blob: c05b28c76d8cefb8fa3f038650b51df76816aefd [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$ */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.manifoldcf.core.throttler;
import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.*;
import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.system.ManifoldCF;
/** Connection tracking for a bin.
* This class keeps track of information needed to figure out fetch rate throttling for connections,
* on a bin-by-bin basis.
* NOTE WELL: This is entirely local in operation
public class FetchBin
/** This is set to true until the bin is shut down. */
protected boolean isAlive = true;
/** This is the bin name which this connection pool belongs to */
protected final String binName;
/** Service type name */
protected final String serviceTypeName;
/** The (anonymous) service name */
protected final String serviceName;
/** The target calculation lock name */
protected final String targetCalcLockName;
/** This is the minimum time between fetches for this bin, in ms. */
protected long minTimeBetweenFetches = Long.MAX_VALUE;
/** The local minimum time between fetches */
protected long localMinimum = Long.MAX_VALUE;
/** This is the last time a fetch was done on this bin */
protected long lastFetchTime = 0L;
/** Is the next fetch reserved? */
protected boolean reserveNextFetch = false;
/** The service type prefix for fetch bins */
protected final static String serviceTypePrefix = "_FETCHBIN_";
/** The target calculation lock prefix */
protected final static String targetCalcLockPrefix = "_FETCHBINTARGET_";
/** Constructor. */
public FetchBin(IThreadContext threadContext, String throttlingGroupName, String binName)
throws ManifoldCFException
this.binName = binName;
this.serviceTypeName = buildServiceTypeName(throttlingGroupName, binName);
this.targetCalcLockName = buildTargetCalcLockName(throttlingGroupName, binName);
// Now, register and activate service anonymously, and record the service name we get.
ILockManager lockManager = LockManagerFactory.make(threadContext);
this.serviceName = lockManager.registerServiceBeginServiceActivity(serviceTypeName, null, null);
protected static String buildServiceTypeName(String throttlingGroupName, String binName)
return serviceTypePrefix + throttlingGroupName + "_" + binName;
protected static String buildTargetCalcLockName(String throttlingGroupName, String binName)
return targetCalcLockPrefix + throttlingGroupName + "_" + binName;
/** Get the bin name. */
public String getBinName()
return binName;
/** Update the maximum number of active connections.
public synchronized void updateMinTimeBetweenFetches(long minTimeBetweenFetches)
// Update the number and wake up any waiting threads; they will take care of everything.
this.minTimeBetweenFetches = minTimeBetweenFetches;
/** Reserve a request to fetch a document from this bin. The actual fetch is not yet committed
* with this call, but if it succeeds for all bins associated with the document, then the caller
* has permission to do the fetch, and can update the last fetch time.
*@return false if the fetch bin is being shut down.
public synchronized boolean reserveFetchRequest()
throws InterruptedException
// First wait for the ability to even get the next fetch from this bin
while (true)
if (!isAlive)
return false;
if (!reserveNextFetch)
reserveNextFetch = true;
return true;
/** Clear reserved request.
public synchronized void clearReservation()
if (!reserveNextFetch)
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't clear a fetch reservation we don't have");
reserveNextFetch = false;
/** Wait the necessary time to do the fetch. Presumes we've reserved the next fetch
* rights already, via reserveFetchRequest().
*@return false if the wait did not complete because the bin was shut down.
public synchronized boolean waitNextFetch()
throws InterruptedException
if (!reserveNextFetch)
throw new IllegalStateException("No fetch request reserved!");
while (true)
if (!isAlive)
// Leave it to the caller to undo reservations
return false;
if (localMinimum == Long.MAX_VALUE)
// wait forever - but eventually someone will set a smaller interval and wake us up.
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Compute how long we have to wait, based on the current time and the time of the last fetch.
long waitAmt = lastFetchTime + localMinimum - currentTime;
if (waitAmt <= 0L)
// Note actual time we start the fetch.
if (currentTime > lastFetchTime)
lastFetchTime = currentTime;
reserveNextFetch = false;
return true;
/** Poll this bin */
public synchronized void poll(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
ILockManager lockManager = LockManagerFactory.make(threadContext);
// This is where the cross-cluster logic happens.
// Each service records the following information:
// -- the target rate, in fetches per millisecond
// -- the earliest possible time for the service's next fetch, in ms from start of epoch
// Target rates are apportioned in fetches-per-ms space, as follows:
// (1) Target rate is summed cross-cluster, excluding our local service. This is GlobalTarget.
// (2) MaximumTarget is computed, which is Maximum-GlobalTarget.
// (3) FairTarget is computed, which is Maximum/numServices + rand(Maximum%numServices).
// (4) Finally, we compute Target rate by taking the minimum of MaximumTarget, FairTarget.
// The earliest time for the next fetch is computed as follows:
// (1) Find the LATEST most recent fetch time across the services, including an updated time for
// the local service.
// (2) Compute the next possible fetch time, using the Target rate and that fetch time.
// (3) The new targeted fetch time will be set to that value.
SumClass sumClass = new SumClass(serviceName);
lockManager.scanServiceData(serviceTypeName, sumClass);
int numServices = sumClass.getNumServices();
if (numServices == 0)
double globalTarget = sumClass.getGlobalTarget();
long earliestTargetTime = sumClass.getEarliestTime();
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (lastFetchTime == 0L)
earliestTargetTime = currentTime;
else if (earliestTargetTime > lastFetchTime)
earliestTargetTime = lastFetchTime;
// Now, compute the target rate
double globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond;
double maximumTarget;
double fairTarget;
if (minTimeBetweenFetches == 0.0)
//System.out.println(binName+":Global minimum milliseconds per byte = 0.0");
globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond = Double.MAX_VALUE;
maximumTarget = globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond;
fairTarget = globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond;
globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond = 1.0 / minTimeBetweenFetches;
//System.out.println(binName+":Global max bytes per millisecond = "+globalMaxBytesPerMillisecond);
maximumTarget = globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond - globalTarget;
if (maximumTarget < 0.0)
maximumTarget = 0.0;
// Compute FairTarget
fairTarget = globalMaxFetchesPerMillisecond / numServices;
// Now compute actual target
double inverseTarget = maximumTarget;
if (inverseTarget > fairTarget)
inverseTarget = fairTarget;
long target;
if (inverseTarget == 0.0)
target = Long.MAX_VALUE;
target = (long)(1.0/inverseTarget +0.5);
long nextFetchTime = earliestTargetTime + target;
lockManager.updateServiceData(serviceTypeName, serviceName, pack(inverseTarget, nextFetchTime));
// Update local parameters: the rate, and the next time.
// But in order to update the next time, we have to update the last time.
if (target == localMinimum && earliestTargetTime == lastFetchTime)
//System.out.println(binName+":Setting localMinimum="+target+"; last fetch time="+earliestTargetTime);
localMinimum = target;
lastFetchTime = earliestTargetTime;
/** Shut the bin down, and wake up all threads waiting on it.
public synchronized void shutDown(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
isAlive = false;
ILockManager lockManager = LockManagerFactory.make(threadContext);
lockManager.endServiceActivity(serviceTypeName, serviceName);
// Protected classes and methods
protected static class SumClass implements IServiceDataAcceptor
protected final String serviceName;
protected int numServices = 0;
protected double globalTargetTally = 0;
protected long earliestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
public SumClass(String serviceName)
this.serviceName = serviceName;
public boolean acceptServiceData(String serviceName, byte[] serviceData)
throws ManifoldCFException
if (!serviceName.equals(this.serviceName))
globalTargetTally += unpackTarget(serviceData);
long checkTime = unpackEarliestTime(serviceData);
if (checkTime < earliestTime)
earliestTime = checkTime;
return false;
public int getNumServices()
return numServices;
public double getGlobalTarget()
return globalTargetTally;
public long getEarliestTime()
return earliestTime;
protected static double unpackTarget(byte[] data)
if (data == null || data.length != 8)
return 0.0;
return Double.longBitsToDouble((((long)data[0]) & 0xffL) +
((((long)data[1]) << 8) & 0xff00L) +
((((long)data[2]) << 16) & 0xff0000L) +
((((long)data[3]) << 24) & 0xff000000L) +
((((long)data[4]) << 32) & 0xff00000000L) +
((((long)data[5]) << 40) & 0xff0000000000L) +
((((long)data[6]) << 48) & 0xff000000000000L) +
((((long)data[7]) << 56) & 0xff00000000000000L));
protected static long unpackEarliestTime(byte[] data)
if (data == null || data.length != 16)
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
return (((long)data[8]) & 0xffL) +
((((long)data[9]) << 8) & 0xff00L) +
((((long)data[10]) << 16) & 0xff0000L) +
((((long)data[11]) << 24) & 0xff000000L) +
((((long)data[12]) << 32) & 0xff00000000L) +
((((long)data[13]) << 40) & 0xff0000000000L) +
((((long)data[14]) << 48) & 0xff000000000000L) +
((((long)data[15]) << 56) & 0xff00000000000000L);
protected static byte[] pack(double targetDouble, long earliestTime)
long target = Double.doubleToLongBits(targetDouble);
byte[] rval = new byte[16];
rval[0] = (byte)(target & 0xffL);
rval[1] = (byte)((target >> 8) & 0xffL);
rval[2] = (byte)((target >> 16) & 0xffL);
rval[3] = (byte)((target >> 24) & 0xffL);
rval[4] = (byte)((target >> 32) & 0xffL);
rval[5] = (byte)((target >> 40) & 0xffL);
rval[6] = (byte)((target >> 48) & 0xffL);
rval[7] = (byte)((target >> 56) & 0xffL);
rval[8] = (byte)(earliestTime & 0xffL);
rval[9] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 8) & 0xffL);
rval[10] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 16) & 0xffL);
rval[11] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 24) & 0xffL);
rval[12] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 32) & 0xffL);
rval[13] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 40) & 0xffL);
rval[14] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 48) & 0xffL);
rval[15] = (byte)((earliestTime >> 56) & 0xffL);
return rval;