blob: 9b62cebec4e673ffc3469155a89b40a56d9e5ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
Archetypeng - Mojos
The Maven Team
The two main mojos of the plugin are:
* generate which generates a Maven 2 project from an archetype. It wraps up
a lifecycle around the three mojos select-archetype, configure-generation
and generate-project.
For a complete example see {{{generation.html}generation}}.
* create which creates an archetype from a Maven 2 project. It wraps up a
lifecycle around the two mojos configure-creation and create-archetype.
The other mojos of the plugin are:
* clean which removes the file used by both the
generation of a project and the creation of an archetype.
* select-archetype performs the first step of the generation.
It first asks for a plugin group, looks up in the repository for
archetypes of that group.
Then it asks for an archetype, looks up in the repository for versions of
that archetype.
Then is asks for a version and asks for the confirmation of the selection.
At the end, it stores the selection in the file.
* configure-generation performs the second step of the generation.
It first asks values for each of the common properties.
It then asks values for each of the archtype's properties which don't
provide default values.
It then asks for the confirmation of the configuration.
At the end, it stores the configuration in the file.
* generate-project performs the third and last step of the generation.
It reads the configuration from the property file.
Then it generates all the project files from the choosen archetype's
templates and the configuration.
The project files are generated in a directory named from the artifactId
common property.
* configure-creation performs the first step of the creation.
It first asks for the archetype definition (groupId, artifactId, version).
It then asks for the values of the common properties. It provides
meaningfull defaults.
It then ask for some specific properties in two questions: first the name
of the property and second the value of that property.
It the asks for the confirmation of the configuration.
At the end, it stores the definition and configuration in the file.
* create-archetype performs the second and last step of the creation.
It reads the definition and the configuratino from the property file.
Then it creates all the templates of the archetype from the project
sources files.
Then it creates the descriptor of the archetype from the configuration and
the resolved templates.
The resulting archetype Maven 2 project is created in the
target/generate-sources/archetypeng directory.