blob: 1ca0a340e8840850c63681f0f81780dad0aada21 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id: 988245 2010-08-23 18:39:35Z kwright $ */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.common.DCTM;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import com.documentum.fc.client.*;
import com.documentum.fc.common.*;
import java.util.*;
/** This represents the limited equivalent of an IDfSysObject, containing only the properties that the crawler code
* needs to do its job.
public class DocumentumObjectImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements IDocumentumObject
public static final String _rcsid = "@(#)$Id: 988245 2010-08-23 18:39:35Z kwright $";
/** Reference to the sysobject */
protected IDfPersistentObject object;
/** Reference to the session (for fetching more stuff when we need it) */
protected IDfSession session;
/** Constructor */
public DocumentumObjectImpl(IDfSession session, IDfPersistentObject object)
throws RemoteException
super(0,new RMILocalClientSocketFactory(),new RMILocalSocketFactory());
this.session = session;
this.object = object;
/** Release the object */
public void release()
throws RemoteException
object = null;
session = null;
/** Does the object exist? */
public boolean exists()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return (object!=null);
/** Get the object identifier */
public String getObjectId()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return object.getObjectId().toString();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the object name */
public String getObjectName()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getObjectName();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the object's content type */
public String getContentType()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getContentType();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the ACL domain */
public String getACLDomain()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getACLDomain();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the ACL name */
public String getACLName()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getACLName();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Check if object is deleted */
public boolean isDeleted()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return object.isDeleted();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Check if object is hidden */
public boolean isHidden()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).isHidden();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get object's permit level */
public int getPermit()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getPermit();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get object's content size */
public long getContentSize()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getContentSize();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get object's page count */
public int getPageCount()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getPageCount();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the object's version label */
public String getVersionLabel()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
String versionLabel;
IDfVersionPolicy policy = ((IDfSysObject)object).getVersionPolicy();
if (policy != null)
versionLabel = policy.getSameLabel();
if (versionLabel == null)
versionLabel = "";
versionLabel = "";
return versionLabel;
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get object type name */
public String getTypeName()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getTypeName();
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the vstamp field for the object */
public String getVStamp()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return object.getString("i_vstamp");
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum exception: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get the path set for the object. This is the complete set of folder paths that lead to the object. */
public String[] getFolderPaths(Map pathMapCache)
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
// Catch errors
// Get the number of folder id's that own it
int count = ((IDfSysObject)object).getFolderIdCount();
// Accumulate translated strings
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int i = 0;
while (i < count)
IDfId folderID = ((IDfSysObject)object).getFolderId(i++);
String folderIDString = folderID.getId();
// Look up folder's path
String[] folderPath = (String[])pathMapCache.get(folderIDString);
if (folderPath == null)
// Find the folder path (by loading the folder object)
IDfFolder folder = (IDfFolder)session.getObject(folderID);
if (folder == null)
folderPath = new String[0];
int folderPathCount = folder.getFolderPathCount();
folderPath = new String[folderPathCount];
int j = 0;
while (j < folderPathCount)
folderPath[j] = folder.getFolderPath(j);
int j = 0;
while (j < folderPath.length)
String[] rval = new String[list.size()];
i = 0;
while (i < rval.length)
rval[i] = (String)list.get(i);
return rval;
catch (DfAuthenticationException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad credentials: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCREDENTIALS);
catch (DfIdentityException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad docbase name: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCONNECTIONPARAMS);
catch (DfDocbaseUnreachableException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase unreachable: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfIOException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase io exception: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum error: "+e.getMessage());
/** Write the content of the object to a file path.
*@param path is where the content should be written.
*@return the file path where the content was written. */
public String getFile(String path)
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfSysObject)object).getFile(path);
catch (DfAuthenticationException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad credentials: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCREDENTIALS);
catch (DfIdentityException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad docbase name: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCONNECTIONPARAMS);
catch (DfDocbaseUnreachableException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase unreachable: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfIOException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase io exception: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfException dfe)
// Can't decide what to do without looking at the exception text.
// This is crappy but it's the best we can manage, apparently.
String errorMessage = dfe.getMessage();
if (errorMessage.indexOf("[DM_CONTENT_E_CANT_START_PULL]") != -1)
// It's probably not a transient error. Report it as an access violation, even though it
// may well not be. We don't have much info as to what's happening.
throw new DocumentumException(dfe.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_NOTALLOWED);
else if (errorMessage.indexOf("[DM_OBJECT_E_LOAD_INVALID_STRING_LEN]") != -1 ||
errorMessage.indexOf("[DM_PLATFORM_E_INTEGER_CONVERSION_ERROR]") != -1 ||
errorMessage.indexOf("[DM_STORAGE_E_BAD_TICKET]") != -1)
throw new DocumentumException(dfe.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_CORRUPTEDDOCUMENT);
// Treat it as transient, and retry
throw new DocumentumException(dfe.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
/** Get all the values that an attribute has, including multiple ones if present */
public String[] getAttributeValues(String attribute)
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
int valueCount = object.getValueCount(attribute);
String[] values = new String[valueCount];
int y = 0;
while (y < valueCount)
// Fetch the attribute.
// It's supposed to work for all attribute types...
String value = object.getRepeatingString(attribute,y);
values[y++] = value;
return values;
catch (DfAuthenticationException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad credentials: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCREDENTIALS);
catch (DfIdentityException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad docbase name: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCONNECTIONPARAMS);
catch (DfDocbaseUnreachableException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase unreachable: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfIOException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase io exception: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum error: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get a user state */
public int getUserState()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfUser)object).getUserState();
catch (DfAuthenticationException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad credentials: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCREDENTIALS);
catch (DfIdentityException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad docbase name: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCONNECTIONPARAMS);
catch (DfDocbaseUnreachableException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase unreachable: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfIOException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase io exception: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum error: "+e.getMessage());
/** Get a user's name */
public String getUserName()
throws DocumentumException, RemoteException
return ((IDfUser)object).getUserName();
catch (DfAuthenticationException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad credentials: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCREDENTIALS);
catch (DfIdentityException ex)
throw new DocumentumException("Bad docbase name: "+ex.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_BADCONNECTIONPARAMS);
catch (DfDocbaseUnreachableException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase unreachable: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfIOException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Docbase io exception: "+e.getMessage(),DocumentumException.TYPE_SERVICEINTERRUPTION);
catch (DfException e)
throw new DocumentumException("Documentum error: "+e.getMessage());