blob: 913ba5b641962f75c60b8d9486b36a74bfa4eb8f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# LMF core configuration
marmotta.home.description = home directory (for configuration files etc)
marmotta.home.type = java.lang.String
solr.home.description = directory where KiWi stores the search index for SOLR search
solr.home.type = java.lang.String
kiwi.context.description = base URI of this KiWi installation; used for constructing resource URIs
kiwi.context.type = java.lang.String = base URL of the KiWi installation; used for accessing additional web services like SOLR and H2 =
kiwi.path.description = the path of the KiWi installation, e.g. /LMF or /KiWi
kiwi.path.type = java.lang.String = true if the LMF system host configuration has been set up, do not change = java.lang.Boolean
kiwi.setup.database.description = true if the LMF system database configuration has been set up, do not change
kiwi.setup.database.type = java.lang.Boolean
kiwi.pages.startup.description = startup page to display when accessing the LMF admin page
kiwi.pages.startup.type = java.lang.String
kiwi.pages.project.description = Project for logo and footer
kiwi.pages.project.type = java.lang.Enum("marmotta"|"custom")
kiwi.pages.style_path.description = path to stylesheets for LMF Admin page = java.lang.String
debug.enabled.description = enable or disable the logging of debugging messages for the whole system
debug.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean
linkeddata.redirect.status.description = the status code to use for redirects; 303 is used in the Linked Data \
guidelines, but 300 is more correct according to HTTP
linkeddata.redirect.status.type = java.lang.Enum("300"|"301"|"302"|"303"|"304"|"305"|"306"|"307")
linkeddata.redirect.put.description = determines whether to issue a redirect for PUT requests; if set to true, the \
resource service will return a redirect to the actual content or metadata location for the resource, resulting in a \
second request to be issued by the browser; if set to false, the resource service directly processes the \
content/metadata upload
linkeddata.redirect.put.type = java.lang.Boolean
linkeddata.mime.rel.default.description = default rel value for resource interaction with HTTP (MUST be 'meta' or 'content')
linkeddata.mime.rel.default.type = java.lang.Enum("meta"|"content")
templating.sort_by_weight.description = sort menu entries by weight instead of alphabet
templating.sort_by_weight.type = java.lang.Boolean
templating.cache.enabled.description = Recache templating files every time
templating.cache.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean
# Logging configuration
############################################################################### = configure logging for the core system; valid values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR = java.lang.Enum("DEBUG"|"INFO"|"WARN"|"ERROR") = configure logging for the security system; valid values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR = java.lang.Enum("DEBUG"|"INFO"|"WARN"|"ERROR") = configure logging for the reasoner; valid values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR = java.lang.Enum("DEBUG"|"INFO"|"WARN"|"ERROR")
# Content Readers and Writers (in case a resource is requested with ;rel=content
# a reader/writer for content stored in the triple store; by default, this is applied to resources directly served
# from this LMF installation
content.triplestore.reader.description = a reader/writer for content stored in the triple store; by default, this is applied to resources directly served from this LMF installation
content.triplestore.reader.type = java.lang.String
content.triplestore.writer.type = java.lang.String
content.triplestore.pattern.type = java.lang.String
content.triplestore.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean
# a reader/writer for content stored in the file system; by default, this is applied to all resources that have
# a file:/ URI. It is disabled by default, because it potentially allows reading/writing all files in the file system
# to only enable reading but disable writing, remove the content.filesystem.writer property
content.filesystem.reader.description = a reader/writer for content stored in the file system; by default, this is applied to all resources that have a file:/ URI. It is disabled by default, because it potentially allows reading/writing all files in the file system to only enable reading but disable writing, remove the content.filesystem.writer property
content.filesystem.reader.type = java.lang.String
content.filesystem.writer.type = java.lang.String
content.filesystem.pattern.type = java.lang.String
content.filesystem.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean = if enabled allow only access to resources stored in the LMF work directory = java.lang.Boolean
# a reader for content stored on a remote HTTP server; by default, this is applied to all resources that are not in
# the context of the LMF web application; enabled by default, because it is a safe operation
content.http.reader.description = a reader for content stored on a remote HTTP server; by default, this is applied to all resources that are not in the context of the LMF web application; enabled by default, because it is a safe operation
content.http.reader.type = java.lang.String
content.http.pattern.type = java.lang.String
content.http.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean
# Resource Filter configuration
resources.browsercache.enabled.description = enable/disable browser caching of static resources; if enabled, the KiWiResourceFilter will set appropriate Expires\: headers in the response
resources.browsercache.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean
resources.browsercache.seconds.description = ow many seconds should the Expires-header set for expiration of static resources?
resources.browsercache.seconds.type = java.lang.Integer(60|0|*)
resources.servercache.enabled.description = enable/disable server-side caching of static resources
resources.servercache.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean
# LMF database configuration
database.type.description = the database type (h2, postgres or mysql)
database.type.type = java.lang.Enum("h2"|"postgres"|"mysql"|"oracle")
database.url.description = the URL to access the database
database.url.type =
database.user.description = the database user
database.user.type = java.lang.String
database.password.description = the database password
database.password.type = java.lang.String("password")
database.mode.description = the database mode (create, update, validate or off)
database.mode.type = java.lang.Enum("create"|"update"|"validate"|"off")
# LMF importer configuration
importer.generate_descriptions.description = generate KiWi title and text content for each imported resource in the RDF importer
importer.generate_descriptions.type = java.lang.Boolean
importer.batchsize.description = commit import-transaction X items
importer.batchsize.type = java.lang.Integer(10|0|*)
# LMF Statistics Module
# whether collecting statistics about the execution should be enabled on start or not
statistics.enabled.description = true
statistics.enabled.type = java.lang.Boolean