blob: 4cf39448615ebc11041c1504326b5b1407597d39 [file] [log] [blame]
# $Id$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import Javascript
import urllib
import urllib2
import HTMLParser
import base64
import re
import os
# Class that describes answers to pop-up dialog boxes that may occur as a result of clicking a link
# or button. If the answer is not found, this is considered a test error, and an exception is thrown!
class VirtualDialogAnswers:
def __init__( self ):
# a dictionary of dialogs, by title, containing the desired answer to click for each
self.dialogs = { }
def add_dialog_answer( self, dialog_name, answer_button ):
self.dialogs[ dialog_name ] = answer_button
def get_dialog_answer( self, dialog_name ):
return self.dialogs[ dialog_name ]
raise Exception("No answer found for dialog '%s'" % dialog_name)
# Base class of all form elements
class VirtualFormElement:
def __init__( self, form_instance ):
self.form_instance = form_instance
def get_form( self ):
return self.form_instance
# Base class of form data elements. Each of these has an element name, and
# can contribute data to form submission.
class VirtualFormDataElement( VirtualFormElement ):
def __init__(self, form_instance, element_name ):
VirtualFormElement.__init__( self, form_instance )
self.element_name = element_name
# Get the key which uniquely identifies this element in a form.
def get_key( self ):
return self.element_name
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
# Optionally add file tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_files( self, accumulator ):
# Get the element name
def get_name( self ):
return self.element_name
# Set a property (via javascript)
# Property value is a JSObject
def set_property( self, property_name, property_value ):
raise Exception("Form element '%s' has no such property '%s'" % (self.element_name, property_name))
# Get a property (via javascript).
# This returns a JSObject
def get_property( self, property_name ):
raise Exception("Form element '%s' has no such property '%s'" % (self.element_name, property_name))
# Button base class
class VirtualButton( VirtualFormElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, alt, buttontext ):
VirtualFormElement.__init__( self, form_instance )
self.buttontext = buttontext
self.alt = alt
# Public API
def click( self ):
# Only derived classes actually do anything
# Private API
def get_key( self ):
return self.alt
# Basic button
class VirtualBasicbutton( VirtualButton ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, alt, buttontext, onclick ):
VirtualButton.__init__( self, form_instance, alt, buttontext )
self.onclick = onclick
def click( self ):
# Execute the on-click, if any
self.get_form( ).execute_javascript_expression( self.onclick )
# Since submit buttons are both buttons and form data elements, there's
# a wrapper class needed so that I can put submit buttons in the button
# pool. This avoids the tester needing to know about what kind of button
# it is; it can be clicked just like any other button.
class VirtualSubmitbuttonWrapper( VirtualButton ):
def __init__( self, button_reference ):
assert isinstance( button_reference, VirtualSubmitbutton )
VirtualButton.__init__( self, button_reference.get_form( ),
button_reference.get_alt( ), "Submit" )
self.button_reference = button_reference
def click( self ):
# Pass the click off to the actual button )
# Submit button. This is the data element version of the submit button.
# It's also wrapped by
class VirtualSubmitbutton( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name, value, alt, onclick ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
self.alt = alt
self.value = value
self.clicked = False
self.onclick = onclick
def get_alt( self ):
return self.alt
def click( self ):
self.clicked = True
# Fire off javascript, or if not there, just submit form
result = self.get_form( ).execute_javascript_expression( self.onclick )
if result != None:
if result.bool_value( ):
self.get_form( ).submit( )
self.get_form( ).submit( )
self.clicked = False
# Get the key which uniquely identifies this element in a form.
def get_key( self ):
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_key( self ) + "=" + self.value
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
if self.clicked:
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name(), self.value ) )
# Hidden
class VirtualHiddenField( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name, value ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
assert isinstance( value, unicode ) or isinstance( value, str )
self.value = { value:value }
def get_specified_value( self ):
return_value = ""
for value in self.value.keys():
if return_value == "":
return_value = value
return_value = ";" + value
return return_value
def add_value( self, new_value ):
self.value[ new_value ] = new_value
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
for value in self.value.keys():
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name(), value ) )
# Set a property (via javascript)
def set_property( self, property_name, property_value ):
if property_name == "value":
assert isinstance( property_value, Javascript.JSObject )
new_value = property_value.str_value( )
self.value = { new_value:new_value }
VirtualFormDataElement.set_property( self, property_name, property_value )
# Get a property (via javascript)
def get_property( self, property_name ):
if property_name == "type":
return Javascript.JSString("hidden")
if property_name == "value":
return Javascript.JSString( self.get_specified_value() )
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_property( self, property_name )
# File
class VirtualFileBrowser( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
self.filename = ""
self.content_type = None
# Public part of interface
# Set the upload file
def setfile( self, filename, content_type ):
assert isinstance( filename, str ) or isinstance( filename, unicode )
assert isinstance( content_type, str ) or isinstance( content_type, unicode )
self.filename = filename
self.content_type = content_type
# Private part of interface
# Optionally add a set of file tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_files( self, accumulator ):
# Attempt to do the file upload, unless blank
if self.filename != None and len(self.filename) > 0:
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name(), self.filename, read_file(self.filename), self.content_type ) )
# Get a property (via javascript)
def get_property( self, property_name ):
if property_name == "value":
return Javascript.JSString( self.filename )
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_property( self, property_name )
# Read a specified file entirely into a "string"
def read_file( filename ):
f = open( filename, "rb" )
# Checkbox
class VirtualCheckbox( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name, value, selected ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
assert isinstance( value, unicode ) or isinstance( value, str )
self.value = value
self.selected = selected
self.bodytext = None
# Public part of interface
# Select this checkbox
def select( self ):
if self.selected == False:
self.selected = True
# Deselect this checkbox
def deselect( self ):
if self.selected:
self.selected = False
# Private part of interface
# Get the key which uniquely identifies this element in a form.
def get_key( self ):
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_key( self ) + "=" + self.value
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
if self.selected:
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name(), self.value ) )
def set_bodytext( self, bodytext ):
assert isinstance( bodytext, unicode ) or isinstance( bodytext, str )
self.bodytext = bodytext
# Radio
class VirtualRadiobutton( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name, value, selected ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
assert isinstance( value, str ) or isinstance( value, unicode )
self.value = value
self.selected = selected
self.bodytext = None
# Public part of interface
# Select this radio button
def select( self ):
if self.selected == False:
self.get_form( ).clear_radio_buttons( self.get_name( ) )
self.selected = True
# Private part of interface
def set_bodytext( self, bodytext ):
self.bodytext = bodytext
# Deselect this radio button. This happens as a side-effect
# of selecting another one that has the same name.
def deselect( self ):
if self.selected == True:
self.selected = False
# Get the key which uniquely identifies this element in a form.
def get_key( self ):
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_key( self ) + "=" + self.value
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
if self.selected:
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name(), self.value ) )
# Select box element
class SelectboxElement:
def __init__( self, value, body_text, is_selected ):
self.value = value
self.body_text = body_text
self.is_selected = is_selected
def get_value( self ):
return self.value
def get_body_text( self ):
return self.body_text
def check_selected( self ):
return self.is_selected
def set_selected( self, is_selected ):
self.is_selected = is_selected
# Javascript object representing an option that's tied back to a VirtualSelectBox element
class JSOptionValue (Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
self.parent = parent
def get_value( self, member_name ):
if member_name == "text":
return Javascript.JSString(self.parent.get_body_text())
elif member_name == "value":
return Javascript.JSString(self.parent.get_value())
elif member_name == "selected":
printval = "no"
if self.parent.is_selected:
printval = "yes"
#print "Checking whether option %s is selected: %s" % (self.parent.value,printval)
return Javascript.JSBoolean(self.parent.check_selected())
return Javascript.JSObject.get_value( self, member_name )
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
if member_name == "text":
elif member_name == "value":
elif member_name == "selected":
Javascript.JSObject.set_value( self, member_name, value )
# Javascript object representing a list of options - tied back to a VirtualSelectBox
class JSOptionList( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, parent_select_box ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
self.parent_select_box = parent_select_box
def get_value( self, member_name ):
# This object should behave like an array, so interpret the member name to be
# an index value
index = int(member_name)
assert index >= 0
return self.parent_select_box.get_option_object( index )
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
# This object should behave like an array, so interpret the member name to be
# an index value
index = int(member_name)
assert index >= 0
self.parent_select_box.set_option_object( index, value )
# Single/multi select
class VirtualSelectbox( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name, multi ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
self.multi = multi
self.option_value_list = [ ]
# Public api
# Select a value (without CTRL button).
# This works like a browser in that selecting in this way turns
# off all other current selections.
def select_value( self, selected_value ):
seen_value = False
for option in self.option_value_list:
if option.get_value() == selected_value:
if seen_value:
raise Exception("The selectbox value '%s' appears more than once in '%s'" % (selected_value,self.get_name()))
seen_value = True
option.set_selected( True )
option.set_selected( False )
if seen_value == False:
raise Exception("The selectbox value '%s' doesn't exist in '%s'" % (selected_value,self.get_name()))
# Select a value using a regular expression (without CTRL button)
def select_value_regexp( self, selected_value_regexp ):
regexp = re.compile( selected_value_regexp, 0 )
seen_value = False
for option in self.option_value_list:
option_value = option.get_value()
mo = option_value )
if mo != None:
if seen_value:
raise Exception("Selectbox '%s' has more than one value matching '%s'" % (self.get_name(),selected_value_regexp))
seen_value = True
option.set_selected( True )
option.set_selected( False )
if seen_value == False:
raise Exception("Selectbox '%s' does not have a value matching '%s'" % (self.get_name(),selected_value_regexp))
# CTRL-select a value.
# For multiselect boxes, this adds a new selection to those already
# chosen. For non-multi boxes, it works just like select_value.
def multi_select_value( self, selected_value ):
if self.multi == False:
self.select_value( selected_value )
seen_value = False
for option in self.option_value_list:
if option.get_value() == selected_value:
if seen_value:
raise Exception("Selectbox '%s' has more than one value matching '%s'" % (self.get_name(),selected_value))
seen_value = True
# Toggle
option.set_selected( option.check_selected() == False )
if seen_value == False:
raise Exception("Selectbox '%s' does not have a value matching '%s'" % (self.get_name(),selected_value))
# Private api
# Add a legal selection to the selection list
def add_selection( self, value, bodytext, isselected ):
self.option_value_list.append(SelectboxElement( value, bodytext, isselected ))
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
for option in self.option_value_list:
if option.check_selected( ):
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name(), option.get_value() ) )
# Get a property (via javascript)
def get_property( self, property_name ):
if property_name == "type":
if self.multi:
return Javascript.JSString("select-multiple")
return Javascript.JSString("select")
elif property_name == "value":
value = ""
for option in self.option_value_list:
if option.check_selected( ):
if len(value) > 0:
value += ";"
value += option.get_value()
return Javascript.JSString( value )
elif property_name == "options":
# Return a JSArray describing the options objects underlying this selectbox
return JSOptionList( self )
elif property_name == "length":
# Return as JSNumber describing the length of the array
return Javascript.JSNumber(len(self.option_value_list))
elif property_name == "selectedIndex":
# Return the first selected index as a JSNumber
for index in range(len(self.option_value_list)):
if self.option_value_list[index].check_selected( ):
return Javascript.JSNumber(index)
return Javascript.JSNumber(-1)
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_property( self, property_name )
# Get an option object
def get_option_object( self, index ):
assert index < len(self.option_value_list)
return JSOptionValue( self.option_value_list[index] )
# Set an option object
def set_option_object( self, index, object ):
assert isinstance(object,Javascript.JSObject)
if isinstance(object,Javascript.JSNull):
# It's a delete; remove the specified entry wherever it is found
#print "Deleting index %d from %s" % (index,self.get_name())
if index >= len(self.option_value_list):
del self.option_value_list[index]
# Grab the text and value attributes
text = object.get_value( "text" ).str_value()
value = object.get_value( "value" ).str_value()
#print "Setting index %d for %s to text %s value %s" % (index,self.get_name(),text,value)
# Set this at the current index
if index >= len(self.option_value_list):
self.add_selection( value, text, False )
# Create a new selectbox element
element = SelectboxElement( value, text, False )
self.option_value_list[index] = element
# Text/password field
class VirtualTextarea( VirtualFormDataElement ):
def __init__( self, form_instance, name ):
VirtualFormDataElement.__init__( self, form_instance, name )
self.textvalue = ""
# Public api
# Set text value
def set_value( self, text_value ):
assert isinstance( text_value, unicode ) or isinstance( text_value, str )
self.textvalue = text_value
# Private API
# Optionally add a set of name/value tuples to a sequence to be posted
def add_variables( self, accumulator ):
accumulator.append( ( self.get_name( ), self.textvalue ) )
# Set a property (via javascript)
def set_property( self, property_name, property_value ):
if property_name == "value":
assert isinstance( property_value, Javascript.JSObject )
self.textvalue = property_value.str_value( )
VirtualFormDataElement.set_property( self, property_name, property_value )
# Get a property (via javascript)
def get_property( self, property_name ):
if property_name == "value":
return Javascript.JSString( self.textvalue )
elif property_name == "focus":
return JSFocusMethod( self )
return VirtualFormDataElement.get_property( self, property_name )
# Class that describes a virtual form. Each form has an identifier (the form name), plus form elements
# that live in the form.
class VirtualForm:
def __init__( self, window_instance, name, action_url, method ):
# These elements all have scrapable data, and are organized by
# key (which comes from the element).
self.data_elements = { }
self.window_instance = window_instance
self.form_name = name
self.action_url = action_url
self.method = method
# Public API
# Get the form name
def get_name( self ):
return self.form_name
# Find a file browser
# Matches data variable name.
def find_filebrowser( self, data_name ):
value = self.data_elements[ data_name ]
assert isinstance( value, VirtualFileBrowser )
return value
raise Exception("Can't find filebrowser %s on form %s for url %s" % (data_name,self.form_name,self.window_instance.get_current_url( )))
# Find a checkbox
# Matches checkbox data variable name, and value.
# Returns a VirtualCheckbox object, or None if not found.
def find_checkbox( self, data_name, value ):
key = data_name + "=" + value
value = self.data_elements[ key ]
assert isinstance( value, VirtualCheckbox )
return value
raise Exception("Can't find checkbox %s:%s on form %s for url %s" % (data_name,value,self.form_name,self.window_instance.get_current_url( )))
# Find a radio button
# Matches radio button data variable name, and value.
# Returns a VirtualRadiobutton object, or None if not found.
def find_radiobutton( self, data_name, value ):
key = data_name + "=" + value
value = self.data_elements[ key ]
assert isinstance( value, VirtualRadiobutton )
return value
raise Exception("Can't find radiobutton %s:%s on form %s for url %s" % (data_name,value,self.form_name,self.window_instance.get_current_url()))
# Find a selection box
# Matches based on the data variable name alone.
# Returns a VirtualSelectbox object, or None if not found.
def find_selectbox( self, data_name ):
value = self.data_elements[ data_name ]
assert isinstance( value, VirtualSelectbox )
return value
raise Exception("Can't find selectbox %s on form %s for url %s" % (data_name,self.form_name,self.window_instance.get_current_url()))
# Find a textarea/password field
# Matches based on the data variable name alone.
# Returns a VirtualTextarea object, or None if not found.
def find_textarea( self, data_name ):
value = self.data_elements[ data_name ]
assert isinstance( value, VirtualTextarea )
return value
raise Exception("Can't find textarea %s on form %s for url %s" % (data_name,self.form_name,self.window_instance.get_current_url()))
# Get the action URL
def get_action_url( self ):
return self.action_url
# Set the action URL
def set_action_url( self, newurl ):
self.action_url = newurl
# Private API
# Find an element based on its data name.
# This will NEVER return checkboxes or radio buttons!
def find_element_by_dataname( self, data_name ):
return self.data_elements[ data_name ]
# Execute javascript expression in the form context.
# Returns a JSObject representing the result.
def execute_javascript_expression( self, javascript ):
return self.window_instance.execute_javascript_expression( javascript )
# Add an element to this form.
def add_element( self, element ):
assert isinstance( element, VirtualFormDataElement )
self.data_elements[ element.get_key( ) ] = element
# This method is called just before a radio button is selected.
# It must deselect all radio buttons that share this element name.
def clear_radio_buttons( self, element_name ):
# Go through all the elements
for element_key, element_value in self.data_elements.iteritems( ):
if element_name == element_value.get_name( ):
assert isinstance( element_value, VirtualRadiobutton )
element_value.deselect( )
# This method does the nuts and bolts of submitting a form - basically,
# gathering data from all the form elements and stringing it together into
# a list of form variables and their values, then sending it on to the window
# (and hence to the browser instance) for posting.
def submit( self ):
# Go through all elements and scrape up current values, and send those
# to the action url
# First, go through the elements and gather up a variable and file set
variables = [ ]
files = [ ]
for element_key, element_value in self.data_elements.iteritems( ):
element_value.add_variables( variables )
element_value.add_files( files )
# Pass these off to the window
self.window_instance.execute_action( self.method, variables, files, self.action_url )
# Class that describes a link in a virtual browser window.
class VirtualLink:
def __init__( self, window_instance, alt, url, onclick ):
self.window_instance = window_instance
self.alt = alt
self.linktext = None
self.onclick = onclick
self.url = url
# Public part of interface
# Click this virtual link
def click( self ):
result = self.window_instance.execute_javascript_expression( self.onclick )
if result != None:
if result.bool_value( ):
# Take link
self.window_instance.execute_link( self.url )
self.window_instance.execute_link( self.url )
# Private part of interface
def get_alt( self ):
return self.alt
def set_bodytext( self, bodytext ):
self.linktext = bodytext
# Class that describes a virtual browser window. Each virtual window has some set of forms and links,
# as well as a set of dialog boxes (which can be popped up due to various actions, and dismissed
# by virtual user activity)
class VirtualWindow:
def __init__( self, browser_instance, window_name, data, parent, current_url ):
print "Loading window '%s' with data from url %s" % (window_name, current_url)
self.links = { }
self.buttons = { }
self.forms = { }
self.window_name = window_name = data
self.parent = parent
self.browser_instance = browser_instance
self.is_open = True
self.jscontext = Javascript.JSScope( enclosing_scope=None )
self.dialog_answers = None
self.current_url = current_url
# Parse the data
parser = VirtualActionParser( self )
parser.feed( data )
parser.close( )
# Now, assert javascript objects into the current scope to permit
# Javascript to work.
# Need methods for:
# confirm( )
# alert( )
# eval( )
self.jscontext.define_value( "confirm", JSConfirmMethod( self ) )
self.jscontext.define_value( "alert", JSAlertMethod( self ))
self.jscontext.define_value( "eval", JSEvalMethod( self ))
# Need built-in objects for:
# document (with form properties and form element properties beneath that).
# Also, need the shortcut entered, which is a property that's just the form name.
# First, create the document object.
jsdocobject = JSDocObject( )
self.jscontext.define_value( "document", jsdocobject )
for form_name, form_object in self.forms.iteritems( ):
# Build a javascript object representing the form
jsobject = JSFormObject( form_object )
# Add this object to the doc object
jsdocobject.add_form( form_name, jsobject )
# Add this object to the main context
self.jscontext.define_value( form_name, jsobject )
jswindowobject = JSWindowObject( self )
self.jscontext.define_value( "window", jswindowobject )
# Finally, need built-in "Option" class
jsoptionclassdef = JSOptionClassDef( )
self.jscontext.define_value( "Option", jsoptionclassdef )
# Public part of interface
# Look for a specific match in the page data, and return the value of the specified group
def find_match( self, regular_expression, group=0 ):
reobject = re.compile( regular_expression )
mo = )
if mo == None:
raise Exception("Pattern %s not found in page %s (%s)" % (regular_expression,self.current_url,
# Look for a specific match in the page data, and return the value of the specified group
def find_match_no_newlines( self, regular_expression, group=0 ):
reobject = re.compile( regular_expression )
mo = " ".join( )) )
if mo == None:
raise Exception("Pattern %s not found in page %s (%s)" % (regular_expression,self.current_url,
# Make sure there is NOT a match of the specified kind.
def check_no_match( self, regular_expression ):
reobject = re.compile( regular_expression )
mo = )
if mo != None:
raise Exception("Pattern %s was erroneously found in page %s (%s)" % (regular_expression,self.current_url,
# Set the current dialog answers, in case there are virtual dialog popups
def set_dialog_answers( self, dialog_answers ):
assert dialog_answers == None or isinstance( dialog_answers, VirtualDialogAnswers )
self.dialog_answers = dialog_answers
# For all of the operations that refer to form elements, the elements are
# referenced by form name and something which identifies the element within
# the form, which is element specific. For example, a checkbox is identified
# by the text and html between the <input> and </input> tags. This is presumed to be
# unique for the form. Since an exact match is often difficult to generate, the
# matches are passed in as regular expressions whenever arbitrary HTML needs to be
# matched.
# For links, the link text and alt text are used for identification. Regexps are
# allowed for the link text matching.
# Find a link
# Needs to match the alt text, which must be unique on the page.
# Returns a VirtualLink object, or None if not found.
def find_link( self, alt ):
return self.links[ alt ]
raise Exception("Can't find link %s on page %s" % (alt,self.current_url))
# Find a form
# Needs to match the form name. Returns a VirtualForm object, or None.
def find_form( self, form_name ):
return self.forms[ form_name ]
raise Exception("Can't find form %s on page %s" % (form_name,self.current_url))
# Find a button
# Matches based on the button's alt text, which
# must be unique. Returns a VirtualButton object, or None if not
# found. The button may be of many different types (e.g. submit
# buttons, plain buttons, etc).
def find_button( self, alt ):
return self.buttons[ alt ]
raise Exception("Can't find button %s on page %s" % (alt,self.current_url))
# Close this window. This is meant to correspond directly to closing the window
# in the browser.
def close_window( self ):
# This may fire off scripts someday, but today it just marks the window as dead
self.is_open = False
self.browser_instance.delete_window( self.window_name )
# Get the current url for this window
def get_current_url( self ):
return self.current_url
# Get the data for this window
def get_data( self ):
# Private part of interface
# Initialize; execute whatever startup scripts and side-effect loading is needed
def initialize( self ):
# Probably I ought to implement frameset handling at least, but right now even
# that is not needed
is_open = True
# Get the parent window
def get_parent_window( self ):
return self.parent
# Get dialog answers in place
def get_dialog_answers( self ):
return self.dialog_answers
# Check if a symbol exists in the current javascript context
def check_exists( self, symbol_name ):
self.jscontext.get_value( symbol_name )
return True
return False
# Execute javascript expression in the window context.
# Returns a JSObject representing the result.
def execute_javascript_expression( self, javascript ):
# All objects, methods, etc. have already been asserted into the javascript context,
# which gives javascript the access it needs to document objects and built-in methods.
# So we just need to execute against it.
if javascript != None and javascript.lower( ).startswith("javascript:"):
tokenstream = Javascript.JSTokenStream( javascript[ len("javascript:") : len(javascript) ] )
return tokenstream.evaluate_expr( self.jscontext, "HTML" )
return None
# Do a post or a get into the current window
def execute_action( self, method, parameters, files, url ):
if self.is_open == False:
raise Exception("Cannot execute action %s on already closed window %s" % ( url, self.window_name ) )
# Send the url off to the browser instance to load
return self.browser_instance.execute_action( self.window_name, method, parameters, files, self.resolve( url ) )
# Do a get with a preformed url.
def execute_link( self, url ):
if self.is_open == False:
raise Exception("Cannot execute link %s on already closed window %s" % (url,self.window_name) )
return self.browser_instance.execute_link( self.window_name, self.resolve( url ) )
# Add a link
def add_link( self, linkobject ):
assert isinstance( linkobject, VirtualLink )
self.links[ linkobject.get_alt( ) ] = linkobject
# Add a form
def add_form( self, formobject ):
assert isinstance( formobject, VirtualForm )
self.forms[ formobject.get_name( ) ] = formobject
# Add a button
def add_button( self, buttonobject ):
assert isinstance( buttonobject, VirtualButton )
self.buttons[ buttonobject.get_key( ) ] = buttonobject
# Accept javascript definitions etc.
def accept_javascript( self, javascript_text ):
javascript_text = javascript_text.lstrip( ).rstrip( )
if javascript_text.startswith("<!--"):
javascript_text = javascript_text[4:len(javascript_text)]
if javascript_text.endswith("//-->"):
javascript_text = javascript_text[0:len(javascript_text)-5]
jstokens = Javascript.JSTokenStream( javascript_text )
jstokens.evaluate_statement_list( self.jscontext )
# Get the answer to a dialog question.
def get_answer( self, question, default_answer ):
# Look in the dialog_answers structure for some guidance
return default_answer
# Resolve a (potentially relative) url into an absolute url with full qualification
def resolve( self, url ):
protocol = self.current_url.index("://") + 3
if url.find("://") != -1:
return url
elif url.startswith("/"):
# Relative to domain
domain = self.current_url.index("/",protocol)
return self.current_url[0:domain] + url
endguy = self.current_url.rindex("/")+1
return self.current_url[0:endguy] + url
# Class that describes a virtual browser instance, with various windows and their associated
# alerts/popups
class VirtualBrowser:
def __init__( self, username=None, password=None, win_host=None ):
self.window_set = { }
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.win_host = win_host
if win_host == None and username != None:
# Set up basic auth
self.urllibopener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPHandler ( ) )
elif win_host != None and username != None:
# Proxy-based auth
raise Exception("Feature not yet implemented")
# Use standard opener
self.urllibopener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPHandler ( ) )
# Public part of the Virtual Browser interface
# Send the main window to a specific URL
def load_main_window( self, url, initial_dialog_answers=None ):
self.build_window( "", self.fetch_data_with_get( url ), None, url, initial_dialog_answers )
# Find a specific window by name. Use name=None
# for main window. Returns a VirtualBrowserWindow
# object, or None if the window doesn't exist.
def find_window( self, window_name="" ):
return self.window_set[ window_name ]
raise Exception("Can't find existing window %s" % window_name)
# Private part of the Virtual Browser interface
# Delete a window
def delete_window( self, window_name ):
del self.window_set[ window_name ]
# Reload an existing window
def reload_window( self, window_name, window_data, full_url ):
old_window = self.find_window( window_name )
old_window.close_window( )
self.build_window( window_name, window_data, old_window.get_parent_window( ), full_url, old_window.get_dialog_answers( ) )
# Create a window, with a specific parent and data, and register it.
# If the window already exists, it will be replaced.
def build_window( self, window_name, window_data, parent_window, current_url, initial_dialog_answers=None ):
# Parse the data to create a window, with the specified parent virtual window
new_window = VirtualWindow( self, window_name, window_data, parent_window, current_url )
# Put the new window into the window set. This may well replace an existing window.
self.window_set[ window_name ] = new_window
# Now execute start up stuff from that window (when frames are implemented, this is where they would go)
new_window.set_dialog_answers( initial_dialog_answers )
new_window.initialize( )
# Read a url using all the connection parameters, cookies, authentication info etc. available.
# Creates a new window object accordingly.
def execute_action( self, window_name, method, parameters, files, url ):
window_data = None
if method == "GET":
if len(files) > 0:
raise Exception("File controls found in GET submit, for url '%s'" % url)
# Need to assemble parameters and tack them onto url
parameter_string = urllib.urlencode( parameters )
fullurl = url + "?" + parameter_string
# Invoke!
window_data = self.fetch_data_with_get( fullurl )
elif method == "POST":
if len(files) > 0:
raise Exception("File controls found in POST submit, for url '%s'" % url)
# Assemble parameters into form post
window_data = self.fetch_data_with_post( parameters, url )
elif method == "MULTIPART":
# Assemble parameters into multipart form post
window_data = self.fetch_data_with_multipart_post( parameters, files, url )
raise Exception("Unknown action method: %s" % method)
# Create a new window object with the result, and save it
self.reload_window( window_name, window_data, url )
# Read a preformed url into a window using get.
def execute_link( self, window_name, url ):
window_data = self.fetch_data_with_get( url )
self.reload_window( window_name, window_data, url )
def fetch_and_decode( self, req ):
f = req )
fetch_info =
encoding = "iso-8859-1"
if fetch_info != None and fetch_info.has_key("Content-type"):
content_type = fetch_info["Content-type"]
charset_index = content_type.find("charset=")
if charset_index != -1:
encoding = content_type[charset_index+8:len(content_type)]
return ).decode(encoding)
# Read a url with get. Returns the data as a string.
def fetch_data_with_get( self, url ):
print "Getting url '%s'..." % url
req = urllib2.Request( url )
if self.username != None:
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password))[:-1]
req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
# Add cookies appropriate to domain
# MHL - not yet implemented
# req.add_header('Referer', '')
return self.fetch_and_decode( req )
# Read a url with post. Pass the parameters as an array of ( name, value ) tuples.
def fetch_data_with_post( self, parameters, url ):
paramstring = urllib.urlencode( parameters, doseq=True )
print "Posting url '%s' with parameters '%s'..." % (url, paramstring)
req = urllib2.Request( url, paramstring )
if self.username != None:
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password))[:-1]
req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
# Add cookies by domain
return self.fetch_and_decode( req )
# Private method to post using multipart forms
def fetch_data_with_multipart_post( self, parameters, files, url ):
paramstring = urllib.urlencode( parameters, doseq=True )
filecount = 0
if files != None:
filecount = len(files)
print "Multipart posting url '%s' with parameters '%s' and %d files..." % (url, paramstring, filecount)
# Turn URL into protocol, host, and selector
urlpieces = url.split("://")
protocol = urlpieces[0]
uri = urlpieces[1]
# Split uri at the first /
uripieces = uri.split("/")
host = uripieces[0]
selector = uri[len(host):len(uri)]
import httplib
Post fields and files to an http host as multipart/form-data.
fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields.
files is a sequence of (name, filename, value, content_type) elements for data to be uploaded as files
Return the server's response page.
content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(parameters, files)
if protocol == "http":
h = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
elif protocol == "https":
h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
raise Exception("Unknown protocol: %s" % protocol)
# Set the request type and url
h.putrequest("POST", selector)
# Set the content type and length
h.putheader("content-type", content_type)
h.putheader("content-length", str(len(body)))
# Add cookies by domain
# Add basic auth credentials, if needed.
if self.username != None:
base64string = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))[:-1]
h.putheader("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
# Send the body
response = h.getresponse()
status = response.status
headers = response.getheaders()
encoding = "iso-8859-1"
content_type = response.getheader("Content-type","text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")
charset_index = content_type.find("charset=")
if charset_index != -1:
encoding = content_type[charset_index+8:len(content_type)]
value =
if status != 200:
raise Exception("Received an error response %d from url: '%s'" % (status,url) )
return value
# Static method for multipart encoding
def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files):
fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields.
files is a sequence of (name, filename, value, content_type) elements for data to be uploaded as files
Return (content_type, body)
import array
body = array.array('B')
BOUNDARY = "----------ThIs_Is_tHe_bouNdaRY_$"
CRLF = "\r\n"
if fields != None:
for (key, value) in fields:
body.fromstring("--" + BOUNDARY + CRLF)
body.fromstring(('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) + CRLF)
body.fromstring("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" + CRLF)
if files != None:
for (key, filename, value, content_type) in files:
body.fromstring("--" + BOUNDARY + CRLF)
body.fromstring(('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (key, filename)) + CRLF)
body.fromstring(("Content-Type: %s" % content_type) + CRLF)
body.fromstring("--" + BOUNDARY + "--" + CRLF)
return "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % BOUNDARY, body
# Everything below here is not considered public at all
# JS object that handles "confirm" method
class JSConfirmMethod( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, window_instance ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( window_instance, VirtualWindow )
self.window_instance = window_instance
def call( self, argset, context ):
# Check to be sure we have one string argument
if len(argset) != 1:
raise Exception("confirm method requires one string argument")
# Evaluate to string
message = argset[0].str_value( )
print "CONFIRM: "+message
# Now, decide whether we return true or false.
return Javascript.JSBoolean( self.window_instance.get_answer( message, True ) )
# JS object that handles "alert" method
class JSAlertMethod( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, window_instance ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( window_instance, VirtualWindow )
self.window_instance = window_instance
def call( self, argset, context ):
# Check to be sure we have one string argument
if len(argset) != 1:
raise Exception("alert method requires one string argument")
# Evaluate just to be sure there's no error
message = argset[0].str_value( )
print "ALERT: "+message
# Always click "OK"
return Javascript.JSBoolean( True )
# JS object that handles "eval" method
class JSEvalMethod( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, window_instance ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( window_instance, VirtualWindow )
self.window_instance = window_instance
def call( self, argset, context ):
# Check to be sure we have one string argument
if len(argset) != 1:
raise Exception("eval method requires one string argument")
# Evaluate to string
message = argset[0].str_value( )
# Parse this as javascript
tokenstream = Javascript.JSTokenStream( message )
return tokenstream.evaluate_expr( context, "Eval" )
# JS object that handles "submit" method
class JSSubmitMethod( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__ ( self, form_instance ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( form_instance, VirtualForm )
self.form_instance = form_instance
def call( self, argset, context ):
# Check to be sure we have no arguments
if len(argset) != 0:
raise Exception("submit method has no arguments")
self.form_instance.submit( )
return Javascript.JSBoolean( True )
# Class representing focus method
class JSFocusMethod( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__ ( self, owner ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( owner, VirtualFormDataElement )
self.owner = owner
def call( self, argset, context ):
print "FOCUS: On field '%s'" % self.owner.get_name( )
return Javascript.JSBoolean( True )
# JS object representing a window in Javascript
class JSWindowObject( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, window_object ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( window_object, VirtualWindow )
self.window_object = window_object
def get_value( self, member_name ):
# Check to see if there is a js object saved with the
# specified name.
return Javascript.JSBoolean( self.window_object.check_exists( member_name ) )
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
raise Exception("Cannot set properties of window object")
# JS object representing a document in Javascript
class JSDocObject( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
self.forms = { }
def add_form( self, form_name, jsobject ):
self.forms[ form_name ] = jsobject
def get_value( self, member_name ):
return self.forms[ member_name ]
return Javascript.JSObject.get_value( self, member_name )
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
raise Exception("Cannot set properties of document object")
# Class representing a form in Javascript
class JSFormObject( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, virtual_form_object ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( virtual_form_object, VirtualForm )
self.virtual_form_object = virtual_form_object
def get_value( self, member_name ):
# Properties and methods available for all forms include the elements of the
# forms (as objects), as well as methods.
# The only method available right now is submit()
if member_name == "submit":
return JSSubmitMethod( self.virtual_form_object )
elif member_name == "action":
return Javascript.JSString( self.virtual_form_object.get_action_url() )
# Find the element on the form of this name
form_element = self.virtual_form_object.find_element_by_dataname( member_name )
Javascript.JSObject.get_value( self, member_name )
return JSElementObject( form_element )
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
if member_name == "action":
self.virtual_form_object.set_action_url( value.str_value() )
# Can't set anything here
raise Exception("Cannot set properties of form object")
# Class representing an element in Javascript
class JSElementObject( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, element_object ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
assert isinstance( element_object, VirtualFormDataElement )
self.element_object = element_object
def get_value( self, member_name ):
# The object itself knows what its javascript properties are, so call the right
# method inside. All properties are currently strings.
value = self.element_object.get_property( member_name )
if isinstance( value, Javascript.JSObject ) == False:
raise Exception("Property returned from element %s member %s is not a JSObject, it is: %s" % (self.element_object.get_name(), member_name, str(value)))
return value
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
# The object itself knows what its javascript properties are. Pass them
# as strings, though.
self.element_object.set_property( member_name, value )
def bool_value( self ):
# Return true because the object clearly exists
return True
class JSOptionClassInstance (Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self, text, value, selected=False ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
self.text = text
self.value = value
self.selected = Javascript.JSBoolean(selected)
def get_value( self, member_name ):
if member_name == "text":
return self.text
elif member_name == "value":
return self.value
elif member_name == "selected":
return self.selected
return Javascript.JSObject.get_value( self, member_name )
def set_value( self, member_name, value ):
if member_name == "text":
self.text = value
elif member_name == "value":
self.value = value
elif member_name == "selected":
self.selected = value.bool_value()
Javascript.JSObject.set_value( self, member_name, value )
class JSOptionClassDef( Javascript.JSObject ):
def __init__( self ):
Javascript.JSObject.__init__( self )
def construct( self, argset, context ):
# We only accept the 2-argument form: (text, value)
if len(argset) != 2:
raise Exception("Expected two arguments to Option constructor, saw %d" % len(argset))
# Save the two objects
return JSOptionClassInstance(argset[0],argset[1])
# This class handles our variety of HTML parsing.
# We are really interested only in A HREFs, FORM, INPUT, and SCRIPT tags at this time.
class VirtualActionParser( HTMLParser.HTMLParser ):
def __init__( self, window_instance ):
HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__( self )
self.window_instance = window_instance
# We do not allow nested forms right now
self.current_form_instance = None
self.current_selectbox = None
self.current_radio = None
self.current_checkbox = None
self.current_textarea = None
self.current_link = None
self.current_option_value = None
self.current_option_value_selected = None
self.current_data = None
self.current_comment = None
self.current_select_active = False
self.current_input_active = False
self.current_option_active = False
self.current_anchor_active = False
self.current_form_active = False
self.current_script_active = False
self.current_textarea_active = False
self.tagstack = [ ]
def handle_starttag( self, tag, attributes ):
self.tagstack.append( tag )
if tag == "a":
self.start_a( attributes )
elif tag == "input":
self.start_input( attributes )
elif tag == "option":
self.start_option( attributes )
elif tag == "form":
self.start_form( attributes )
elif tag == "select":
self.start_select( attributes )
elif tag == "script":
self.start_script( attributes )
elif tag == "textarea":
self.start_textarea( attributes )
def handle_endtag( self, tag ):
lastguy = self.tagstack[ len(self.tagstack) - 1 ]
if lastguy != tag:
raise Exception("Unmatched tag: %s. Found instead: %s" % (lastguy, tag) )
del self.tagstack[ len(self.tagstack) - 1 ]
if tag == "a":
self.end_a( )
elif tag == "input":
self.end_input( )
elif tag == "option":
self.end_option( )
elif tag == "form":
self.end_form( )
elif tag == "select":
self.end_select( )
elif tag == "script":
self.end_script( )
elif tag == "textarea":
self.end_textarea( )
def start_a( self, attributes ):
# We only care about HREF=
if self.current_link != None:
raise Exception("Anchor within anchor: not allowed")
self.current_anchor_active = True
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
href = dict[ "href" ]
# IE6, 7, and Firefox 3 all do a URL Decode at this point...
href = urllib.unquote(href)
alt = dict[ "alt" ]
onclick = None
onclick = dict[ "onclick" ]
if href.lower().startswith("javascript:"):
onclick = href
href = None
self.current_data = ""
self.current_link = VirtualLink( self.window_instance, alt, href, onclick )
def end_a( self ):
if self.current_anchor_active == False:
raise Exception("Unmatched anchor tag; end without start")
self.current_anchor_active == False
if self.current_link != None:
# Use the saved data as link body
self.current_link.set_bodytext( self.current_data )
# Save the link
self.window_instance.add_link( self.current_link )
self.current_link = None
self.current_data = None
def start_form( self, attributes ):
if self.current_form_instance != None:
raise Exception("Nested forms not allowed")
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
self.current_form_active = True
action = dict[ "action" ]
name = dict[ "name" ]
method = dict[ "method" ]
method = method.upper( )
method = "GET"
type_of_form = dict[ "enctype" ]
if type_of_form == "multipart/form-data":
multipart = True
multipart = False
multipart = False
if method == "POST" and multipart == True:
method = "MULTIPART"
print "Form of type %s detected" % method
self.current_form_instance = VirtualForm( self.window_instance, name, action, method )
def end_form( self ):
if self.current_form_active == False:
raise Exception("Error, form end without form start")
self.current_form_active = False
if self.current_form_instance != None:
self.window_instance.add_form( self.current_form_instance )
self.current_form_instance = None
def start_select( self, attributes ):
if self.current_select_active:
raise Exception("Error, can't nest selects")
if self.current_form_instance == None:
raise Exception("Select not legal outside form")
self.current_select_active = True
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Illegal select tag [no name attribute]")
multiple = dict[ "multiple" ]
multiple = "false"
self.current_selectbox = VirtualSelectbox( self.current_form_instance, name, multiple.lower() == "true" )
def end_select( self ):
if self.current_select_active == False:
raise Exception("Error, no starting select tag")
self.current_select_active = False
if self.current_selectbox != None:
self.current_form_instance.add_element( self.current_selectbox )
self.current_selectbox = None
def start_textarea( self, attributes ):
if self.current_textarea_active:
raise Exception("Error, can't nest textareas")
if self.current_form_instance == None:
raise Exception("Textarea not legal outside form")
self.current_textarea_active = True
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Error, textarea has no name attribute")
self.current_textarea = VirtualTextarea( self.current_form_instance, name )
self.current_data = ""
def end_textarea( self ):
if self.current_textarea_active == False:
raise Exception("Error, no starting textarea tag")
self.current_textarea_active = False
if self.current_textarea != None:
self.current_textarea.set_value( self.current_data )
self.current_form_instance.add_element( self.current_textarea )
self.current_textarea = None
self.current_data = None
def start_input( self, attributes ):
if self.current_input_active:
raise Exception("Error, can't nest inputs")
self.current_input_active = True
if self.current_form_instance != None:
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
type = dict[ "type" ].lower()
raise Exception("Illegal input tag [no type attribute]")
if type == "button":
value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("Input type button must have a value")
onclick = dict[ "onclick" ]
raise Exception("Input type button must have an onclick script")
alt = dict[ "alt" ]
self.window_instance.add_button( VirtualBasicbutton( self.current_form_instance, alt, value, onclick ) )
elif type == "password":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type password must have name attribute")
value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("Input type password must have value attribute")
inst = VirtualTextarea( self.current_form_instance, name )
inst.set_value( value )
self.current_form_instance.add_element( inst )
elif type == "text":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type text must have name attribute")
value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("Input type text must have value attribute")
inst = VirtualTextarea( self.current_form_instance, name )
inst.set_value( value )
self.current_form_instance.add_element( inst )
elif type == "hidden":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type hidden must have name attribute")
value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("Input type hidden must have value attribute")
# Hiddens are special; they act like they can contain multiple values for a given name.
existing_hidden = self.current_form_instance.find_element_by_dataname(name)
self.current_form_instance.add_element( VirtualHiddenField( self.current_form_instance, name, value ) )
elif type == "submit":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type submit must have name attribute")
value = dict[ "value" ]
value = "Submit"
onclick = dict[ "onclick" ]
onclick = None
alt = dict[ "alt" ]
formobject = VirtualSubmitbutton( self.current_form_instance, name, value, alt, onclick )
self.current_form_instance.add_element( formobject )
self.window_instance.add_button( VirtualSubmitbuttonWrapper( formobject ) )
elif type == "radio":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type radio must have name attribute")
value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("Input type radio must have value attribute")
selected = dict[ "checked" ]
selected = "false"
self.current_radio = VirtualRadiobutton( self.current_form_instance, name, value, selected == "true" or selected == "" or selected == "yes" )
self.current_data = ""
elif type == "checkbox":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type checkbox must have name attribute")
value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("Input type checkbox must have value attribute")
selected = dict[ "checked" ]
selected = "false"
self.current_checkbox = VirtualCheckbox( self.current_form_instance, name, value, selected == "true" )
self.current_data = ""
elif type == "file":
name = dict[ "name" ]
raise Exception("Input type file must have name attribute")
self.current_form_instance.add_element( VirtualFileBrowser( self.current_form_instance, name ) )
raise Exception("Unsupported input tag type: %s" % type)
def end_input( self ):
if self.current_input_active == False:
raise Exception("Error, no starting input tag")
self.current_input_active = False
if self.current_form_instance:
# Action depends on what's set
if self.current_checkbox != None:
self.current_checkbox.set_bodytext( self.current_data )
self.current_form_instance.add_element( self.current_checkbox )
self.current_checkbox = None
elif self.current_radio != None:
self.current_radio.set_bodytext( self.current_data )
self.current_form_instance.add_element( self.current_radio )
self.current_radio = None
self.current_data = None
def start_option( self, attributes ):
if self.current_option_active:
raise Exception("Error, can't nest options")
if self.current_form_instance == None:
raise Exception("Option not legal outside form")
if self.current_select_active == False:
raise Exception("Option not legal outside select")
self.current_option_active = True
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
self.current_option_value = dict[ "value" ]
raise Exception("All options must have explicit values")
self.current_option_value_selected = dict[ "selected" ]
self.current_option_value_selected = None
self.current_data = ""
def end_option( self ):
if self.current_option_active == False:
raise Exception("Error, no starting option tag")
self.current_option_active = False
if self.current_option_value != None:
self.current_selectbox.add_selection( self.current_option_value, self.current_data, self.current_option_value_selected != None )
self.current_option_value = None
self.current_option_value_selected = None
self.current_data = None
def start_script( self, attributes ):
if self.current_script_active:
raise Exception("Nested scripts not legal")
self.current_script_active = True
dict = make_dictionary( attributes )
type = dict[ "type" ]
if type == "text/javascript":
self.current_data = ""
self.current_comment = ""
def end_script( self ):
if self.current_script_active == False:
raise Exception("Error, script end without script start")
self.current_script_active = False
if self.current_comment != None:
javascript_text = self.current_data
self.current_data = None
# Feed the javascript to the JS engine via the window
self.window_instance.accept_javascript( javascript_text )
elif self.current_data != None:
javascript_text = self.current_comment
self.current_comment = None
self.window_instance.accept_javascript( javascript_text )
def handle_data( self, data ):
if self.current_data != None:
self.current_data = self.current_data + data
# This is no longer needed; we don't grab stuff from comments, just from <!-- blocks
# def handle_comment( self, data ):
# if self.current_comment != None:
# self.current_comment = self.current_comment + data
# Convert a parameter tuple list into a dictionary.
# The urllib2.urlencode( ) method probably does this, but that isn't certain, so I'll
# not remove this code until I am sure.
def make_dictionary( parameters ):
post_parameters = { }
# If a particular parameter appears more than once, make it be semicolon - separated
for parameter, value in parameters:
value = decode_attribute(value)
current_value = post_parameters[ parameter ]
post_parameters[ parameter ] = current_value + ";" + value
post_parameters[ parameter ] = value
return post_parameters
# Decode HTML-encoded attribute value
def decode_attribute( value ):
output_value = ""
index = 0
while True:
new_index = value.find("&",index)
if new_index == -1:
return output_value + value[index:len(value)]
output_value = output_value + value[index:new_index]
end_value = value.find(";",new_index)
if end_value == -1:
index = new_index + 1
output_value = output_value + "&"
char_description = value[new_index+1:end_value]
index = end_value + 1
if char_description.lower() == "amp":
output_value = output_value + "&"
elif char_description.startswith("#"):
value_to_convert = char_description[1:len(char_description)]
output_value = output_value + chr(int(value_to_convert))
if __name__ == "__main__":
vb = VirtualBrowser( )
vb.load_main_window( "" )