of Guava in maven-resolver-provider with a lighter weight alternative
* [MNG-6308]( - display packaging & groupId:artifactId when building a module
* [MNG-6332]( - Cleaned up mvn.cmd Script
* [MNG-6340]( - [Performance]To make System.gc() call configurable in target summary code
* [MNG-6342]( - Emit a WARNING about LATEST/RELEASE in parent
* [MNG-6352]( - Printout version information at the end of the build
* [MNG-6331]( - Remove maven-bundle-pugin from build pluginManagement
Dependency upgrade:
* [MNG-6312]( - Update Maven Wagon dependency
* [MNG-6335]( - Update test framework Mockito from 1.10 to 2.12
* [MNG-6353]( - Upgrade maven-shared-utils to 3.2.1
-The Apache Maven team