blob: ef7108a9bf9d6bf3020cf70a39bb993d9f924c2e [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache Maven 3.5.2 Released"
date: '2017-10-25T12:34:34+00:00'
permalink: apache-maven-3-5-2
- Maven-Core-Releases
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven 3.5.2
You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the [download page](
The Apache Maven team would like to thank the following contributors,
without whom this release would not have been possible:
Code contributors:
- Mario Krizmanic
- Dejan Stojadinovic
- Anton Tanasenko
- Stefan Eicher
Issue reporters:
- Marcel Schutte
- Mario Krizmanic
- Charles Gould
- Brian Oxley
- Anton Tanasenko
- Gregor B. Rosenauer
- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Stefan Eicher
- Manuel Ryan
Community testers participating in voting for this release series:
- Mark Derricutt
- Dejan Stojadinovic
- Thomas Collignon
- Grzegorz Grzybek
- Petar Tahchiev
- jieryn
- Petr Široký
Thank you for your time and feedback.
[Release Notes - Maven - Version 3.5.2](
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* [MNG-6186]( - switch to improved HawtJNI
* [MNG-6280]( - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caused by pom.xml with process instructions
* [MNG-5935]( - Optional true getting lost in managed dependencies when transitive
* [MNG-6127]( - Fix plugin execution configuration interference
* [MNG-6148]( - Can't package and assemble with JDK9/Jigsaw
* [MNG-6149]( - MetadataResolutionResult#getGraph() never resolves request type 'test'
* [MNG-6205]( - Non-ascii chars in name element are displayed as question marks in Win CLI output (regression)
* [MNG-6210]( - can't load @SessionScoped/@MojoExecutionScoped components from .mvn/extensions.xml
* [MNG-6223]( - mvn -f outputs invalid error when specifying POM directory
* [MNG-6233]( - maven-resolver-provider mixes JRS 330 and Plexus annotations
* [MNG-6234]( - Regression 6182a208: library.jansi.path does not point to proper directory
* [MNG-6240]( - Duplicate components in plugin extension realm when plugin depends on maven-aether-resolver
* [MNG-6242]( - No color for maven on Cygwin
* [MNG-5457]( - Show repository id when downloading or uploading from/to a remote repository
* [MNG-6025]( - Add a ProjectArtifactsCache similar to PluginArtifactsCache
* [MNG-6123]( - detect self references in POM and fail fast
* [MNG-6174]( - Clean Up Maven Model
* [MNG-6196]( - Update slf4j and simplify its color integration
* [MNG-6203]( - Minor cleanup in
* [MNG-6206]( - We should produce a WARNING by using RELEASE, LATEST as versions
* [MNG-6207]( - Create WARNINGs in case of using system scope
* [MNG-6228]( - Optionality not displayed in dependency tree when run in debug mode
New Features:
* [MNG-6084]( - Support JSR 250 annotations
* [MNG-6220]( - Add CLI options to control color output
* [MNG-6167]( - Clean up dependency mess (reported by dependency:analyze)
* [MNG-6258]( - Upgrade to Maven Resolver 1.1.0
-The Apache Maven team