blob: 9e21712facf91eec1b6877c8cafc16e71a884bc8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$ */
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.manifoldcf.core.connectorpool;
import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.*;
import org.apache.manifoldcf.core.system.ManifoldCF;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
/** This is the base factory class for all ConnectorPool objects.
public abstract class ConnectorPool<T extends IConnector>
public static final String _rcsid = "@(#)$Id$";
// How global connector allocation works:
// (1) There is a lock-manager "service" associated with this connector pool. This allows us to clean
// up after local pools that have died without being released. There's one anonymous service instance per local pool,
// and thus one service instance per JVM.
// (2) Each local pool knows how many connector instances of each type (keyed by connection name) there
// are.
// (3) Each local pool/connector instance type has a local authorization count. This is the amount it's
// allowed to actually keep. If the pool has more connectors of a type than the local authorization count permits,
// then every connector release operation will destroy the released connector until the local authorization count
// is met.
// (4) Each local pool/connector instance type needs a global variable describing how many CURRENT instances
// the local pool has allocated. This is a transient value which should automatically go to zero if the service becomes inactive.
// The lock manager has primitives now that allow data to be set this way. We will use the connection name as the
// "data type" name - only in the local pool will we pay any attention to config info and class name, and flush those handles
// that get returned that have the wrong info attached.
/** Target calc lock prefix */
protected final static String targetCalcLockPrefix = "_POOLTARGET_";
/** Service type prefix */
protected final String serviceTypePrefix;
/** Pool hash table. Keyed by connection name; value is Pool */
protected final Map<String,Pool> poolHash = new HashMap<String,Pool>();
/** Random number */
protected final static Random randomNumberGenerator = new Random();
protected ConnectorPool(String serviceTypePrefix)
this.serviceTypePrefix = serviceTypePrefix;
// Protected methods
/** Override this method to hook into a connector manager.
protected abstract boolean isInstalled(IThreadContext tc, String className)
throws ManifoldCFException;
/** Override this method to check if a connection name is still valid.
protected abstract boolean isConnectionNameValid(IThreadContext tc, String connectionName)
throws ManifoldCFException;
/** Get a connector instance.
*@param className is the class name.
*@return the instance.
protected T createConnectorInstance(IThreadContext threadContext, String className)
throws ManifoldCFException
if (!isInstalled(threadContext,className))
return null;
Class theClass = ManifoldCF.findClass(className);
Class[] argumentClasses = new Class[0];
// Look for a constructor
Constructor c = theClass.getConstructor(argumentClasses);
Object[] arguments = new Object[0];
Object o = c.newInstance(arguments);
return (T)o;
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("Class '"+className+"' does not implement IConnector.");
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
Throwable z = e.getTargetException();
if (z instanceof Error)
throw (Error)z;
else if (z instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException)z;
else if (z instanceof ManifoldCFException)
throw (ManifoldCFException)z;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown exception type: "+z.getClass().getName()+": "+z.getMessage(),z);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
// Equivalent to the connector not being installed
return null;
//throw new ManifoldCFException("No connector class '"+className+"' was found.",e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("No appropriate constructor for IConnector implementation '"+
className+"'. Need xxx(ConfigParams).",
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("Protected constructor for IConnector implementation '"+className+"'",
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("Unavailable constructor for IConnector implementation '"+className+"'",
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("Shouldn't happen!!!",e);
catch (InstantiationException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("InstantiationException for IConnector implementation '"+className+"'",
catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("ExceptionInInitializerError for IConnector implementation '"+className+"'",
/** Get multiple connectors, all at once. Do this in a particular order
* so that any connector exhaustion will not cause a deadlock.
public T[] grabMultiple(IThreadContext threadContext, Class<T> clazz,
String[] orderingKeys, String[] connectionNames,
String[] classNames, ConfigParams[] configInfos, int[] maxPoolSizes)
throws ManifoldCFException
T[] rval = (T[])Array.newInstance(clazz,classNames.length);
Map<String,Integer> orderMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < orderingKeys.length; i++)
if (orderMap.get(orderingKeys[i]) != null)
throw new ManifoldCFException("Found duplicate order key");
orderMap.put(orderingKeys[i],new Integer(i));
for (int i = 0; i < orderingKeys.length; i++)
String orderingKey = orderingKeys[i];
int index = orderMap.get(orderingKey).intValue();
String connectionName = connectionNames[index];
String className = classNames[index];
ConfigParams cp = configInfos[index];
int maxPoolSize = maxPoolSizes[index];
T connector = grab(threadContext,connectionName,className,cp,maxPoolSize);
rval[index] = connector;
catch (Throwable e)
while (i > 0)
orderingKey = orderingKeys[i];
index = orderMap.get(orderingKey).intValue();
catch (ManifoldCFException e2)
if (e instanceof ManifoldCFException)
throw (ManifoldCFException)e;
else if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException)e;
else if (e instanceof Error)
throw (Error)e;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception type: "+e.getClass().getName()+": "+e.getMessage(),e);
return rval;
/** Get a connector.
* The connector is specified by its connection name, class, and parameters. If the
* class and parameters corresponding to a connection name change, then this code
* will destroy any old connector instance that does not correspond, and create a new
* one using the new class and parameters.
*@param threadContext is the current thread context.
*@param connectionName is the name of the connection. This functions as a pool key.
*@param className is the name of the class to get a connector for.
*@param configInfo are the name/value pairs constituting configuration info
* for this class.
public T grab(IThreadContext threadContext, String connectionName,
String className, ConfigParams configInfo, int maxPoolSize)
throws ManifoldCFException
// We want to get handles off the pool and use them. But the
// handles we fetch have to have the right config information.
// Loop until we successfully get a connector. This is necessary because the
// pool may vanish because it has been closed.
while (true)
Pool p;
synchronized (poolHash)
p = poolHash.get(connectionName);
if (p == null)
p = new Pool(threadContext, maxPoolSize, connectionName);
// Do an initial poll right away, so we don't have to wait 5 seconds to
// get a connector instance unless they're already all in use.
p.updateMaximumPoolSize(threadContext, maxPoolSize);
T rval = p.getConnector(threadContext,className,configInfo);
if (rval != null)
return rval;
/** Release multiple output connectors.
public void releaseMultiple(IThreadContext threadContext, String[] connectionNames, T[] connectors)
throws ManifoldCFException
ManifoldCFException currentException = null;
for (int i = 0; i < connectors.length; i++)
String connectionName = connectionNames[i];
T c = connectors[i];
catch (ManifoldCFException e)
if (currentException == null)
currentException = e;
if (currentException != null)
throw currentException;
/** Release an output connector.
*@param connectionName is the connection name.
*@param connector is the connector to release.
public void release(IThreadContext threadContext, String connectionName, T connector)
throws ManifoldCFException
// If the connector is null, skip the release, because we never really got the connector in the first place.
if (connector == null)
// Figure out which pool this goes on, and put it there
Pool p;
synchronized (poolHash)
p = poolHash.get(connectionName);
p.releaseConnector(threadContext, connector);
/** Idle notification for inactive output connector handles.
* This method polls all inactive handles.
public void pollAllConnectors(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
// System.out.println("Pool stats:");
// Go through the whole pool and notify everyone
synchronized (poolHash)
Iterator<String> iter = poolHash.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
String connectionName =;
Pool p = poolHash.get(connectionName);
if (isConnectionNameValid(threadContext,connectionName))
/** Flush only those connector handles that are currently unused.
public void flushUnusedConnectors(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
// Go through the whole pool and clean it out
synchronized (poolHash)
Iterator<Pool> iter = poolHash.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Pool p =;
/** Clean up all open output connector handles.
* This method is called when the connector pool needs to be flushed,
* to free resources.
*@param threadContext is the local thread context.
public void closeAllConnectors(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
// Go through the whole pool and clean it out
synchronized (poolHash)
Iterator<Pool> iter = poolHash.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Pool p =;
// Protected methods and classes
protected String buildServiceTypeName(String connectionName)
return serviceTypePrefix + connectionName;
protected String buildTargetCalcLockName(String connectionName)
return targetCalcLockPrefix + serviceTypePrefix + connectionName;
/** This class represents a value in the pool hash, which corresponds to a given key.
protected class Pool
/** Whether this pool is alive */
protected boolean isAlive = true;
/** The global maximum for this pool */
protected int globalMax;
/** Service type name */
protected final String serviceTypeName;
/** The (anonymous) service name */
protected final String serviceName;
/** The target calculation lock name */
protected final String targetCalcLockName;
/** Place where we keep unused connector instances */
protected final List<T> stack = new ArrayList<T>();
/** The number of local instances we can currently pass out to requesting threads. Initially zero until pool is apportioned */
protected int numFree = 0;
/** The number of instances we are allowed to hand out locally, at this time */
protected int localMax = 0;
/** The number of instances that are actually connected and in use, as of the last poll */
protected int localInUse = 0;
/** Constructor
public Pool(IThreadContext threadContext, int maxCount, String connectionName)
throws ManifoldCFException
this.globalMax = maxCount;
this.targetCalcLockName = buildTargetCalcLockName(connectionName);
this.serviceTypeName = buildServiceTypeName(connectionName);
// Now, register and activate service anonymously, and record the service name we get.
ILockManager lockManager = LockManagerFactory.make(threadContext);
this.serviceName = lockManager.registerServiceBeginServiceActivity(serviceTypeName, null, null);
/** Update the maximum pool size.
*@param maxPoolSize is the new global maximum pool size.
public synchronized void updateMaximumPoolSize(IThreadContext threadContext, int maxPoolSize)
throws ManifoldCFException
// This updates the maximum global size that the pool uses.
globalMax = maxPoolSize;
// We do nothing else at this time; we rely on polling to reapportion the pool.
/** Grab a connector.
* If none exists, construct it using the information in the pool key.
*@return the connector, or null if no connector could be connected.
public synchronized T getConnector(IThreadContext threadContext, String className, ConfigParams configParams)
throws ManifoldCFException
// numFree represents the number of available connector instances that have not been given out at this moment.
// So it's the max minus the pool count minus the number in use.
while (isAlive && numFree <= 0)
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED);
if (!isAlive)
return null;
// We decrement numFree when we hand out a connector instance; we increment numFree when we
// throw away a connector instance from the pool.
while (true)
if (stack.size() == 0)
T newrc = createConnectorInstance(threadContext,className);
// Since thread context set can fail, do that before we remove it from the pool.
T rc = stack.remove(stack.size()-1);
// Set the thread context. This can throw an exception!! We need to be sure our bookkeeping
// is resilient against that possibility. Losing a connector instance that was just sitting
// in the pool does NOT affect numFree, so no change needed here; we just can't disconnect the
// connector instance if this fails.
// Verify that the connector is in fact compatible
if (!(rc.getClass().getName().equals(className) && rc.getConfiguration().equals(configParams)))
// Looks like parameters have changed, so discard old instance.
// About to return a connector instance; decrement numFree accordingly.
return rc;
/** Release a connector to the pool.
*@param connector is the connector.
public synchronized void releaseConnector(IThreadContext threadContext, T connector)
throws ManifoldCFException
if (connector == null)
// Make sure connector knows it's released
// Return it to the pool, and note that it is no longer in use.
// Determine if we need to free some connectors. If the number
// of allocated connectors exceeds the target, we unload some
// off the stack.
// The question is whether the stack has too many connector instances
// on it. Obviously, if it stack.size() > max, it does - but remember
// that the number of outstanding connectors is max - numFree.
// So, we have an excess if stack.size() > max - (max-numFree).
// Simplifying: excess is when stack.size() > numFree.
while (stack.size() > 0 && stack.size() > numFree)
// Try to find a connector instance that is not actually connected.
// These are likely to be at the front of the queue, since those are the
// oldest.
int j;
for (j = 0; j < stack.size(); j++)
if (!stack.get(j).isConnected())
T rc;
if (j == stack.size())
rc = stack.remove(stack.size()-1);
rc = stack.remove(j);
/** Notify all free connectors.
public synchronized void pollAll(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
// The meat of the cross-cluster apportionment algorithm goes here!
// Two global numbers each service posts: "in-use" and "target". At no time does a service *ever* post either a "target"
// that, together with all other active service targets, is in excess of the max. Also, at no time a service post
// a target that, when added to the other "in-use" values, exceeds the max. If the "in-use" values everywhere else
// already equal or exceed the max, then the target will be zero.
// The target quota is calculated as follows:
// (1) Target is summed, excluding ours. This is GlobalTarget.
// (2) In-use is summed, excluding ours. This is GlobalInUse.
// (3) Our MaximumTarget is computed, which is Maximum - GlobalTarget or Maximum - GlobalInUse, whichever is
// smaller, but never less than zero.
// (4) Our FairTarget is computed. The FairTarget divides the Maximum by the number of services, and adds
// 1 randomly based on the remainder.
// (5) We compute OptimalTarget as follows: We start with current local target. If current local target
// exceeds current local in-use count, we adjust OptimalTarget downward by one. Otherwise we increase it
// by one.
// (6) Finally, we compute Target by taking the minimum of MaximumTarget, FairTarget, and OptimalTarget.
ILockManager lockManager = LockManagerFactory.make(threadContext);
// Compute MaximumTarget
SumClass sumClass = new SumClass(serviceName);
lockManager.scanServiceData(serviceTypeName, sumClass);
int numServices = sumClass.getNumServices();
if (numServices == 0)
int globalTarget = sumClass.getGlobalTarget();
int globalInUse = sumClass.getGlobalInUse();
int maximumTarget = globalMax - globalTarget;
if (maximumTarget > globalMax - globalInUse)
maximumTarget = globalMax - globalInUse;
if (maximumTarget < 0)
maximumTarget = 0;
// Compute FairTarget
int fairTarget = globalMax / numServices;
int remainder = globalMax % numServices;
// Randomly choose whether we get an addition to the FairTarget
if (randomNumberGenerator.nextInt(numServices) < remainder)
// Compute OptimalTarget (and poll connectors while we are at it)
int localInUse = localMax - numFree; // These are the connectors that have been handed out
for (T rc : stack)
// Notify
if (rc.isConnected())
localInUse++; // Count every pooled connector that is still connected
int optimalTarget = localMax;
if (localMax > localInUse)
// We want a fast ramp up, so make this proportional to globalMax
int increment = globalMax >> 2;
if (increment < 0)
increment = 1;
optimalTarget += increment;
// Now compute actual target
int target = maximumTarget;
if (target > fairTarget)
target = fairTarget;
if (target > optimalTarget)
target = optimalTarget;
// Write these values to the service data variables.
// NOTE that there is a race condition here; the target value depends on all the calculations above being accurate, and not changing out from under us.
// So, that's why we have a write lock around the pool calculations.
lockManager.updateServiceData(serviceTypeName, serviceName, pack(target, localInUse));
// Now, update our localMax
if (target == localMax)
// Compute the number of instances in use locally
localInUse = localMax - numFree;
localMax = target;
// numFree may turn out to be negative here!! That's okay; we'll just free released connectors
// until we enter positive territory again.
numFree = localMax - localInUse;
/** Flush unused connectors.
public synchronized void flushUnused(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
while (stack.size() > 0)
// Disconnect
T rc = stack.remove(stack.size()-1);
/** Release all free connectors.
public synchronized void releaseAll(IThreadContext threadContext)
throws ManifoldCFException
// End service activity
isAlive = false;
ILockManager lockManager = LockManagerFactory.make(threadContext);
lockManager.endServiceActivity(serviceTypeName, serviceName);
protected static class SumClass implements IServiceDataAcceptor
protected final String serviceName;
protected int numServices = 0;
protected int globalTargetTally = 0;
protected int globalInUseTally = 0;
public SumClass(String serviceName)
this.serviceName = serviceName;
public boolean acceptServiceData(String serviceName, byte[] serviceData)
throws ManifoldCFException
if (!serviceName.equals(this.serviceName))
globalTargetTally += unpackTarget(serviceData);
globalInUseTally += unpackInUse(serviceData);
return false;
public int getNumServices()
return numServices;
public int getGlobalTarget()
return globalTargetTally;
public int getGlobalInUse()
return globalInUseTally;
protected static int unpackTarget(byte[] data)
if (data == null || data.length != 8)
return 0;
return ((int)data[0]) & 0xff +
(((int)data[1]) >> 8) & 0xff +
(((int)data[2]) >> 16) & 0xff +
(((int)data[3]) >> 24) & 0xff;
protected static int unpackInUse(byte[] data)
if (data == null || data.length != 8)
return 0;
return ((int)data[4]) & 0xff +
(((int)data[5]) >> 8) & 0xff +
(((int)data[6]) >> 16) & 0xff +
(((int)data[7]) >> 24) & 0xff;
protected static byte[] pack(int target, int inUse)
byte[] rval = new byte[8];
rval[0] = (byte)(target & 0xff);
rval[1] = (byte)((target >> 8) & 0xff);
rval[2] = (byte)((target >> 16) & 0xff);
rval[3] = (byte)((target >> 24) & 0xff);
rval[4] = (byte)(inUse & 0xff);
rval[5] = (byte)((inUse >> 8) & 0xff);
rval[6] = (byte)((inUse >> 16) & 0xff);
rval[7] = (byte)((inUse >> 24) & 0xff);
return rval;