blob: 32f56226b36c81b3ee45ddc78f2bf235c6caee86 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.artifact;
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.ArtifactRepositoryLayout;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.AssemblerConfigurationSource;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.Assembly;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.DependencySet;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.ModuleBinaries;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.ModuleSet;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.Repository;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.resolved.AssemblyId;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.console.ConsoleLogger;
import org.easymock.classextension.EasyMockSupport;
public class DefaultDependencyResolverTest
extends PlexusTestCase
private ArtifactFactory factory;
private ArtifactRepositoryFactory repoFactory;
private ArtifactRepositoryLayout layout;
private DefaultDependencyResolver resolver;
public void setUp()
throws Exception
resolver = (DefaultDependencyResolver) lookup( DependencyResolver.class );
factory = lookup( ArtifactFactory.class );
repoFactory = lookup( ArtifactRepositoryFactory.class );
layout = lookup( ArtifactRepositoryLayout.class, "default" );
public void test_getDependencySetResolutionRequirements()
throws DependencyResolutionException
final DependencySet ds1 = new DependencySet();
ds1.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
ds1.setUseTransitiveDependencies( false );
final DependencySet ds2 = new DependencySet();
ds2.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM );
ds2.setUseTransitiveDependencies( false );
final MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "main-group", "main-artifact", "1", null );
final ResolutionManagementInfo info = new ResolutionManagementInfo( project );
final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
resolver.updateDependencySetResolutionRequirements( ds1, info,
assembly ),
project );
assertTrue( info.isResolutionRequired() );
assertFalse( info.isResolvedTransitively() );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED ) );
assertFalse( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME ) );
assertFalse( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST ) );
public void test_getModuleSetResolutionRequirements()
throws DependencyResolutionException
final EasyMockSupport mm = new EasyMockSupport();
final AssemblerConfigurationSource cs = mm.createMock( AssemblerConfigurationSource.class );
final File rootDir = new File( "root" );
final MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "main-group", "main-artifact", "1", rootDir );
final File module1Dir = new File( rootDir, "module-1" );
final MavenProject module1 = createMavenProject( "main-group", "module-1", "1", module1Dir );
final MavenProject module1a =
createMavenProject( "group1", "module-1a", "1", new File( module1Dir, "module-1a" ) );
final MavenProject module1b =
createMavenProject( "group1.b", "module-1b", "1", new File( module1Dir, "module-1b" ) );
module1.getModel().addModule( module1a.getArtifactId() );
module1.getModel().addModule( module1b.getArtifactId() );
final File module2Dir = new File( rootDir, "module-2" );
final MavenProject module2 = createMavenProject( "main-group", "module-2", "1", module2Dir );
final MavenProject module2a =
createMavenProject( "main-group", "module-2a", "1", new File( module2Dir, "module-2a" ) );
module2.getModel().addModule( module2a.getArtifactId() );
project.getModel().addModule( module1.getArtifactId() );
project.getModel().addModule( module2.getArtifactId() );
final List<MavenProject> allProjects = new ArrayList<MavenProject>();
allProjects.add( project );
allProjects.add( module1 );
allProjects.add( module1a );
allProjects.add( module1b );
allProjects.add( module2 );
allProjects.add( module2a );
expect( cs.getReactorProjects() ).andReturn( allProjects ).anyTimes();
expect( cs.getProject() ).andReturn( project ).anyTimes();
final ResolutionManagementInfo info = new ResolutionManagementInfo( project );
final List<ModuleSet> moduleSets = new ArrayList<ModuleSet>();
final ModuleSet ms1 = new ModuleSet();
final DependencySet ds1 = new DependencySet();
ms1.addInclude( "*module1*" );
ms1.setIncludeSubModules( false );
final ModuleBinaries mb = new ModuleBinaries();
ds1.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
mb.addDependencySet( ds1 );
ms1.setBinaries( mb );
moduleSets.add( ms1 );
final ModuleSet ms2 = new ModuleSet();
final DependencySet ds2 = new DependencySet();
ms2.addInclude( "main-group:*" );
ms2.setIncludeSubModules( true );
final ModuleBinaries mb = new ModuleBinaries();
ds2.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST );
mb.addDependencySet( ds2 );
ms2.setBinaries( mb );
moduleSets.add( ms2 );
resolver.enableLogging( new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" ) );
final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
assembly.setModuleSets( moduleSets );
resolver.updateModuleSetResolutionRequirements( AssemblyId.createAssemblyId( assembly ), ms1, ds1, info, cs );
resolver.updateModuleSetResolutionRequirements( AssemblyId.createAssemblyId( assembly ), ms2, ds2, info, cs );
assertTrue( info.isResolutionRequired() );
final Set<MavenProject> enabledProjects = info.getEnabledProjects();
assertTrue( enabledProjects.contains( project ) );
assertTrue( enabledProjects.contains( module1 ) );
// these should be excluded since sub-modules are not traversable
assertFalse( enabledProjects.contains( module1a ) );
assertFalse( enabledProjects.contains( module1b ) );
assertTrue( enabledProjects.contains( module2 ) );
assertTrue( enabledProjects.contains( module2a ) );
// these are the two we directly set above.
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ) );
// this combination should be implied by the two direct scopes set above.
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM ) );
public void test_getRepositoryResolutionRequirements()
final List<Repository> repositories = new ArrayList<Repository>();
final Repository r = new Repository();
r.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
repositories.add( r );
final Repository r = new Repository();
r.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM );
repositories.add( r );
final MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "group", "artifact", "1.0", null );
final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
assembly.setRepositories( repositories );
final ResolutionManagementInfo info = new ResolutionManagementInfo( project );
resolver.updateRepositoryResolutionRequirements( assembly,
info );
assertTrue( info.isResolutionRequired() );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM ) );
assertTrue( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED ) );
assertFalse( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME ) );
assertFalse( info.getScopeFilter().getIncluded().contains( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST ) );
public void test_aggregateRemoteArtifactRepositories()
final List<ArtifactRepository> externalRepos = new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>();
final ArtifactRepository er1 =
repoFactory.createArtifactRepository( "test.1", "", layout, null, null );
externalRepos.add( er1 );
final ArtifactRepository er2 =
repoFactory.createArtifactRepository( "test.2", "", layout, null, null );
externalRepos.add( er2 );
final List<ArtifactRepository> projectRepos = new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>();
final ArtifactRepository pr1 =
repoFactory.createArtifactRepository( "project.1", "", layout, null, null );
projectRepos.add( pr1 );
final ArtifactRepository pr2 =
repoFactory.createArtifactRepository( "project.2", "", layout, null, null );
projectRepos.add( pr2 );
final MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "group", "artifact", "1", new File( "base" ) );
project.setRemoteArtifactRepositories( projectRepos );
final List<ArtifactRepository> aggregated =
resolver.aggregateRemoteArtifactRepositories( externalRepos, Collections.singleton( project ) );
assertRepositoryWithId( er1.getId(), aggregated, true );
assertRepositoryWithId( er2.getId(), aggregated, true );
assertRepositoryWithId( pr1.getId(), aggregated, true );
assertRepositoryWithId( pr2.getId(), aggregated, false );
// public void test_manageArtifact()
// {
// Artifact managed = factory.createArtifact( "group", "artifact", "1", Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "jar" );
// Artifact target =
// factory.createArtifact( managed.getGroupId(), managed.getArtifactId(), "2", Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE,
// managed.getType() );
// Artifact target2 =
// factory.createArtifact( "other-group", managed.getArtifactId(), "2", Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE,
// managed.getType() );
// Map managedVersions = Collections.singletonMap( managed.getDependencyConflictId(), managed );
// DefaultDependencyResolver resolver =
// new DefaultDependencyResolver().setLogger( new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" ) );
// resolver.manageArtifact( target, managedVersions );
// resolver.manageArtifact( target2, managedVersions );
// assertEquals( managed.getVersion(), target.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( managed.getScope(), target.getScope() );
// assertEquals( "2", target2.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, target2.getScope() );
// }
// public void test_buildManagedVersionMap_NonTransitiveResolution()
// throws ArtifactResolutionException, ArchiveCreationException, InvalidVersionSpecificationException,
// InvalidDependencyVersionException
// {
// Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
// DependencySet ds = new DependencySet();
// ds.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
// ds.setUseTransitiveDependencies( false );
// assembly.addDependencySet( ds );
// ModuleSet ms = new ModuleSet();
// ModuleBinaries mb = new ModuleBinaries();
// ms.setBinaries( mb );
// DependencySet mds = new DependencySet();
// mds.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
// mds.setUseTransitiveDependencies( false );
// mb.addDependencySet( mds );
// assembly.addModuleSet( ms );
// MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "group", "artifact", "1", new File( "base" ) );
// Dependency d1 = new Dependency();
// d1.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// d1.setArtifactId( "dep1" );
// d1.setVersion( "1" );
// d1.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
// project.getModel().addDependency( d1 );
// Dependency d2 = new Dependency();
// d2.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// d2.setArtifactId( "dep2" );
// d2.setVersion( "1" );
// d2.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
// project.getModel().addDependency( d2 );
// Dependency d3 = new Dependency();
// d3.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// d3.setArtifactId( "dep3" );
// d3.setVersion( "1" );
// d3.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
// project.getModel().addDependency( d3 );
// MavenProject module = createMavenProject( "group", "module", "1", new File( "base/module" ) );
// project.getModel().addModule( module.getArtifactId() );
// Dependency md = new Dependency();
// md.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// md.setArtifactId( "dep3" );
// md.setVersion( "2" );
// md.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
// module.getModel().addDependency( md );
// List allProjects = new ArrayList();
// allProjects.add( project );
// allProjects.add( module );
// MockManager mm = new MockManager();
// MockControl csControl = MockControl.createControl( AssemblerConfigurationSource.class );
// mm.add( csControl );
// AssemblerConfigurationSource cs = (AssemblerConfigurationSource) csControl.getMock();
// cs.getProject();
// csControl.setReturnValue( project, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );
// cs.getReactorProjects();
// csControl.setReturnValue( allProjects, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );
// cs.getRemoteRepositories();
// csControl.setReturnValue( Collections.EMPTY_LIST, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );
// mm.replayAll();
// DefaultDependencyResolver resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver();
// resolver.setArtifactFactory( factory );
// resolver.setLogger( new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" ) );
// Map managedVersionMap = resolver.buildManagedVersionMap( assembly, cs );
// {
// Dependency d = d1;
// Artifact a = (Artifact) managedVersionMap.get( d.getManagementKey() );
// assertNull( a );
// }
// {
// Dependency d = d2;
// Artifact a = (Artifact) managedVersionMap.get( d.getManagementKey() );
// assertNotNull( a );
// assertEquals( d.getVersion(), a.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( d.getScope(), a.getScope() );
// }
// {
// Dependency d = d3;
// Artifact a = (Artifact) managedVersionMap.get( d.getManagementKey() );
// assertNotNull( a );
// assertEquals( d.getVersion(), a.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( d.getScope(), a.getScope() );
// }
// mm.verifyAll();
// }
// public void test_buildManagedVersionMap_TransitiveResolution()
// throws ArtifactResolutionException, ArchiveCreationException, InvalidVersionSpecificationException,
// InvalidDependencyVersionException
// {
// Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
// DependencySet ds = new DependencySet();
// ds.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
// ds.setUseTransitiveDependencies( true );
// assembly.addDependencySet( ds );
// MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "group", "artifact", "1", new File( "base" ) );
// Dependency d1 = new Dependency();
// d1.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// d1.setArtifactId( "dep1" );
// d1.setVersion( "1" );
// d1.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
// project.getModel().addDependency( d1 );
// Dependency d2 = new Dependency();
// d2.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// d2.setArtifactId( "dep2" );
// d2.setVersion( "1" );
// d2.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
// final Artifact a2 = factory.createArtifact( d2.getGroupId(), d2.getArtifactId(), d2.getVersion(), d2.getScope(),
// "jar" );
// project.getModel().addDependency( d2 );
// Dependency d3 = new Dependency();
// d3.setGroupId( "group.dep" );
// d3.setArtifactId( "dep3" );
// d3.setVersion( "1" );
// d3.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );
// project.getModel().addDependency( d3 );
// final Artifact a2a = factory.createArtifact( d3.getGroupId(), d3.getArtifactId(), "2", Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME,
// "jar" );
// MockManager mm = new MockManager();
// MockControl msControl = MockControl.createControl( ArtifactMetadataSource.class );
// mm.add( msControl );
// ArtifactMetadataSource ms = (ArtifactMetadataSource) msControl.getMock();
// try
// {
// ms.retrieve( null, null, null );
// }
// catch ( ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException e )
// {
// }
// msControl.setDefaultReturnValue( new ResolutionGroup( null, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_LIST ) );
// msControl.setMatcher( new ArgumentsMatcher()
// {
// public boolean matches( Object[] expected, Object[] actual )
// {
// Artifact a = (Artifact) actual[0];
// return a2.getArtifactId().equals( a.getArtifactId() );
// }
// public String toString( Object[] args )
// {
// return "with artifact: " + args[0] ;
// }
// } );
// msControl.setReturnValue( new ResolutionGroup( a2, Collections.singleton( a2a ), Collections.EMPTY_LIST ) );
// MockControl csControl = MockControl.createControl( AssemblerConfigurationSource.class );
// mm.add( csControl );
// AssemblerConfigurationSource cs = (AssemblerConfigurationSource) csControl.getMock();
// cs.getProject();
// csControl.setReturnValue( project, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );
// String tmpDir = System.getProperty( "" );
// ArtifactRepository lr = repoFactory.createArtifactRepository( "local", "file://" + tmpDir, layout, null, null );
// cs.getLocalRepository();
// csControl.setReturnValue( lr, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );
// cs.getRemoteRepositories();
// csControl.setReturnValue( Collections.EMPTY_LIST, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );
// mm.replayAll();
// DefaultDependencyResolver resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver();
// resolver.setArtifactMetadataSource( ms );
// resolver.setArtifactCollector( collector );
// resolver.setArtifactFactory( factory );
// resolver.setLogger( new ConsoleLogger( Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test" ) );
// Map managedVersionMap = resolver.buildManagedVersionMap( assembly, cs );
// {
// Dependency d = d1;
// Artifact a = (Artifact) managedVersionMap.get( d.getManagementKey() );
// assertNotNull( a );
// assertEquals( d.getVersion(), a.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( d.getScope(), a.getScope() );
// }
// {
// Dependency d = d2;
// Artifact a = (Artifact) managedVersionMap.get( d.getManagementKey() );
// assertNotNull( a );
// assertEquals( d.getVersion(), a.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( d.getScope(), a.getScope() );
// }
// {
// Dependency d = d3;
// Artifact a = (Artifact) managedVersionMap.get( d.getManagementKey() );
// assertNotNull( a );
// assertEquals( d.getVersion(), a.getVersion() );
// assertEquals( d.getScope(), a.getScope() );
// }
// mm.verifyAll();
// }
private void assertRepositoryWithId( final String repoId, final List<ArtifactRepository> repos,
final boolean shouldExist )
if ( ( repos == null || repos.isEmpty() ) )
if ( shouldExist )
fail( "Repository with id: " + repoId + " should be present, but repository list is null or empty." );
boolean found = false;
for ( final ArtifactRepository repo : repos )
if ( repoId.equals( repo.getId() ) )
found = true;
if ( shouldExist )
assertTrue( "Repository with id: " + repoId + " should be present in repository list.", found );
assertFalse( "Repository with id: " + repoId + " should NOT be present in repository list.", found );
private MavenProject createMavenProject( final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version,
final File basedir )
final Model model = new Model();
model.setGroupId( groupId );
model.setArtifactId( artifactId );
model.setVersion( version );
model.setPackaging( "pom" );
final MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model );
final Artifact pomArtifact = factory.createProjectArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version );
project.setArtifact( pomArtifact );
project.setFile( new File( basedir, "pom.xml" ) );
return project;