blob: 45bd0467c079f7bc97a9b55d1f959f6dc2d61bec [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import sys
import ConnectorHelpers
import JcifsConnectorHelpers
import sqatools
from wintools import sqa_domain_info
from wintools import filetools
from wintools import ambassador_client
from sqatools import LicenseMakerClient
import TestDocs
import VirtualBrowser
import MetaCartaVersion
# Method to create a pile of open, empty shares underneath the target path
def create_multiple_open_shares(jcifs_servername, jcifs_user, jcifs_password, targetpath="", count=2000):
amb = ambassador_client.AmbassadorClient(jcifs_servername+":8000", jcifs_user, jcifs_password)
# This is the set of shares that will be created and torn down as part of the
# "large share list" test
big_share_dict = {}
for index in range(0,count):
share_name = "myshare%d" % index
big_share_dict[share_name] = { "files" : {} }
filetools.create_shares(big_share_dict, amb)
# Method to remove a pile of open shares underneath a target path
def delete_multiple_open_shares(jcifs_servername, jcifs_user, jcifs_password, targetpath="", count=2000):
amb = ambassador_client.AmbassadorClient(jcifs_servername+":8000", jcifs_user, jcifs_password)
# This is the set of shares that will be created and torn down as part of the
# "large share list" test
big_share_dict = {}
for index in range(0,count):
share_name = "myshare%d" % index
big_share_dict[share_name] = { "files" : {} }
filetools.delete_shares(big_share_dict, amb)
# Invoke the API method for getting the server name from the connection
def get_jcifs_server_name_api( connection_name ):
""" Invoke the API method for getting the server name from the connection
results = ConnectorHelpers.invoke_script(["/usr/lib/metacarta/jcifs-getconnectioninfo",connection_name])
return ConnectorHelpers.process_api_result(results,["server"])
# Values to use for this test. Values that are "None" will be filled in during test initialization.
# Server name to talk to
jcifsServerName = None
# Domain
jcifsDomain = None
# User
jcifsUser = None
# Base user
jcifsSimpleUser = "Administrator"
# Password
jcifsPassword = "password"
# Share name
jcifsShare = "qashare"
# DFS share name
jcifsDfsShare = None
# DFS link
jcifsDfsLink = "DFSLink"
# DFS share name, one level deep variant
jcifsDfsOneDeepShare = "DFSStandaloneRoot"
# DFS link, one level deep variant
jcifsDfsOneDeepLink = "StandaloneLink"
# DFS target (which is where we actually write stuff that is picked up via DFS)
jcifsDfsTarget = "DFSTarget"
# DFS target where the documents are one folder level down
jcifsDfsOneDeepTarget = "DFSStandaloneTarget/DFSStandaloneFolder"
# Latin-1 share name
latin1share = u"\u00d8yvind"
# Login credentials
username = "testingest"
password = "testingest"
def preclean( ad_domain_info, print_errors=True ):
''' Clean up everything we might have done during the execution of this test.
This will include all jobs and ingested documents. '''
except Exception, e:
if print_errors:
print "Error resetting all jobs"
print e
# Delete the massive numbers of shares we created to test large packet handling
delete_multiple_open_shares(jcifsServerName, jcifsUser, jcifsPassword)
except Exception, e:
if print_errors:
print "Error removing numbered shares"
print e
ConnectorHelpers.delete_crawler_user( username )
except Exception, e:
if print_errors:
print "Error deleting crawl user"
print e
except Exception, e:
if print_errors:
print "Error cleaning up old license"
print e
ConnectorHelpers.teardown_connector_environment( )
except Exception, e:
if print_errors:
print "Error cleaning up debs"
print e
# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':
# AD parameters
ad_group = "76"
share_machine_handle = "jcifs_server"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
ad_group = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
share_machine_handle = sys.argv[2]
ad_domain_info = sqa_domain_info.SQADomainInfo( ad_group )
jcifsDomain = ad_domain_info.dns_domain.upper()
# The fully qualified server name is the share machine plus the domain
jcifsServerName = getattr( ad_domain_info, share_machine_handle + "_fqdn" )
# The jcifs user is the simple user plus the domain
jcifsUser = "%s@%s" % (jcifsSimpleUser,jcifsDomain)
# The domain-based DFS share name is the same as the machine name
jcifsDfsShare = jcifsServerName.split(".")[0]
# Do the non-AD-specific setup and teardown ONLY ONCE!
print "Precleaning!"
preclean( ad_domain_info, print_errors=False )
print "Setup Connector Environment."
# Enable CF security
ConnectorHelpers.enable_connector_framework( )
print "Setting up license."
sqatools.appliance.install_license(extra_services=["shareConnector"], detect_gdms=True)
# Set up the ingestion user.
ConnectorHelpers.create_crawler_user( username, password )
ConnectorHelpers.define_gts_outputconnection( )
# Create lots of shares. This will force the UI to use jcifs packet forms that need more than 65536 bytes.
create_multiple_open_shares(jcifsServerName, jcifsUser, jcifsPassword)
# This test basically defines a number of jobs while there are lots of shares, hoping to cause the conditions where packet overruns
# used to take place in jcifs
# Define basic server-based repository connection
JcifsConnectorHelpers.define_jcifs_repository_connection_ui( username,
"JCifs Connection",
jcifsPassword )
# Define basic domain-based repository connection
JcifsConnectorHelpers.define_jcifs_repository_connection_ui( username,
"JCifs Connection 2",
jcifsPassword )
# Define server-based job (testing standard share and standalone DFS)
job_id = JcifsConnectorHelpers.define_jcifs_job_ui( username,
"JCifs test job",
[ ( [ jcifsShare, "TestDocs" ], [ ("include", "file", "*"), ("include", "directory", "*") ] ),
( [ jcifsDfsShare, jcifsDfsLink, "TestDocs" ], [ ("include", "file", "*"), ("include", "directory", "*") ] ),
( [ jcifsDfsOneDeepShare, jcifsDfsOneDeepLink, "TestDocs" ], [ ("include", "file", "*"), ("include", "directory", "*") ] ),
( [ latin1share ], [ ("include", "file", "*"), ("include", "directory", "*") ] ) ],
path_value_attribute="doc_path" )
# Define domain-based job
job_id_2 = JcifsConnectorHelpers.define_jcifs_job_ui( username,
"JCifs test job 2",
[ ( [ jcifsDfsShare, jcifsDfsLink, "TestDocs" ], [ ("include", "file", "*"), ("include", "directory", "*") ] ) ],
path_value_attribute="doc_path" )
# Clean up domain-based pieces
ConnectorHelpers.delete_job( job_id_2 )
ConnectorHelpers.wait_job_deleted( job_id_2 )
ConnectorHelpers.delete_repository_connection_ui( username, password, "JCifsConnection2" )
# Clean up non-domain-based pieces
ConnectorHelpers.delete_job( job_id )
ConnectorHelpers.wait_job_deleted( job_id )
ConnectorHelpers.delete_repository_connection_ui( username, password, "JCifsConnection" )
# Get rid of the numerous testing shares we created
delete_multiple_open_shares(jcifsServerName, jcifsUser, jcifsPassword)
# Get rid of test crawler user
ConnectorHelpers.delete_gts_outputconnection( )
ConnectorHelpers.delete_crawler_user( username )
ConnectorHelpers.teardown_connector_environment( )
print "Manyshare JCifsConnector test PASSED"