blob: fb6d60a8ab61ab81a0738fcc2ee13ba4e916c8a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.SESAME;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.Dataset;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
* A builder for translating SPARQL queries into SQL.
* @author Sebastian Schaffert (
public class SQLBuilder {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SQLBuilder.class);
* Simplify access to different node ids
private static final String[] positions = new String[] {"subject","predicate","object","context"};
* Reference to the registry of natively supported functions with parameter and return types as well as SQL translation
private NativeFunctionRegistry functionRegistry = NativeFunctionRegistry.getInstance();
* Query results should be DISTINCT.
private boolean distinct = false;
* Result offset, translated into an OFFSET expression; ignored if <0
private long offset = -1;
* Result limit, translated into a LIMIT expression; ignored if <= 0
private long limit = -1;
private List<OrderElem> orderby;
private List<ExtensionElem> extensions;
private Set<String> groupLabels;
// list of SPARQL variable names that are actually contained in the projection
private Set<String> projectedVars;
* Maintains a mapping between SPARQL variable names and internal variable descriptions. The internal description
* contains information whether the variable needs to be projected, what SQL expressions represent this variable,
* and what internal aliases to use.
private Map<String,SQLVariable> variables;
protected void addVariable(SQLVariable v) {
* The SQL fragments and triple patterns collected from the query. SQLFragments are LEFT JOINed with each other,
* so for each OPTIONAL found in the query, a new fragment is appended here. Inside a fragment, the patterns
* are CROSS JOINed with each other.
* @see
private List<SQLFragment> fragments;
* Contains the names those variables for which the value is needed instead of the ID, because the value is used
* somewhere in a condition, function or other kind of value expression.
* @see
private Set<String> resolveVariables;
private TupleExpr query;
private BindingSet bindings;
private Dataset dataset;
private ValueConverter converter;
private KiWiDialect dialect;
// a prefix for naming table aliases (needed in case this is a subquery)
private String prefix;
* Create a new SQLBuilder for the given query, initial bindings, dataset, and
* @param query
* @param bindings
* @param dataset
public SQLBuilder(TupleExpr query, BindingSet bindings, Dataset dataset, final KiWiValueFactory valueFactory, KiWiDialect dialect, Set<String> projectedVars) throws UnsatisfiableQueryException {
this(query, bindings, dataset, new ValueConverter() {
public KiWiNode convert(Value value) {
return valueFactory.convert(value);
}, dialect, projectedVars);
public SQLBuilder(TupleExpr query, BindingSet bindings, Dataset dataset, ValueConverter converter, KiWiDialect dialect, Set<String> projectedVars) throws UnsatisfiableQueryException {
this(query,bindings, dataset, converter, dialect, "", projectedVars, new HashMap<String, SQLVariable>());
* Create a new SQLBuilder for the given query, initial bindings, dataset, and
* @param query
* @param bindings
* @param dataset
public SQLBuilder(TupleExpr query, BindingSet bindings, Dataset dataset, ValueConverter converter, KiWiDialect dialect, String prefix, Set<String> projectedVars, Map<String,SQLVariable> variables) throws UnsatisfiableQueryException {
this.query = query;
this.bindings = bindings;
this.dataset = dataset;
this.converter = converter;
this.dialect = dialect;
this.projectedVars = projectedVars;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.variables = variables;
public Map<String, SQLVariable> getVariables() {
return variables;
public ValueConverter getConverter() {
return converter;
public KiWiDialect getDialect() {
return dialect;
public Dataset getDataset() {
return dataset;
public BindingSet getBindings() {
return bindings;
public Set<String> getProjectedVars() {
return projectedVars;
private void prepareBuilder() throws UnsatisfiableQueryException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(query instanceof Projection || query instanceof Union || query instanceof Extension || query instanceof Order || query instanceof Group || query instanceof LeftJoin ||query instanceof Join || query instanceof Filter || query instanceof StatementPattern || query instanceof Distinct || query instanceof Slice || query instanceof Reduced);
// collect all patterns in a list, using depth-first search over the join
PatternCollector pc = new PatternCollector(query, bindings, dataset, converter, dialect, projectedVars, prefix);
fragments =;
// collect offset and limit from the query if given
offset = new LimitFinder(query).offset;
limit = new LimitFinder(query).limit;
// check if query is distinct
distinct = new DistinctFinder(query).distinct;
// find the ordering
orderby = new OrderFinder(query).elements;
// find the grouping
GroupFinder gf = new GroupFinder(query);
groupLabels = gf.bindings;
// find extensions (BIND)
extensions = new ExtensionFinder(query).elements;
// find variables that need to be resolved
resolveVariables = new ConditionFinder(query).neededVariables;
int variableCount = 0;
// find all variables that have been bound already, even if they do not appear in a pattern
for(Var v : new VariableFinder(query).variables) {
if(v.hasValue() && !v.getName().startsWith("-const")) {
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(v.getName());
if(sv == null) {
sv = new SQLVariable("V" + (++variableCount), v.getName());
// select those variables that are really projected and not only needed in a grouping construct
if(projectedVars.contains(sv.getSparqlName()) || new SQLProjectionFinder(query,v.getName()).found) {
sv.getExpressions().add(""+ converter.convert(v.getValue()).getId());
// find all variables occurring in the patterns and create a map to map them to
// field names in the database query; each variable will have one or several field names,
// one for each pattern it occurs in; field names are constructed automatically by a counter
// and the pattern name to ensure the name is a valid HQL identifier
for(SQLFragment f : fragments) {
for (SQLPattern p : f.getPatterns()) {
// build pattern
Var[] fields = p.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fields[i] != null && (!fields[i].hasValue() || !fields[i].getName().startsWith("-const"))) {
Var v = fields[i];
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(v.getName());
if(sv == null) {
sv = new SQLVariable("V" + (++variableCount), v.getName());
// select those variables that are really projected and not only needed in a grouping construct
if(projectedVars.contains(sv.getSparqlName()) || new SQLProjectionFinder(query,v.getName()).found) {
String pName = p.getName();
String vName = sv.getName();
if (sv.getAlias() == null && resolveVariables.contains(v.getName())) {
sv.setAlias(pName + "_" + positions[i] + "_" + vName);
// subqueries: look up which variables are bound in the subqueries and add proper aliases
for(SQLAbstractSubquery sq : f.getSubqueries()) {
for(SQLVariable sq_v : sq.getQueryVariables()) {
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(sq_v.getSparqlName());
if(sv == null) {
sv = new SQLVariable("V" + (++variableCount), sq_v.getSparqlName());
// select those variables that are really projected and not only needed in a grouping construct
if(projectedVars.contains(sv.getSparqlName()) || new SQLProjectionFinder(query,sq_v.getSparqlName()).found) {
String sqName = sq.getAlias();
String vName = sv.getName();
if (sv.getAlias() == null && resolveVariables.contains(sq_v.getSparqlName())) {
sv.setAlias(sqName + "_" + vName);
// add all extensions to the variable list so they are properly considered in projections and clauses
// TODO: order by variable dependency, or otherwise the evaluateExpression might fail
List<ExtensionElem> deferredExtensions = new ArrayList<>(); // some extension might need to be evaluated later because their expressions cannot be computed yet
for(ExtensionElem ext : extensions) {
Var v = new Var(ext.getName());
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(v.getName());
if(!variables.containsKey(v.getName())) {
sv = new SQLVariable("V" + (++variableCount), v.getName());
// select those variables that are really projected and not only needed in a grouping construct
if(projectedVars.contains(sv.getSparqlName()) || new SQLProjectionFinder(query,v.getName()).found) {
// Functions that return a string literal do so with the string literal of the same kind as the first
// argument (simple literal, plain literal with same language tag, xsd:string).
ValueType type = getProjectionType(ext.getExpr());
if(type == ValueType.STRING) {
// TODO: the following will produce invalid results for aggregation functions
} else if(type == ProjectionType.INT || type == ProjectionType.DOUBLE || type == ProjectionType.BOOL) {
// TODO: ANY as OPType here is dangerous, because the OPType should depends on projection and actual use
// of variables in conditions etc
if (resolveVariables.contains(v.getName())) {
//sv.getAliases().add(evaluateExpression(ext.getExpr(), OPTypes.VALUE));
try {
sv.getExpressions().add(evaluateExpression(ext.getExpr(), ValueType.NODE));
if(sv.getProjectionType() == ValueType.NODE && getProjectionType(ext.getExpr()) != ValueType.NODE) {
} catch(IllegalStateException ex) {
// calculate for each variable the SQL expressions representing them and any necessary JOIN conditions
for (SQLFragment f : fragments) {
for (SQLPattern p : f.getPatterns()) {
// build pattern
Var[] fields = p.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fields[i] != null && (!fields[i].hasValue() || !fields[i].getName().startsWith("-const"))) {
Var v = fields[i];
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(v.getName());
String pName = p.getName();
// if the variable has been used before, add a join condition to the first occurrence
if(sv.getExpressions().size() > 0) {
// case distinction: is this variable projected as node or as another value in an extension?
// if it is a value, we need to refer to the corresponding typed column of the node, otherwise
// to the node ID (field ID is sufficient)
switch (sv.getProjectionType()) {
case INT:
p.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + sv.getAlias() + ".ivalue");
case DOUBLE:
p.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + sv.getAlias() + ".dvalue");
case DATE:
case TZDATE:
p.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + sv.getAlias() + ".tvalue");
case BOOL:
p.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + sv.getAlias() + ".bvalue");
case URI:
case STRING:
p.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + sv.getAlias() + ".svalue");
p.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + pName + "." + positions[i]);
sv.getExpressions().add(pName + "." + positions[i]);
// subqueries: look up which variables are bound in the subqueries and add proper aliases
for (SQLAbstractSubquery sq : f.getSubqueries()) {
for (SQLVariable sq_v : sq.getQueryVariables()) {
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(sq_v.getSparqlName());
String sqName = sq.getAlias();
// if the variable has been used before, add a join condition to the first occurrence
if(sv.getExpressions().size() > 0) {
sq.getConditions().add(sv.getExpressions().get(0) + " = " + sqName + "." + sq_v.getName());
sv.getExpressions().add(sqName + "." + sq_v.getName());
for(ExtensionElem ext : deferredExtensions) {
Var v = new Var(ext.getName());
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(v.getName());
sv.getExpressions().add(evaluateExpression(ext.getExpr(), ValueType.NODE));
// find context restrictions of patterns and match them with potential restrictions given in the
// dataset (MARMOTTA-340)
for(SQLFragment f : fragments) {
for (SQLPattern p : f.getPatterns()) {
Resource[] contexts;
Value contextValue = p.getSparqlPattern().getContextVar() != null ? p.getSparqlPattern().getContextVar().getValue() : null;
Set<URI> graphs = null;
boolean emptyGraph = false;
if (dataset != null) {
if (p.getSparqlPattern().getScope() == StatementPattern.Scope.DEFAULT_CONTEXTS) {
graphs = dataset.getDefaultGraphs();
emptyGraph = graphs.isEmpty() && !dataset.getNamedGraphs().isEmpty();
} else {
graphs = dataset.getNamedGraphs();
emptyGraph = graphs.isEmpty() && !dataset.getDefaultGraphs().isEmpty();
// set the contexts to query according to the following rules:
// 1. if the context defined in the dataset does not exist, there will be no result, so set "empty" to true
// 2. if no context graphs have been given, use the context from the statement
// 3. if context graphs have been given and the statement has a context, check if the statement context is
// contained in the context graphs; if no, set "empty" to true as there can be no result
// 4. if context graphs have been given and the statement has no context, use the contexts from the
// dataset
if (emptyGraph) {
// Search zero contexts
throw new UnsatisfiableQueryException("dataset does not contain any default graphs");
} else if (graphs == null || graphs.isEmpty()) {
if (contextValue != null) {
contexts = new Resource[]{(Resource) contextValue};
} else {
contexts = new Resource[0];
} else if (contextValue != null) {
if (graphs.contains(contextValue)) {
contexts = new Resource[]{(Resource) contextValue};
} else {
// Statement pattern specifies a context that is not part of
// the dataset
throw new UnsatisfiableQueryException("default graph does not contain statement context '" + contextValue.stringValue() + "'");
} else {
contexts = new Resource[graphs.size()];
int i = 0;
for (URI graph : graphs) {
URI context = null;
if (!SESAME.NIL.equals(graph)) {
context = graph;
contexts[i++] = context;
// build an OR query for the value of the context variable
if (contexts.length > 0) {
private void prepareConditions() throws UnsatisfiableQueryException {
// build the where clause as follows:
// 1. iterate over all patterns and for each resource and literal field in subject,
// property, object, or context, and set a query condition according to the
// nodes given in the pattern
// 2. for each variable that has more than one occurrences, add a join condition
// 3. for each variable in the initialBindings, add a condition to the where clause
// iterate over all fragments and add translate the filter conditions into SQL
for(SQLFragment f : fragments) {
for(ValueExpr e : f.getFilters()) {
f.getConditions().add(evaluateExpression(e, ValueType.NODE));
// 1. iterate over all patterns and for each resource and literal field in subject,
// property, object, or context, and set a query condition according to the
// nodes given in the pattern
for(SQLFragment f : fragments) {
for (SQLPattern p : f.getPatterns()) {
String pName = p.getName();
Var[] fields = p.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
// find node id of the resource or literal field and use it in the where clause
// in this way we can avoid setting too many query parameters
long nodeId = -1;
if (fields[i] != null && fields[i].hasValue()) {
Value v = converter.convert(fields[i].getValue());
if (v instanceof KiWiNode) {
nodeId = ((KiWiNode) v).getId();
} else {
throw new UnsatisfiableQueryException("the values in this query have not been created by the KiWi value factory");
if (nodeId >= 0) {
String condition = pName + "." + positions[i] + " = " + nodeId;
// 6. for each context variable with a restricted list of contexts, we add a condition to the where clause
// of the form ( = OR = ...)
for(SQLFragment f : fragments) {
for (SQLPattern p : f.getPatterns()) {
// the variable
String varName = p.getName();
if (p.getVariableContexts() != null) {
// the string we are building
StringBuilder cCond = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<Resource> it = p.getVariableContexts().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Value v = converter.convert(;
if (v instanceof KiWiNode) {
long nodeId = ((KiWiNode) v).getId();
cCond.append(varName).append(".context = ").append(nodeId);
if (it.hasNext()) {
cCond.append(" OR ");
} else {
throw new UnsatisfiableQueryException("the values in this query have not been created by the KiWi value factory");
// for each pattern, update the joinFields by checking if subject, predicate, object or context are involved
// in any filters or functions; in this case, the corresponding field needs to be joined with the NODES table
// and we need to mark the pattern accordingly.
boolean first = true;
Set<String> joined = new HashSet<>();
for(SQLFragment f : fragments) {
if(first && f.getConditionPosition() == SQLFragment.ConditionPosition.JOIN) {
// the conditions of the first fragment need to be placed in the WHERE part of the query, because
// there is not necessarily a JOIN ... ON where we can put it
first = false;
for (SQLPattern p : f.getPatterns()) {
for(Map.Entry<SQLPattern.TripleColumns, Var> fieldEntry : p.getTripleFields().entrySet()) {
if(fieldEntry.getValue() != null && !fieldEntry.getValue().hasValue() && !joined.contains(fieldEntry.getValue().getName())
&& resolveVariables.contains(fieldEntry.getValue().getName())) {
p.setJoinField(fieldEntry.getKey(), variables.get(fieldEntry.getValue().getName()).getName());
for(SQLAbstractSubquery sq : f.getSubqueries()) {
for(SQLVariable sq_v : sq.getQueryVariables()) {
if(!joined.contains(sq_v.getSparqlName()) && resolveVariables.contains(sq_v.getSparqlName()) && sq_v.getProjectionType() == ValueType.NODE) {
// this is needed in case we need to JOIN with the NODES table to retrieve values
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(sq_v.getSparqlName()); // fetch the name of the variable in the enclosing query
sq.getJoinFields().add(new SQLAbstractSubquery.VariableMapping(sv.getName(), sq_v.getName()));
private StringBuilder buildSelectClause() {
List<String> projections = new ArrayList<>();
// enforce order in SELECT part, we need this for merging UNION subqueries
List<SQLVariable> vars = new ArrayList<>(variables.values());
Collections.sort(vars, SQLVariable.sparqlNameComparator);
for(SQLVariable v : vars) {
if(v.getProjectionType() != ValueType.NONE && (projectedVars.isEmpty() || projectedVars.contains(v.getSparqlName()))) {
String projectedName = v.getName();
String fromName = v.getExpressions().get(0);
projections.add(fromName + " AS " + projectedName);
if(v.getLiteralTypeExpression() != null) {
projections.add(v.getLiteralTypeExpression() + " AS " + projectedName + "_TYPE");
if(v.getLiteralLangExpression() != null) {
projections.add(v.getLiteralLangExpression() + " AS " + projectedName + "_LANG");
// SQL enforces ORDER BY variables to occur in the select part in case distinct is set
int counter = 0;
if(distinct) {
for(OrderElem e : orderby) {
projections.add(evaluateExpression(e.getExpr(), ValueType.STRING) + " AS _OB" + (++counter));
StringBuilder selectClause = new StringBuilder();
if(distinct) {
selectClause.append("DISTINCT ");
Joiner.on(", ").appendTo(selectClause, projections);
return selectClause;
private StringBuilder buildFromClause() {
// build the from-clause of the query; the from clause is constructed as follows:
// 1. for each pattern P, there will be a "KiWiTriple P" in the from clause
// 2. for each variable V in P occurring in
// - subject, there will be a "inner join P.subject as P_S_V" or "left outer join P.subject as P_S_V",
// depending on whether the "optional" parameter is false or true
// - property, there will be a "inner join as P_P_V" or "left outer join as P_P_V"
// - object, there will be a "inner join P.object as P_O_V" or "left outer join p.object as P_O_V"
// - context, there will be a "inner join P.context as P_C_V" or "left outer join p.context as P_C_V"
StringBuilder fromClause = new StringBuilder();
for(Iterator<SQLFragment> fit = fragments.iterator(); fit.hasNext(); ) {
if(fit.hasNext()) {
fromClause.append("\n LEFT JOIN \n ");
return fromClause;
private StringBuilder buildWhereClause() {
// build the where clause as follows:
// 1. iterate over all patterns and for each resource and literal field in subject,
// property, object, or context, and set a query condition according to the
// nodes given in the pattern
// 2. for each variable that has more than one occurrences, add a join condition
// 3. for each variable in the initialBindings, add a condition to the where clause
// list of where conditions that will later be connected by AND
List<String> whereConditions = new LinkedList<String>();
// 1. for the first pattern of the first fragment, we add the conditions to the WHERE clause
for(SQLFragment fragment : fragments) {
if(fragment.getConditionPosition() != SQLFragment.ConditionPosition.JOIN) {
// 3. for each variable in the initialBindings, add a condition to the where clause setting it
// to the node given as binding
if(bindings != null) {
for(String v : bindings.getBindingNames()) {
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(v);
if(sv != null && !sv.getExpressions().isEmpty()) {
List<String> vNames = sv.getExpressions();
String vName = vNames.get(0);
Value binding = converter.convert(bindings.getValue(v));
if(binding instanceof KiWiNode) {
whereConditions.add(vName+" = "+((KiWiNode)binding).getId());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("the values in this binding have not been created by the KiWi value factory");
// construct the where clause
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
for(Iterator<String> it = whereConditions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String condition =;
if(condition.length() > 0) {
whereClause.append("\n ");
if (it.hasNext()) {
whereClause.append("AND ");
return whereClause;
private StringBuilder buildHavingClause() {
// list of where conditions that will later be connected by AND
List<CharSequence> havingConditions = new LinkedList<CharSequence>();
// 1. for the first pattern of the first fragment, we add the conditions to the WHERE clause
for(SQLFragment fragment : fragments) {
if(fragment.getConditionPosition() == SQLFragment.ConditionPosition.HAVING) {
StringBuilder conditionClause = new StringBuilder();
for(Iterator<String> cit = fragment.getConditions().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) {
if(conditionClause.length() > 0) {
conditionClause.append("\n AND ");
// construct the having clause
StringBuilder havingClause = new StringBuilder();
for(Iterator<CharSequence> it = havingConditions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
CharSequence condition =;
if(condition.length() > 0) {
havingClause.append("\n ");
if (it.hasNext()) {
havingClause.append("AND ");
return havingClause;
private StringBuilder buildOrderClause() {
StringBuilder orderClause = new StringBuilder();
if(orderby.size() > 0) {
for(Iterator<OrderElem> it = orderby.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
OrderElem elem =;
orderClause.append(evaluateExpression(elem.getExpr(), ValueType.STRING));
if(elem.isAscending()) {
orderClause.append(" ASC");
} else {
orderClause.append(" DESC");
if(it.hasNext()) {
orderClause.append(", ");
orderClause.append(" \n");
return orderClause;
private StringBuilder buildGroupClause() {
StringBuilder groupClause = new StringBuilder();
if(groupLabels.size() > 0) {
for(Iterator<String> it = groupLabels.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
SQLVariable sv = variables.get(;
if(sv != null) {
Iterator<String> lit = sv.getExpressions().iterator();
while (lit.hasNext()) {
if(lit.hasNext()) {
groupClause.append(", ");
if(it.hasNext()) {
groupClause.append(", ");
groupClause.append(" \n");
return groupClause;
private StringBuilder buildLimitClause() {
// construct limit and offset
StringBuilder limitClause = new StringBuilder();
if(limit > 0) {
.append("LIMIT ")
.append(" ");
if(offset >= 0) {
.append("OFFSET ")
.append(" ");
return limitClause;
private String evaluateExpression(ValueExpr expr, final ValueType optype) {
return new ValueExpressionEvaluator(expr, this, optype).build();
protected ValueType getProjectionType(ValueExpr expr) {
if(expr instanceof BNodeGenerator) {
return ValueType.BNODE;
} else if(expr instanceof IRIFunction) {
return ValueType.URI;
} else if(expr instanceof FunctionCall) {
return functionRegistry.get(((FunctionCall) expr).getURI()).getReturnType();
} else if(expr instanceof NAryValueOperator) {
return getProjectionType(((NAryValueOperator) expr).getArguments().get(0));
} else if(expr instanceof ValueConstant) {
return ValueType.NODE;
if (((ValueConstant) expr).getValue() instanceof URI) {
return ProjectionType.URI;
} else if (((ValueConstant) expr).getValue() instanceof Literal) {
Literal l = (Literal) ((ValueConstant) expr).getValue();
if (XSD.Integer.equals(l.getDatatype()) || XSD.Int.equals(l.getDatatype())) {
return ProjectionType.INT;
} else if (XSD.Double.equals(l.getDatatype()) || XSD.Float.equals(l.getDatatype())) {
return ProjectionType.DOUBLE;
} else {
return ProjectionType.STRING;
} else {
return ProjectionType.STRING;
} else if(expr instanceof Var) {
return ValueType.NODE;
} else if(expr instanceof MathExpr) {
MathExpr cmp = (MathExpr) expr;
return new OPTypeFinder(cmp).coerce();
} else if(expr instanceof Count) {
return ValueType.INT;
} else if(expr instanceof Sum) {
return ValueType.DOUBLE;
} else if(expr instanceof Avg) {
return ValueType.DOUBLE;
} else if(expr instanceof Compare) {
return ValueType.BOOL;
} else if(expr instanceof If) {
return getProjectionType(((If) expr).getResult());
} else {
return ValueType.STRING;
private String getLiteralLangExpression(ValueExpr expr) {
Var langVar = new LiteralTypeExpressionFinder(expr).expr;
if(langVar != null) {
SQLVariable sqlVar = variables.get(langVar.getName());
if(sqlVar != null) {
return sqlVar.getAlias() + ".lang";
return null;
private String getLiteralTypeExpression(ValueExpr expr) {
Var typeVar = new LiteralTypeExpressionFinder(expr).expr;
if(typeVar != null) {
SQLVariable sqlVar = variables.get(typeVar.getName());
if(sqlVar != null) {
return sqlVar.getAlias() + ".ltype";
return null;
* Construct the SQL query for the given SPARQL query part.
* @return
public StringBuilder build() {
StringBuilder selectClause = buildSelectClause();
StringBuilder fromClause = buildFromClause();
StringBuilder whereClause = buildWhereClause();
StringBuilder orderClause = buildOrderClause();
StringBuilder groupClause = buildGroupClause();
StringBuilder havingClause = buildHavingClause();
StringBuilder limitClause = buildLimitClause();
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
queryString.append("SELECT ");
if(selectClause.length() > 0) {
queryString.append(selectClause).append("\n ");
} else {
queryString.append("* \n");
if(fromClause.length() > 0) {
queryString.append("FROM ").append(fromClause).append("\n ");
if(whereClause.length() > 0) {
queryString.append("WHERE ").append(whereClause).append("\n ");
if(groupClause.length() > 0) {
queryString.append("GROUP BY ").append(groupClause).append("\n ");
if(havingClause.length() > 9) {
queryString.append("HAVING ").append(havingClause).append("\n ");
if(orderClause.length() > 0) {
queryString.append("ORDER BY ").append(orderClause).append("\n ");
log.debug("original SPARQL syntax tree:\n {}", query);
log.debug("constructed SQL query string:\n {}",queryString);
log.debug("SPARQL -> SQL node variable mappings:\n {}", variables);
log.debug("projected variables:\n {}", projectedVars);
return queryString;