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Task and Type Reference
Brett Porter
Hervé Boutemy
~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~~ distributed with this work for additional information
~~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
~~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
~~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
~~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
~~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
~~ specific language governing permissions and limitations
~~ under the License.
~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see:
{Task} Reference
~~ TODO: Can the task and type classes be generated using Modello?
~~ If so, the reference documentation can be generated from the model.
* <<<{dependencies}>>>
This task will check if any of the specified dependencies, and their dependencies are missing or updated, and
download them if necessary. The dependencies will be made available as a fileset or path reference.
The dependencies task accepts the following attributes:
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> | << Since >> |
| <<<filesetId>>> | The reference ID to store a fileset under, for the resolved dependencies. | No | |
| <<<javadocFilesetId>>> | The reference ID to store a fileset under, for the javadoc attachements of the resolved dependencies. | No | 2.0.9 |
| <<<pathId>>> | The reference ID to store a path under, for the resolved dependencies. | No | |
| <<<pomRefId>>> | The reference ID from a POM datatype defined earlier in the build file. | Yes, either this or a <<<pom>>> nested element or one or more <<<dependency>>> nested elements | |
| <<<settingsFile>>> | The settings file to use. Defaults to <<<$\{user.home\}/.ant/settings.xml>>> or if that doesn't exist <<<$\{user.home\}/.m2/settings.xml>>>. | No | 2.0.6 |
| <<<sourcesFilesetId>>> | The reference ID to store a fileset under, for the sources attachements of the resolved dependencies. | No | 2.0.6 |
| <<<type>>> | A comma separated list of artifact types to be retrieved. By default all artifact types will be included. | No | |
| <<<useScope>>> | Follows the maven scope behaviour. Can be set to <<<compile>>>, <<<runtime>>>, or <<<test>>>. If no value is provided, all scopes will be included. | No | |
| <<<scopes>>> | <(since 2.0.10)> A comma separated list of specific scopes to be retrieved. If no value is provided, all scopes will be included. | No | |
| <<<verbose>>> | If <<<true>>> this displays the results of each dependency resolution and their relationships. Default is <false>. | No | |
| <<<versionsId>>> | The property ID to store the versions of the resolved dependencies, for use by a {{{reference.html#VersionMapper} <<<VersionMapper>>>}}. | No | 2.0.7 |
The task can include the <<<dependency>>> nested type, in addition to the other shared types
{{{reference.html#localRepository} <<<localRepository>>>}}, {{{reference.html#pom} <<<pom>>>}} and
{{{reference.html#remoteRepository} <<<remoteRepository>>>}}, which will be explained later.
You must include either
a single <<<pom>>> element
or a <<<pomRefId>>> attribute
or one or more <<<dependency>>> elements.
If you have set a value for <<<versionsId>>>, you can later use {{{reference.html#versionMapper} <<<VersionMapper>>>}}.
<(since 2.0.8)> For each dependency resolved, the property <<<groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]>>> is defined pointing to
the corresponding file.
** <<<dependency>>>
~~ TODO: Is system scope supported, in the table below?
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<groupId>>> | The group ID of the dependency. | Yes |
| <<<artifactId>>> | The artifact ID of the dependency. | Yes |
| <<<version>>> | The version of the dependency. | Yes |
| <<<type>>> | The type of the dependency. The default is <<<jar>>>. | No |
| <<<scope>>> | The scope of the usage of the dependency, which affects which of that dependency's own dependencies are also retrieved. This can be <<<compile>>>, <<<runtime>>>, <<<test>>>, <<<provided>>>. | No |
The dependency can also nest multiple <<<exclusion>>> elements.
*** <<<exclusion>>>
An exclusion can be used to prevent the resolution of a particular artifact in the tree of the <<<dependency>>>.
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<groupId>>> | The group ID of the dependency to exclude. | Yes |
| <<<artifactId>>> | The artifact ID of the dependency to exclude. | Yes |
* <<<{install}>>>, <<<{deploy}>>>
These tasks will install/deploy the given file into the local/remote repository. It is stored using the information in the supplied
POM. Multiple artifacts can be attached during install/deploy using <<<attach>>> elements.
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> | << Since >> |
| <<<file>>> | The file to install in the repository. | Yes, except if packaging is <<<pom>>> | |
| <<<pomRefId>>> | The reference ID from a POM datatype defined earlier in the build file. | No, if a <<<pom>>> nested element is provided instead | |
| <<<settingsFile>>> | The settings file to use. Defaults to <<<$\{user.home\}/.ant/settings.xml>>> or if that doesn't exist <<<$\{user.home\}/.m2/settings.xml>>>. | No | 2.0.6 |
| <<<uniqueVersion>>> | (<<<deploy>>> only) Whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprised of the timestamp and build number, or to use the same version each time | No, the default is <<<true>>>. | |
The task must take either a nested {{{reference.html#pom} <<<pom>>>}} element, or a <<<pomRefId>>> attribute. Both release and <<<-SNAPSHOT>>> versions are supported.
The task can have an optional {{{reference.html#localRepository} <<<localRepository>>>}} nested element.
<<<deploy>>> can have an optional {{{reference.html#remoteRepository} <<<remoteRepository>>>}} nested element. If no
<<<remoteRepository>>> nested element is given, the <<<distributionManagement>>> section of the POM is used.
** <<<attach>>> <(since 2.0.6)>
Multiple artifacts can be attached to the main artifact, for example: sources, javadocs, ...
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<file>>> | The file to attach. | Yes |
| <<<type>>> | The type of the file. Defaults to <<<jar>>>. | No |
| <<<classifier>>> | The classifier of the file. | No |
* <<<{install-provider}>>>
This task will install a Wagon provider, to add support for more protocols.
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> | << Since >> |
| <<<artifactId>>> | The artifact ID of the provider to install. | Yes | |
| <<<groupId>>> | The group ID of the provider to install. The default is <<<org.apache.maven.wagon>>>. | No | 2.0.7 |
| <<<version>>> | The version of the provider to install. | Yes | |
{Type} Reference
* <<<{localRepository}>>>
Specifies the location of the local repository of artifacts.
~~ TODO: id/refid
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> | << Since >> |
| <<<layout>>> | The layout of the local repository. The valid options are <<<legacy>>> (Maven 1), or <<<default>>> (Maven 2). Defaults to <<<default>>>. | No | |
| <<<path>>> | The directory of the local repository. | Yes | 2.0.7 |
<<Note>>: until 2.0.6, attribute <<<path>>> was named <<<location>>>, but this changed in 2.0.7 to solve a conflict with Ant 1.7.
* <<<{remoteRepository}>>>
Specifies the location of the remote repository.
~~ TODO: id/refid
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<id>>> | A unique ID of the repository. | Yes |
| <<<url>>> | The URL of the repository. | Yes |
| <<<layout>>> | The layout of the remote repository. The valid options are <<<legacy>>> (Maven 1), or <<<default>>> (Maven 2). Defaults to <<<default>>>. | No |
The <<<remoteRepository>>> can have the following nested elements: <<<releases>>>, <<<snapshots>>>, <<<authentication>>> and <<<proxy>>>.
** <<<releases>>>, <<<snapshots>>>
Policies about downloading different types of artifacts.
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<checksumPolicy>>> | How to treat missing or incorrect checksums for the dependencies that are downloaded. Valid values are <<<warn>>> (<default>) and <<<fail>>>. | No |
| <<<enabled>>> | Whether to download this type of artifact from the repository. Default is <<<true>>>. | No |
| <<<updatePolicy>>> | How often to check for updates on dependencies that are snapshots or include a range of versions. Valid values are <<<never>>>, <<<interval:MINUTES>>>, <<<daily>>> (<default>), <<<always>>>. | No |
** <<<authentication>>>
The authentication element is used for passing a username, password and other credentials to the repository either
on upload or download. The content is the same as for <<<server>>> in the {{{} settings reference}}.
** <<<proxy>>>
The proxy element is typically used for HTTP repositories. The content is the same as for <<<proxy>>> in the
{{{} settings reference}}.
* <<<{pom}>>>
The POM element will load a POM file and make it available as a reference for the other tasks or as properties.
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<file>>> | The file of the POM to load. | Yes |
| <<<id>>> | The reference ID of this POM. | No |
| <<<settingsFile>>> | The settings file to use. Defaults to <<<$\{user.home\}/.ant/settings.xml>>> or if that doesn't exist <<<$\{user.home\}/.m2/settings.xml>>>. | No | 2.0.6 |
** <<<profile>>> <(since 2.0.10)>
Multiple profile elements can be nested within the pom element. By default the profile
will be activated. If <<active>> is set to false, then the profile will be explicitly
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<id>>> | The id of the profile to be activated/deactivated. | Yes |
| <<<active>>> | Set to <<<true>>> or <<<false>>> to determine whether the profile should be active. Default is <<<true>>>. | No |
* <<<{versionMapper}>>> <(since 2.0.7)>
This is a {{{}filename mapper}}
that removes version info from the filename when copying dependencies. It can
also, optionally, remove the directory info from the filename.
The full class name to use in <<<classname>>> attribute of <<<\<mapper\>>>> element is
| <<Attribute>> | <<Description>> | <<Required>> |
| <<<from>>> | The versions of the dependencies, as set by <<<versionsId>>> attribute of <<<dependencies>>> task. | Yes |
| <<<to>>> | If this is set to <<<flatten>>> the directory info is also removed from the filename. | No |
You can see a full working example in the {{{examples/dependencies.html} examples}}.